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of her clients whom she thought would

called BodyWeather. BodyWeather,

benefit. The group selected were people

originally developed in Japan during the

living with learning difficulties. I am new

1980s, is an interweaving of eastern and

at collaborating with people who live with

western dance practices. Its lineage draws

disabilities. I have no special expertise in

from Butoh, German expressionism, and

this field. This purpose of this article is

European contemporary performance.

simply to share some of the processes with

Essentially, it’s an improvisational dance

and by this particular ensemble of people.

practice, encompassing a myriad of modalities and frameworks that direct and

First, in 2015, I facilitated the project

train the body and imagination to move

Being Moved, a beautiful photographic

and perceive in an atypical manner. It’s

book exploring movement and dance

not so interested in form, but rather, it is

and collaborating with performance

interested in ‘being’.

photographer Heidrun Löhr. The outcome was a book launch, a photographic

BodyWeather asks us to radically

exhibition and a short public performance

reconsider our relationship to our body (as

on International Day of Disability. In 2016,

well as the external environment). There

we have been developing the DANCE

is an underlying tradition in the practice

DIARIES film. In 2017, we will run a

that upholds the so-called ‘imperfect’

series of dance and performance making

body, or bodies that are marginalized by

workshops which may lead to a public

society. It also explores bodies that are

performance in 2018. The overall purpose

non-human such as animal and plant or

of the project is to use each process to

perceiving movement on a molecular

build dance skills and confidence, with

scale. Philosophically, BodyWeather sees

the aim to develop a public performance,

our bodies as unique ecosystems that

if this is what this group wishes to do - a

move in their own extraordinary ways.

question yet to be answered.

When I dance, my interest lies in undoing what I think I ‘know’ about my body in

My work over the last 20 years has

order to find out what lies beneath my in-

concentrated on performance, dance,

culturated thinking patterns and beliefs.

mentoring and teaching. I engage with professional and emerging dancers and


actors, and with people from various

had the pleasure of collaborating with

communities. My practice lies not in

Martin Fox (co-director / video artist) and

western dance but in a methodology

Michael Toisuta (composer) and working


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