Prayer Focus 2016, Issue 1

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Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many. 2 Corinthians 1:11 (VOICE)

December 28th - January 3rd

Week 1: CLC International Office Information from Neil Wardrope, CLC International Director

Monday (28th) - Council Preparation 1:

Please pray for the multitude of details that need to be resolved ahead of our 75th Anniversary Council Meetings in June. Our aim is to have a representative from every single CLC country, something not previously attempted. We want to celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to CLC. We are a multi-cultural, multilingual family and, as such, a microcosm of the family of God.

Tuesday (29th) - Council Preparation 2:

Please pray for the important decisions that will be taken at Council. The key roles in the International Office need to be appointed. At the time of writing, a number of Regional Directors have already been chosen by their regions, but these appointments need to be confirmed at Council, along with that of the International Director. We will also be approving a new version of the International Constitution. There is an ongoing consultation process to ensure that we adequately reflect the international flavour of the CLC family.

Wednesday (30th) - Prayer News:

Changes are coming regarding the collection, editing and sending of the regular weekly news and threemonthly prayer news (Prayer Focus). After almost 12 years, Sheena Wardrope will be stepping down from this role. A review process will take place to assess the best way to proceed in the future, given the technological changes that have taken place. Prayer remains a vital tool for CLC and we are very grateful to Sheena for keeping us so well informed all this time.

Thursday (31st) - World Report:

Please pray for the production of a completely different, 75th anniversary edition of the World Report. It will be presented in a different format, and will reflect reports and testimonies not just from the last 12 months, but from the last 75 years. This is a lot of work, so please pray for Sheena Wardrope as she researches the material from the archives. We trust it will be available in time for the Council.

Friday (1st) - eBook App Progress:

Sheena & Neil Wardrope

Following the launch of the app in July we are making steady progress: the second app for Android is being prepared; publishers are being approached to allow us to place their eBooks on the platform; and we are adding the eBook module on to national CLC ecommerce websites. Please pray for all those involved in this project as it becomes more complex, but has an increasing capacity to make good Christian books available to a global audience.

The Weekend (2nd/3rd) - International Office Trustees:

Please pray for the Trustees that oversee the International Office charity in the UK. They give freely of their time and experience and yet shoulder a lot of responsibility. They ensure that the International and Regional Directors are held accountable and that our resources are used legally and effectively. This is a reminder that many national CLC teams are blessed to have Christian men and women willing to give of their time to support us in this important way. They are rarely seen, but perform vital tasks. Thank you Lord!

January 4th - 10th

Week 2: CLC UK Bookshop News Monday (4th) - CLC Newcastle:

Give thanks that Brian Taylor (manager) who has been treated for skin cancer has been declared cancer-free for the first time in 5 years. Also give thanks that the bookshop has been refitted recently. The process went well and has been appreciated by the customers. Pray that the Newcastle shop will really become a major centre for the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature in this part of the north-east of England.

Tuesday (5th) - Retail Shop Development:

Having moved the warehouse last year the Leadership Team under Eddie Olliffe, our interim General Manager, intend to concentrate on retail shop development during the coming year. CLC remains committed to running high street shops. Please pray that we will know the best way of doing this so that shops remain viable and effective in their ministry which goes beyond just selling books and Bibles. The shops ministry was a major topic of discussion at the Leadership Team meeting in early January.

Wednesday (6th) - CLC London:

Give thanks for the increased staffing at the London shop. Pray that the individuals will quickly become a team and that the shop will be able to reach out to an increasing number of churches in the London area. Pray also that visitors to London, both from within the UK and from abroad, will find and make good use of the shop.

Thursday (7th) - CLC Blackpool:

Towards the end of last year, the Blackpool shop had to close for a month when, during the laying of a new carpet, problems were found with the flooring, leading to extensive repairs. Pray that the sales lost during this unexpected closure may be regained and that the shop’s outreach to the town will grow.

Friday (8th) - CLC Sheffield:

Give thanks for the outreach work Phil Burnham is undertaking on behalf of the Sheffield shop. Pray for Phil as he looks for more bookstall opportunities for both the Sheffield and other shops. Pray for CLC in general as we seek to find opportunities to take bookstalls to conferences and events.

The Weekend (9th/10th) - Adequate Staffing:

Most of the shops are run with the minimum of staff members. This means that with holidays, sickness or work outside the shop premises, staff members can sometimes be on their own. Pray for safety and security at all times but particularly when they are working alone. Pray too that with the pressures of the work staff will remain in good physical, emotional and spiritual health. January 11th - 17th

Week 3: CLC in the Caribbean Information from Gerardo Scalante RD Americas/Caribbean

Monday (11th) - Trinidad and Tobago:

After closing some years ago, for economic reasons, CLC re-opened on the island of Tobago last October. We hope and pray that this time the bookstore will prosper. We are well located and people are very thankful for a CLC presence as there is no other Christian bookstore on the island and the alternatives were buying on Internet, with high shipping costs, or a trip over the water to Trinidad. Pray with us as we look for opportunities to be a blessing to many people and churches. Pray also that we can quickly reach the breakeven point to make the ministry self-sustainable. 2

Tuesday (12th) - Barbados:

Pray for the ministry of CLC Barbados under the directorship of Marion Manning. Points for prayer include the need for a turnaround in the island’s economic circumstances and, for CLC specifically, easier accessibility for the bookshop. We are often told, “We would come to your store if you had somewhere for us to park.” There is an empty plot of land next to the store that we would love to acquire for CLC.

Wednesday (13th) - Dominica:

This small island, with a population of 72,000 people, was hit by tropical storm Erika last year. The island’s basic infrastructure was devastated and the damage takes the island back about twenty years in terms of development. The government estimated the rebuilding costs at nearly 300 million US dollars. Pray for Davis Laudat, CLC Manager in Roseau, as he leads the ministry in difficult times. Pray also for sufficient sales, and for opportunities to minister to people in despair after this catastrophe.

Thursday (14th) - Trinidad:

Marlene Ramroop was faithful, committed and an inspiration to the CLC team under her leadership. Although she was unwell, her entry into the Lord’s presence last May was unexpected and a challenge for the team. Sandra Robinson, who looked after the CLC accounts, took over Marlene’s responsibilities and with the support of the team, she has taken the ministry forward. There are still challenges to face but the team is committed to the ministry of CLC in the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago.

Friday (15th) - Antigua:

The manager of the bookshop in St. John’s, Arah Martin, and her co-worker Cecilia Ferrance are seeking God for new ideas to take the ministry forward in 2016. Please support them in prayer, asking God to open doors for ways to make an impact in the country. They are looking for opportunities to present book tables in churches, schools, youth events and street fairs and some contacts have already been made. Of course with increasing activities, more help will be needed so please pray for volunteers willing and able to engage in this type of outreach.

The Weekend (16th/17th) - CLC in the Caribbean:

At a CLC leadership conference last September, the decision was made to divide the CLC Americas and Caribbean region into two. This means that North America (USA and Canada) and the Caribbean islands will have their own Regional Director in future, and Latin America will form the other half. Pray that, rather than separate us, this decision will enable us to grow and minister more effectively. David Almack, CLC USA’s Director, was chosen to take on the role of Regional Director for North America and the Caribbean which will take effect later this year. January 18th - 24th

Week 4: CLC Helping Hands! Monday (18th) - CLC USA / CLC Philippines:

“One of our authors, Fred Hartley, had an event taking place in the Philippines. His organization, the College of Prayer International, was expecting over 1,000 pastors to attend, for which they wanted to purchase

1,000 copies of Fred’s latest book. However, they had not factored in the need, and time required, to ship the books across the ocean from the publishers, CLC USA! We investigated options for air freight but it was too costly. Then we connected with CLC Philippines to see if they could help. Praise the Lord, they got the book printed locally at a very reasonable cost and, importantly, in time for this event.” Dave Almack CLC USA Director

Tuesday (19th) - CLC Indonesia / CLC USA:

CLC USA has publishing rights for many Christian books, mainly classics and local authors. They also partner with CLC in other countries, allowing them to translate and publish their books. In Indonesia this is providing a boost to their publishing work with 7 titles now in print, including Too Soon to Quit by Warren Wiersbe and Praying Through by John Kitchen. There are several other titles in preparation for publishing – more books by Warren Wiersbe and some Watchman Nee books. Pray that these titles will be a blessing and also boost sales for CLC Indonesia.

Wednesday (20th) - CLC Russia / CLC Belarus:

Books published by CLC Belarus have been distributed in Russia through one of the biggest Russian Christian publishers. Now, however, CLC in Russia are going to take on some responsibility for this. By the time you read this they should already be the distributor for a new title from CLC Belarus, Christian ABCs. Another new connection for CLC Russia is the regular provision of stock to a CLC bookshop in Central Asia (CA1). This particular bookshop has had major problems obtaining Russian Christian books and we trust this will be a great benefit to them.

Thursday (21st) - CLC Sierra Leone / CLC Liberia:

CLC in these neighbouring countries has had good communication between the teams and team leaders in the past. However, this relationship was affected by the outbreak of Ebola and for over a year they could not meet for fellowship or discussions regarding their work. Now both countries are officially clear from the virus, please pray for opportunities to get together once again.

Friday (22nd) - CLC Canada / CLC France, CLC USA and CLC Colombia:

“We maintain excellent contacts with CLC in other countries, especially with CLC France [CLC Canada is based in Montreal and sells books in French] and CLC USA. This has resulted in the publication and printing of books here in Canada recently. In addition, we made contact with CLC Colombia through its distribution centre in Miami, and are very encouraged by the agreements we will have with them for the importation of products in Spanish.” Antoine Roberge, National Director

The Weekend (23rd/24th) - CLC Spain / CLC UK:

Laura & Nacho Sanchez

Nacho Sanchez, and his wife Laura, served with CLC Spain for many years in both the Madrid bookshop and the distribution warehouse. Nacho was also the National Director for a while. After a brief time out of CLC, the couple felt led to offer to work for CLC in the UK. They moved to the new UK Wholesale facilities in Chester a few months ago. Pray for them and their two sons as they settle into a new country, culture and language. Despite the fact that they have a lot of experience, this will be a steep learning curve for them.

January 25th - 31st

Week 5: CLC Europe

Information from Gary Chamberlin, CLC Regional Director for Europe

Monday (25th) - Website Training:

Ivano Cramerotti is responsible for CLC Italy’s website and he recently provided essential training for several European leaders on how to keep their CLC websites properly updated. CLC Spain hosted the event with 4

Darwin (Spain), Carlos (Portugal) and Bertus (Netherlands) attending. This 3 day course was the first of many we hope to have in the future. In addition to the training, and results, we thank the Lord for the fellowship and growing friendships of all the participants. (From left to right: Ivano, Darwin, Gary, Carlos, and Bertus)

Tuesday (26th) - Book Fair Events:

Last October, three CLC European leaders attended the world’s largest book fair in Frankfurt. Many major publishers are present at this event. Hervé Lessous (France), Andreas Bader (Italy) and Gary Chamberlin met with a number of Christian publishers and, as a result, new titles are now being considered for publishing in many languages by our CLC editorial teams across the globe. Gary hopes to take other CLC Directors to this annual event. Pray that we would be led to the right titles that will truly bless lives by leading them to Christ and helping people to mature in their faith.

Wednesday (27th) - CLC Poland:

After our manager in Wroclaw resigned, we searched for months for a new manager but could not find anyone and we had to vacate the premises. However, there may be a silver lining! We are in contact with a major Lutheran church, well situated in the city centre, which is considering the possibility of providing a newly renovated room, with street access, for use as a CLC bookshop. We are praying that CLC can re-open in Wroclaw and, if this is the right place, we trust the city council will look favourably on this idea and that the church will be happy to work with us in this way.

Thursday (28th) - Central Asia 1:

Gary Chamberlin and Nikita Sapunov (CLC Moscow) will visit the small team in CA1 in February; this is a follow-up visit to one last August. For years it has been difficult for the bookshop here to obtain new products in Russian but we are pleased that finally this can be provided on a regular basis through CLC in Moscow. Please pray with us for continued encouragement for the team, and that this new strategy will provide the needed stability for our work to continue for years to come.

Friday (29th) - Publishing Training:

The second ‘CLC European Publishing Training’ will take place in the Netherlands in March. William and Carine MacKenzie, Christian Focus Publishing, will offer training and CLC representatives will come from Portugal, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belarus, Romania, Poland and Bulgaria. This training is part of our project to double our global publishing in 10 years. CLC in Portugal, Netherlands and Bulgaria have begun to publish after training in 2014 and in France, Italy and Poland they have significantly increased their publishing efforts. We praise God for this opportunity.

The Weekend (30th/31st) - Austria:

The CLC bookshop in Graz closed at the end of October 2015. The future of the shop had been uncertain for some time. Edeltraud, the manager, has found it increasingly difficult to run this busy shop and care for her husband who has been seriously unwell for many years. While we pray and wait for possibilities of opening again in a better location, with help and cooperation from local churches, sales continue through the website and on-line shop. February 1st - 7th

Week 6: CLC Websites Monday (1st) - Korea :

CLC Korea focuses mainly on publishing and distribution of their own titles which are predominantly theological and study books. In the last few years they have also had a small bookshop in their Headquarters 5

exclusively for the sale of their books to the public. Now they are noticing that their sales through online transactions via their own website, and other affiliated online bookstores, are increasing – currently around 40% of total sales. Offline sales are noticeably decreasing. Pray for wisdom to know where to concentrate resources for distribution and which titles to publish and promote.

Tuesday (2nd) - Colombia:

As a result of the challenge regarding websites presented by the CLC International Office, changing customer habits and because CLC Colombia recognises the importance of the online store, the decision was taken recently to create a role for someone to oversee the whole process of online sales. Marcela Moncaleano will take on this responsibility with the support of two other team members, Daniel Hernandez and Rodney Tequia. Please pray for this newly formed team.

Wednesday (3rd) - Uruguay:

The CLC team in Uruguay have decided to change to the CLC IO website. They are keen to continue advancing in this area despite the fact that distribution through this channel is still relatively low. Please pray as they make this transition to the specifically designed CLC International website which will be adapted for use in Uruguay.

Thursday (4th) - Romania:

Romania was one of the first CLC countries to sell books through their website and over the years web sales grew very significantly. Recently, however, newer websites are attracting more people, including CLC customers. An upgrade, by changing over to the new CLC International website, is urgently needed and it is hoped this will happen in the first half of this year. It is a complicated situation for a number of reasons, including the fact that the website is still functioning efficiently in other areas (stock control, primary accounting etc.) and the team rely heavily on these features.

Friday (5th) - Philippines:

God is opening up more opportunities for CLC Philippines to sell their products online and these sales are increasing both within the Philippine islands and beyond. Customers are also actively ordering through CLC’s Facebook account and even via other e-marketing partners such as Lazada. Please pray for effective promotion of titles online and a good service to an increasing number of customers.

The Weekend (6th/7th) - Austria:

Sadly, the CLC bookshop in Graz had to close last October, as mentioned in Prayer Focus last week. We trust God will provide a way to re-open in a better location with additional staff. Meanwhile, sales continue through the website and online shop. Please pray that our customers in Graz, and beyond, will make good use of this facility, which has not closed down! February 8th - 14th

Week 7: CLC Connecting with Children Monday (8th) - Russia:

In partnership with the Child Evangelism Fellowship, CLC in Moscow have started using their ground floor space (which is rented out as a café during the week) on Sundays for a special event for children. The first of these meetings took place last October with a dozen children and some CEF leaders from all over the country participating, along with the CLC Director helping out! The initial plan is to run this event on a monthly basis.

Tuesday (9th) - Netherlands:

The annual ‘Children’s Book Week’ is a national event encouraging children to read. Of course CLC is very happy to participate and, along with other Christian bookshops, they adapt the theme to focus more specifically on the Gospel message. The theme last year was ‘Do You Know’. In Christian bookshops, issues of science and faith were addressed and children were encouraged to ask questions. Please pray for CLC’s input at these times and during the whole year as children visit CLC.

Wednesday (10th) - India:

“Children love to spend time at the dedicated children’s books shelves when they come with their parents to the bookshops. In India we also get children from local schools, from a variety of faiths and backgrounds, visiting the bookshops. The children’s comics, published by CLC/ELS India, are a great attraction. In addition, we reach out to schools and colleges with book tables whenever we can. This gives an opportunity to introduce them to the Bible and we pray that God will open their hearts, and the hearts of their parents, to the truth.” Justin Chellapan, Director

Thursday (11th) - Colombia:

CLC Colombia is in a unique position in the CLC world as it is required, by law, to run a social foundation alongside their main ‘business’ of book publishing and distribution. This foundation has grown and developed over recent years and now makes a huge contribution to people in need and in poverty. Although they work with people of all ages, children are a major focus. Time and resources are given to their health, general wellbeing, education and spiritual needs.

Friday (12th) - Uruguay:

“As in many CLC bookshops around the world, there is a space in the bookshop that is allocated for children to play and read using a wide variety of resources for children. In addition, the team visit a number of schools and colleges with a display of books; CLC Uruguay has a well fitted-out mobile bookshop for this purpose. In one high school in particular we are invited to give a talk to each class on the importance of reading.” Humberto Urrutia, Director

The Weekend (13th/14th) - Sierra Leone:

On a continent where many people struggle financially, buying books for children is not always a priority – but this does not mean there are no opportunities for CLC to connect with children! CLC in Freetown has a lovely children’s corner. The CLC Sierra Leone/UK project “Give a book, Give a Future”, where Christian books and Bibles were donated to schools and libraries five years ago, is still bearing fruit. As Alfred Kaikai, CLC Freetown, said: “I am going to look for the fruit from this project 15 years from now!” Good seed sown in young lives can impact a whole nation! February 15th - 21st

Week 8: CLC UK Developments

Monday (15th) - New Warehouse and Computer System:

With the new Chester warehouse now operating please continue to pray for the team there as they continue to learn to work together and become more efficient. Praise God that the new computer system was started with no major problems and that the distribution of Bibles and books got going quite quickly, enabling CLC to meet the needs of the UK Christian book trade during the busy Christmas period.

Tuesday (16th) - Chreos for the Bookshops:

Pray for David Scouler and for Stephen Wilde, plus his team at Chreos (Chreos is the new software system), as they configure and prepare the system to be installed in the CLC shops over the next few months. There is great potential for this to be disruptive to our shops’ trade, so pray that, like the warehouse, this may be a smooth transition with no major problems. 7

Wednesday (17th) - Changes in Publishing and Distribution:

The UK trade continues to go through times of great change with a major publisher and distributor coming under new ownership. Operations and distribution will be consolidated with some job losses. Pray for those faced with an uncertain future. Also pray for the CLC leadership as they consider what effect these further changes may have on our ministry.

Thursday (18th) - Property for Sale:

With the move to Chester, the previous warehouse at Alresford will no longer be needed and will be sold. Pray for Mick Goodman, the operations manager, and Jenny Byrne, our properties advisor, as they consider the best time to put it on the market. It would be good to raise the maximum value from the sale to help finance other present and future developments.

Friday (19th) - Leadership Team:

Pray for the UK leadership team consisting of heads of departments and elected members. This team meets monthly to pray, consider, advise and decide on the day-to -day direction of the work, current topics and developments. Between meetings a lot of work is done by e-mail and phone calls. The members need Godly wisdom and clear insights.

The Weekend (20th/21st) - Behind the Scenes:

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to inform the public of CLC’s work and the products we sell. Pray for Amanda Lutes as she prepares and publishes CLC World four times a year. Pray for the Wholesale team and Pete Barnsley as they are responsible for the book trade promotional magazine, Take Note, also four times a year. Pete Barnsley also prepares the e-mails which are sent from the shops and website each week and selects which products to promote. February 22nd - 28th

Week 9: CLC Africa Information from Liz Patten, Regional Director for Africa

Monday (22nd) - Mozambique: Promoting Children’s materials

The Bible Society in Mozambique supplies CLC with a wonderful full-colour children’s story Bible. It is a best seller for us and I (Liz) keep a copy on display at the Christian guest house where I live in Maputo as we have contact there with missionaries from all over Mozambique and many are looking for children’s resources. We now have some stock from the Mozambican branch of the Children’s Evangelism Fellowship, APEC. This is thanks to the initiative of our young bookshop worker, Abel Chau. Abel is a trained APEC worker.

Tuesday (23rd) - Kenya: Testimony

The team in Kenya were informed last year that they had to re-locate the warehouse as the landlord was selling it. They searched, and found somewhere that seemed suitable. Then, just before signing the lease, the new landlord made some changes in the arrangements. Our team did not feel that this was a good indication for the future and so decided not to sign. By then the situation was even more urgent, but they continued to pray and God answered by showing them a good place where they have now settled in and are making an impact in their new community.

Wednesday (24th) - Liberia & Mozambique: Good Landlords!

CLC Liberia is located in the famous Provident Baptist Church in Monrovia, a great location which everyone knows! CLC Mozambique has two bookshops located in Bible Colleges, in Maputo and Beira. We cannot afford the expensive commercial rents and are very grateful for such partnerships with our Christian landlords! Our prayer and our hope is that we might also bring blessing for them by our presence. 8

Thursday (25th) - Kenya: POD Update:

Last year, CLC Kenya started a new project of Print-on-Demand, thanks in part to some generous fundraising by CLC USA. There have already been some exciting developments. For example, 1,200 workbooks were required urgently, just a very short time after the project launch! Our team was able to deliver the whole quantity in just two batches! Pray for Patrick (Director) and Vincent (POD manager) as they market the project and work hard to meet customer demands with quality, on-time service.

Friday (26th) - Benin: Thompson Bible

CLC Benin is rejoicing that a pastor came and purchased 40 copies of the Thompson Bible. It was a big blessing that our bookshop in Cotonou had that quantity in stock and could supply them straight away! Praise the Lord, and please pray for the spiritual and physical protection of our team, led by Emmanuel. (The state religion of Benin is voodoo.)

The Weekend (27th/28th) - Africa: Prayer for Payment Problems

A major issue for CLC in Africa is that of stock supply, payments and cash flow. 90% of stock has to be brought in from other continents. With few exceptions, there is no credit facility offered by publishers when dealing with Africa. Whilst this is good on one hand as it helps to avoid debt situations, it also slows down the release of stock from suppliers whilst international bank transfers are taking place. Please pray that we can find efficient and faster ways of dealing with this challenge. Empty shelves are a sad thing in any bookshop! February 29th - March 6th

Week 10: Encouraging Stories Monday (29th) - Chile:

We have a customer in Chile who has been buying Bibles since 1959 to share as gifts and a means to spread the Gospel. She is now bedbound but she still contacts CLC for her regular order of Bibles and we deliver them personally. She is a tremendous example of a faithful and generous witness.

Tuesday (1st) - Papua New Guinea:

A lady came into the bookshop looking for something suitable for her husband who was in prison. She wanted a good book that would encourage and challenge him. The staff member attending the lady looked through the shelves but could not find anything appropriate. She finally pulled a random title from the BookLink section (quality second-hand books) and when she turned the first page it had “TO THOSE WHO ARE IN PRISON� written in it!! God is good!

Wednesday (2nd) - Germany:

We have lots of testimonies from customers but sometimes God blesses us through our neighbours too. On one occasion there was a very sudden heavy rainfall in Hamburg causing flooding in some buildings and fire engines were on the streets to pump out water. In the bookshop, however, all seemed well with customers shopping or sheltering from the rain. Then a neighbour came and urged the manager to check the shop basement as she could hear a warning alarm coming from there! There was some water on the floor but it was discovered in time, before the water level became high enough to damage the stock and equipment stored there.

Thursday (3rd) - Cyprus:

We praise the Lord for all the opportunities to serve in the bookshop and some of these are particularly encouraging, like a young couple who came in to buy a good supply of Bibles to give to foreign students in the Turkish-held northern part of Cyprus. Another customer came in with anxiety and fear prior to sitting accountancy exams. We were able to pray with her and she calmed down, sat the exam and did well. More importantly, we were able to share something about the Lord and His salvation with her too. 9

Friday (4th) - USA:

Someone came into CLC Moorestown looking for a large pulpit Bible. She explained that it was to be left open on a table to keep the evil spirits away. As a staff member showed her various Bibles, he was able to explain that the Bible itself would not keep the spirits away, and that led to a conversation about the Gospel. The customer did not openly turn to Jesus at this point but went away in deep thought. A seed was sown.

The Weekend (5th/6th) - Giving Thanks (Venezuela):

The International Office building (Sheffield, UK) doesn’t receive ‘customers’ and our daily work seldom involves meeting people in person. Communication is almost always with Christians and normally via telephone or Internet! One day recently, however, in the space of one hour we were able to offer a comfy seat and a cup of coffee to a lady waiting for an appointment next door - a women’s counselling service. She had arrived far too early and no one was in! At the same time, someone from the solicitors firm over the road came to borrow a Bible for use in a legal transaction! Two opportunities to share about the CLC ministry, and show the love of Jesus to others. March 7th - 13th

Week 11: CLC in Pakistan, Myanmar and Japan Monday (7th) - Pakistan Book Table:

Praise the Lord for the opportunity to take a CLC book table to the annual Sialkot Convention where countless thousands of people have been blessed and encouraged. It is always a daunting logistical task to get our books from our shop, in the south of the country, to Sialkot in the north but we are normally able to get there despite difficulties with transport and the rainy season. At the last convention Justin Javed, the CLC Director, was surprised and humbled to be asked to share the word of God with a group of at least 500 pastors! Pray for long lasting fruit from this event that was started by ‘Praying John Hyde’ in 1904!

Tuesday (8th) - Pakistan Property:

The CLC ministry here has gone through some difficult times recently but thank the Lord for His faithfulness through it all. A much-needed extension to our shop premises, owned by the Salvation Army, has been delayed for some years now due to legal issues beyond our control. Pray for a resolution to this if we are to expand and grow the work.

Wednesday (9th) - Myanmar Study Bible:

The CLC Burmese Study Bible is a big project for our team in Myanmar and it is taking time to go through all the translation and publishing process. At the time of writing, it is about half way through this process and the tentative date for completion is January 2017. Please pray for the team that they would have renewed enthusiasm, vision and strength to continue this laborious task. Praise God it will be such a blessing when completed and in the hands of Burmese people.

Thursday (10th) - Myanmar Help and Support:

Thank God for the ways in which He provides help and support for the ministry. In particular Jacob Mung, the Director in Myanmar, gives thanks for the safe arrival of a large shipment of books from the USA. Thank God too for Martin Manser and Pastor Mike Beaumont who have been involved in the Study Bible project and are giving freely of their time and expertise to help with the Burmese version.

Friday (11th) - Japan Financial Uncertainty:

The Japanese economy has been very slow for many years and, accompanied by a decline in the church, this has caused book sales to decrease significantly over the last 10 to15 years. Not just CLC, but other Christian booksellers and publishers have had to make significant changes in order to continue. It is uncertain how long this process can continue as we have already sold several of our assets to help cover costs. Please pray for a turnaround in the financial position. 10

The Weekend (12th/13th) - Japan Spiritual Strength:

While it is a continual struggle to maintain the finances of the operation in Japan (as mentioned in yesterday’s prayer point), please pray that our team would stay strong spiritually and be able to keep their eyes on Jesus. As with all our CLC bookshops, every day people come to us with all manner of needs. Pray that our team would be spiritually sensitive to help with words of counsel or just the right book. March 14th - 20th

Week 12: CLC Connecting with Churches Monday (14th) - Shared Premises:

In a number of countries, for example in India and Liberia, we have bookshops situated in church premises. In other countries, in particular the Philippines, churches meet regularly in CLC properties. It is a real blessing to be able to cooperate in this way. Although we are interdenominational in terms of our staff and the books we sell, we are all part of the body of Christ – which is the true church of course.

Tuesday (15th) - France:

The bookshop in Marseille is trying a new way of preparing book deposits for churches: churches choose articles on our website, they send their order to CLC Marseille and the bookshop delivers the books to the church and leaves them there for about two months. Then the unsold articles are taken back to the bookshop and the next order can be delivered. Let’s pray that this new way of working with book deposits will encourage churches to work with us. This will make us better known in the South-East region of France as well as, hopefully, increasing our turnover.

Wednesday (16th) - Meadowhead Christian Fellowship (MCF):

MCF is a small church in Sheffield, UK, with considerable links with CLC! Many congregation members, past and present, have served as volunteers or staff in their local CLC bookshops as far back as the 1960’s! The previous and the current CLC International Directors have worshipped here and two current church members are CLC IO trustees. In addition, the church supports some CLC staff and, twice a year, gives their Sunday offering to CLC projects. Praise the Lord for church fellowships that take an active and prayerful interest in the CLC ministry.

Thursday (17th) - USA:

Every year CLC USA hosts a Clergy Appreciation Breakfast to celebrate the pastors and churches that we support all year long. This is a wonderful time of fellowship, learning and networking. Last year, Larry Smith, a new CLC author and local pastor, was the keynote speaker and presented concepts from his new book, Jesus Life. Over 80 people were in attendance and all of them received a gift bag with books from various publishers who had donated the items. Please pray that we would do a good job of celebrating and supporting the church all year long.

Friday (18th) - Canada:

CLC Author, Larry Smith

We are implementing a new concept, for CLC Canada, which we are calling ‘CLC Counters’. This idea is a hybrid between traditional book stores and church book tables. They are located in a church or Christian institution in areas where there is no Christian book store. The counter’s primary mandate is to serve the churches in that region. We have already established three of these ‘counters’ and hope to install two or three more in the near future.

The Weekend (19th/20th) - Uruguay:

For many years now CLC in Uruguay has travelled into the interior of the country to visit churches and leave materials there for their book tables. This means we have a CLC presence in almost the whole country 11

and sales represent almost 25% of the annual sales. In Montevideo there are some churches that have our material on show throughout the week and one church in particular has created a beautiful bookshop area with our stock. March 21st - 27th

Week 13: CLC Publishing Monday (21st) - France:

At the time of writing, we are about to publish our first title by Francis Chan, You and Me Forever. Chan is a good and well known author and we are delighted to be able to publish this book in French. We are also very happy for the opportunity to cooperate with Copenhagen Publishing House and Scandinavia Publishing House with several projects regarding children’s Bibles and books with both publishers. We pray for continued partnerships and projects like these ones and, of course, for good sales.

Tuesday (22nd) - Indonesia:

CLC Indonesia wrote and published a new book last year based on the testimony of a family with a son, Jose, who was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. It was a big project to undertake with three CLC teams formed to interview the family, to manage the layout and cover of the book and to do the editing. The pressure was on to complete the book earlier than anticipated so it could be launched on Jose’s third birthday. Within weeks of the launch 700 of the 2,000 copies had already been sold. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday (23rd) - Colombia:

Gerardo Scalante (CLC RD for the Americas), David Pabon (CLC Colombia) and Dave Almack (CLC USA) were in deep discussion regarding the need for an overall sales manager for CLC Colombia’s publishing house as they sell throughout Latin America, North America and Spain. They looked at the profile of the person they would need and one name came to mind. Praise the Lord for His provision which came almost immediately as the person they thought of was in fact in the same building on separate business! After prayer and consideration, Alfonso Guevara accepted this appointment. Alfonso is well known to CLC and has much experience in the Spanish Christian book market, having worked with Vida (now part of Zondervan) and, most recently, with the Spanish Christian book market for Harper Collins.

Thursday (24th) - USA:

A few months ago, one of our new books, Stop Your Complaining by Ronnie Martin, got a great review on Tim Challies’ blog and that day the book went from position 164,000 in the Amazon ranking to just over 1800 in all books listed on that site! As a result, we sold over 70 copies of the eBook in one day and over half the total print run was sold in the first two months.

Friday (25th) - Netherlands:

In December 2015, our third book, You and Me Forever by Francis Chan, was launched. Please pray that this excellent book about marriage will be picked up by the media, so that lots of people will hear about it, read it and do it, in order to build stronger and happier marriages. This year we want to publish four books. That means we have to work harder in this new area and make wise decisions about investments.

The Weekend (19th/20th) - Portugal and Russia:

As well as the Netherlands (see previous prayer point) becoming increasingly involved in publishing, two other CLC countries are new to this area of ministry. CLC Portugal started publishing in 2014 and at the end of last year released their second and third book - Changed into His Likeness (Watchman Nee) and Holiness without the Halo (Stuart and Jill Briscoe) - and in CLC Russia they started publishing last year and their first book was Little Hands Learning to Pray by Carine Mackenzie. Pray for the newly established publishing work in these countries. 12

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