Witnessing the Event / Capturing the Particular

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To do this I’ve constructed or woven the filaments into several highly subjective pieces of word-filigree 4, using some of the threads of recorded text gathered from each individual workshop-discussion. A mass of text came to me after the Symposium in the form of notes scribed during discussion, delegate reflections on post-its, or Guest Contributors’ summary notes made on flipcharts during the sessions. I have directly used only a fraction, but it has all informed the resulting reflections presented here. Many best wishes, Sarah Spanton

sift / sift/ vt … b to separate or separate out (as if) by passing through a sieve; to study or examine so as to pick out the best or most valuable; screen 2a to study or investigate thoroughly; probe, scrutinize ... (1984), Longman Dictionary of the English Language. 2 filament /’fil_m_nt/ n a single thread or thin flexible thread-like object or part: … (1984), Longman Dictionary of the English Language. 3 edit / edit/ vt … b to assemble (e.g. a film or tape recording) by cutting and rearranging c to alter, adapt, or refine (e.g. written or spoken words) esp to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a particular purpose … (1984), Longman Dictionary of the English Language. 4 filigree / filigree/ vt or n (to decorate with) a lacy ornamental work of fine wire or gold, silver, or copper welded or soldered to form the desired shapes and sometimes affixed to an underlying metal surface b a delicate, esp intricate pattern or design. (1984), Longman Dictionary of the English Language. 1‘

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