Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

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SARAH-VYNE VASSALLO I write this introduction as a Sydney based

in Australia, it is an ‘emerging’ area of

NSW Australian artist and I want to pay

practice. Whilst there have been many

homage to the many non-conventional

artists cultivating, developing and leading

artists and thinkers that have gone before

in this field for over a decade, it has

us. Particularly in the historical dance

only recently become recognised more

lineage to the likes of the expressionists,

publicly within the contemporary arts and

the avant-garde artists, the modernists

cultural community.

and post-modernists. Whilst there are too many names to mention, I fully understand

In 2010, I began working part-time for

that the ‘claiming of space’ is not a new

Accessible Arts as an Arts Development

concept and, in fact, has been the systemic

Manager in performing arts. With my area

ingredient for the evolution of the arts for

of practice being dance and theatre, I was

hundreds of years. ‘The Critical Dialogues:

given a long leash by the CEO, Sancha

Claiming Space’ e-journal has been inspired

Donald, to explore what opportunities

and curated with this in mind.

were available to people with disability to engage with contemporary dance in a

Over the last 25 years, the professional

professional environment. I spent my first

practice of integrated contemporary

12 months conducting field work, research

dance has been building momentum in the

and interviews. Sadly, at this time there

United Kingdom and America. Currently

were no current opportunities or pathways


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