Dalla Città del Parco ai Laboratori della Città del Quarto Paesaggio

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The cultural metaphors of the Valley of the Orchids, the Valley of the Donkey, the Valley of the Butterflies of Genetic Park, Valley of Biodiversity, the House of the Philosopher, the House of Pastor, Fountain when it rains, etc. .. were and are real places of perception of landscape architecture in the City Landscape Fourth. The word fourth landscape was born after a banquet (symposium with good food and good wine in Maratea) where J. Clement had to admit that after the Manifesto for the third landscape, the New City project, his Visual Design (subway of the mind, and research and development laboratories, see Annex) was also a manifesto of the new city in a new landscape within a scenario of macro region of the fourth landscape. The Manifesto of Third and Fourth Landscape can be inserted into the attempts of Landscape Architecture that the still brief history of this discipline has done and will do. The taxonomy not yet consolidated about the third and fourth landscape presupposes the idea that there is no city without a landscape and the landscape without city, finally overcoming the idea of a definition of landscape as the no-city. Drawing on this assumption, and distinguishing the definition of territory from that of environment and giving to the landscape an evaluative connotation on the interaction between land and environment is possible to conceive an economic policy for the city and the environments, giving raise to the experimental nature of a discipline in evolution: The architecture of the Landscape.


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