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often cannot rely on my body to move the

Unity and explore relationships between

same way consistently. Therefore, I need

the internal organs and the 5 Taoist Elements

to make constant choices adaptations to

of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and

be able to perform dance safely. Vangelis’

the sensorial and emotional connections

methods suit my needs very well, not only

with each. An example of a task could

in organising and mapping my body and

be to visualise the meridian lines (energy

movement pathways, but layering intent

channels) in the body. Where they are

and performative aspects on the material.

located and how do they flow? Where they connect and to what? These lines in

Vangelis’ practice incorporates healing

the body can act as a pathway to move in

modalities from Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Kundlini

space or to initiate contact with a partner,

Yoga, Craniosacral therapy and Meditation

object or surface; for instance, by conn-

with improvised movement and instant

ecting your liver to the liver of your dance

composition methodologies. Traditional

partner or tracing the meridian line of

Chinese Medicine and Universal Healing

the liver on a wall. Another level to this

Taoism are also a huge influence in

would be to explore ways The Elements

my choreographic and dramaturgical

relate to each other. A task could be to

compositions. As a foundation to explore

explore how the Liver (Wood) relates to

movement, I am inspired by Embodied

the Kidney (Water) and the emotional,

Matt Shilcock wearing a white plague doctor mask at the Underbelly Festival 2015. Photograph by Gabriel Clark


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