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Badminton PEK

The badminton meet held in the student residence officially started on October 5, and all the Prosperians showed great interest and enthusiasm Although we lost 3-0 to Hall 11, I believe everyone in Hall 2 gained friendship and happiness in this fantastic game.


Friendship is the first, and competition is the second, although all the participants of Hall 2 have joined a lot of training sessions, hoping to achieve a better result in the competition. But the value of life is not to win results but to keep moving forward after recognizing reality Hope all the athletes in Hall 2 can achieve better results in the years to come.

On the 23rd of October, CityU held a sporting event. The 29th CityU annual athletic meet features an interhall competition for CityU's Hall Residents. The interhall highlight is the running relay for both men and women. At the end of the round, Yukie won a gold prize for the 5000 m relay, and RT Michelle for leading Hall's team. Besides that, Lee Chi Tat from 505B room achieved the 2nd runner-up for the 5000 m relay. Congratulation, and Thank you for your hard work to everybody involved!