1 minute read

Induction policy

Induction training plays a vital part in our staff development arrangements. We are committed to ensuring that all staff receive appropriate training and support during their first few weeks of employment and beyond.

We aim to ensure that staff induction is dealt with in an organised and consistent manner, so that staff feel settled in their new post and working environment quickly, and so that they can contribute effectively to our business at an early stage in their career. This induction policy sets out our commitment in this regard, and provides some guidelines for managers and staff.

The HR Department are responsible for making induction arrangements for new staff, and line managers share in the responsibility for delivery.

Induction arrangements aim to address the following specific points:

‚ A checklist for employees to use during their induction. A timetable of key appointments during an employee’s first few weeks.

‚ A meeting between the employee and their line manager to agree objectives following their induction.

‚ A formal review of the employee’s induction by the HR Department.

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