1 minute read

Modern materials house classic vehicles

‘Autobarn’ is an unusual build comprising an elegant five-bay garage and accompanying workshop sitting within the grounds of a Grade IIListed 18th-century home in Somerset.

De signed by Bindloss Dawes Architects, the brief was to create a garage with an adjoining workshop to house the client’s classic car collection. The finished result is an aesthetically-beautiful building with its deceptively simple wooden barn-themed styling using agricultural materials, such as concrete and recycled wood under a zinc roof.

W ith surfaces comprising steel, timber and polished concrete floor, the architects incorporated Troldtekt acoustic panels to clad both the walls and ceilings between the steel frames for sound absorption and to combat the issue of reverberating noise.

T he added advantage of having services hidden behind the white panelling means the final result is a stunning, simplistic and minimalist design, allowing the classic cars to be the focus of attention and transforming the space into more of a gallery than a traditional garage.

T roldtekt acoustic panels are available in a variety of different surfaces and colours and combine sound absorption with a tactile surface. With an expected

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