Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

Page 81

KEEGAN SPRING BIO Keegan Spring is currently studying a

this experience Keegan has been rewarded

Bachelor of Design in Visual Comm-

with a greater understanding of not only

unication at the University of Technology,

his own design capabilities but, most

Sydney and is in his third and final year.

significantly, the great importance of

He has a deep fascination in people, who

generating design outcomes that are

they are, what they think and why. This

accessible for all audiences.

desire to understand and empathise with people from all different walks of life has manifested itself in his interests in acting,

music and visual arts. Keegan understands design as a facilitation of communication through conversation; a conversation between the designer, the client and the desired audience. As a graphic design intern at Critical Path since August, Keegan has taken up the task of designing the layout and the visual and typographic elements within the e-journal ‘Critical Dialogues.’ Throughout


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