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physical and sensorial connections that

and inspired by Darwin’s work ‘Origin of

become available from that connection,

Species’. Galton proposed ideas and social

whether that is a physical connection

philosophies of selective breeding. His work

between two or more bodies or exploring

had two main features. One was to increase

an internal connection in one’s own body.

the human gene pool with valuable and

The generative cycle of the Elements

desirable genetic traits (known as ‘positive

depicts that Water nourishes Wood, so one

eugenics’), such as strength, dexterity,

could explore either how the two relate

specific cosmetic and behavioural

in a nurturing sense or create conflict by

qualities). While simultaneously, he called

reversing the flow. The choreographic and

for eliminating the undesirable or ‘invalid’

dramaturgical possibilities that arise from

traits through genocide and abortion

this exploration are limitless.

(known as ‘negative eugenics’).

Vangelis and I collaborate in the ‘Dance

‘Eujeanix’ expands on an interpretation

and Being Art Project’, an ongoing

natural selection or ‘survival of the fittest.

workshop series in Australia, hosted

Research for this process will involve

in Adelaide in (September 2014 & May

exploring eugenic propaganda, texts and

2015) and Melbourne (May & October

devising movement inspired by a variety of

2016) that explores the Embodied Unity

sources including excerpts from speeches

methodologies. This project is intended to

of historical figures, political campaign

become a regular occurring event around

materials and books written on the subject,

Australia, with future workshops planned

both for and against eugenics.

for Melbourne, Sydney and regional NSW. I also participated at the ‘International

Although eugenics for many is

Interdisciplinary No Borders’ projects

predominantly associated with Nazi

(December 2013 & 2016), a month-long

Germany and the Holocaust, eugenic

workshop hosted in a different city and

principles have been practised as far

country each year.

back as Ancient Greece and Egypt, with the disposal of babies born with

During my time at the Dance4 Exchange,

certain undesired traits (sometimes as

I will be undertaking choreographic

insignificant as facial structure).

exploration and development of ‘Eujeanix’, a triptych of work themed around eugenics

Aspects of eugenics are still practiced

and the social philosophies of Francis

today by every nation. Many political

Galton, the half cousin to Charles Darwin

policies and structures encourage


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