CTS July-August 2014

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Christian Thought Series July - August 2014 Vol.10/ Issue 06

Table Of Contents Editorial - Are Christian Values Bartered For a Pittance? 2 What To Watch For In The Last Days?


Note/Announcement To Readers


What Kind Of Vision Do You Seek After?


Readers Write


Published by : DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST C/o Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan 1/3, Happy Home Flats, 17, Balfour Road, Kellys, Chennai - 10. Ph : 044 - 26602135 / 09380709875 Email : joshbalu@yahoo.com Managing Editor Rev. Joshua Dhanabalan

Spiritual Manipulation – Source : Got Questions.Org 9

Publishing Associates Ms. Rita Dhanabalan Ms. Joanna Dhanabalan

Susanna Wesley’s Biography – Source: Internet 11

Literature Promotion/ Coordination Mr. Clement S Mr. John Paul

Few Reasons Why We Lose Out on Godly Values 15

Christian Thought Series


Vol.10/ Issue 06



Are Christian Values Bartered For A Pittance?

alues determine priorities of life. What are the most endeared priorities in your life? Think for a moment such things that you cherish most in your life.Then again, where does God come into the big picture of your life? Is He the core, the very centre, the fulcrum on which your life rests? Is He the hub out of which everything revolves around your life? Or, is God just an insignificant spokes in your wheel - counted to be one among many? The reason we bring God into this subject is because there will happen a paradigm shift in your life when everything will undergo a radical change. That is when values and priorities change.

example, man values money and material wealth. None of us ever would want to lose money. Instead, we love earning it. But how much money is enough is something none of us would be ever able to determine. Haven’t we heard people say, “If ever I have a little more money, I shall support some ministries!” Experience would prove that such things never happen! None of us come to a point when we can say, “It is enough.” Here is how people act based on their values and priorities: “Let’s make some investment – say on stocks and shares, in Real Estate or on gold”. I know of some southern Tamil Nadu bound hard-core missionaries and missionary leaders. From the time a child is born in their family, they begin to accumulate gold. Some of them openly told me that by the time the girl child would be married, they would have to give away atleast a 100 sovereign of gold. By the way, this is an undated old story! These are men and women whose value is based on gold than God. I often wondered: “Why do these missionary leaders yell and shout in their meetings about the need to save souls while all the time their hearts are set on accumulating gold?” It would not be an exaggeration to say that if a thorough search is made among believing Christians, especially those of them who are in the ministry, we will discover gold reserves to the tune of several millions!

Jesus knew quite well that people would suffer from “anxiety depressive disorder” and told them to set their priorities right. He knew the people of the Kingdom had different values and priorities. He taught: “Therefore do not worry as the heathens do.” A man enjoys everything that life has to offer him. Beautiful mansion, secure job, a swanky car with the latest technology, a caring wife, brilliant children, respect in the society and what more? Yet that man finds himself under great stress and strain – of unknown fears that constantly puts him on anxiety mode. Why does modern man fret and fume all the time? There is no inner rest. He goes to “chill out” in his sprawling and well designed swimming pool and up he comes boiling hot!

“Silver and gold have I none,” declared the apostle Peter. But he enjoyed abundant blessings. The apostle Paul puts it more poignantly: “We have these treasures in jars of clay (2 Cor.4:7).” These are treasures not seen through naked eyes. Christians who claim to be supra-spiritual must be able to see this!

Ecclesiastes 1:17 Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind. What man considers to be the most purposeful thing in life turns out to be worthless – a chasing after the wind. For Christian Thought Series


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I know of a pastor’s wife who had an obsession for accumulating gold. She collected jewelry of all sorts – often through unjust means. But she went through a terrible crisis in her life that she lost it all. At times, I think that it is for this very reason that some Pentecostal brethren had stripped themselves of all the gold. But alas, they have cash reserves in the bank, land in prime localities and posh cars – but all without gold! This again is a case of “straining the gnat and swallowing a camel (Matt.23:24). Where do we go wrong – be it Pentecostal or non-Pentecostal churches? Is our following Christ, a mere tradition of men? (Mark 7:7). What kind of values do we adhere to? Christians living for the moment are aplenty. “Here and now” is the emphasis. There is absolutely no thought about “hereafter.” Materialism and Mammon are our gods. How then can anyone organize a revival meeting and sing our usual chorus: “Send us revival,” when our minds are filled with worldliness? Our singing has no sense or relevance. How can God pour out His Spirit on all men? Do our young men truly see visions? What kind of visions? A shining red BMW, the latest version of Android, two million cash dowry and 100 sovereign gold and a honeymoon trip to a south-east Asian country etc., No doubt, India remains poor. All these have to be coughed up by the girl’s family for the bridegroom. Isn’t it considered by well meaning Christians to be the most unchristian and unethical practice of Indian Christians today? And this starts with prayer and ends with the benediction by the pastor of the church to which the bridegroom belongs. But haven’t you seen that same guy picking up his guitar on a Sunday morning going up the stage and getting into a trance all of a sudden? This is mockery of God. God cannot be mocked for too long. Christian Thought Series

There is got to be a reason for Christians to be doing this. Behind all of these lie fear, greed, and insecurity. “What shall we eat, what shall we drink, what shall we wear… These things the heathens seek after” This is not to mean that we Christians ought to lead reckless or undisciplined life in terms of managing our time or money. We as Christians must be diligent in the way we work and earn. We must pray for God’s blessing on our earnings. We must desist from borrowing and be free from the yoke of debt. The Bible says about those who fail to take care of their family cannot be caretakers of the Church of Jesus Christ. There are dangers of misunderstanding and people often tend to resort to extreme positions of becoming vagabonds – to the point of saying: “This world is not my home.” Jesus was not against planned living. But the point we are raising here is about us Christians losing all godly virtues just in order to become more worldly and wealthy. It is time we change our value system. Everyone must have enough to eat, drink or to wear. Many Christians are living below the poverty line and those who hoard wealth must share their excess resources with the poor. There is much resource untapped in our country. It is now estimated that some 14000 crore is stacked in Swiss Bank by Indians. This is true of missions, ministries and Churches too. In India, smaller ministries and evangelists do not have enough but struggle with hand-to-mouth sustenance. Whereas, mission-giants have amassed cash reserves by their excellent marketing skills and by successfully employing long years of training in emotional black-mailing. Jesus said that we are not to store treasures on earth.The Church to which I belong has fixed deposits to the tune of several millions. 3

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When Christ returns, He will do like how he treated the man with one talent (Matt.25:24). It would be a wasted stewardship then. The money must be spent for the work of the Kingdom of God (2 Cor.12:15). It is no use muttering our prayer “Your Kingdom Come,” without obeying the laws of the Kingdom. His Kingdom cannot extend unless we are willing to spend and be spent of all that we have. Even in these areas, our value system must change.

experience for me. Alleluia! I am encouraged both by missionary biographies of yesteryears and living witnesses of 21st century. In a world where Christians tend to compromise their values, here are those cloud of witnesses whose lives we can exemplify. During the same period, I also spent some time with an old time friend of mine. He came to know Christ many years ago. But today, all of his conversation is surrounded with only one thing. And that is money. He is not a happy man. Even though he has a good business, he always wants more. He also lost much money by his careless (rather greedy) investments. In all these 25 years or more, I have not heard him say: “God has blessed me. I have enough.” He is discontented, disheartened and seems to be missing the joy of the Lord. His beautiful mansion does not provide him much happiness.

Recently, I spent few days with a close friend of mine working together for the Lord. As I observed, I was greatly challenged by the way he spent his time, resources (his education, skills, imparting knowledge etc.,), besides spending his money. I saw people who kept coming to him. He had both his arms opened wide in order to receive all kinds of people. He mentored some people. To others in financial need, he funded out of his own pocket. To some he gave spiritual support through prayer and counsel. To the church, he gave his time untiringly –preaching and edifying congregations. No doubt, some people were jealous of him. Some pastors were becoming a bit itchy when they confronted him. Paid pastors were not doing their duties that much! This friend of mine who can relax and mind his own business – went out of his way to mind the business of the Kingdom of God. No doubt, this person had a value system that is of the Kingdom of Christ. Mind you, he has his own baggage of life’s difficulties that can make anyone question the love of God. If he had pondered over his problems, I am sure by now he would have ended up a nervous wreck. Praise God, he is going stronger day by day in the Lord and in the power of His might. His Godly values have determined priorities for his life. He is a man full of the joy of the Lord, enjoying the abundance of Christian living. That was a wonderful learning Christian Thought Series

Dear friend, to which category do you belong? Is your money rotting in some bank while it may help feed hungry mouths? How many poor children are unable to continue higher studies for want of scholarship? How can we lower our spiritual values and keep enjoying spiritual worship to our own edification? No change can take place within or without. In conclusion, we must turn our attention to what Paul was saying to Timothy: “Watch your life and conduct closely (1 Tim.4:16)”. When people tend to twist and bend God’s truth to suit their convenience or when they lower God’s standards of ethics and morality, values erode. It is time we watch our conduct in keeping with our doctrine. Joshua Dhanabalan 4

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monk by the name of Martin Luther was once constrained by the conviction of God’s truth: “The just shall live by faith”. That was the point of his spiritual constriction. He could move no further to that. But the Roman Church of his time taught man-made traditions of the church which were found to be grossly erroneous and contrary to the Word of God. To the church which stood on a sandy land, Luther’s declaration : “Here I Stand!” (the unshakable promise of God’s Word), was a challenge when he stood before the Diet of Worms ( a council or assembly in Germany of the Holy Roman Empire) in order to defend his thesis. Perhaps, he was considered a heretic or a blasphemer by the Roman Catholic Church. All hell broke loose against one man and small band of faithful men who remained truthful to God and His Word. For doing so, the church was divided! Those who were following what Martin Luther taught were the protestors who were later called as Protestants. Do we have faithful men and women today who dare to do the impossible, despite serious consequences of holding on to the truth?

God is no longer interested in our cheap thrills arising out of false spirituality. Instead, we must venture boldly for God’s Kingdom out of the experience of divine motivation. J.D As never before, the protestant church is desperately in need of another reformation. From time to time we must find ways to mend or reform ourselves. We must never give in to thinking that the protestant church always stands on the word of truth. On many occasions the church is in danger of drifting away by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming (Eph.4:14). Wherever we may be and to whatever denomination we may belong to, we must always be wise and apply spiritual discernment when truth is compromised. It could be a pastor or a Bible-teacher who may stealthily come in and present “another gospel” rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:18).We must never be impressed by ‘angelic appearance” or “skillful eloquence.” We must not follow anyone simply because the majority had followed suit. Those who entered the narrow-way had always been few. Christian believers must not give room for mass psychological outcome. The devil is a great psychological manipulator. What is the truth and what appears to be truth are two different things. Too often there is a thin wedge between truth and error. In these last days, the Church of Jesus Christ must be vigilant, lest she be caught unawares J.D.

We must always recognize that truth has a cutting edge and it brings division too (Matt.10:34-36). If Christians speak lightly of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, we must tell them to go a little further to experience the baptism by fire. This fire will separate the wheat from chaff and the sheep from goat. Truth might also bring about volcanic eruption or violent aberration of the mass. What Martin Luther propagated to be the vital truth of God’s word was misrepresented by the established Church. Christian Thought Series


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WHAT KIND OF VISION DO YOU SEEK AFTER? may rise up and sing “All hail the power of Jesus’ name,” there is a man or woman after God’s own heart somewhere forfeiting all the luxuries of Christian worship and longing for the company of God’s people. It may be a period of utter loneliness, going through a desert-like experience, experiencing abandonment by own people, derision or the separation from loved ones. But these again may turn out to be very favourable conditions under which the Spirit of God works in the life of man or woman. At most, our meetings must collectively express our personal experience with Christ. Or else, our worship services will turn out to be ‘resounding gong or a clanging cymbal,’

e live in a time when dreams and visions are much talked about. The intense anticipation and the anxiety of not having any dreams by young men and the prophesying of daughters had resulted in a sort of spiritual delusion among many. The causes are not unknown. When does one receive visions? What are the prerequisites for having a revelation? These are not answered biblically by the vast majority of Christians. Generally speaking, visions or dreams do not happen when you flock around or seek after more and more of crowds called “fellowship.” At times, the Bible-study fellowships are not at all conducive for receiving an anointing of the Holy Spirit. Much ado and gossip by worldly men and women in these groups do not stir up the Spirit of God. Instead, God creates an atmosphere for a yearning soul that longs for him. “My soul thirsts after God” cried David. Being alone with God is no longer a spiritual habit for many God’s people. They want to remain all the more with the company of believers. While this may be good, the same may turn out to be detrimental to one’s own spiritual elevation. Sometimes, God uproots an individual and plants him or her in a strange place. In a place such as that, one does not find a known community of people, denomination or fellowship groups. You become root-less in the sense that you are so alienated from all known links. That is when the Spirit of God moves – so mysteriously!

There is much hype and public seeking of God through seminars and conferences. It is a sad fact that God is generally missed out in most of these places. It may be equally true of too many television programmes where Christ is preached or at times another gospel is presented. There may be effects (both good or bad) created by people or programmes – thunder, earthquake and so on. But is there a Christian like Elijah, who covered his face and fell down prostrate when he heard that small still voice? When a Christian does not have a spiritual discipline of seeking God earnestly in private, it is probable that he may not find God elsewhere. Those of us who nurture young believers into discipleship must take care to inculcate these spiritual values. It is not wrong to ask: “Has God spoken to you today?” “What was God saying to you lately?” What particular “burden” or “vision” has He given you these days?”

John had this revelation when he was exiled. He was banished from his kin. He was removed far from his denomination called the Jerusalem Council. But God had to prepare him for a higher calling. “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day,” he writes. Elsewhere, while the usual congregation Christian Thought Series

No doubt, the Spirit of God propelled the early Church when they assembled together. 6

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But the story takes a different turn. There was not much time left for them to conduct “holiness meetings” in the upper room. Now, the same Spirit scatters them! He allows persecution. The believers go as far as Antioch and preach the gospel. A church was planted there. The believers were nicknamed as “Christians”. Where was all the time for in-gathering meetings? There were no ‘tarrying” prayer sessions. They moved on with the Spirit of the Pentecost. But we must also warn ourselves against extreme notions of doing away with the fellowship of God’s people or of coming together as an assembly. There is no place for individualistic spirituality at the expense of the Church of Jesus Christ. (Acts 11:19f; Eph. 4:11-13). J.D

The older generation of Christians who are not so badly soiled by the present day corruption may not be aware of this. I am talking about the scenario in which a believer battles in the midst of contemporary Christianity. These are subtle but serious. Much of our hypocrisy and pretense are all neatly painted with Christian graffiti. Reality is replaced with fantasy. By and large, there exists a form of godliness but absolutely we lack the power of God. In the place of godliness, one invents different types of masks. For example, it has become an acceptable practice to find cover under a certain community net-working of believers, denominational legalism, organizational security, ministerial manipulation, spiritual superiority a3nd many more. Not many of us recognize the fact that Christ is safely removed from all of these structures that are carnal and worldly. Yet we call ourselves spiritual. J.D

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT : TO THE KIND ATTENTION OF READERS Christian Thought Series had completed 10 years of publishing in English. We are seriously praying and attempting to publish a similar magazine in Tamil. In order to do so, we need to make some sacrifices. As printing and publishing costs are soaring high, we thought it best to publish CTS as a quarterly issue. But we would seek the response of our readers in this regard. In case we receive satisfactory number of responses requesting us to maintain the present status quo of our magazine, we shall abide by the readers’ verdict. Quarterly issue means, we would have 4 magazines published in a year instead of 6 issues. If a large number of readers including Bible Colleges and Seminaries all through the country respond to this announcement and make a request to having 6 issues without reducing it to 4 , we shall pray and consider the request. We welcome letters/e-mails in this regard at the earliest. We do not receive any more subscriptions. However, free-will contributions are welcome to support literature ministry or extent your partnership to discipleship training, mentoring, motivating and mobilizing evangelists and rural pastors across the country. Your Contributions May Be Sent To: DISCIPLES FOR CHRIST State Bank of India, Kellys Branch, Chennai 10. Savings Bank A/c No.32694836912 IFSC:SBINOO11736/ Branch Code 011736 Christian Thought Series


Vol.10/ Issue 06

Readers Write…..

You mentioned that “Spiritual deception finds its due place when we replace scriptural truth.” At the heart of spiritual deception is bible illiteracy. How do we know if what we hear from the pulpit (or some other media) is biblically sound? We must have an attitude like the Bereans in Acts 17: 10-12 who examined the Scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true and test the spirits (1 John 4: 1-3) to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Dear Beloved Friend, Christian greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am Pr.V.J.Gnanarajan doing ministry near Pollachi. One of our friends gave me your tracts which I read and I found to be very good. We need more copies for distribution. Please send the materials to our address. May God bless you. Gnanarajan, Pollachi. Dear Bro in Christ.

Furthermore, there needs to be more accountability for believers to take personal responsibility with their relationship with God. Too often the commitments of work, family, and other life activities take priority over regular time with God in prayer and diligent study of His Word.There is too much dependence on the pastors to deliver a wholesome message on a Sunday morning but not enough emphasis on personal growth throughout the week. Here in the States, truth is often watered-down or swept to the wayside in our culture because “we don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable”. The result is compromise, a wobbly faith, and little to no fruit borne. Jesus and Paul spoke extensively about spiritual deception throughout the New Testament and I hope this calls the Church to pay closer attention.

It is great joy and encouragement to have “Christian Thought Series” issues to be read. Since I am working in Ambassadors For Christ, the articles are useful in my ministry as I communicate the message of the gospel to people around. Thank you very much Jacob Christian , Ahmedabad. My husband attended the pastor’s seminar at Moyar, Nilgiris. I happened to go through your materials/notes and I am inspired. Regretting, I missed attending the training seminar. Upon my return to Chennai, would you be willing to help me and few friends in teaching Biblical principles of interpretation? The Bible-study on I Thessalonians and the notes my husband had written down are very clear. I want to be an instrument useful in the Kingdom of God. I require your Tamil gospel tracts for distribution as well. Thank you,

Thanks again for your thoughtful, sincere insight into a topic that tends to be overlooked in many churches. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry and enlarge your territory of influence.

Mrs. E. Wesley, Chennai. Dear Reverend Joshua,

Regards and Blessings,

I appreciate the depth of your analysis of deception in the church (Spiritual Deception –May-June 2014).You covered so many areas I don’t know where to start. Christian Thought Series

Tracy Tufaga San Diego, California, USA Contd ... P20 8

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SPIRITUAL MANIPULATION (Source: Internet – Got Questions. Org) that is patient, kind, protects, trust and perseveres, etc.

(The previous issue covered topics on Spiritual Deception. For want of space this article was not included then. There had been comments from readers for more instruction/information on the same subject. We hope this article, though downloaded from internet would throw some more light on how spiritual deception works among believers and Churches around. Editor).

During a conversation between Christians, someone might say, “The Lord has told me that. . . .” This phrase essentially shuts down the conversation because it implies that, since God has spoken a word, there can’t be any further discussion. Don’t be fooled by this trick; it is a form of spiritual manipulation. Or a preacher says, “Sow into my ministry, and God will repay you. Sow, and you will reap! God is no man’s debtor.” Could such preaching simply be an exploitive appeal for money? Is the preacher trying to influence people for his own financial advantage? If so, it is spiritual manipulation.

What is spiritual manipulation? To manipulate is to negotiate, control or influence for one’s own advantage. Spiritual manipulation is a technique used by some abusive churches and cults to control individuals and acquire gain, all the while giving the impression that their teachings are based on the Bible.

Another form of spiritual manipulation occurs when abusive churches and cults twist Scripture to give more authority to the leadership and keep the members under their control. One example is the use of Hebrews 13:17as a basis for demanding unquestioning loyalty and obedience to the leaders. Some religious groups view questioning the leaders as tantamount to questioning God. Some leaders claim to have divine authority and approval; thus, to disobey them is to disobey God. This is perhaps the most pernicious form of spiritual manipulation, and it has no place in a true church.

Some religious groups take Scriptures out of context in order to support their beliefs.They isolate “proof texts” and “cherry pick” verses to persuade the uninformed that their interpretation is right, even to the extent of claiming they alone have “the truth” and everybody else is wrong. Some have even altered the Bible and produced their own translation to support their religious bias. Some individuals manipulate Scripture for their own personal benefit. An authoritarian husband might demand that his wife submit to him as the head of the house and quote Ephesians 5:22 (“Wives, submit to your husbands”). But that same man might purposefully overlook verse 26, which says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Instead of taking the bits of Scripture he approves of and using them to lord it over his family, he would do well to read1 Corinthians 13 and practice the type of love Christian Thought Series

Victims of spiritual manipulation seldom realize what’s happening to them. Here are some indicators of a spiritually manipulative church: Legalism Demands for obedience Unquestioning submission 9

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the leader is the authority, and authority is always right. Such spiritual manipulation denies the truth of Ephesians 1:22, which says that Christ is the Head of the church. Our loyalty is due Him.

Punishment (loss of privileges, shunning or expulsion) Misplaced loyalty Emphasis on performance Exclusivism (“we alone are right, and everybody else is wrong”) Isolation (refusal to associate with anyone but spiritual brothers and sisters) Humiliation of the “disobedient”

All Christians need to be alert to spiritual manipulation and follow this example from Acts 17:11: “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” Did the apostle Paul take offense when the Bereans researched to ensure that his preaching was based on Scripture? Of course not, because Paul knew his preaching would stand up under exhaustive scrutiny. Likewise with all teaching and preaching – we must hold it up to the light of God’s Word before we accept it. Any religious group that prevents its members from doing independent research, or from challenging what the leadership says, must have something to fear.

Abusive churches train members to block out any information that is critical of the group.With enough thought and information control, the leaders can get those under their control to defend their new identity against their former identity.The first line of defense is denial – “What you say isn’t happening at all.” Next comes rationalization – “This is happening for a good reason.” After that, justification – “This is happening because it ought to.” Finally, wishful thinking – “I’d like it to be true, so maybe it really is.” A characteristic of spiritually abusive systems is that a misplaced sense of loyalty is fostered and even demanded.This is not about loyalty to Christ, but about loyalty to an organization, church or leader. Because authority is assumed or legislated, following that authority must also be legislated.This is accomplished is by setting up a system where disloyalty or disagreement with the leadership is construed as disobeying God. Questioning leaders is not allowed. After all,

Jesus told His disciples they would be like sheep among wolves and instructed them to be “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). The Master’s yoke is easy, and His burden is light. He gives us rest and is gentle and humble in heart (Matthew 11:28-29). That is the Christ-like example all who shepherd Jesus’ flock must exemplify.

In 1933 a small band of humanists drew up a document which they called The Humanist Manifesto. It called for the abandonment of traditional religion, in order to make place for the new moral relativism inherent in a man-centred, godless world. The second Humanist Manifesto of 1973 states that traditional religions that place revelation, God, or creed above human needs and experience do a disservice to the human species. ‘As nontheists, we begin with humans not God… No deity will save us; we must save ourselves.’ Dr. E. S. Williams Christian Thought Series


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Source: Internet members of Parliament to “forget your greatness and give account of your goodness, if you have it”].

usanna Wesley (1669-1742), Although she never preached a sermon or published a book or founded a church, she is known as the Mother of Methodism. Why? Because two of her sons, John Wesley and Charles Wesley, as children consciously or unconsciously, applied the example and teachings and circumstances of their home life. Their early purpose was to help people reshape their own lives for the better and almost before John and Charles knew it, they were shaping a movement that would reform not only individuals, but the church and the society of England. Because they behaved purposefully and methodically in the Holy Club they organized at Oxford, other less disciplined students who had not had Susanna for a mother derisively called them “methodists”.The Wesley brothers accepted the term as a badge of honor for their growing movement.

Dr. Annesley was a man of conscience – a Dissenter who could not sign the Act of Uniformity in 1662 which would have meant agreeing to changes in the Church of England Book of Common Prayer. He left St. Giles Cripplegate in London and founded a new parish, thus setting an example of independent thinking both for his daughter (who later chose to rejoin the Church of England) and ultimately for his grandsons who, although they remained priests in the C of E all their lives, applied their own independent thinking to reform of abuses in church and society.

Susanna was a remarkable woman. She certainly never went to university or had any of what we would term formal education; that simply was not available to women in 17th century England. But her father taught her to read and to think for herself and as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.

Susanna Annesley was the youngest of 25 children, so it seemed unexceptional to her that she gave birth to 19 children (including two sets of twins). At the age of 19 she married Samuel Wesley, a congenial and bright young clergyman whose father was also a Dissenter, John Westley. After 1662, Westley had chosen to travel from parish to parish preaching, thereby setting another kind of example for the grandsons he never lived to see, for he died young.

Her father was the Rev. Dr. Samuel Annesley, a noted scholar, beloved clergyman, a mentor to young seminarians, renowned and respected preacher, and sometime chaplain to Parliament [noted for chiding the

After living for a few years in London and in South Ormsby, Samuel and Susanna moved to Epworth near Lincoln, where they remained until his death nearly 40 years later in 1735. Of the children born to them, ten

(Consequent to the Article: Whither Spirituality, in the previous issue, it was intended to include a write-up on Susanna Wesley. We however, could not succeed, due to want of space. The following is her biographical sketch. I wish and pray readers will be blessed through the reading of this. Editor). Christian Thought Series


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instance, was Jacky’s (John’s) day. During this hour she would inquire after the state of their soul on its journey as well as their progress, fears, expectations, and goals in other endeavors. Thus began lifelong habits of regular self examination.

survived to adulthood: three sons and seven daughters. Despite the Wesleys’ poor financial condition, all three sons earned M.A.s from Oxford. All three were ordained in the Church of England.The eldest, Samuel Jr, became a teacher at Westminster in London and helped his family generously by sending home money and by taking Charles especially under his wing when the younger brother came as a student to Westminster. Samuel Jr later became head of Blundell School the Free Grammar School in Tiverton, Devon.

As children left home – the sons to school, the daughters to serve as governesses or to marry – Susanna wrote them letters not only about family news but about manner of living and subjects of belief. John asked if she might convert the customary hour spent in one-on-one conversation to an hour spent in writing him on various themes... but she had already in effect been doing this, and not only for John. Letters to other children too are meaty and insightful products of a probing and devoted mind.

Samuel Jr was already in London but John was about five and Charles a babe when in 1709 a fire destroyed the Epworth rectory in fifteen minutes one cold February night. Homeless, the family was forced to split apart: for a while two daughters looked after by an uncle in London, other children staying with friends nearer home. Susanna’s 19th child was born a month later and not for the first time in her life was Susanna deeply sad and almost immobilized by shock and grief. Yet she seems to have survived, and with a great determination to unite her family and to save her children’s souls. This, she wrote, was indeed her focus for twenty years of the prime of her life.

In addition to letters, Susanna Wesley wrote meditations and scriptural commentaries for her own use. She wrote extended commentaries for instance on the Apostles Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments. Alas many of these were lost in the rectory fire, but many survive. The most accessible means to her writings is Charles Wallace’s excellent and important Susanna Wesley, Her Collected Writings.

It was now, after the rebuilding of the rectory, that Susanna more than ever regulated home life in order to reassure her family of stability and to reestablish the necessity for order and priorities by which to live a useful life. The Wesleys arose at 5:00; each hour of the day was assigned to specific activities.

Susanna Annesley Wesley was a remarkable Christian woman. One can only wonder to what she would apply herself were she alive in this 21st century! But she was not of the 21st century; she was of the 17th and 18th centuries and it is in that context that, tucked away in a small town, she planted seeds in her children’s minds that engendered the

She set aside an hour each day of the week for a particular child – Thursdays, for Christian Thought Series


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Methodist movement. From her frequent illnesses and no doubt the often poor health of others in the family suffering the wants of poverty grew a lively concern for clinics for the poor. From Susanna’s effective home schooling grew a recognition of the importance of education and schools for the indigent; from this grew too schools where the unskilled could learn trades to lift them from poverty and dependence. From her own love of learning and habits of independent thought grew the respect for differences in persons and beliefs. From her determination to provide regularity in a world of disorder grew a method for

bringing creative, positive, Christ-centered change. From her example and methods grew Methodism.

Great Britain was once considered to be great nation under God, because of its worldwide influence in spreading the Christian gospel. British missionaries took the gospel across the world, to China, Africa, North America and India. Bibles societies translated, printed and distributed God’s word.The culture and laws of the country were largely based on biblical principles. Although not

everybody followed the Christian faith, everybody knew the difference between right and wrong. Great Britain was a nation greatly blessed by God. Today, many Christians are disturbed by the way society has changed over the past three or four decades. One can see how the rise of secular humanism has eroded Christian values in our nation and in the Church. Dr. E.S. Williams

Christian Thought Series

(To learn more about Susanna Wesley, you can not only read her writings and writings about her; you can also and best of all meet her personally in the first person portrayal O Susanna! presented by Susan Pellowe. To browse among Wesley family members, learning delightful tidbits and enjoying snatches all from their own writings, drawings, portraits and poetry, don’t miss A Wesley Family Book of Days).


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John the apostle was not attending a mega-church service. Though exiled, he was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day. Greater revelations and deeper mysteries will dawn on you even though you are “shut in” because of your obedience to Christ. John Bunyan wrote a Christian classic: Pilgrims Progress when he was imprisoned for about twelve years in Bedford prison. J.D. Today we live in a society that is controlled by secular humanism (SH). Its influence is everywhere, in schools and universities; on television and radio and the media in general; in the professions, politics and even in the church. Ever since the 1960s the Christian ethical consensus that informed British public policy has been breaking down. The old restrictions on pre-marital sex, pornography, abortion and homosexuality were first eroded and then removed. Yet only a few have stood against this onslaught, and following a way that seems right to men—but its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12). Dr.E.S.Williams.

Christian pilgrims of 21st century take pains to visit the Holy Land. To many of them, it is their life’s dream. Thousands of rupees are spent on their travel. One wonders if they would have ever cared for the poor and the needy in their own neighbourhood. Many of them go to Jerusalem. They only see the empty tomb of Jesus. Their hearts too are empty. For Jesus is not there. He is risen. Those who have never had a personal encounter with Jesus often try to search for him in the empty tomb. J.D.

In the past decade there have been an increasing number of challenges to the Christian faith. Numerous examples can be quoted.The BBC has admitted that it is biased against Christianity. In a secret meeting BBC executives admitted that the corporation is dominated by homosexuals. They acknowledged that ethnic minorities held a disproportionate number of positions and said the BBC deliberately encourages multiculturalism, and is careful to avoid offending the Muslim community while offending Christians is simply part of the culture.Tossing the Bible into a garbage can on a comedy show would be acceptable, they said, but not the Koran.The BBC drama Spooks portrayed evangelical Christians as extremists intent on murdering Muslims. Although the BBC received 55,000 complaints about the blasphemous Jerry Springer – ‘The Opera ‘, the broadcast went ahead. The foul mouthed musical – it uses around 300 swear words – portrays our Lord as a sexual deviant in a nappy. Dr.E.S. Williams Christian Thought Series


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s never before, there emerges a society that is slurry and slimy and without moral definition. For example, Christians like anyone else are trying to be involved in social transformation without reference to the social order created by a Moral God. When a man or woman fails to distinguish between right and wrong, truth versus error, good and bad, he or she had already lost the ability to be morally sound. Whether one likes it or not , we must recognize the fact that we are living in times of absolute moral degradation. The Bible puts the truth so very plainly: “Men (women) liked darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil (John 3:19)” .

church, but do not get too serious. Be involved in good activities. Be part of a group (fellowship!). Do not go beyond; let not anyone know what you believe (what you do not believe!). Just be a good Christian”. This is the spirit of the world, not of Christ.We have too many people today who speak this sort of flowery spiritual language. But the Bible tells: “You shall know them by their fruits.” As long as we are received or recognized by our peers, we are satisfied. We might go to any length just in order to receive an applause or appreciation from someone whom we consider as aVIP. But God’s Word says: “Woe to you, if people speak well of you.”

We must quickly run through some issues to find out why men and women (particularly Christians, sadly – those who claim to be believers), behave in this way and compromise on godly values.

Again, it brings disturbance when we find a Christian raised up in a good Christian family with biblical values goes about in life at great length just in order to please a non-Christian friend or a colleague at all costs. One might defensively just say that non-Christians are far better than the Christians. How would we know at the surface level? Well, they might look good at the face value. The Bible says: Those who worship them (the idols), will so be like them. They will always have an idolatrous (dumb and lifeless) mindset and value system and our constant interaction will affect our own commitment to Christ .Paul, writing to Corinthians warns them: “ Do not get yoked together with unbelievers.” This might mean our closeness and companionship in business dealings, celebrations, common tie-ups for life’s enrichment and so on. Dear friend, do you have good, Godly Christian friends with whom you could find time to talk and fellowship – to share God’s goodness and to

Fear of Being Left Out: The peer pressure is intense and there is an inherent urge within us to belong to the human-herd. This herd mentality makes us to be of “One Order.” This kind of an order is being consolidated in to our Christian homes, Churches and institutions. “That they all may be one (John 17:20,” is either wrongly quoted or misunderstood. We mobilize, motivate or mentor others for this reason of being structurally united. For maintaining peace at a superficial level we seldom speak up for the simple reason that we try maintaining unity in the Spirit.We do not want troublemakers in the Church (for the right reason!). Every movement that came as anti-Christian in the past did the same. “You be in the Christian Thought Series


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pray or praise Him? If you go on interacting with the idolaters, your life would be one of drudgery and failure. Would God see you on that day call you: “Well done, my faithful servant…?”

Jim Jones was the cult leader of the Peoples Temple who led more than 900 followers in a mass suicide known as the Jonestown Massacre. He was an American religious leader, and community organizer. Jones was the founder and the leader of the Peoples Temple, best known for the mass suicide in November 1978 of 909 of its members in Jonestown, Guyana, and the murder of five individuals at a nearby airstrip, including Congressman Leo Ryan. Over 300 children were murdered at Jonestown, almost all of them by cyanide poisoning. Jones died from a gunshot wound to the head; to this day it is unknown whether his death was a suicide. One possibility is that his nurse shot him before shooting herself. Jones began his own church, which changed names until it became the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel. The People’s Temple was initially made as an inter-racial mission.

Notion That Majority Is Right: They call this “Mob Psychology.” Just think of the opinion makers, the hype and influence created by the media, the talk- shows by the celebrities, influential sports personalities, the rock or the pop stars –both of yesteryears and now. Some Churches would only be too glad to invite in a half-baked convert to Christian faith who would still be living in sin. In recent years, some Bollywood stars made a sensation in the State of Tamil Nadu when they declared that they had turned to Christ. Evangelists and pastors went in beeline searching after them in order to invite these “witnesses for Christ”. They had arranged massive crusades where the so called stars testified about their conversion. “Christ was elevated and glorified,” was the idea of the organizers of the meeting. But the stars went back to wallow in their old life of sin.

The Bible is not all of heart, but of the mind as well. “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” We must be instructed by the Word and be willing to be transformed in our minds. Christian believers must develop scriptural minds – which will enable them into Biblical thinking in a secular, materialistic world of godlessness.

Today, be it a cinematographer, a choreographer, a movie-maker or a music director, they all derive great respect and exercise their influence even in the Church. Our young folks run after them, pose for a photograph or get an autograph before they rush in to the Church and run forward with piety to take up their holy work of reading the prescribed Bible portion to the congregation. Isn’t it easier to pull the crowd along these celebrities and make the dumb human-herd follow on as “Pied Piper of Hamlin” or like the Cult leader called Jim Jones? Christian Thought Series

Conformity And Compromise: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world… (Rom.12:2)” . Another version says: “Let not the world squeeze you into its mould.” Do we allow too much space for the intruder to spy into our private zones? The private zones are our areas of conviction and we must never allow the enemy to infringe upon our spiritual foundations. Paul writing in his letters expresses regret that some believers by so doing have shipwrecked their faith. 16

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continuing to address the financial, social and cultural inequalities and includes renewed campaigning for greater influence of women in politics and media. In reaction to political activism, feminists have also had to maintain focus on women’s reproductive rights.

One of the things Christian believers in some established churches (in India) might notice that of late, pastors begin their prayer with the prefix: “Our parent God, or Our Father and Mother in heaven.” Do believers listen intently in the course of the church service as to what the pastor/preacher says or how a prayer is said? The renewed mind must always be at work. Sometimes, we get spiritually upset when some people begin to pray. Now from when or from where did this prayer originate? Does any believer or a council member have the courage to meet with the pastor or those who utter such prayers and request him/her (well, the established churches ordain women as pastors too!), as to the reason why such a prayer was prayed? One of the reasons why a believer does not attempt to ask is his/her own poor knowledge of the scriptures – for spiritual illiteracy is considered to be bliss nowadays! Now, our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples (which we ourselves ought to follow): “Our Father in heaven…” This is the way the Lord’s Prayer begins. Who or what on earth taught a prayer which begins: “Our parent God in heaven?” An average believer must be aware of what goes on in Christendom. There is a strong wave of Feminine Movement going all over the world. On the outset it might appear to be harmless but rather very reformative and productive.

Do I sound too harsh? I am reminded of my long time friend who calls me in a lighter vein as an angry prophet. But I must say that all of God’s people must be angry against such ungodly attempts within the church. Paul calls such people as the “enemies of the cross.” King David had a way of saying against those who did not fear God. He said: “I hate them because they speak against God and act in rebellion against them”.

Feminism began in the western world in the late 19th century and has gone through three waves. First-wave feminism was oriented around the station of middle- or upper-class white women and involved suffrage and political equality. Second-wave feminism attempted to further combat social and cultural inequalities. Third-wave feminism is

The feminist movement is grounded in secular humanism. The aim of feminism is to ferment a war between the sexes. It aims to convince a woman that she is not man’s helper but his opponent.The biblical concept of male headship in marriage and the church is anathema to the feminist mind.

Christian Thought Series

Those who were campaigning for Feminist rights- even supposed to be called as believers within the church argued that the Bible is gender biased and all reference to God is in male gender form. It was further stated by them that the whole canonical process (the whole Bible-66 books as inspired), was the work of male dominated council and therefore male chauvinistic in many aspects. Now the question:Why call God as our Father? Why can’t He be our mother too! Here’s the answer: O.K. Let’s pray: Our Father and Mother in heaven! Blasphemy! Anathema! Heresy!


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‘man’, ‘mankind’ and ‘sons’. As a consequence some modern hymnals have culled sexist language from traditional hymns (Dr E.S. Williams).

While many people regarded the claims of the more radical feminists as nonsense, the constant demand for sexual equality in all spheres of life has struck a chord. According to feminist rhetoric there should be equality in every respect between the sexes, and especially in the work place.Women are encouraged to place their career before their family life. A consequence has been a rapid rise in the age motherhood.

Doctrinal Deviation: “We must be liberal minded,” says the secular world. Further, it admonishes: We must learn to live with tolerance. Yes. In a country such as India, where pluralistic religious beliefs abound, we must use discernment and avoid all unnecessary friction and maintain national harmony. This is not to mean that we compromise all our godly values to the point of syncretism. How many theologies are there in the world? There is only one theology. The Word of God – studied systematically to the glory of God. (Theos – Logia). But we have today Liberal Theology (a study of theology which questions the inerrancy of the scriptures and focuses on social transformation). Liberation theology (study of theology focusing on political liberation), Dalit Theology (the study focusing on the liberation of Dalits, i.e.,the untouchables in India). Everyone is so immersed in the social and political struggle that they outsmart Gandhi of the Indian Independence. Gandhi came pretty close to Christ. To him the struggle that was raging out(political freedom) was important. But he never knew that Christ had the power to quench the raging fire that was both within him and without. Gandhi rejected Christ citing reasons cleverly that Christian were not living like Christ. To him, following Christ was costly. Therefore, he denounced following Christ. He had rather endeared “Ram Raj” that was close to his heart. The Kingdom of Rama (the Hindu deity as savior) was all mattered to him. Raja Ram Mohan

Yet feminism is a destructive ideology that damages people.Those who follow it must understand that it will damage their marriage, their family and themselves. It does not bring freedom, but bondage. It does not help women live better, more fulfilled lives, but rather empty, futile lives. It does not produce equality between men and women, but distrust and conflict. In particular, feminism is destructive for children, for it teaches mothers to put their own interests above those of their children. The feminist movement has devalued children by supporting abortion, and by persuading women to believe that childrearing is not as important as a career. The tragedy is that feminist ideas have entered the church. Despite the teaching of Scripture, in many churches women are exercising authority over men and preaching in the church. The feminist mindset has meant that the words of some of the greatest hymns of the Christian church, which have been sung by generations of believers, are thought to be offensive to women. Especially unacceptable are the words Christian Thought Series


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Roy, in West Bengal was so fascinated by the teachings of the Scripture and by the ministry of William Carey – and began a proto-type Hindu Reformation movement called: The Arya Samaj. It is quite clear that no man can serve two masters. We too, like them are sailing in the same waters. When Paul wrote to Timothy, “Watch your doctrine and life closely,” he meant that the two must go hand in hand.

saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?” (I Peter 4:18). We must allow ourselves to be sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit moment by moment. Cost For Commitment: Here is both a note of warning and encouragement. Warning: If you follow Christ and are willing to bear the cross, it may be that a price will have to be paid for your commitment for being a disciple of Jesus Christ. The price comes in varied forms. Suffering, harassment, criticism, loss of reputation, loss of finances, loss of friends or family and many more. It is precisely why people opt out of being Christ’s disciples. Many choose an easy path of being devotees of Christ which, to some extent, may provide temporary anesthetic effect and dull their pain of guilt.

As I write in these columns, I am not particularly biased for or against any one denominational Church. For a believer, the concern is about the whole counsel of God which is important. Whether the denominational established church or the free-church or evangelical/Pentecostal church – we have all gone astray- one way or the other. We must all repent, lest we may be found like the Church at Laodicea and that God might spew us out! Spiritual lethargy and complacency is a dangerous evil found among believers today. We might be caught unawares if we are not alert.

Encouragement: Jesus said: “I will be with you always, even to the end” His presence and power is available to every believer in times of need. No doubt, there are times of despair or frustration. The enemy would exert pressure lest we might break up or give in. God in his grace would surely strengthen and sustain us. We might hear the hiss of the devil who like a serpent will be ready to strike us. At times, the devil fumes at us – not from far east or west. He attacks God’s children from a close range. Price must be paid for your convictions and values that are based on God’s Word.

Recently, World Vision International passed a resolution to employ same-sex partners as their employees. It appears that objections were raised in the US, particularly by Franklin Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. WV seems to have withdrawn their previous resolution. This is a clear case of doctrinal deviation and a lifestyle that is not at par with Christian conduct. There is more happening around the world to dilute the gospel. More and more Christians want to be friends with the world. Christian faith is on trial. That is the reason why Jesus said: “He who endures till the end will be saved.” This again, is no subject matter of “once saved always saved.” “If it is hard for the righteous to be Christian Thought Series

While the Christian world is easily being swept away by every wind of doctrine and changing values that are violating Christian norms, would you as a follower of Christ stand firm till the end? J.D. 19

Vol.10/ Issue 06

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Readers Write….. (Contd... p8) Dear Pastor, Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I’ve been a regular reader of Christian Thought Series for the past 9 years but it had never occurred to me to write and share my views on this splendid journal. Please forgive me for that. I don’t normally read CTS at one go as soon as it lands at my home. Sometimes, when a cover story kindles my curiosity, I do give it a quick reading. When I do start reading it at leisure, I must confess , the grandeur of the language used therein, first sweeps me off my feet. As the content permeates my inner being, I am filled with sorrow at what wrong beliefs and practices I myself have been guilty of in sins of commission and most often,omission. A few recent issues were simply masterpieces, well-researched and meant for our Coursecorrection. I’ll name a few Themes that merited several readings - ‘ Truth vs Falsehood ‘ , ‘Godliness’ , ‘God’s Provisions and ‘Spiritual Deception’ are but a few of the stand-out cover stories. What is nice is that the magazine now has a much improved lay-out and printing. ( That this must be costing a lot more money is another story which most of us would like to conveniently ignore!) May God bless you Pastor to continue to do His bidding , no matter how unpopular you might become in ‘Christian Circles’. The Lord knows the sincerity behind this effort and will reward you richly with many admissions to His Kingdom. And may the good Lord take care of the financial needs of CTS too in His own marvellous way. With much gratitude for this splendid work and warm regards, Affectionately, Jayachander Asirvadam, Chennai

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Vol.10/ Issue 06

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