Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

Page 78

If I am to be completely honest, initially, it

a black background due to the darkness

wasn’t easy to design in an accessible way.

surrounding the text giving the impression

There have been design problems that have

of shrinking the size of the words.

challenged the very manner with which I design projects. However, as I engaged with

I also avoided using text on top of images,

it and thought about it, I began to realise

as that can become difficult to follow,

that designing with accessibility wasn’t as

particularly if the image has a great deal of

difficult as I had considered it to be. There

differing highlights, shadows or colours.

are many different elements and factors that must be taken into consideration

By maintaining a consistent style

and I am certain that I have missed or

throughout the overall structure of the

misunderstood certain steps as I have

magazine, a flow and familiarity was

endeavoured to design an accessible and

achieved throughout the entire e-journal,

enjoyable e-journal. However, here are

making it much easier to navigate and

a few design choices that I have made

follow with confidence. For example,

with the intention of designing for a wider

placing the headers of the article in the

spectrum of people, with some of my

same place every time, using a rectangle to

decisions coming from the advice and

denote the beginning and the end of each

wonderful support that I received from

article and placing quotes in consistent

staff at Accessible Arts.

spots. These were all implemented with the intention of generating an enjoyable

Firstly, I enlarged the font size so that it can

and consistent experience for all viewers.

be read with greater ease for those who may have visual impairment or difficulties

In addition to this online journal,

reading. I enlarged the point size (points

another document was generated on

are a unit of measurement within typ-

Microsoft Word, which provides an audio

ography) from 8 or 9 pts to 12 pts, which

accompaniment to the piece, whilst also

at first glance may not appear to be

providing the clearest and most accessible

significant but in reality is quite a shift.

format to present information in.

This is 8 pt text.

After designing for ‘Critical Dialogues’,

This is 12 pt text.

I have discovered that I am really only dipping my toes into a richer and more

I also increased any font point size on black

vibrant world which embraces and includes

backgrounds as it is harder to read text on

all people. I do not claim to be an expert


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