Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

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classify as ‘belonging’ to anyone. If choreo-

makes it ‘ours’. I notice the movement

graphic practice is a manifestation of

vocabulary that I see as uniquely mine or

the individual artist’s thoughts, performed

the movement of mine and O’Brien’s bodies

versions are all embodiments of such ideas

together, which looks to my editorial eye

(Pavis 2014). This is particularly pertinent in

as a representation of our friendship. I

the case of our duet as it is the culmination

can also see all of our creative research

of decades of conversations, shared

manifested in the film. For example, the

thoughts, shared experiences and dancing

scattered, rejected props in the frame

together. It ‘feels’ highly personal and it

signify our process of trial and selection.

‘feels’ like ours.

The easiness between us as we move and talk simultaneously while we remember

Through engaging in the process of

or rehearse our ideas. It is strange to me

making a new film based on the creative

that this work could be anything other

collaboration with O’Brien, I discovered,

than ‘mine’ or ‘ours’. We are the dance

and what I want to assert here, is the

and the dance is us. In my perception

important link between ownership,

they cannot exist indep-endently. The

authorship and leadership. To be author

rough-cut film seems to respond to this

and owner of one’s own creative work

idea. In documenting the process I am

is integral to identifying as a leader.

cementing the duet, ‘Famuli’, as belonging

Conversely, feelings of not owning the

to myself and O’Brien. It is crucial to note

work in which your body is a central

that although the live work is derived from

instrument may be detrimental to feeling

my collaboration with O’Brien, I am the

leaderful. In the process of making the

author of this work. It feels like a tangible

film, this sense of ownership is brought

artefact; a document that has the potential

into focus. I look back at my work and

to speak for us. It is a visual representation

witness the details that I perceive as what

of a process that led to a product. The film

Film Stills from ‘Becoming Leaderful’ by Kate Marsh


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