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culture, unknown to most of us that can

expertise in the art of touch, connection

be tapped in by all. The way the works is

and trust. The language of touch as they

structured, that, as well as Heather and

described to us, demonstrates that race,

Michelle, there are seven tactile guides

religion, ability, gender and color are

who remain unseen in this entire sequence.

simply irrelevant when all that matters is

Kind of like a football team, everyone

the kind hand being offered. This struck

has specific position. We have forwards,

me as an incredibly profound thing that

centres, backs and wing guides who give

Heather and Michelle as Deafblind

each audience member a touch sequence

people can teach.

and then pass that audience member to next tactile guide for a different sequence.

We hope this work of art awakens, not only

It’s like a rite of passage.

the audience’s senses, but also ignites the power that lies in their head, heart and

‘‘Imagined Touch’ challenges and invites

hands to connect with others.

us to engage the work in unexpected ways. It alters our perceptions about how

‘Imagined Touch’ premiered at Arts House

to experience theatre but also how we

in September 2016 and will be having its

communicate with each other.’

second presentation at Carriageworks as

- My About Town5

part of the Sydney Festival program in 2017.

Our journey making this work challenged our team to ask many questions of Heather

Article Cover Image of Heather Lawson (left) and

and Michelle. Is touch the most important

Michelle Stevens (right) in conversation. Photography by

sense? How do Heather and Michelle as

Bryony Jackson

Deafblind artists connect to the audience at all times? How can we reframe disability


as an opportunity to share untapped

Deafblind Live Art Experience | Jodee Mundy

expertise on human potential?

Collaborations.’ Australian Stage. <http://www.

Johnson, S. 8 Sept 2016, ‘Imagined Touch: The

Now in the 21st century, these contem-


porary Deafblind artists are touching and


showing audiences the way through an


imagined touch. In a world bombarded with visual images and individualism, Heather and Michelle offer audiences


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