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Self Governance

The Self Governance department provides oversight of the Tribe’s Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Self Governance programs and provides support to Compact communities in compliance with applicable regulations and fiscal policies. The department also oversees the Tribe’s Integrated Policy Database Management (IPDM) system and manages all facets of Tribal Assembly in collaboration with the Office of the President.

2020 Highlights

ƒ Conducted virtual swearing-in sessions by community to seat all Delegates and to review proposed amendments to the Standing Rules of Order. ƒ Coordinated Tlingit & Haida’s first virtual 85th Annual Tribal Assembly in collaboration with the Office of the President to virtually gather over 100 Delegates from Southeast

Alaska, Anchorage, California and Washington to approve budgets, act on resolutions, and to conduct tribal elections.

Client Database Management System

The Tribe’s Integrated Policy Database Management (IPDM) system utilizes the Tribal D™ TribeVue™ software for data tracking and reporting, training and support services so programs can focus on comprehensive management strategies. The Self Governance and Tribal Operations departments continue to work with programs to create processes for more efficient and effective deliverables. ƒ Continued strategic planning to develop mapping process to launch a Citizen Portal.

Self Governance / Compact

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Southeast Alaska tribes can authorize Tlingit & Haida to enter into a Self Governance Compact and Annual Funding Agreement (AFA) with the federal government to administer programs and services. Allocation of funding is calculated based on the Intertribal Distribution Worksheet which distributes tribal shares based on population for most programs and services with the exception of the Realty program which allocates funding based on the number of Native allotments in each Compact community.

ƒ Completed Annual Funding Agreement (AFA) negotiations virtually with Compact tribes, Office of Self Governance and Bureau of Indian Affairs. The 2021 Compact budget for general operations and provision of programs is $3,577,659. ƒ Conducted individual virtual meetings with Compact tribes to provide an overview of the CARES Act funding received through the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

"Our People, Our Land, Our Purpose”

Virtual Zoom / FB Live Event • October 1, 2020

Khaá T’eix’

Helene Bennett Tribal Operations & Self Governance Manager

“Supporting the Office of the President with all facets of Tribal Assembly.."

2021 Goals

ƒ Assist in the submission of a facility cost agreement to the Department of the Interior to seek reimbursement under the Bureau of Indian Affairs 105(l) program for eligible facilities expenses related to our programs, functions, services, and activities. ƒ Coordinate community meetings with Compact tribes to review the AFA and budget.

Tribal Court