Critical Dialogues | Issue 7 | Disability | Sept 2016

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For those of you familiar with Martin and

and directing others to direct me. I

Jenny’s work, you’ll know they work in

describe it as an audition in reverse;

a very concrete way and that function is

dissolving the only too familiar

used to arrive at form. If you’ve worked

hierarchy between choreographer,

with Martin, you’ll also know that he will

creative team and performer.

ask; ‘How was that for you?’ Being asked this question after every task and every

Investigative in my approach, I want to

run through made me accountable for my

work towards commissioning a new body

own artistry and made me ask of myself,

of work that:

‘Why do I do what I do?’ and ‘Why do I make the creative choices I make?’

- Is collaborative;

Inspired by this level of enquiry within

- Seeks to ask questions, not provide

our process, I knew quite early on I


had to work with Martin and Jenny again. Taking the bull by the horns or

- Asks the audience to be active, not

‘artistic responsibility,’ if you will, I

passive, in how they experience the work;

asked Martin and Jenny if they would consider collaborating with me further

- Directly or indirectly acknowledges the

on the making of a new solo work, and

stage and auditorium as one room – what

expressing to them how much I enjoyed

is the audience’s relationship to me, as

working with them.

performer? And vice-versa. Why work in this way?

‘Yes, we would love that,’ Martin and Jenny replied.

In a blog I recently wrote in my capacity as a BBC Performing Arts Fund Fellow

It was from this reciprocated agreement

with South East Dance entitled ‘Reaching

over drinks and dinner that Dan Daw

The Tipping Point’, I expressed my concern

Creative Projects began. Under this

that ‘disability dance’ is viewed by many

umbrella, I work collaboratively with a

leaders (namely programmers) within the

growing network of artists who interest

art form as a genre. This needs to shift.

me to develop new work for UK and

Shift beyond box ticking exercises and

international audiences. Taking this

stopping the ‘they’re doing it so we don’t

curatorial approach to work, I enjoy

have to’ rhetoric. My question is,

having autonomy in the creative process


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