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‘The new forms that we crave and desire can be found within our own aesthetic and not the able bodied version.’ shouldn’t be dictated by a core set of

Armed with this information, I can now

beliefs that say that in order to be of value

empower others to do the same. So who

I must first be homogenized to fit my role

cares if you forgot your lines when you walk

as dancer/artist?

on stage! Who cares if you can’t hear the music! Who cares if you dribble or drool!

It is at this point that I call upon individual

Who cares if you shake uncontrollably!

artists to take forward the reigns of

Who cares if you can’t bend your spine! It

emancipation, and for myself, to check my

is these aspects of yourself that make you

own conservative values at the front door.

valuable as an artist and are inherently part

For I can no longer hope to be the dancer

of your technical makeup, your point of

I imagined I would become during those

difference and your individuality.

years of training. Instead, I must invest in my own exploration of what my body does and

For too long now, we have been herded

what it is capable of within the realm of my

onto stage and made to play ourselves

own culture and not the dominant hierarchy.

like cardboard cutouts and safe sanitized

This notion I find empowering as it places

versions of what is considered acceptable.

my body at the forefront of innovation and

While others are allowed to explore the

creation within my art form and negates any

intrinsic nature of their bodies, even the

previous held perceptions of what is right

grotesque, the same is not allowed of us

and wrong within my own conventional

for fear of either embarrassment or the

upbringing. My dance technique has been

perception that we want to be like others.

staring at me the whole time. I just needed

If we are to discover the hidden talents

a way in which to find it.

within our own bodies, then we need to


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