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MATT SHILCOCK As I prepare for two months of travel,

grander picture, the fulfilment I receive

first to Thailand for the 5th International

from dancing makes the pain worthwhile.

Interdisciplinary No Borders Project in

I would rather break a leg on stage doing

Chiang Mai, Thailand, and then onto

something innovative than at the shops

Nottingham, UK for an exchange program

reaching for the next purchase.

between Critical Path and Dance4, I would like to share my history, current practice

I call my practice ‘Osteogenuine’, a metho-

and works in development.

dology of movement that stays genuine or authentic to the needs and considerations

Diagnosed at birth with Osteogenesis

that living with OI places on my body. It’s

Imperfecta (OI), commonly known as

a continuous exploration and adaptation

‘brittle bone disorder’, I live with an

in choreography, reacting in real-time to

increased risk of skeletal fractures

what is happening inside and outside of

and injuries. My interest in dance lies

the ever-changing landscape of my body.

in the rehabilitative, empowering and

As I am at a higher risk of injury than

strengthening qualities dance has to offer.

an average, physio-typical dancer, it is important for me to find ways to engage

During my [dance] career, I’ve had some

with dance that is both safe to perform

really serious injuries, including breaking

and interesting to watch. I achieve this by

my pelvis in 2014. Although severe, in the

devising a catalogue of movement phrases


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