Refreshed - San Diego • April 2014

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1. Pick up a free copy at one of 750 locations in San Diego County. Look for it at your church RU ˉ QG D OLVW RI UHWDLO locations on our website. 5HDG D GLJLWDO FRS\ 'RZQORDG D 3') WR \RXU GHVNWRS FRPSXWHU ODSWRS RU QRWHERRN Ȟ RU VLPSO\ view it online through RXU GLJLWDO ˊ LSERRN 2UGHU D PDLO subscription for FRQYHQLHQW GHOLYHU\ WR \RXU PDLOER[ HDFK PRQWK 2QH VXUH ZD\ WR QHYHU PLVV DQ LVVXH 'ULQN D JODVV RI LFH FROG orange juice.

Visit to learn more about all these options. Well, all but #4. Go to the grocery store for that. April 2014 | REFRESHED


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