Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

Page 9

what has been before. Why would we

interesting arts. A desired artistic starting

want to make a square peg fit in a round

place that most artists crave and seek out

hole anyway? How boring. How tried

and for us, just is. Yes, it can be complex,

and tested is that? So instead of ‘fitting

unknown and challenging. But hasn’t

within’, we claim the space that is and

history continually demonstrated over and

when needed, we propose, and make

over again that the birthing place of great

more room. We demand to move past the

ideas is often cultivated with the misfits,

traditional constructs of Contemporary

the fringe dwellers and those that aren’t

dance that we have been accustomed to in

always ‘seen’?

Western dance cultures. This progressive view of the arts landscape is the very core

Another area of contention that I am

of what excites and liberates my arts

faced with on a regular basis is the idea

practice daily.

that ‘integrated dance’ is exclusively community-based or a form of dance

In connecting with other artists who

therapy, meaning that it is considered

identify or have lived experiences of dis-

a ‘good cause’, or for recreational or

ability, I have truly found my tribe. They

therapeutic purposes only. I am often

have opened up and activated areas of

confronted and taken back with peoples’

my creativity that had previously been

overwhelming enthusiasm when I tell

unengaged. For me, the more diversity

them I work with artists with and without

that is present in the room, the more my

disability. With the best of intentions,

artistic self and practice makes sense

people often respond by saying, ‘oh

to me. I am often working with people

wow, that’s so inspirational’ or ‘wow,

with cognitive developmental delays,

I don’t know how you do it’, or ‘wow,

neurological disorders, complex mental

that’s just so lovely that you can give

health conditions or different physical

back like that’. I am challenged by these

anatomies. Each person contributes by

preconceptions of who and what dance

bringing their unique life experience and

is for, and I don’t really know where to

viewpoint, thus creating a radical creative

place these comments. Regardless of the

environment. This space has sharpened my

best of intentions, it is these comments

ability to be more intuitive, responsive and

that continually remind me that we have

flexible and presented non-conventional

a very long way to go in Australia before

ways of processing, problem solving and

artists with disability are seen as part of and

creative decision making. Together, this

intrinsic to the artistic fabric that makes

rich diversity creates unexpected and

up the ever expanding arts and cultural


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