CATALYST March 2014

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• Mountain Valley Seeds Utah’s heirloom, organic and non-GM seed source for a new generation • Trouble in the hen house State shuts down small producers

Community Resource Directory, Calendar of Events and more! detail from “The Great Seal of the State of Utah” by Pilar Pobil SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO. 5271




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NEW MOON PRESS, INC. PUBLISHER & EDITOR Greta Belanger deJong ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER John deJong ART DIRECTOR Polly P. Mottonen WEB MEISTER & TECH WRANGLER Pax Rasmussen PROMOTIONS & DISPLAY ADVERTISING Jane Laird ACCOUNTING, BOOKKEEPING Carol Koleman, Suzy Edmunds PRODUCTION Polly P. Mottonen, John deJong, Rocky Lindgren PHOTOGRAPHY & ART Polly Mottonen, Jane Laird, John deJong STAFF WRITER Katherine Pioli ASSISTANT Sophie Silverstone CONTRIBUTORS Charlotte Bell, Ben Bombard, Amy Brunvand, Jim Catano, Shane Farver, Ralfee Finn, Adele Flail, Dennis Hinkamp, Carol Koleman, Jane Laird, Todd Mangum, Jeannette Maw, Heather May, Marjorie McCloy, Diane Olson, Margaret Ruth, Dan Schmidt, Barry Scholl, Suzanne Wagner DISTRIBUTION John deJong (manager) Brent & Kristy Johnson

How to reach us


140 S. McClelland St. SLC, UT 84102 Phone: 801.363.1505 Email: CONTACT@CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET Web: WWW.CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET


is proud to be a part of these fine civic efforts:

Pilar Pobil


The painting is seen in its entirety below: The Great Seal of the State of Utah


ilar Pobil paints what is important to her: friends, her garden, and the social issues that have colored and shaped her life, starting with the Spanish Civil War in which her father was killed. Her most

recent painting to appear on CATALYST's cover (November 2013) depicted Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani woman who stood up to the Taliban and who has become a well-known champion of human rights and health and education for women. This month we share Pilar’s 2013 painting in which she had some fun with Utah’s State Legislature, albeit with a sharp edge. “The Copula of the Capitol has been changed into a beehive, and emerges from the filthy cloud,” she says, describing the painting. “The senators and representatives who are supposed to be our leaders and our protectors are flying around like crazy bees, doing nothing. But don't worry, dear citizens, we are all just fine. We are safe. Everything has been approved under “The Great Seal of the State of Utah.” N Follow Pilar’s artwork, events, and book as well as information on the Pilar Pobil Legacy Foundation at PILARPOBIL.COM


Volume 33 Number 3 March 2014

Here is your friendly monthly reminder: Have you thanked your lungs today? Breath by breath, let's build a community that requires clean air. Because, after all, we cherish our life transport systems. Try it. Focus on this hard-working organ, and give it some love. It takes just a few seconds.


ON THE COVER PILAR POBIL Detail from “The Great Seal of the State of Utah.”




DON’T GET ME STARTED JOHN R. DEJONG Make “Count My Vote” count; also Parking, schmarking.






ENVIRONEWS AMY BRUNVAND Environment beware! Utah Legislature in session; Utah Congressional delegation still antienvironment; Sage Grouse Initiative; Uranium mining on Cedar Mesa?; A mystery; Utah bald eagles falling ill; Mountain Accord for the future of the Wasatch Range. LOCAL DIGEST KATHERINE PIOLI Trouble in the henhouse; Keeping chickens; New community garden; Fruit share. SLIGHTLY OFF CENTER DENNIS HINKAMP Na or Nurture? Thoughts on a birthday. ESSAY: MOOSE SPIRIT TOM JOHNSON A dead moose in March is an offering, a welcome feast..

Earth Goods closes; Sunny Strasburg returns; Congratulations to Pago & Liberty Heights Fresh; Dancehall reggae; Skis & cheese; Social investors show love; Chapul news; Dzogchen retreat; Tea House TEAramisu; Dippers & roasters of local chocolate; Bike or stroll ro Cucina; Inquiry Cards; Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey. 16

SHALL WE DANCE? AMY BRUNVAND Dance news for Spring


FEATURE: UTAH’S MOUNTAIN VALLEY SEED COMPANY KATHERINE PIOLI Traditional methods take root for a new generation.




GREEN BITS PAX RASMUSSEN News and ideas for a healthier, more sustainable future.


YOGA POSE OF THE MONTH CHARLOTTE BELL How to spread your wings: Garudhasana.


CATALYST COMMUNITY RESOURCE DIRECTORY A network of businesses and organizations that are making a positive difference.


METAPHORS FOR THE MONTH SUZANNE WAGNER Say yes—let others bring their own gifts into your life.






The Sun Valley Wellness Festival is an annual gathering of the top speakers and practitioners of mind, body and spiritual wellness.



2 Passes (plus lodging) to the Sun Valley Wellness Festival! catalyst

Sign up for CATALYST Weekly Reader! > Quicklinks > Weekly Reader

Finca is featured in the March 2014 Food & Wine Magazine.


Years ago, CATALYST art director Polly Plummer (not yet Mottonen) and I attended the Talking Gourds Poetry Festival in Telluride, Colorado. There, we met Judyth Hill, a force of nature who, after 9/11, wrote the acclaimed poem, “Wage Peace.” Each year Judyth writes a birthday letter that reads like Dr. Bronner on the happiest day of his life. We love them. Here’s an excerpt of this year’s letter:

Day dream! Find yummy hot water & loll joyously about for hours! See 3 movies & eat buttered popcorn! Procrastinate! Give just-baked cookies away one by one! Take a walk & smile at Everyone! Be Happy for no Reason! For Every Reason!

Judyth’s 11th Annual Birthday Party in the Sky

Fajitas and Limonada after? Lobster roll with extra wasabi? Pho? Sag Paneer, Sherpa Hot? Carnitas with pico de gallo, guayabas and pineapple on a balcony overlooking your life, in gratitude for every blessed second?

The Everything’s Always Possible Party! ~ The Let’s Be Divinely Happy Party! The Everywhere to Go & Plenty of Time To Get There Party! The Nowhere to Go & Nothing to Do Party! Here we are again! The Celebration that comes to YOU!! This year I am declaring my birthday: Dreams Comes True & Ecstatic BeautyMaking Jamboree!! This is our More is More Day!! Sigh deeply! ~ ~ Feel that? Yummmmmmm! We get to Be in 100% JOY! Remember how great this is?

30+ Presentations Wellness Expo Movement Classes Workshops Private Sessions Children’s Festival and More!

CARR DIANA NYAD KRIS &5$=< 6(;< :(//1(66 ,163,5$7,21$/ $7+/(7(

March 2014

What Have You ALWAYS wanted to DO? Climb Machu Picchu? Dance with the Monarch Butterflies? Write the Great PanAmerican Novel?? Learn to play the alto sax? Take up Watercolors? Make a fish pond? Sail, skateboard, crochet? Sing lead in a Garage Band? Dance for hours & go for breakfast as the sun comes up? Like we usta?!

Make Prayers for Peace & and cuddle up close! Go to Work & Be at Play! Go where you’ve always wanted! Seychelles? Bequa? The Altai? Your back porch? My kitchen? Visit the Monets? A playground with swings? A Kirtan?

A chance to say I love you one more time? And have it said back? Say it again and again! Aren’t our hearts so full! Whew! A luxurious nap with a thick blankie, Assam tea with cream? More Kisses? A Hot bath, scented rose geranium, reading Neruda? Aloud! Coltrane and Tinarwien, Billie H and Bob D? You Are Invited! You are My Guest! Come to my Party! Start Now! Come as You Are! How else could you be? Don’t worry if you are Late – Come as you were! If you are Early – Come as you will be! It’s all in my heart for us! See you here! Or there! Now! Or later! Invite your friends! Always room for More Partiers!

Forgive Everyone you need to? Write a poem thanking Seeds! Do absolutely nothing and feel fine? Go to India and serve in an Ashram? Dye your hair purple and paint your doorways blue?? Write everyone one you Love & say so! Why not? It’s our day! It’s our life! Feed Birds! Swim! Tango & tangle!

And know I Love you Best! Let’s stay thrillingly, heartbeating wildly, in love & that…that! Will make Our Dreams Come True! & Know I love you dearly today & today & today & today….. xxxxxxxxJudyth Read about Judyth at JUDYTHHILL.COM

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7 DON’T GET ME STARTED BY JOHN JONG Parking downtown? Chances are, that’ll cost you DE


arking meter revenues in Salt Lake City are down. City leaders are dismayed that this cash cow has run dry. I’ve never understood why the good citizens of Salt Lake City should have to pay to park on their own streets, or why the very retail customers we are trying to attract should be charged to park while they are patronizing our retail establishments. The suburban malls offer free parking. The urban malls give generous parking vouchers and Salt Lake City tries to make a buck off of on-street parking. It would be one thing if the revenues from parking meters were actually paying for roads and streetside parking stalls, but they’re not. Currently the revenue goes to buying SLC’s wonderful new system and paying the parking enforcement adjudicators and administrators and hearing officers and cashiers. If I had a suspicious mind, I would think someone was trying to drive shoppers off the streets of Salt Lake City into the malls and those inconvenient parking structures. People with jobs in downtown SLC should be provided with parking by their employers, or be given free mass transit passes, so they don’t become a burden to on-street parking.


There has to be a better way of deterring parking scofflaws than punishing the very people we want patronizing our downtown businesses. SLC should go to a system of issuing warning tickets, which would only result in a fine if someone received five of them in a certain amount of time. If I were in the legislature I’d run a bill to restrict parking enforcement adjudicators to ticketing only on

blocks that have more than 80% of the stalls filled. None of this getting a ticket with two other stalls on the block filled. And what’s with the draconian late payment schedule? It’s not the SLC Anti-Procrastination Bureau. I have personally paid more in late fines than I have in actual fines and I know I’m not the only one. I’m not proud of that, and I understand that all those guards and hearing officers and cashiers need to be paid. But, what if payment were required in 30 days instead of 10? Thirty days is standard in just about every other monetary transaction we engage in. Why not parking tickets? They know where I live and the license plate number of my getaway vehicle. Are they afraid I’m going to move out of town without paying my parking ticket? Or do they need the extra revenue to make up for all the tax rebates the Redevelopment Agency has given to poor starving developers?

Make “Count My Vote” count

he principle driving Utah’s “Count My Vote” efforts to mandate primary elections is simple: The political party primary selection system in Utah should be open to every voter, not just Tea-partisan delegates, nor just the party faithful. Experience has taught us that well organized efforts can steam-roll conventions. The party caucus victories of tea-baggers Senator Mike Lee and Representative Chris Stewart have given mainstream Republicans a fright. Any Republican candidate on the ballot has a excellent chance of gaining the office they are running for. In Utah, the Republican party primary, however “democratic” or “undemocratic” it is, is essentially the election. It’s interesting to watch the jockeying. Centrist Republicans like Mike Leavitt and Mitt Romney have embraced it. Protect Our Neigborhood Elections, an

astroturf-roots organization, has launched a campaign against Count My Vote, claiming that steam-rolling conventions is the American way. Governor Herbert has expressed reservations with interfering with the initiative process. State Senator Curt Bramble (R.-Provo) has been trying to muddy the works by running a bill to tweak the current system. Hoping to short circuit the changes in the Count My vote initiative. It’s not the first time Bramble has preempted a citizens’ initiative with ill-intentioned legislative hijinks. In the 1990s, an initiative to mandate term limits was derailed by a bill Bramble passsed. Then, just as term limits were set to kick in, the legislature repealed the law. Utah still doesn’t have term limits and Bramble is now in his fourth term in the Utah State Senate. We may need to encourage Governor Herbert to veto Bramble’s bill if it is passed.

The political party primary selection system in Utah should be open to every voter, not just Tea-partisan delegates, nor just the party faithful.

To sign the Count My Vote petition: COUNTMYVOTEUTAH.ORG



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Environment beware! Utah Legislature in session The 2014 General Session of the Utah Legislature lasts until March 13, 2014 so be ready to contact your legislators on a moment’s notice (maybe put their phone numbers into your cell phone). Some big environmental issues this session as of late February include air quality, restoring stream access, moving (or banning) the Stericycle medical waste incinerator, and increasing highway speed limits. But you never know what else might come up before it’s all over. Utah State Legislature: HTTP://LE.UTAH.GOV/

Utah Congressional delegation still anti-environment

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The Utah Legislature is bad enough, but The League of Conservation Voters 2013 Scorecard shows that in 2013, Utah’s Federal Congressional delegation ranks among the lowest scores for all states in both the House and Senate. The score is based on key environmental votes and the top score is 100%. The LCV 2013 Scorecard points out, “There is a jarring disconnect between the frightening climate change developments of 2013 and the results of the 2013 National Environmental Scorecard. As the scientific consensus around climate change and its impacts only solidified, climate change deniers ramped up their rhetoric, pushed harmful legislation that would exacerbate the climate crisis, and blocked all efforts to address it.” Recently all four Utah Representatives (except Chaffetz who missed a vote) voted “yes” for two Republican-sponsored bills intended to undermine public lands conservation efforts. The so-called “Sportmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act” would allow motor vehicles in Wilderness areas, limit public input on wildlife management, permit the continued use of lead shotgun pellets that poison eagles and other carrion-eating wildlife, and permit hunters to import trophies of endangered polar bears that they shot in Canada. The “Public Access and Lands Improvement Act” is an attempt to undermine the Endangered Species Act specifically to keep Sage Grouse from being listed, and also to promote environmentally unsound logging practices. LCV 2013 Scorecard: HTTP://SCORECARD.LCV.ORG

Sage Grouse Initiative In 2010 a Sage Grouse Initiative working group was composed of organizations that represent


agriculture, oil and gas, hunting and conservation. At a Sage Grouse Summit last month, the group got together to discuss how to keep the bird off the endangered species list. That’s a good goal, but the Wild Utah Project points out that the State of Utah is currently budgeting more money to hire lobbyists and lawyers than to implement conservation. Sage Grouse Initiative: SAGEGROUSEINITIATIVE.COM. Sage Grouse Dance for Survival: YOUTUBE.COM/ WATCH?V=VOVJOVNYQ4K&FEATURE=YOUTU.BE

Uranium mining on Cedar Mesa? The Bureau of Land Management is accepting public comments on a plan to expand the Daneros Uranium Mine in San Juan County which is owned by the Canadian mining company Energy Fuels. Under the modified plan, total production of uranium ore is expected to increase from 100,000 tons over seven years to 500,000 tons over 20 years. The Daneros mine is surrounded by large expanses of spectacular wild land: Natural Bridges National Monument, Cedar Mesa’s Grand Gulch, the Dark Canyon Wilderness Area, and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area’s Lake Powell. More info: Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, sUWA.ORG/?S=DANEROS Public comments due by March 14, 2014: BLM_UT_MT_MINERALS_COMMENTS@BLM.GOV

A mystery It is not clear why Utahns continue to put up with the blatant anti-environmentalism of elected officials. The 2014 Conservation in the West poll conducted annually by Colorado College found that 66% say they are more likely to vote for a Congressional candidate who supports protection of public lands (and that conversely, 63% say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who proposes the sale of federal lands); 76% of Utahns in the poll favored water conservation over diverting water to cities; 96% of Utahns in the poll said that they had visited public lands in the past year. 2014 Conservation in the West Poll: COLORADOCOLLEGE.EDU/OTHER/STATEOFTHEROCKIES/


Utah bald eagles falling ill Only a few bald eagles were seen at Farmington Bay on Utah Bald Eagle Day this past February. Usually the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources puts out dead carp, an invasive species removed from Utah Lake, attracting hundreds of the magnificent birds. This winter at least 54 eagles have been found sick or dead in Utah due to an outbreak of West Nile Virus and wildlife biologists were worried that the disease might spread further if the birds flocked together to feast on fish. Increased incidence of West Nile Virus is a predicted effect of warmer temperatures due to global climate change. Utah has one of the largest populations of wintering eagles in the lower 48 states.

Mountain Accord for the future of the Wasatch Range A new process has begun to guide planning for transportation, clean air and water, recreation resources and land use in the Wasatch Mountains. This is not the first such planning effort. Two studies in particular—Wasatch Canyons Tomorrow and Mountain Transportation Study—led directly to the creation of the Mountain Accord program. However, Mountain Accord is an effort to involve all stakeholders in order to analyze various issues and how they affect each other. Public input is essential to the success of the project. You can submit your comments and ideas on the Mountain Accord website. Public comments due by March 7, 2014 to Mountain Accord: MOUNTAINACCORD.COM. Wasatch Canyons Tomorrow: ENVISIONUTAH.ORG/PROJECTS/PROJECT-ARCHIVE/ITEM/DOWNLOAD/20_76F9913D28AC1C720 301E0FB70EF71A1; Mountain Transportation Study: SLCO.ORG/PW/PDF/MTN._TRANS_FINAL_REP.PDF



March 2014


Trouble in the henhouse

Reason #8 U

tah proves once again that, when it comes to food production, it’s a business-friendly state only for the largest and most industrial operations. Much of the problem seems to stem from gaps in food inspection laws. While the Utah Department of Food and Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture have laws for large-scale food industry, they lack specific guidelines for small producers. According to the state of Utah, this is reason enough to simply shut down small producers. In late 2013, local egg producers Julie and Rich Clifford of Clifford Family Farm (see CATALYST, November 2012) suddenly discovered after years of business, that they were not allowed to sell to restaurants and grocery stores, the majority of their customers, because they were not properly inspected. Problem was, their operation was too small to fall under federal inspection requirements. Somehow in the absence of law, the Cliffords’ business had broken the law.


Studies* show that locally owned businesses in Utah donate to community causes at nearly three times the rate of national chains.

Now another similar problem has arisen with poultry processing. With the prohibitive cost of building a government-approved poultry processing facility, many local family farmers had been taking their birds to Utah Natural Meat to get the job done safely and per regulation. Though there is no federal law saying producers cannot use one another’s facilities for processing, there is no law saying explicitly that they can. Once again, when Utah officials discovered this gap in the law last month, they shut down business.

* According the the Utah Study Series conducted by Civic Economics

Utah inspectors say all this is for public safety. They argue that bringing unknown birds into one facility could introduce disease from one flock to all the other birds being processed. Hopefully the State gets this all worked out before small farms have to start closing up shop for good.

New community garden Back in 2003, a group of Avenues residents decided they wanted a community garden and formed the Avenues Community Garden Committee. Twelve years later, they have received a final nod of approval from the Green City Growers Program (a partnership between the City of Salt Lake and Wasatch Community Gardens). Their garden is becoming a reality. piece of perfectly Ground-breaking will ripe fruit is a slice of take place in April for heaven, most would Popperton Plots, agree. But when you have a located at 360 N. fruit tree and all that succulent 1400 East. The garjoy is bestowed, all 100 or den will become the more pounds of it, all at first community gar- once, it can den in the Avenues become a area and the first burden. new development Salt Lake out of eight potential doesn’t garden locations iden- have as many tified by the City. fruit trees as it did in the pioneer days, Interested gardeners should contact James Woolf, but there are still plenty of people with JAMES.WOOLF@COMCAST.NET or apricot, cherry, apple, pear and plum Michael Hughes at trees that have more fruit HESMICHAEL@HOTMAIL.COM or each season than


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visit the web page SLCAVENUES.ORG/GARDEN.HTM.

Keeping chickens Spring heralds the beginning of chicken season. In preparation it might be worth brushing up on best practices for raising healthy chicks. • The website MYPETCHICKEN.COM has free online chicken-care how-to guides, information on hatching and incubating eggs, chicken FAQs and more. • Our public library has over 100 books related to raising chickens, including The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Raising Chickens: Everything you need to know to care for your own flock of chickens, by the godfather of CATALYST Magazine, Jd Belanger (Greta’s brother). • Want to save a few hundred dollars and build your own coop? ORGANICGARDENING.COM offers a free downloadable copy of a coop design, instruction sheet and material list for a medium-sized coop. Or check out Art of the Chicken Coop: A Fun and Essential Guide to Housing Your Peeps, by new CATALYST writer and Salt Laker Chris Gleason. • Urban Farm & Feed (5823 S. State St., Murray) now carries locally milled, GMO-free chicken feed. They offer free chicken-care classes on the last Saturday of every month, and will have chicks in stock in late March. Check out their allinclusive backyard poultry package. 801.792.1419.

e r t i S a h u Fr

• Stay tuned for backyard chicken workshops hosted by Wasatch Community Gardens this coming April and June.

they know what to do with. That’s where the SLCgreen Fruit Share comes in. As part of an initiative to reduce food waste, the City, partnering with TreeUtah, Avenues Fruitshare, Green Urban Lunchbox and Salt Lake Community Action Program, has a confidential online database where residents can register their fruit trees. Using the database, these organizations can then gather the fruit and nuts and split the harvest among homeowners, volunteers and local food assistance programs. Tree owners might even get a hand at tree pruning. SLCGOV.COM/FRUITSHARE



Na or Nurture?



s it nature or nurture? The answer is definitely “yes.” I just calibrated another birthday. Yes, calibrated; you can’t really celebrate a number without calibrating it. That’s what all those actuarial tables are about. You take your age, location, known genetic predispositions, list of good habits divided by bad habits and come up with an elegant algorithmic number that is accurate with a degree of certainty of plus or minus 50 years. Due to another birthday and a youthful cluster of local obituaries of late, I have been contemplating this and just about everything else a lot more than usual. Anybody who writes or enjoys writing is familiar with the term “arc of the story.” Well, my arc is past its apex. I just made that up so consider it my gift to my passed-middle-aged friends. The next time someone says you are over the hill, you can now say “Why no, my arc is just past its apex.”

Learning is to living what movement is to sharks; if you stop, you sink and die. In my personal story I would like to take full credit for all the hard work I did to achieve my successes and blame everything else on genetics, parenting and astrology. I would like to specifically call out the Catholic Church and the nuns, brothers and priests therein for my fatalistic approach to most things. However, when you worship at the Church of Low Expectations, small things can make your day. So, it’s not all bad. To be fair, I would have to credit Catholic school for its no-excuses approach to education that served me well K-12. Congratulations on the new refreshingly sensible Pope, but I’m still not coming back. I am grateful that I am an introvert because for some reason it is now cool. I think it is just a fad, but I’m glad that I stuck with it from the very start rather than being seduced into the club of extroverts who were always bullying me. “Come on, all your friends are doing it,” they’d say, “be the loudest person in the room even if you have nothing of substance to say.” If I can brag about anything it would be that I have been a lifetime learner. I don’t mean this in the Phoenix University too-many-degrees way but rather being a compulsive observer, tinkerer and note-taker. Learning is to living what movement is to sharks; if you stop, you sink and die. Thank you, sports coaches, for instilling in me some sense of routine and disciple that has mostly kept me from becoming a typical American obesity statistic. I have plenty of bad habits that compensate for this, but the love of self-propelled movement has been a constant blessing in my life. I’d like to thank dogs for teaching me that nothing really matters other than food, sleep and companionship; that, and a comfortable place to sleep, eat and enjoy that companionship. I would also like to thank coffee for keeping me awake and alcohol for putting me to sleep and the wisdom to usually know when to use which. I’m not quite ready to write my bucket list but I know it will involve a lot of dogs, an RV and chicken strips. N Dennis Hinkamp would like to thank the Universe for a (mostly) great 58 years.

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March 2014


moose Spirit S

he was beautiful in final repose.

Moose are easy to see in snow country. First you see their posthole footprints going from forage shrub to forage shrub. Then you see them. Big black things out of place/context in the white landscape. When I first saw her there was something odd about the way she was lying down in the snowfield. As I approached closer, it was easy to notice that she wasn’t tracking my presence at all. She was dead. I knew it.



As I reached her final resting place I realized that I was the first mammal to arrive since her very recent return to Source. Less than a day. No mouse, cougar, raccoon, rabbit, or coyote tracks in the snow to indicate any visitors. A huge, old female body lying down in death, arching her neck to the south, and expiring. One last breath. She was so perfect that when I first touched her, I expected her to rise up startled and snorting. I knelt down, put both hands on her body, and felt her legs, her hooves, her chest, her back, her ribs, her neck. Felt her power and life and body in my fingertips. At a distance the coat was so dark it passed as black. Up close it is many colored/layered nuances of fur. Different coat on sides, on legs, on shoulders, on back. I kneaded my fingers into the thick, rich, luminous coat around her shoulders. Coarse hair, six inches deep, of a quality one can only imagine. Deep, curly and wiry in some places, short and smooth

on her face. Said a prayer to her life, greeted her in death. The most intimate thing was to caress her face. Lightly. Once her death ripens, smells will emerge to call wildlife in for the feast. I’ve seen it before, how a tribe of coyotes will discover this food source, call in their brothers and sisters, family and friends, and in the course of several nights eat the entire thing—seven feet tall in life, a thousand pounds of meat. Their tracks circle in on the site from all directions like highway patterns radiating from the arena of activity. The coyotes seem to only feed in darkness, unseen, and return every night until this timely, welcome feast in the month-of-scarce-food is wholly consumed. Recycled prana. Life in cycle. Circles in time. From Source to Source. As it should be. What a thing to see, touch, feel. Today. N Tom Johnson grows tomatoes in the summer. In the winter he snowshoes the flanks of the Wasatch seeking connection with all that is.

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DOWNTOWN CONSTRUCTION Ballet Center: Construction is underway on the Ballet Training & Practice Center extension to the Capitol Theater on Broadway. Completion is set for fall of 2014. 101 Tower: A seven-story office building is going up at the southeast corner of 100 South & 200 East. Construction is expected to take 1518 months. A five-story parking garage will be built in the center of the block between State and 200 East just south of the former Questar Building (re-named Office 101). Utah Performing Arts Center: Predemolition has begun on the Utah Performing Arts Center. Full demolition will begin soon on the former Tribune press buildings on Regent Street. The project is expected to last two-plus years. 111 South Main: Demolition has begun for the new 24-story office tower on the corner of Main Street and 100 South. It will begin nearly simultaneously with the theater project. Air Center: Construction on the worldclass night club and event center is progressing on the property fronting the west side of West Temple between 350 and 400 South. The first building in this project is completed and Evern T. Brown relocated to the new building. The longstanding Reuels Art and Frame shop has re-located to 350 East Broadway. Stratford Plaza: This mixed-use project with residential housing and ground floor retail space will be completed in mid-2014. It is located on State Street, between 200 & 300 South. Federal Courthouse: Completion is estimated to be this month. It will bring 400 new employees downtown. Marriott Courtyard and a Hyatt Place Residence Inn: The property just south of Energy Solutions Arena, facing 100 South and 300 West, will hold two hotels, a Marriott Courtyard and a Hyatt Place Residence Inn. The area most recently contained an unused warehouse and a parking lot. —Source: Bill Knowles, Construction Mitigation Ombudsman, Salt Lake City

and cheese expert Corinne Cornet-Coniglio. Cornet-Coniglio comes to the job with a deep knowledge of European cheeses, extensive training in cheese making and goat husbandry and experience as owner and manager of a fromagerie in Colorado. With her help, Deer Valley is already producing cheese made from the milk of goats and cows pastured in the Heber and Ogden valleys. The new cheeses include Moon Shadow, an ash-ripened goat cheese; Meadow Lark, a double cream cheese; and Triple Truffle, a Camembert-style brie. They are being served in Deer Valley restaurants and are for purchase at the Deer Valley Grocery and Café.

Everything’s coming up crickets: Chapul news Since CATALYST wrote about the Salt Lake foodie enterprise Chapul Cricket Bars, the company has seen a lot of exciting new developments. Suddenly on the edge of a new food fad and with business picking up, Chapul has launched a new website; received mention in Edible, a new book by Daniella Martin; and revamped their bars replacing the agave sweetener with healthier raw organic honey. CHAPUL.COM

Earth Goods General Store closes Last September CATALYST reported that Earth Goods General Store was relocating from 9th East at 13th South to a smaller location downtown. But, even with a change of scene and size, the locally owned, eco-loving retail store was not able to survive. With February spelling the store’s last month of operation, owner Thom Benedict thanked all of his customers for their patronage and encouraged everyone to continue buying local, fair trade and green. We wish Thom all the best.

Social investors show love The Community Foundation of Utah, a philanthropic organization, has proved that it stands behind its mission to support and invest in innovative, sustainable programs and services that promote positive social changes in Utah. And what better way to show that commitment than with a nice chunk of change? At the First Annual Utah Fund Social Investors Forum, held last month, the Community Foundation gave $20,000 each to the Green Urban Lunchbox and the Salt Lake Bicycle Collective to expand on their sustainable business models. The two programs were chosen out of a pool of 150 applicants. “We would love to see all these worthy projects funded,” said Jeramy Lund, Board Chair. If you agree with

Dippers and roasters of local chocolate For those who have confused chocolatier with chocolate-maker, sweet tooth cookbook author David Lebovitz comes to the rescue. In his blog, Lebovitz explains that chocolatiers make confections—dipping chocolates, sprinkling them with nuts and other delights. Chocolate-makers, on the

Jeramy and would like to lend your support, consider making a donation. Read more about the Community Foundation of Utah and how you can help support its goals: UTAHCF.ORG.

Dzogchen retreat It only makes sense that a retreat, designed to give practitioners “practical skills for coping with the stressors of modern life,” would be held in an urban setting. The two-day Dzogchen retreat, April 5 and 6, allows attendees the flexibility to return home and take care of their families at night. It’s the perfect chance for those interested in Buddhism, but with limited time and resources, to finally delve into a few days of in-depth study without having to totally check out. The program for this second annual Dzogchen Urban Spring Retreat at the Episcopal Church Center in downtown Salt Lake City will focus on The Four Immeasurables: expanding love, compassion, joy and equanimity. The retreat, from 9am to 5pm each day, will be led by Upasaka Bodhisattva Sean D. Young, a native Utahn and Guiding Dharma Teacher currently living and teaching near Eugene, Oregon. Contact retreat director Joe Evans, EVANSJOE108@ GMAIL.COM for more information.

Skis and cheese? Deer Valley Resort in Park City is now the home of award-winning, hand-crafted artisanal cheeses, thanks to Belgium native

other hand, buy cocoa beans, roast them and grind them into chocolate but rarely turn it into the finished product that we eat. There are lots of chocolatiers, says Lebovitz, but few chocolate-makers, a job that requires a lot of knowledge and expensive specialized equipment. When Lebovitz wrote his blog post in 2007, he counted only about 16 chocolatemakers in all of the United States. Since then, the number of chocolaterelated businesses has grown and six musttaste Utah-owned-and-run chocolatiers and chocolate-makers are on that list. For local chocolate-makers that also turn their product into ready-to-eat (or drink) delights, try: Mezzo, Amano Chocolate, Solstice Chocolate and Millcreek Cacao Roasters (the same people behind Millcreek Coffee). For a local, hand-made chocolate confection try: Hatch Family Chocolates, Chocolate Conspiracy and Chocolot Artisan Confections.

CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET 15 hood to 508 E South Temple. Strasburg has a Master of Arts degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Counseling Psychology with a specialty in Depth and Jungian Psychotherapy and specializes in Gottman Couples Therapy. Also a professional artist (several of her works have appeared on CATALYST’s covers), she often uses art therapy in her psychotherapy practice. SUNNYSTRASBURG.COM, SUNNYS@JPS.NET.

Congratulations to Pago and Liberty Heights Fresh Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey Astrophysicist and author Neil deGrasse Tyson is in demand. Tickets for his presentation at the annual Tanner Lecture on Human Values at the University of Utah’s Kingsbury Hall were gone within two hours, a full month before the event. But you can still see deGrasse Tyson if you tune into our local Fox television station, channel 13, beginning March 9 as he hosts the premiere of a new series, Cosmos: A Space-Time Odessey. The documentary, a sequel to the original 13-part series aired in 1980 and hosted by Carl Sagan, aims to make science-themed television more interesting and accessible to a wider audience. Check Fox channel 13 listings for local time of broadcast.

Congratulations to Pago for winning “best restaurant” award from Salt Lake Magazine. The five-year-old restaurant, located in the 9th and 9th neighborhood, has been a pioneer in the farm-to-table movement. Pago was started by Scott Evans (a former CATALYST food and wine writer). The magazine gave their Community Service award to Steven Rosenberg of Liberty Heights Fresh (located at 13th South and 9th East) for championing local food long before it became a trend. Rosenberg opened his grocery on 13th South and 9th East in 1993.

Sunny’s back in town Salt Lake psychotherapist Sunny Strasburg, MA, LMFT, recently returned home with her husband (the artist Martin Stensaas) and their three children after living for a year in Costa Rica. “It was interesting to remove myself from most of my external validators and routines, and live in a place that’s unfamiliar,” she tells us. “The first several months, I shed many layers of what was not truly ‘me.’ What remained is a new sense of purpose and a strong sense of what is important to me. My work as a Jungian and marriage and family therapist has become clearer and more purposeful.” She kept in touch with friends and clients via her blog, in which she wrote about life as an expat living in a mountainous rural area, learning about nature, connecting more deeply with her family and delving into her own psyche. Strasburg will again affiliate with the Web of Life Wellness Center, which relocated last year from the 9th & 9th neighbor-

Dancehall reggae classes Nyesha Hamil (aka MekaDayz) has been teaching Reggae Dancehall classes in Park City for several years, at locations including the PC Fitness Co-Op and Silver Mountain Sports Club & Spa. We have finally convinced her to begin teaching in Salt Lake City, too. You’ll find her Saturday afternoons at UrbanArts Dance and Fitness Studio in Sugar House, starting March 1. Jamaican-born, Meka comes by her training authentically. The style translates to a mixture of hip-hop, African and reggae—a combination that provides you with stunning moves you can bring to any dance floor. Meka has a talent for making anyone feel more coordinated and supple. “I'm here to teach and serve you. I love what I do!’ she tells us. Drop-ins are $11 (first class is $6). MekaDays DanceHall classes 3:30p,Sats. UrbanArts Dance and Fitness, 25 E. Kensington Ave., Suite F. 11HAUZ.COM; MEKADAYZ@GMAIL.COM

Tea House TEAramisu The Emperor’s Tea, originally an online-only tea provider, now also has a physical location called Tea House TEAramisu in Millcreek. In 1999, MC Rivetti and Jason Woodland found there was a need for producers of high quality loose leaf tea that distribute to the U.S. They now offer over 160 tea varieties plus health and wellness products TEAramisu offers handmade Italian pastries as well as an inviting environment with a “Frank Sinatra” vibe, says Rivetti. Visit their four themed rooms: the living room, zen room, emperor’s room and the lounge. Tea House TEAramisu, 929 East 4500 South. FACEBOOK.COM/THEEMPERORSTEA, THEEMPERORSTEA.COM

Bike or stroll to Cucina for dinner A few years ago when the stock market plunged, Dean Pierose, owner of Cucina Deli in the Avenues, announced “Free Coffee Mondays.” He would give you a free coffee—latté, mocha, whatever you wanted—as long as the Dow Jones lurked below 10,000 points. The market’s machinations were tracked monthly on a large wall chart. “We did that for about a year,” he recollects. Now Pierose has a new idea for shining a light on an important issue while making customers smile: In support of Utah’s continued efforts for cleaner air, he is offering a free “small” plate from their dinner menu throughout March to each party that arrives for dinner without driving. “Grab that Razor or Pogo stick and support clean air on your way to dinner!” he says. The Avenues and adjoining University neighborhood are walkable (and, with minimal planning for traversing hills, bikeable). There’s a bike rack, and ample space for well-behaved dogs. Polenta fries, cauliflower, papas frites, duck carnitas, or Brussels sprouts are offered. Cucina Deli, 1026 E. 2nd Ave. Dine in or take out. Patio (sun sets at 7:20p on Mar. 31). 801.322.3055.

Pick a card—an Inquiry Card Sylvia Nibley, well-known to Salt Lake’s holistic community, is an entrepreneur and a teacher with a love of good questions. Eighteen years ago, in a flash of inspiration, a detailed vision came to her for a new kind of meditation tool and game—a deck of cards that offers questions, not answers. Questions such as: What can I experience more fully? What do I really

want? What can I celebrate? It took time and the right partner—graphic designer Jim Hayes—to bring the project to life. Together, using nature photography and a teleidoscope (like a kaleidoscope, only with an outer image, instead of inner objects), they created and paired 46 mandala-like images with 48 questions and printed them on hexagonally shaped cards, accompanied by a colorful booklet offering useful information on lots of ways to use the cards. Inquiry Cards. $24. Available at Golden Braid Books, Dancing Cranes, Healing Mountain Massage School, Lotus, Cameron Wellness Center, Weller BookWorks and online at INQUIRYCARDS.COM where a discount is available for three or more decks.

Keith Stevens, OMD, moves Keith Stevens, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, has moved his practice from the 12th East 28th South area to old Sandy. He has a new telephone number as well. Keith Stevens, OMD, 8728 S 120 E. Tel. 801.255.7016. STEVENSACUCLINIC.COM

Café Supernatural closes; Sage’s is blossoming Cafe SuperNatural, located within Prana Yoga at Trolley Square, closed last month. The restaurant, providing organic, locally grown, gluten-free raw foods and superfoods was owned by Ian Brandt, who also owns Sage’s, Vertical Diner and Cali’s. If you haven’t been to Sage’s at their new location, go. We liked it before and now it’s much, much better. Sage’s Cafe, 234 W. 900 S. SAGESCAFE.COM

Contemplate new flooring, get a free T-shirt Underfoot Floors, located on Third West just south of the 17th South Costco, has Tshirts with their cool barefoot logo on

them. Come by, think about your unremarkable floor, look around at the Earthfriendly options (cork, bamboo, hardwood, Marmoleum, carpet)… and say, “Hey! I saw your ad in CATALYST and have been meaning to stop by!” They will give you a shirt. And maybe you will like it enough to upgrade your flooring. Underfoot Floors, 1900 S. 300 West. \ 801.467.6636.


March 2014


Dance news for Spring


Underfoot Customers Stop by for your Free T-Shirt Specialists in the Installation of Earth Friendly Floors 1900 S. 300 W.


You don’t have to live in pain “Working with Dan has transformed my life.” Daniel J. Schmidt, GCFP, LMT 244 West 700 South, Salt Lake City

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uring the warm spell in February I noticed snowdrops, crocuses and even one small, brave pansy blooming in south-facing gardens. My heart sinks a bit at the thought that the flowers are blooming much too early—all that rain in the wintertime is a predicted effect of global climate change—but no matter how much I like snow, it’s still hard to look at flowers and feel really sad. Out in the Sagebrush Ocean from early March through April, sage grouse are dancing, and people should be out dancing, too. Here are some of your opportunities this Spring. (You’ll find even more in this month’s Calendar, beginning on page 22.)

Holi Festival of Colors, March 29-30 (Spanish Fork) & May 3 (SLC) In India, Holi celebrates the arrival of spring with singing, dancing and throwing colors on each other. In Utah you can celebrate Holi at the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork, and also at the Salt Lake Krishna Temple. The festival website promises color throwing every hour, yoga, mantra music, bonfires , vegetarian food, going up to strangers and asking, “May I lovingly decorate your face & recolor your hair?,” dancing & chanting, crowd surfers and hugging strangers (with their permission of course). Holi Festival of Colors (March 29-30 in Spanish Fork & May 3 in Salt Lake City. Information: UTAHKRISHNAS.ORG

Joan Woodbury honored (and 14 other artists, too), exhibit through March 21 Modern dance visionary Joan Woodbury (co-founder of the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company) was selected as one of Utah’s 15 most influential artists by 15 Bytes , an online magazine about Utah arts and artists. The winners, who are mostly visual artists, were selected by a panel of judges from nearly 100 nominations submitted by readers. These diverse artists who have shaped the cultural landscape of Utah were honored by a reception during the February Gallery Stroll, an exhibit at the Rio Gallery that lasts through March 21, and the publication of a book titled Utah’s 15: The States Most Influential Artists The books costs $13 and was printed in a limited run of only 500 copies, so get yours before they are all gone. (You can order books from the 15 Bytes website). Utah’s 15: The State’s Most Influential Artists: Rio

Gallery, Rio Grande Depot, 300 South Rio Grande Street (455 West), Salt Lake City through March 21. 15 bytes: ARTISTSOFUTAH.ORG/15BYTES/

Salt Lake City Spring Contra Dance Festival, May 16-18 Utah's state folk dance is “the square dance, the folk dance that is called, cued, or prompted to the dancers and includes squares, rounds, clogging, contra, line, and heritage dances” (Utah Code 63G-1-601) so as a good Utah citizen you should be dancing. What if your do-si-do has gotten a little rusty since you learned to square dance in grade school? Well, now that you’re too old to worry about getting cooties, you can just have fun brushing up on your skills at the Spring Contra Festival sponsored by Wasatch Contras (with a little help from your ZAP taxes). Note that contra dancing is very similar to square dancing, but in lines, not squares The festival promises a full weekend of live music, dancing and good company. Wasatch Contra Festival, May 16-18, 2014. Montessori Community School 2416 E. 1700 S. SLC. WASATCHCONTRAS.ORG/SPRING_2014.HTML

Gay Square Dances to converge on The Hive, June 3-6 And speaking of Utah’s state folk dance: When same sex marriage became (temporarily) legal in Utah on December 20, 2013 there was much joy and celebration at the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office, so it’s entirely appropriate that the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs is meeting in Salt Lake City this coming June. You do not have to identify as gay or lesbian to dance with an IAGSDC club. Everyone is welcome. Squeeze the Hive (June 3-6, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT) 31st Annual IAGSDC convention Information: Temple Squares GLBT Square Dance Club. Grand America. TEMPLESQUARES.ORG

SaltDanceFest, June 2-13 The 4th annual SaltDanceFest has been scheduled for June at the University of Utah. Since it started in 2010 this has been one of the most exciting new dance festivals in Salt Lake City. Many workshops are just for dancers, but expect some exceptional public talks and dance performances as well. Guest artists for 2014 are Faye Driscoll,Zoe Scofield and Juniper Shuey, and Pavel Zuštiak. SaltDanceFest: (June 2-13, University of Utah) information: DANCE.UTAH.EDU/NEWSEVENTS/SALTDANCEFEST

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$60 DOGS, $13 CATS NOW THROUGH APRIL 30 Best Friends Pet Adoption Center 2005 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 Tuesday -Saturday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. • Closed Sunday and Monday

18 March 2014



Mountain Valley Seeds

Traditional methods take root for a new generation BY KATHERINE PIOLI

Original owner, Demetrios Agathangelides at the plow Robb and Lance loving the work today


ne night in 1974, a young man named Demetrios Agathangelides, a Greek immigrant who had studied agriculture in his home country, sat down at his kitchen table in his adopted home of Logan, Utah and pulled out a package of seeds. A plant geneticist at Utah State University, Agathangelides had been testing and researching high altitude, short-growing season varietals. He knew almost better than anyone what vegetables would grow well in that mountain town’s gardens. Into little manila envelopes he scooped seeds, folding and labeling the little packets, readying them for sale to his neighbors and friends. The same decade that Demetrios Agathangelides started the business that would later be known as Mountain Valley Seeds, all around the country about 10,000 other small independently owned seed

companies were supplying growers with locally adapted plants. But by 1985 the number of small seed companies had dropped to around 7,500. By 1998 there were as few as 1,500. Today only a few hundred independent seed companies remain, largely because of buyouts and competition from chemical companies that are taking over the seed business. It’s a nice bit of fortune, then, that of the few hundred remaining independent seed companies, Mountain Valley Seed Company is still alive and well here in Salt Lake City. Under new ownership since Jane Laird

2010, the seed company is stronger than ever and helping to ensure a future for home gardeners and small-scale farmers filled with a diversity of plants and vegetables well-adapted for Utah’s unique and challenging growing environment.

Labor of love I met up with Mountain Valley Seed owners Robb Baumann and Lance Heaton at their warehouse and shop on 1700 South, just west of 300 West. A few feet away from where 2014’s seeds were being shipped in, packaged and shelved, Baumann and Heaton showed me into an office, offering me a seat at a large goldencolored slat wooden table. I wasn’t surprised to learn they had made the table themselves, repurposed from old locker room benches, or that they were both avid skiers. I was surprised to learn that these young, outdoorsy-looking men had met over a decade before while undergraduate economics majors at the University of Utah. The friends’ paths had parted after college. Baumann settled in Florida, consulting for a multimilliondollar aerospace company. Heaton remained in Utah where he started buying up small businesses and selling them for a profit before moving on to the next venture. Through it all, the two remained friends, meeting annually to ski the Utah powder. Riding the lifts, they dreamed of owning a business together until, one day, Baumann decided to take the first step. He went home, put in his notice, and 18 months later moved with his wife and kids back to Salt Lake City. The two friends started looking for a business, something they could buy, hold for a time and even-

Seeds 101


he differences among open pollinated, heirloom and hybrid seeds are subtle but significant and, as Baumann says, “People often don’t understand or are misinformed about the differences.” So here’s a quick list of definitions: • Heirloom: These plants are pure, unchanged varietals that have been passed down for generations. They often have higher nutritional value and are often specially adapted for the climate and conditions in which they were created, but they may not have the highest yields. Seeds saved from these plants, that have not cross pollinated with other varieties, will produce offspring that are identical to the parent plant, save for incidental, natural mutations. • Hybrid: These plants are intentionally cross-pollinated in a controlled method by people in order to create a plant with desired traits.

When you have the right seed you can truly enjoy the fruits of your labor... giant pumpkin flotilla!

tually, they thought, sell. The search lasted two years, until one day an acquaintance introduced them to Demetrios Agathangelides. At the time, Mountain Valley Seeds was a successful, though small, business and it was not for sale. But the Greek geneticist was getting older and Baumann and Heaton, intrigued by the company, made an offer. “We didn’t have any growing experience other than our small gardens at home,” says Heaton. “But we fell in love with Demetrios,” adds Baumann. “He was so full of life and his love for the work he did was very contagious.” Though Agathangelides remained skeptical of transitioning his company into new hands, Baumann and Heaton were persistent. They started

working for the company, learning the ropes as they went, until Agathangelides agreed to sell. By May 2010, when Mountain Valley Seeds transferred hands, Baumann and Heaton were committed, not

Mountain Valley is one on a short list of mostly local independent seed companies that has signed the Council for Responsible Genetics Safe Seed Pledge. just as owners, but managers and workers involved in every part of the business.

Sourcing seeds When I visit, snow is coming to Utah and gardens are being put to bed for the winter. But at Mountain Valley Seeds, the work is ramping up. Robb Baumann holds open the door to the behind-the-scenes at Mountain Valley Seeds and we step into the warehouse. The room is deep and wide with high ceilings

and towering shelves. Walking down a single row reveals to our left, bulging bags of peas, buckwheat and winter rye. To our right are tidy rows of boxes holding hundreds, thousands, of small seed packs with wildflowers, vegetable and herb seeds. Beyond the shelves comes the thrumming sound of an engine. We move toward the low rumble. Climbing onto a platform, I find a row of 1950s-era green metal tumbler machines with a metal funnel on one end. Standing over one of the whirring instruments, a young man, his long blond hair tied back from his face, watches as purple garden peas fall into envelopes and are pushed out the other side, sealed and ready for shelving. On our way back to the office, we navigate past pallets heavy with bags of incoming seeds from Mountain Valley’s growers, smallscale farmers who devote their fields to seed crops instead of food crops. It’s the kind of growing that needs a lot of space—to avoid unintentional cross pollination; and a lot of growing time—seed plants need to mature past their harvest time; some crops like carrots and onions need two years of growth before they produce seeds. “Our corn, peas and beans grow

Continued on next page

There is no laboratory manipulation of genes like in genetically engineered seeds. These plants often have more consistent and greater yields. Their seeds are viable, but their offspring are unlikely to be identical to the parent. • Open-pollinated: This is any seed that is pollinated via a natural method such as wind, insects or water. Hybrids are not open pollinated. • Organic: These seeds are grown using organic methods.

20 March 2014

Microgreens E ducating customers on how to have the best garden possible, creating the best soil or extending the growing season with a greenhouse or hoop houses is all part of Mountain Valley Seeds’ business. In an effort to help Utahns grow through the winter, the partners started dabbling with microgreens. Growing fresh, nutritious greens all winter long, they found, requires little more than a plastic seedling tray, potting soil, water and seeds. Once the seeds sprout, before or just as they gain their first true leaves, voila: microgreens. Cut and eat. The greens are perfect for indoor winter growing, needing very little space and little sunlight. Mountain Valley Seeds, which sells the seeds and setup for microgreen growing and posts tutorial videos on their website, recently started testing the optimum growth conditions for a variety of potential microgreen seeds. • Beginner greens like radish and mustard varieties are quick to grow and ready to harvest in little more than a week. • Intermediate plants like basil and Swiss chard take a little longer to germinate and a little more care. • Advanced greens, including celery and dill, are slow to germinate and require very stable, consistently optimal conditions.

Continued really well in Idaho, root crops and vine crops in central California,” says Baumann. “We have growers in Oregon, a lot of different places. We would love to grow in Utah, but it’s not practical.” Even with the distance, Baumann and Heaton maintain a close and personal relationship with their growers. The business partners visit the seed growers every summer to inspect crops, ensure they have the right look and taste, and to hear about the latest interesting heirloom or hybrid varietal that their growers might want to try. Baumann and Heaton agree, these trips are the best part of the job. This is the sort of hands-on work that Baumann and Heaton never expected to do, though now they can’t imagine running their business any other way. One benefit of this close relationship is knowing that their growers are following Mountain Valley’s rule against using genetically modified (GM) seeds. Mountain Valley is one on a short

MOUNTAIN VALLEY SEEDS list of mostly local independent seed companies that has signed the Council for Responsible Genetics Safe Seed Pledge. With this commitment they promise to not knowingly

buy, sell or trade genetically engineered seeds. Unlike open pollinated heirloom or hybrid seeds, GM seeds are made in labs where genetics from foreign

David vs. Goliath Ever since the small seed companies started disappearing, those who have controlled our gardens seeds have not been seed companies but rather mega chemical companies including Monsanto, Dupont, Dow and Bayer. It all started in the 1970s when Monsanto created the herbicide Roundup and genetically engineered (“Roundup-ready”) seeds with a resistance to the chemical. Any farmer spraying with Monsanto’s patented herbicide would have to use the company’s patented GM seeds to avoid crop damage. The seeds, which now include corn, soy, canola, alfalfa, cotton and sorghum, were made to be sterile to ensure that farmers bought new seed every year. When profits from the seeds began outstripping profits from the herbicides, a race was on to buy up seeds. By the mid-2000s, Monsanto controlled 60% of corn and 62.5% of soybean seeds. In 2005, they took control of the vegetable seed market by buying the California-based company Seminis, one of the largest marketers of vegetable and fruit seeds in the world, some say claiming 40% of the vegetable seed market. Big buyouts like these worry Phil Howard, Associate Professor of Community Sustainability at Michigan State University and an expert on food and agriculture systems. “When Monsanto acquires these companies, all they are looking for are blockbuster profits. They don’t care about genetic diversity or organic farming. If a local variety doesn’t have a wider market, they discontinue the niche varieties in favor of mass producing the few that sell.” Such practices are starting to create monocultures, explains Howard, not only in big agriculture, but also in family garden plots. History has already shown what monocultures can lead to. The Ireland potato famine is probably the most well known example. By preserving our smaller heirloom varieties, we also preserve better tasting, more nutritious and culturally significant foods.

organisms, say a bacteria or an insect, are spliced into the seed’s genetics to give the plant certain desired traits, perhaps a resistance to some pest or disease. While the selling of seeds has become an industry dominated by names like Monsanto, Dupont, Dow and Bayer (see “David and Goliath,” below), Baumann and Heaton aren’t too worried about the survival of their operation. While Baumann admits that the mergers can be a little unnerving, he’s pretty sure that Mountain Valley Seeds’ niche—heirloom, hybrid and certified organic seeds that work well in high altitudes and short growing seasons— is pretty secure. “People who buy from us see the value in an independent source. A lot of our customers are small farmers, CSA growers working maybe 50 acres, who are really in the same boat as us, going against big guys. We bond on that front. We support them, they support us.” N Katherine Pioli is a CATALYST staff writer.

LEARN ENERGY HEALING Develop your healing skills to enrich your personal & professional life! FOUNDATION SERIES CLASS ONE:

“Fundamentals Of Energy Healing” The Four Immeasurables Everyone is invited to join us for a weekend urban retreat in downtown Salt Lake City. This workshop will focus on learning the time-tested methods of expanding love, compassion, joy, and equanimity—which increases peace and harmony for oneself and the world.

April 5th & April 6th Wasatch Retreat & Conference Center 75 South 200 East

To register online, visit: For more information, Call: 801-467-4371

Join us for a public talk on April 4th, @ 7 pm The Yoga Center 4689 S. Holladay Blvd.

In this class you will study and practice: U Energy blockage and flow

U Sensing the aura and chakras

U Energy anatomy and physiology

U Hands-on healing U Accessing intuitive U Identifying 5 basic techniques information energy types Bear McKay – Director

Continuing education provider for NCBTMB and CA BRN.

Bear McKay is now accepting new clients from the Salt Lake area for private energy healing sessions. Call the office for more details.

Spring Foundation Series

For more information contact us at



Class One April 12-13 Class Two May 17-18 Class Three June 21-22 FREE MINI-CLASS for Massage Therapists & Other Health Professionals* “Jumpstart Your Energy Healing Practice” w/Bear McKay Feb 18, 6:30-8:30pm Krishna Temple SLC FREE TALK & DEMO for Everyone “Introduction to Energy Healing” with Bear McKay April 2, 6:30-8:30pm Krishna Temple SLC

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*Health Professionals: ask about 10% Series Discount



MARCH 14-16



Utah Film Center is proud to present the 4th annual Tumbleweeds Film Festival Join us for Independent & Foreign films and workshops for Children & Youth


22 March 2014 CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET Art, Health, Spirit, Natural World, Music, Events/Festivals, Meetings, Exhibits, Education/Workshops. See the full list of events and the ongoing calendar at WWW.CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET/EVENTS



Mar. 4: Rumi Poetry Club. 7p. AndersonFoothill Library, 1135 S 2100 E. Free. RUMIPOETRYCLUB.COM Mar. 6: Backcountry Film Festival. 7p. Jim Santy Auditorium, 1255 Park Ave, Park City. $10. PARKCITYFILMSERIES.COM Mar. 6: Donald W. Parry: “The Isaiah Scrolls: Their Significance to Modern Religious Communities.” Lecture. 7p. The Leonardo, 209 E 500 S. Free. THELEONARDO.ORG Mar. 6: Jung Society of Utah presents Freud and Jung in Fiction. 7-9p. Ray Olpin Union Building, 200 Central Campus Dr. Free. JUNGUTAH.COM

Mar. 7 CreateDowntownSLC: Creative City. 10a. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Charles Landry, author of the Creative City, a Tool Kit for Urban Innovators discusses the art of city making. Nancy Tessman Auditorium at the Salt Lake City Main Library, Nancy Tessman Auditorium. Free; RSVP required. DOWNTOWNSLC.ORG Mar. 7: Scientist in the Spotlight: Great Basin Mammals with Eric Rickart. 2-4p. Natural History Museum of Utah, 301 Wakara Way. Included in Admission. NHMU.UTAH.EDU Mar. 7: IAMA Local Concert Series presents Celtic Celebration with Shanahy (one of the longest-running music groups in

Mar. 6: Owl ID with HawkWatch. 7p. REI, 3285 E, 3300 S. Free. REI.COM Mar. 6-22: Women of Lockerbie. See website for select times. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. $25. PYGMALIONPRODUCTIONS.ORG

Mar. 8: Snowshoe Owl Prowl. A one-mile snowshoe in Big Cottonwood Canyon to broadcast and listen for owls. Hot drinks provided. Must provide your own snowshoes. 58p. Meet at HawkWatch International, 2240 S 900 E. $20. Registration: 801.484.6808, ext. 101. HAWKWATCH.ORG Mar. 1: Night with the Irish Poets—7p. The Irish Laureates. St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, 231 E 100 S. Free. Sponsored by the Hibernian Society of Utah. IRISHINUTAH.ORG

Mar. 6-7: 5th Annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit. Sessions: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Air Quality and Pollution, Recycling and Waste Reduction, Sustainability in Higher Education, Green Urbanism and Building. Thurs. conference, Fri. workshops. Weber State Shepherd Union Building, 3850 University Circle. $120. INTERMOUNTAINSUSTAINABILITYSUMMIT.COM

the Intermountain region) & New Time Ensemble. 7:30p (door open 6p). South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, 6876 Highland Dr. $10. WWW.IAMAWEB.ORG

Mar. 3: Family Movie Night. 6:30-8p. Murray Public Library, 166 E 5300 S. Free. MURRAYLIBRARY.ORG CALL FOR MOVIE TITLE: 801.264.2580 Mar. 4: Utah Rare Plant Meeting. 8:30a4:30p. Red Butte Garden, 300 Wakara Way. $15. REDBUTTEGARDEN.ORG Mar. 4: Backpacking Basics. 7-8:15p. REI, 3285 E 3300 S. Free. REI.COM Mar. 4: The Informant. 7p. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Free. UTAHFILMCENTER.ORG

Mar. 6: Dance Theatre of Harlem. Classical ballet meets African American culture. 7:30p. Kingsbury Hall, 1395 President’s Circle. $29-$59. KINGTIX.COM


MARCH 2014




A fascinating portrait of Brandon Darby, a radical left-wing activist turned FBI informant. Since his public confession, Informant meticulously constructs a picture of his life— before and after the many death threats he has received.



Visually stunning and wildly inventive, this film explores the mystery of the night in a sweeping nocturnal adventure full of Alice in Wonderland-like characters and moody, dream-inspired landscapes.



Mar. 8: Increasing Biodiversity in the Garden. How to bring more birds, bees and butterflies into your life. James Ruff, instructor. 10a-noon. Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S 900 W. $10. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG Mesoamerica and the new chocolate-based culinary movement that seeks to escape the confines of European chocolate traditions. 3:30p. Natural History Museum of Utah, 301 Wakara Way. Included in Museum admission. NHMU.UTAH.EDU Mar. 8: Glow Yoga with James Hardy. This month’s music: Radiohead. Glowbands and blacklights provided. $20/$15 adv, online. 9-10:30p. Centered City Yoga, 926 E 900 S. CENTEREDCITYYOGA.COM Mar. 8: Winter Market. 10a-2p. Rio Grande Depot, 300 S Rio Grande St (400 W). SLCFARMERSMARKET.ORG

Mar. 7: Klea Blackhurst in One-Night Benefit Concert. All proceeds benefit the U of U Theatre Dept. scholarship fund. 8p. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. Reserved seating $34-$64. THEATRE.UTAH.EDU Mar. 7: Séance with the Crone. 9p. Crone’s Hollow, 2470 S Main. $5. CRONESHOLLOW.COM Mar.7-9: 2014 Wasatch Powder Keg Ski Mountaineering Race. 6p. Brighton Ski Resort, 8302 S Brighton Loop. Free. WASATCHPOWDERKEG.COM Mar. 8: Chocolate Blast with Topher Webb. Long before chocolate was made in bar-form, it was consumed as a drink infused with indigenous herbs, florals and chiles. Topher Webb, owner of Mezzo Chocolates, will tell the story of chocolate in Pre-Columbian

CITY LIBRARY 210 E. 400 S.



Mar. 14: Conversation on Creativity with Doug Fabrizio and Jeffrey Hein. 6p. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Dr. Free. UMFA.UTAH.EDU Mar. 14: Garbage Warrior. (See description, March 26.) 6:30-9p. Ogden Nature Center, 966 W 12th St. Free. Goodies provided by Grounds for Coffee. Mar. 14: Opening Reception: “Andrea Jensen: Entropostasis.” Reimaging sublime landscapes as blueprints of impermanence. 7-9p. Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, 20 S West Temple. UTAHMOCA.ORG

Shot right before the uprising in Syria erupted, The Light in Her Eyes offers an extraordinary portrait of a leader who challenges the women of her community to live according to Islam, without giving up their dreams.



Mar. 8: RDT’s Ring Around the Rose presents African Drums. 11a-12p. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. $5. RDTUTAH.ORG Mar. 11: Playing God. A look at synthetic biology, a new field of research with the radical aim to break down nature into spare parts so it may be rebuilt as we please. Afterward, Randy Lewis, PhD, will share the story of spider goats, whose milk can be spun into silk. 7p. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Free. NHMU.UTAH.EDU

Meet a new creature created by American scientists— the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider’s web. It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim.

Playing out like a noir thriller spiced with cutting-edge animation and shocking real surveillance footage, Havana Marking’s Smash & Grab is an exclusive all-access pass into the mysterious world of international jewel thieves.



After a botched sex-change operation, East German glam rocker Hansel becomes Hedwig and travels across the USA with a stage show, following her ex-boyfriend (and former band mate) and telling her life story.



A seemingly unshakable friendship between two Chinese opera stars gets put to the test in the face of war, a communist takeover, the Cultural Revolution, and the intrusion of a woman who tempts both of them.



This doc pays tribute to the spirit of street photography through a cinematic exploration of New York City, and captures the visceral rush, singular perseverance, and at times, immediate danger customary to these artists.




Mar. 14-16: 4th Annual Tumbleweed Film Festival for Children and Youth. Independent, documentary, and foreign feature-length films and shorts 7pm. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center and City Library in SLC; Park City Library in PC. $40. Sshedule: see website. UTAHFILMCENTER.ORG Mar. 14: Square Dance with live music from the Bueno Avenue String Band. Beginners welcome. All dances taught beforehand. 8-11p. At Sugar Space’s new River District location, 130 S 800 W. $5. THESUGARSPACE.COM

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MOONFACE of Wolf Parade

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Mar. 15: Herbal Syrups and Sodas. Kate Galarza, instructor. In this workshop you will learn how to make five different herbal syrups and uncover the original ‘root beer’ recipe. 1-3p. Grateful Tomato Garden, 800 S 600 E. $20. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG Mar. 15: Third Saturday for Families: Bird’s-Eye View Maps. 1-4p. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Dr. Free. UMFA.UTAH.EDU Mar. 15: Third Saturday Contra Dance featuring music by the Wild Coyotes. All dances called and taught. Come alone or with a partner. First-time dancers welcome. 7:3010:30p (beginner’s workshop @ 7p). Montessori Community School, 2416 E 1700 S. $8 (students $5/youth $3). See videos at WASATCHCONTRAS.ORG

Mar. 15: Young Dubliners. 8p. The Depot, 400 W South Temple. $23 adv/$26 door. DEPOTSLC.COM Mar. 15: Art Swap & Sale. 10a-1p (sellers arrive between 9-10a). This sale is for selling original excess art that you own (not art that you’ve created). And while you’re at it, buy or swap art with other sellers. Art Access Gallery, 230 S 500 W #125. Free admission. ACCESSART.ORG Mar. 16: Utah Cultural Alliance’s 2014 Legislative Session Wrap Up. Join the department heads at several of the cultural entities to hear what happened during the 2014 legislative session.12-1p. Rio Grande Board Room, 300 S Rio Grande St (455 W). $5 (members free). UTAHCULTURALALLIANCE.ORG Mar. 16: Toubab Krewe. Rock, African traditions, jam sensibilities, international folk strains and more from this North Carolina-based band. 8p. The State Room, 638 S State. $15. THESTATEROOM.COM

with Chad Valley

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with The Congress

Fri & Sat Sun

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Mar. 15-23: Puccini’s Turandot. Turandot is Puccini’s “cruel princess”—vain, icy and incapable of love. She will marry the man who can solve her three riddles and gravely punish those who cannot. Heads roll until one clever prince counters with a riddle of his own and Turandot is caught in a web of her own making. Mon.-Sat. 7:30p. Sun. 2p. Capitol Theatre, 50 W 200 S. $18-$95. UTAHOPERA.ORG


Mar. 19: Carrie Rodriguez. 8p. The State Room, 638 S State. $12. THESTATEROOM.COM Mar. 16: Faustina St. Patrick’s Day Beer Brunch. 12-2p. Faustina, 454 E 300 S. $20/ $40 pair. FAUSTINASLC.COM

Mar. 16: Full Moon Meditation. 2:30p. Dancing Cranes Imports, 673 E Simpson Ave. (2240 S). Donation only. DANCINGCRANESIMPORTS.COM Mar. 18: Geology and the Skiing Experience: What makes Little Cottonwood Canyon one of the most remarkable places in the world? 7p. REI, 3285 E 3300 S. Free. REI.COM Mar. 18: Wild Rides, Wildflowers: Philosophy and Botany with Bikes. The adventures and musing of Scott Abbott and Sam Rushforth, whose column by the same name appeared in CATALYST for several years. 7p. The King’s English Bookshop, 1511 S 1500 E. Free. KINGSENGLISH.COM Mar. 19: Milk Kefir and Fermented Vegetables. Workshop with Joanne Seal. 6:30-8p. Real Foods Market, Sugar House. 2209 S. Highland Dr. $15. REALFOODSMARKET.COM

talk will focus on the new installation at UMFA of Smithson’s Leaning Mirror (1969), a sculpture that exemplifies what Smithson defined as a “Nonsite,” or an indoor artwork that utilizes natural materials taken directly from an outdoor site. Followed by Spiral Jetty film screening. 5p. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Dr. free. UMFA .UTAH.EDU Mar. 20: Wasatch Community Garden’s Anniversary Celebration marking 25 years of empowering our community to grow and eat healthy, local, organic food. Bites, libations, stories, and a celebration of community. Event admission is FREE but bring your cash or credit card to donate to Wasatch Community Gardens as part of the Love Utah Give Utah Day of Giving 2014. You can also enjoy our special 25th Anniversary Ale from Squatters, which will be available by the glass for $5. 6-9p. Rico Warehouse, 545 W 700 S. Free. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG Mar. 20: Bike Maintenance Basics. 7p. REI, 3285 E 3300 S. Free. REI.COM Mar. 20: Lawrence Schiffman, “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judiasm.” Lecture. 7p. The Leonardo, 209 E 500 S. Free. THELEONARDO.ORG Mar. 22: Beginning Organic Gardening. Healthy soil, crop rotation, compost basics, natural pest control, crop diversity, companion planting, and when and what to plant. Carly Gillespie, instructor. 10a-noon. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. $10. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG

Mar. 20: Love UT Give UT. 24 hours of unprecedented giving. LOVEUTGIVEUT.COM

Mar. 22: Winter Market. 10a-2p. Rio Grande Depot, 300 S Rio Grande St (400 W). SLCFARMERSMARKET.ORG.

Mar. 20: Gallery Talk: Kelly Kivland on the work of Robert Smithson, one of the most impotant American artists of the last century and creator of Spiral Jetty. Kivland’s

Mar. 22: Spring Grüv—Steel Pulse (w/ opening act Cody ChesnuTT). Produced by Mountain Town Music. Canyons Resort, PC. Free. 3pm.

HAPPENING March 1st - 6:30pm

Drink & Draw Speakeasy Gangster $15

March 6th - 7pm

Leo Libations Wines of Burgundy Pairing $65

March 7th- 3pm

Art Explorer Drawing $10

March 8th - 3pm

Electric Car Derby Make your own mini electric car $15

March 14th - 3pm

The Solar Radio Project Build your own working radio! $25

March 27th - 6:30pm

Create What You Crave The Science of Aphrodisiacs $45

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Mar. 23: Robert Ellis & Wild Child. 8p. The State Room, 638 S State. $12. THESTATEROOM.COM

Check our websites or Facebook for details on classes offered.


Mar. 22: Contra Dancing with Loose Shoes. 7:30-10:30p. First Unitarian Church, 569 S 1300 E. $5. UTAHCONTRA.ORG Mar. 25: Farewell My Concubine. 6p. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Free. UTAHFILMCENTER.ORG

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Mar. 26: Garbage Warrior. This award-winning documentary follows New Mexico-based Michael Reynolds and his green disciples as they devote their time to advancing the art of “earthship biotecture”: radically self-sufficient, off-the-grid buildings where design and function converge in eco-harmony. Main Library in the Nancy Tessman Auditorium, 210 E 400 S. 6:30pm, panel discussion following the film. (Earthship Biotecture's founder, Michael Reynolds will be in Utah in April for an all-day conference.) Sponsors: Earthship Biotecture, SLC Green, CATALYST. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Free. Mar. 26: Everybody Street. A cinematic exploration of New York City and the street photographers inspired by it. 7p. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Dr. Free. UMFA .UTAH.EDU Mar. 26: 2014 Science as a Way of Knowing. Tanner Lecture on Human Values with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. 7p. Kingsbury Hall, 201 President’s Circle. Free but tickets are required. 801.581.7100 or

the world-renowned Cashore Marionettes and several local puppetry troupes. 10a-5p, with exhibits, a puppet playground and puppets for purchase both Sat. and Sun. Main City Library, 210 E 400 S. Free. SLCPL.ORG/EVENTS Mar. 29-30: Holi Festival of Colors. Yoga, dance, mantra music, bonfire, meals. Shuttle buses from Spanish Fork fairgrounds, sports complex and Salem Hills High school. Throwings every hour. Rain or shine. Sat., 10a-7p and Sun., 11a-4p. Krishna Temple, 311 W 8500 S., Spanish Fork. Entry: $3/kids free. UTAHKRISHNAS.ORG Mar. 29: Fruit Tree Pruning. Hands-on workshop. Rachel Broadbent, instructor. 10a-1p. Day-Riverside Library- TreeUtah’s Eco Garden, 1575 W 1000 N. $15.

Mar. 30: Spring Grüv—The Mother Hips. Produced by Mountain Town Music. Canyons Resort, PC. Free. 3pm. Apr. 1: Rumi Poetry Club. 7p. Anderson-Foothill Library, 1135 S 2100 E. Free. RUMIPOETRYCLUB.COM Apr. 3-5: Inspiração Do Fogo. 7:30p. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. $20/ $18 students. SAMBAFOGO.COM

Mar. 27: Coffee with a Cop, 8-10a. Select Smith’s along Wasatch Front. Free. see SLCPD.COM for details.

Apr. 4: Beyond Hope and Fear: Buddhist Approaches to Happiness and Suffering. 7p. The Yoga Center, 4689 S Holladay Boulevard. Free. YOGAUTAH.COM

Mar. 27: Artist Talk: Kate Gilmore. 5p. Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Dr. Free. UMFA.UTAH.EDU

Apr. 4 & 5: Black Box Belly Dance Affair. 7-9:30p. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. $17.

Mar. 27: Create what you Crave—The Science of Aphrodisiacs. 6p. Leonardo, 209 E 500 S. Free. THELEONARDO.ORG

Apr. 4 & 5: Life Force Theatre: Introduction to Ecstatic Healing and Spirituality. One Mind Studio 216 W Paxton Ave.(1170 S) Level One: Initiate. $185 before Mar. 15, $225 after. NEW-SHAMAN.COM

Mar. 27-Apr. 6: 3 by Eric Samuelsen. Three short plays in which Mormon women confront their culture. Th&F 8p, Sat 4&8p, Sun 2p. Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W 300 S. $20. PLANBTHEATRE.ORG Mar. 28-30: Spring Bonsai Show. Explore the millenniaold art form of bonsai and learn how to take care of your own tree. Members of the Bonsai Club of Utah will display trees from their collections, answer questions, and demonstrate bonsai techniques. Trees and supplies will be available for purchase. 9a-5p. Red Butte Garden, 300 Wakara Way. Regular admission (members free). REDBUTTEGARDEN.ORG Mar. 28-30: Gem Faire. See ad this issue for $2 discount. South Towne Exposition Center, 9575 S State St. $7 (weekend pass) GEMFAIRE.COM Mar. 29: Strings Attached Puppetry Festival. Features

Apr. 5: Spring Orchid Show. 9a-5p. Red Butte Garden, 300 Wakara Way. Regular Admission. REDBUTTEGARDEN.ORG Apr. 5 & 6: Dzogchen Urban Spring Retreat. 9a-5p. Dzogchen Shri Singha Association, 621 9th Ave. $50/$35 (Sat. only). DZOGCHENLINEAGE.ORG Apr. 5: Rainwater Harvesting. 10a-12p. Day-Riverside Library-Tree Utah’s Eco Garden, 1575 W 1000 N. $10. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG Apr. 5: Small Space Intensive Gardening. 1-3p. Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S 900 W. $10. WASATCHGARDENS.ORG



News and ideas for a healthier, more sustainable future BY PAX RASMUSSEN

It’s a start SLC’s pilot mass-transportation program launched on March 1! The Hive Pass, the annual UTA transit pass exclusively for city residents, lets folk ride UTA buses and trains for just $360 per year ($30 per month). That’s a pretty big deal, as normal monthly UTA passes run about $83. This is just the start to better transit in SLC, though—the pass is only good for Salt Lake City residents. Hopefully soon this will be an option for the rest of the Wasatch Front! RIDEWITHHIVE.COM

Green news on the (digital) air Veteran news reporter and radio talk show host Alan Naumann, the producer of Solar Day Salt Lake every year, has a new online “radio” show, Green News Utah. The show focuses on environmental issues with a specialty in renewable energy. Shows are also available as podcasts.

If you still think eggs are bad for you, I’ve got news: It’s all lies, LIES! In fact, eggs are very nearly the perfect food. Yes, they have a lot of cholesterol in them, but eating cholesterol does not, at all, contribute to having high cholesterol in your blood (your body just digests cholesterol just like it does any other fat). Along with lots of good fats, proteins and vitamins, eggs also have a bunch of antioxidants and other good stuff. But…all eggs are not created equal. A number of studies have shown that factoryfarmed eggs contain fewer nutrients and more of the bad fats than eggs from pasture-raised hens. Check the carton before you buy: If it says “Pasture Raised,” that’s the best. “Free Range” is also good, but “Cage Free” can mean just about anything

Psychic, Author, Speaker, Teacher

30 years psychic experience Author of “Integral Tarot” and “Integral Numerology” Columnist for Catalyst magazine since 1990 25 years teaching: Tarot, Numerology, Palmistry & Channeling

(like…the hens packed into one enormous room, for example). Also, eggs labeled “Organic” usually tend to come from hens in better conditions, with the added bonus of not being full of hormones or antibiotics. TINYURL.COM/EGGBUYINGGUIDE

Air quality bills on the Hill As of the time of this writing (Feb. 25), there are currently four bills in process at the Utah State Legislature that affect our air quality on the Wasatch Front. Each has been amended, and so far, all are still alive and have a chance of passing. Check out the bills below, and make sure to contact your representative and urge his or her support of these bills (except for the last one: SB0139 wants alternative-fuels vehicles to pay a penalty for not using gas, which funds highways with its taxes; while it’s true that these cars use the roads as much as other cars, this tax sets a bad precedent in a year when, due to air quality, the goal is to encourage the use of cleaner vehicles).


How, and why, to boycott eggs from factory farms

Suzanne Wagner

HB0038S01, Resource Stewardship Amendments (P. Arent) Bill would create a new state job to push state agencies to do more to clean the air. TINYURL.COM/HB0038 HB0074, Energy Efficient Vehicle Tax Credits (V. Snow) Bill would boost the tax credit for Electric Vehicles to $2,500. TINYURL.COM/HB0074 HB0041, Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure (S. Handy) Bill would spend $18 million to replace aging polluting school buses with newer, cleaner ones. TINYURL.COM/HB0041

2014 SLC WORKSHOPS Channeling Class..............Feb 1-2 Relationships Class ..........Feb 8-9 Numerology Class............March 29-30 Tarot Class.........................April 5-6 Palmistry Class..................May 17-18 Channeling Class..............May 24-25 Numerology Class............July 5-6 Tarot Class.........................July 12-13 Channeling Class..............Aug 23-24 Palmistry Class..................Aug 30-31 Tarot Class.........................Nov 8-9 Numerology Class............Nov 15-16 Channeling Class..............Dec 13-14 Reserve in advance • $200 for weekend Visit for details.

Suzanne will be in

SALT LAKE CITY Jan 29-Feb 13 March 27-April 7 May 15-June 2 July 4-16 Aug 21-Sept 2 Sept 24-Oct 7 Nov 3-17 Dec 9-16 1-hour reading $100

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SB0139, Transportation Funding Revisions (W. Harper) Bill would charge owners of compressed natural gas (CNG), electric or hybrid cars an extra $90 to $120 in annual registration fees. TINYURL.COM/SB0139 TINYURL.COM/CONTACTUTAHREP

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“Return to Love” A Study of Marianne Williamson’s book for creating miracles and living a life of greater peace and joy.

“The A.R.T. of Being” Cultivating our ability to live more fully in the light

“The Way of Mastery” A study group investigating the transformational teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph -- Jesus. For more spiritual offerings, and info visit ; or call 801-462-1800 All courses taught at the Inner Light Center 4408 S. 500 E. ; Salt Lake City

28 March 2014



s gods go, Garuda is gargantuan. When he was first hatched from a giant egg, the half-man, half-eagle’s monstrous size so frightened the other Hindu gods that they implored him to shrink himself, which he happily did. Who knew that even gods have size issues? Garuda is known for his ability to grow and shrink in size at will, and to appear and disappear. The Buddhist version of Garuda is said to have had a 40-mile wingspan. When he flaps his wings, Garuda dries up the waters of the ocean in order to expose sea monsters that he then consumes. Garuda’s wing flaps can also move mountains and cause hurricanes. Garuda is ubiquitous in the East. His image is the national symbol of Thailand and Indonesia, and his legends span across Hinduism and Buddhism. He plays a starring role in the first book of India’s epic, Mahabharata. Garuda is simultaneously a fierce devourer and compassionate protector. When he takes on his ginormous form, he rids the oceans of nasty dragons and devours slimy serpents, beings for whom he has had a lifelong distaste. In his more diminutive state, he lovingly watches over mountains and temples. In Garudhasana (Eagle Pose), we draw inward and settle before spreading our wings. For us mortal humans, practicing Garudhasana strengthens ankles, calves and thighs while relieving some cases of sciatica. It may increase our own wingspans by widening that oftencompressed space between our shoulder blades. Garudhasana challenges our balance, teaching us concentration that calms the mind. According to Return Yoga’s website, “Garudhasana is the gargoyle protecting the heart’s temple, the egg that seeds our capacity to fly.” All you need to practice Garudhasana is a level surface to stand on. Flooring such as wood, concrete, tile or linoleum, or a level piece of ground works better than carpet. Start in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet about sit bones’ width apart and arms comfortably

YOGA POSE OF THE MONTH Bend your knees up to 90 degrees. Shift your weight onto your right foot. Cross your left leg over your right leg, hooking your left ankle behind your right calf if you can. If not, rest your left leg over your right and flex your left foot. Now cross your right upper arm over your left. Bend your elbows and bring your hands together. Hold onto the heel of your right hand with the fingers of your left. If your hands don’t connect, you can place your hands on opposite shoulders with your elbows in front of your chest. Lift your elbows up to shoulder level. Allow your back body to widen and your front body to draw back into the back body. This is Garuda’s modest, nurturing stance. Soften your facial muscles and eyes. Sit down into your right leg. Take 5 to 10 deep, full breaths. When you are ready to leave the pose, expand your arms and left leg outward. Think 40-mile wingspan. Take a deep inhalation and then return to Tadasana. Repeat on the other side. If you have a knee injury, you can practice Garudhasana by just bending your knees and keeping both feet on the ground while creating the arm position. If you have active rotator cuff injuries, you are better off not crossing your arms for Garudhasana. Instead, place your hands in prayer position in front of your heart. Our lives are a continuum of expanding and condensing. Like Garuda, we all need both to live a balanced life. Expanding and condensing, the outer and inner, are not possible without their counterparts. The bald eagles that winter along the Wasatch Front show us this balance. They settle here and enjoy plentiful, easy meals before spreading their wings for their long migration. As they begin leaving their comfy Utah winter home in the first week of March, strike a Garudhasana to send them on their next journey. N

How to spread your wings Garudhasana BY CHARLOTTE BELL

photo by Sonja Chesley

resting at your sides. Take a moment to be aware of how you are standing. Check your breathing and how your feet are contacting the floor. Feel how your body is aligned over your feet. Relax your shoulders, neck and face.

Charlotte Bell is a yoga teacher at Mindful Yoga Collective, an author of two books, and plays oboe with the Salt Lake Symphony and Red Rock Rondo. She lives in Salt Lake City.


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March 2014


CATALYST community



Abode • Health & Bodywork • Misc. • Movement & Sport • Pets • Psychic Arts & Intuitive Sciences • Psychotherapy & Personal Growth • Retail • Spiritual Practice

ABODE AUTOMOTIVE Clark’s Green Auto Garage 1/14 801.485-2858. 506 E. 1700 So. Clark’s auto is a local family-owned full service automotive repair facility. We are committed to doing our part to minimize the environmental impact of automotive service and repair, and to incorporating sustainability principles throughout our operation. SLC-certified E2 business. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CLARKSAUTO Schneider Auto Karosserie 2/14 801.484.9400. Fax 801-484-6623. Utah’s first green body shop. 28 years of making customers happy! We are a friendly, full-service collision repair shop in Salt Lake City. Your satisfaction is our goal. We’ll work with your insurance company to ensure proper repairs and give you a lifetime warranty. WWW.SCHNEIDERAUTO.NET DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION Residential Design FB 801-322-5122. Ann Larson. GREEN PRODUCTS Underfoot Floors 6/13 801-467-6636. 1900 S. 300 W., SLC We offer innovative & earth friendly floors including bamboo, cork, marmoleum, hardwoods, natural fiber carpets as well as sand and finishing hardwood. Free in home estimates. Please visit our showroom. WWW.UNDERFOOTFLOORS.NET, KE@UNDERFOOTFLOORS.COM. GREEN SERVICES Five-Step Carpet Care FB 801.656.5259, PC: 435.640.2483. WWW.5STEPCARPETCAREUTAH.COM HOUSING Looking for partners for new intentional learning community (801) 865-5190 or P.O. Box 520616 SLC UT 84152. Together, we’ll purchase land or residential housing (or both!) and work towards food self-sufficiency, explore progressive & socially conscious topics, as well as history, literature, visual arts, music, philosophy, and science, and take action through lobbying, scientific tinkering, publishing and seminars. (See or contact Brent for more info.)

Wasatch Commons Cohousing 3/14 Vicky 801-908-0388. 1411 S. Utah St. (1605 W.) An environmentally sensitive community promoting neighborliness, consensus & diversity. Balancing privacy needs with community living. Homes for sale. Tours available upon request. FACEBOOK.COM/WASATCHCOMMONSCOHOUSING PETCARE/VETERINARIANS Animal Communicator. 651-492-1079 Effectively relating to your animal through muscle testing. Identifying current problems. Relaying messages to/from animals. Stress releasing. Walter at HIGHMOUNTAINHEALER.COM

Dancing Cats Feline Center. 801-467-0799. 1760 S 1100 E, DANCINGCATSVET.COM. Happy Paws Pet Sitting Plus 9/13 Professional Pet Sitting and Dog Walking.. Alternative to boarding providing daily visits to your pet at their home. Established 2004. Bonded and Insured. 801 205-0368 Rick 801 205-4491 Libbie. HAPPYPAWSPETSITTINGPLUS.COM Pet Insights by Jennafer 801-810-4392. Gain insight into your pet’s moods, motives and needs from a reading with pet psychic Jennafer Martin. In-person and remote readings are available to help you better bond with your pet. PETINSIGHTSBYJENNAFER.COM

DINING Café Solstice Cafe Solstice inside Dancing Cranes Imports offers a variety of loose teas, speciality coffee drinks and herbal smoothies in a relaxing atmosphere. Lunch features veggie wraps, sandwiches, salads, soups and more. Our dressings, spreads, salsa, hummus and baked goods are all made in house with love! Enjoy a refreshing Violet Mocha or Mango & Basil smoothie with your delicious homemade lunch. SOLCAFE999@GMAIL.COM. Coffee Garden 254 S. Main, inside the former Sam Weller’s Books and 900 E. 900 S. 355-4425. High-end

espresso, delectable pastries & desserts. Great places to people watch. M-Thur 6a-11p; Fri 6a12p, Sat 7a-12p, Sun 7a-11p. Wifi. Finca 1291 So. 900 East. 801.487.0699. Tapas, asador, cocktails. From the creators of Pago. FINCASLC.COM Himalayan Kitchen 360 S. State St. 801-328-2077. Nepali, Indian and Tibetan cuisine. Spicy curries, savory grilled meats, vegetarian specialities and our famous award-winning naan bread, accompanied by a thoughtul beer and wine list. Service with namaste and a smile await you! Banquet room available for private events. M-Sat 11:30 am10p; Sun 5p-10p. HIMALAYANKITCHEN.COM Omar’s Rawtopia 2148 S.Highland Dr. 801-486-0332. Raw, organic, vegan & scrumptious. From Chocolate Goji Berry smoothies to Vegan Hummus Pizza, every dish is made with highest quality ingredients and prepared with love. Nutrient dense and delectable are Rawtopia’s theme words. We are an oasis of gourmet health, creating peace through food. M-Th 12-8p, F-Sat. 12-9p. Pago 878 S. 900 E. 801-532-0777. Featuring seasonal cuisine from local producers & 20 artisan wines by the glass, complemented by an intimate eco-chic setting. Best Lunch—SL Mag, Best Brunch—City Weekly, Best Wine List— City Weekly & SL Mag, Best New American— Best of State. Tue-Sun 11a-3p, 5p-close. PAGOSLC.COM. Sage’s 234 W. 900 S. 801-322-3790.


HEALTH & BODYWORK ACUPUNCTURE Keith Stevens Acupuncture 1/14 Dr. Keith Stevens, OMD, 8728 S 120 E in old Sandy. 801 255-7016. 209.617-7379 (cell). Specializing in chronic pain treatment, stressrelated insomnia, fatigue, headaches, sports

medicine, traumatic injury and post-operative recovery. Board-certified for hep-c treatment. National Acupuncture Detox Association (NADA)-certified for treatment of addiction. Women’s health, menopausal syndromes. STEVENSACUCLINIC.COM

SLC Qi Community Acupuncture 12/13 R. Dean Woolstenhulme, L.Ac 177 E 900 S. Ste 101D, 801-521-3337. Acupuncture you can afford. Quality acupuncture on low sliding scale rates ($15-$40) makes health care affordable and effective. Relax in comfy reclining chairs in a healing community setting. Acupuncture is good for allergies, back pain and more. Downtown SLC. WWW.SLCQI.COM AYURVEDA

Vedic Harmony 3/14 801-942-5876. Learn how Ayurveda can help you harmonize your lifestyle and well being. Primordial Sound meditation,Perfect Health & Wellness counseling. Georgia Clark, Certified Deepak Chopra Center Vedic Master, has trained in the US with Dr. Chopra, Dr. V.D. Lad, Jai Dev Singh, David Crow & in India with Dr. A.P. Deshpande. TARAJAGA@EARTHLINK.NET CHIROPRACTIC Salt Lake Chiropractic4/144 801.907.1894. Dr. Suzanne Cronin. 1088 S 11th E, SLC. Have you heard that Salt Lake Chiropractic is the least invasive way to increase your quality of life? Our gentle, efficient, and affordable care can reduce pain and improve your body’s functionality. Call to schedule an appointment. WWW.CHIROSALTLAKE.COM. CRANIOSACRAL Sheryl Seliger, LCSW 6/14 801-556-8760. 1446 S. 900 E. Powerful healing through dialogue & gentle-touch energy work. Adults: Deep relaxation, stress reduction & spiritual renewal, chronic pain & illness, head & spinal injuries, anxiety, PTSD, relationship skills, life strategies. Infants and children: colic, feeding & sleep issues, bonding, birth trauma. Birth preparation & prenatal CST. SELIGERS@GMAIL.COM FELDENKRAIS Open Hand Bodywork. Dan Schmidt, GCFP, LMT. 244 W. 700 S. 801.694.4086 WWW.OPENHANDSLC.COM. FB

To list your business or service email: CRD@CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET Prices: 6 months ( $210), 12 months ( $360). Listings must be prepaid in full and are non-refundable. Word Limit: 45. Deadline for changes/reservations: 15th of preceeding month.


March 2014

Carl Rabke LMT, GCFP FOG 801-671-4533. Somatic education and bodywork. Erin Geesaman Rabke Somatic Educator. 801-898-0478. WWW.BODYHAPPY.COM MASSAGE Aspen Bodywork 6/14 801-913-9579. Learn to give your partner the gift of therapeutic touch. Offering Partner Massage classes and Thai Yoga massage. WWW.ASPENBODYWORK.COM Graham Phillips Davis3/14 801-889-3944. Muse Massage; strong, warm, gentle hands. LGBT-friendly. Get back in tune with powerful structural alignment therapy. Integration of the divine masculine-feminine within, using craniosacral therapy. Feel better today!

Healing Mountain Massage School FB 801-355-6300. 363 S. 500 East, Ste. 210 (enter off of 500 East). HEALINGMOUNTAINSPA.COM MD PHYSICIANS Web of Life Wellness Center FB Todd Mangum, MD. 801-531-8340. 508 E. So. Temple, #102. Dr. Mangum is a family practice physician who uses acupuncture, massage, herbs & nutrition to treat a wide range of conditions including chronic fatigue, HIV infection, allergies, digestive disturbances and fibromyalgia. He also designs programs to maintain health & wellness. WWW.WEBOFLIFEWC.COM NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS Cameron Wellness Center 3/14 801-486-4226. Dr Todd Cameron, Naturopathic Physician. 1945 S. 1100 E. #202. Remember when doctors cared? Once, a doctor cared. He had that little black bag, a big heart, an encouraging smile. Once, a doctor actually taught about prevention. Remember “an apple a day”? Dr. Cameron is a family practitioner. He takes care of you. He cares. WWW.DRTODDCAMERON.COM

Eastside Natural Health Clinic 9/14 Uli Knorr, ND 801.474.3684; 2188 S. Highland Dr. #207. Dr. Knorr will create a Natural Medicine plan for you to optimize your health and live more vibrantly. He likes to educate his patients and offers comprehensive medical testing options. He focuses on hormonal balancing, including thyroid, adrenal, women’s hormones, blood sugar regulation, gastrointestinal disorders and food allergies. EASTSIDENATURALHEALTH.COM 2/14 Full Circle Care; Leslie Peterson, ND 801.746.3555. 150 S. 600 E. #6B. Integrative and naturopathic medical clinic offering a unique approach to your health care needs. Specializing in thyroid, adrenal and hormonal imbalances; food allergies and gluten testing; digestive health; nutritional IV therapy. Men, women and children welcome! WWW.FULLCIRCLECARE.COM 2/14 PHYSICAL THERAPY Precision Physical Therapy 9/14 801-557-6733. Jane Glaser-Gormally, MS, PT. 3098 S Highland Dr. Ste. 371. (Also Park City and Heber.) Specializing in holistic integrated manual therapy (IMT). Safe, gentle, effective techniques for pain and tissue dysfunction. This unique form of therapy identifies sources of pain and assists the body with self-corrective mechanisms to alleviate pain and restore mobility and function. UofU provider. WWW.PRECISIONPHYSICALTHERAPYUT.COM REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Planned Parenthood of Utah 6/14 1-800-230-PLAN, 801-532-1586. Planned Parenthood provides affordable and confidential healthcare for men, women and teens. Services



include birth control, emergency contraception (EC/PlanB/ morning after pill), testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infection including HIV, vaccines including the HPV vaccine, pregnancy testing and referrals, condoms, education programs and more. PPAU.ORG ROLFING/STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION Paul Wirth, Certified Rolfer™, LMT 801-638-0021. 3194 S. 1100 E. Move with ease, not pain. Working with the structural limitations in your body to help you feel stronger and more relaxed. MOSAICBODYWORK.COM 1/14 Carl Rabke LMT, GCFP FOG 801-671-4533. Somatic education and bodywork. WWW.BODYHAPPY.COM VISION CARE Wasatch Vision Clinic FB 801-328-2020. 849 E. 400 S. in Salt Lake across from the 9th East TRAX stop. Comprehensive eye care, eye disease, LASIK, contacts and glasses since 1984. We accept most insurance. WASATCHVISION.COM WEIGHT LOSS Master Lu’s Health Center 4/14 801.463.1101. 3220 S. State. Do you struggle with weight loss? We can help you lose weight with Master Lu’s Chinese herbal weight loss formula and acupuncture. Chinese medicine is effective for weight loss and managing your weight. Come and see us today at Master Lu’s Health Center. WWW.LUHEALTHCENTER.COM

MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTING Chart Bookkeeping8/14 801.718-1235. M’Lisa Patterson. Qualified and dependable small- to medium-sized business bookkeeping services. QuickBooks expert. My office or yours. MPATTERSON@CHARTBOOKKEEPING.COM ARTS & CRAFTS Learn to hand spin wool and fibres in Sugar House 6/14 801.550.4232. Beginners workshops. $30. Simple to learn, fun, gentle and relaxing. Life long, sustainable and self-sufficient art. Participants receive a complete spindle kit to keep. Make yarns for crochet, knitting, weaving and other crafts. WWW.FAIRYSPINDLES.COM LEGAL ASSISTANCE Schumann Law. 801.631.7811, ESTATEPLANNINGFORUTAH.COM. FB MUSICIANS FOR HIRE Idlewild 10/13 801-268-4789, WWW.IDLEWILDRECORDINGS.COM. David and Carol Sharp. Duo up to six-piece ensemble. Celtic, European, World and Old Time American music. A variety of instruments. Storytelling and dance caller. CDs and downloads, traditional and original. IDLEWILD@IDLEWILDRECORDINGS.COM PHOTOGRAPHY Ceej Photography 5/14 801-455-3722. Salt Lake. My artist’s background makes Ceej Photography unique. Portraits, pets, graduation, engagement, special events/occasions, artwork. Extensive post-processing skills. Digital SLR camera lessons available. CJLESTERART.COM

POETRY Rumi Poetry 6/14 Good poetry enriches our culture and nourishes our soul. Rumi Poetry Club (founded in 2007) celebrates spiritual poetry of Rumi and other masters as a form of meditation. Free meetings first Tuesday (7 pm) of month at AndersonFoothill Library 1135 S 2100 E. WWW.RUMIPOETRYCLUB.COM PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Healing Mountain Massage School FB 801-355-6300. 363 S. South 500 East, Ste. 210 (enter off of 500 E.). Morning, evening, & weekend programs. Graduate in as little as 7 months. 8 students in a class. Mentor with seasoned professionals. Practice in a live day spa. ABHES accredited. Financial aid: loans/grants available to those who qualify. WWW.HEALINGMOUNTAIN.ORG WEALTH MANAGEMENT Harrington Wealth Services 801.673.1294; 801.871.0840 office. Robert Harrington, Wealth Advisor. Client-centered wealth management, retirement planning, IRA rollovers, ROTH IRA’s, 401(k) plans & investing, life insurance. Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC8899 S. 700 E. Ste. 225, Sandy, UT 84070. ROBERT.HARRINGTON@ LPL.COM; WWW.HARRINGTONWEALTHSERVICES.COM

MOVEMENT, MEDITATION DANCE RDT Community School. 801-534-1000. 138 W. Broadway. FB MARTIAL ARTS Red Lotus School of Movement 8/14 740 S 300 W, SLC, UT, 84101. 801-355-6375. Established in 1994 by Sifu Jerry Gardner and Jean LaSarre Gardner. Traditional-style training in the classical martial arts of T’ai Chi, Wing Chun Kung-Fu, and T’ai Chi Chih (qi gong exercises). Children’s classes in Wing Chun KungFu. Located downstairs from Urgyen Samten Ling Tibetan Buddhist Temple. WWW.REDLOTUSSCHOOL.COM, REDLOTUS@REDLOTUS.CNC.NET MEDITATION INSTRUCTION Center for Mind Body Relaxation CFMBR offers classes in science-based meditation and relaxation methods for well-being and stress relief. Individuals interested in classes can register online at: WWW.HEALINGWITHSPACES.COM/CLASSES.HTML Meditation for Wellness FB 801-979-0111. 336 E. 900 S. SLC. Cultivate your mind, practice meditation. Through the practice of meditation, a sense of overall happiness and ease arise in the mind, reducing negative emotions and the stresses of modern living. The next Meditation for Wellness course begins January 20, 7 pm, meeting every Monday for six weeks. $80 CULTIVATINGEASE@GMAIL.COM YOGA INSTRUCTORS Mindful Yoga: Charlotte Bell FB 801-355-2617. E-RYT-500 & Iyengar certified. Cultivate strength, vitality, serenity, wisdom and grace. Combining clear, well-informed instruction with ample quiet time, these classes encourage each student to discover his/her own yoga. Classes include meditation, pranayama (breath awareness) and yoga nidra (yogic sleep) as well as physical practice of asana. Public & private classes, workshops in a supportive, noncompetitive environment since 1986. WWW.CHARLOTTEBELLYOGA.COM

YOGA STUDIOS Avenues Yoga 12/13 68 K Street, SLC. 801-872-YOGA (9642). Avenues Yoga is a friendly, down-to-earth place where all are welcome. Our knowledgeable, experienced teachers offer classes for all body types and ability levels from Restorative to Power, Yoga Basics to Hot Vinyasa to Yin and Para. First class is free for Utah residents. Introductory Special $39 one month unlimited. WWW.AVENUESYOGA.COM Mountain Yoga—Sandy 801.501.YOGA [9642]. 9343 S 1300 E. Offering hot yoga classes to the Salt Lake Valley for the past 10 years. We now also offer Vinyasa, Restorative, Pre/Post-Natal, Kids Yoga and Mat/Barre Pilates Classes in our NEW studio room. Whether you like it hot and intense, calm and restorative, or somewhere in-between, Mountain Yoga Sandy has a class for you. WWW.MOUNTAINYOGASANDY.COM 3/14

Centered City Yoga 9/13 801-521-YOGA (9642). 926 E. 900 S. Centered City Yoga is often likened to that famous TV “hangout” where everybody knows your name, sans Norm (and the beer, of course). We offer more than 100 classes a week, 1,000 hourteacher trainings, monthly retreats and workshops to keep Salt Lake City CENTERED and SANE. WWW.CENTEREDCITYYOGA.COM THE SHOP Yoga Studio 10/13 435-649-9339. Featuring Anusara Yoga. Inspired fun and opening in one of the most amazing studios in the country. Classes, Privates, and Therapeutics with certified and inspired Anusara instructors. Drop-ins welcome. 1167 Woodside Ave., P.O Box 681237, Park City, UT 84068. WWW.PARKCITYYOGA.COMB

PSYCHIC ARTS & INTUITIVE SCIENCES ANGEL READINGS Lisa Rasmussen, ATP®, CHT 11/14 951-234-4422. Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph D. Offering intuitive counseling and clinical hypnotherapy to assist you in clearing fears and life challenges with guidance from your angels, guides and loved ones. Over 20 years experience. LISARAS4422@GMAIL.COM ASTROLOGY Hands On Astrology 7/14 Jerre Wroble. 801-232-4988. Tired of guessing what you’re here to do? Start 2014 out with renewed enthusiasm while zeroing in on your soul purpose. Astrology and hand analysis, when combined, offer a deeper awareness. Gift certificates available. HANDSONASTROLOGY@GMAIL.COM

Transformational Astrology FB Ralfee Finn. 800-915-5584. Catalyst’s astrology columnist for 10 years! Visit her website at WWW.AQUARIUMAGE.COM or e-mail her at RALFEE@AQUARIUMAGE.COM

Vedic Harmony—Jyotish Astrology 942-5876. TARAJAGA@EARTHLINK.NET ENERGY HEALING EmilySpirit, Transformational and Holistic Therapist 801-512-5319. Intuitive sessions illuminate and

Salt Lake’s most experienced and creative Mindful Yoga Join teachers. All levels welcome! Collective empower your individual soul language. Chakra Drawings interpret your unique blueprint. Vocal toning and energy work brings internal harmony, allowing healing and soul awareness. Learn your soul-body language, soul purpose or how to incorporate the enlightened 5th dimension into your everyday life. Readings, guidance, metaphysical teachings, workshops, classes. WWW.EMILYSPIRIT.COM

at Great Basin Chiropractic

Shari Philpott-Marsh12/13 Energy Medicine / Shamanic Healer 801-599-8222. Overwhelmed? Stuck? Pushed and pulled by forces that interfere with your peace of mind? Shamanic healing cuts to the root of the problem. I intuitively unwind the core issues, recalibrate your energy body, and bring you to a place of strength and clarity. Core emotional clearing; mental reprogramming; soul retrieval; past life reconciliation; spirit guide activation; elimination of dark forces / interdimensional interference. I also love mentoring healers. WWW.RADIANCEYOGA.ORG PSYCHIC/TAROT READINGS Crone’s Hollow 8/13 2470 S. Main St. 801.906.0470. Have life questions? We offer intuitive and personal psychic consultations: Tarot, Pendulum, Crystal Ball and other oracles. $22 for 20 minutes. Afternoon and evening appointments. Walk-ins welcome. We also make custom conjure/spell candles! WWW.CRONESHOLLOW.COMFB

Margaret Ruth 801-575-7103. My psychic and tarot readings are a conversation with your guides. Enjoy MR’s blog at WWW.CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET & send me your ideas and suggestions. WWW.MARGARETRUTH.COM Nicholas Stark 7/14 801-394-6287; 801-721-2779 cell. Shamanic Intuitive Readings and Energy Work . Ogden Canyon.

Weekly Schedule



7:30-9am: Mindful Hatha - Charlotte )*+, @*A)/ * =

5:30-7pm: Mindful Hatha - Charlotte



Kristen Dalzen, LMT 2/14 801.467.3306. 1569 So. 1100 East. IGNITE YOUR DIVINE SPARK! Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher practicing in Salt Lake since 1996. Offering a dynamic array of healing services and classes designed to create a balanced, expansive and vivacious life. WWW.TURIYAS.COM Isis Botanicals 2/14 480-772-6577. Salt Lake City, UT Products/services to nurture your body, calm your mind, soothe your soul. 30+ years’ experience. Wellness through scent, movement, energy. Holistic practice integrates Reiki, Aromatherapy/essential oils, Shamanic Pathworking, yoga, chakra cleansing/balancing, Egyptian Cartouche readings. Custom blend a scent unique to you. IYATA@ISISBOTANICALS.COM, WWW.ISISBOTANICALS.COM

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4 2-5pm: Meditation on Joy - Marlena 8% G / I $

# I

fun & fr lic consignment shop your renewable resource for fun-loving, easy-living gear, clothing & accessories

Accepting consignment for Spring outdoor/ recreational gear - travel - fun garden/picnic - outside living/concerts - dog gear - camping/hiking - yoga men’s, women’s, children’s clothing for outdoor, casual, & active lifestyle 801.487.6393

2066 South 2100 East ─ SLC

Updates on facebook @ fun & frolic consignment shop


Suzanne Wagner. 707-354-1019. WWW.SUZWAGNER.COM.

Detailed info about our Community & Conservation efforts & consigning with us can be found on the web @

Harrington Wealth Services Robert Harrington Wealth Advisor 8899 S 700 E Ste 225, Sandy, UT 84070-1825 Independence Powered By LPL Financial

PSYCHOTHERAPY & PERSONAL GROWTH THERAPY/COUNSELING ABC-Advanced Behavioral Counseling 801-268-1199. 997 E. 3900 South/rear, We are a treatment agency for mental health, relationships, anxiety, depression, addictions, substance abuse, grief/loss, divorce, domestic violence, for adults and children. Individual and men’s, women’s and mixed groups, some insur-

Your investment plan should be created just for you; however, developing and maintaining a comprehensive financial plan can be a bit of a balancing act. I can deliver the guidance needed to develop a well-balanced investment plan.

Securities offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC

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March 2014

ances accepted, Several counselors available. Sliding fee scale available. WWW.ABCSLC.COM Marianne Felt, MT-BC, CMHC 9/14 801-524-0560, EXT. 3. 150 S. 600 E., Ste. 7C. Licensed professional counselor, board certified music therapist, certified Gestalt therapist, Red Rock Counseling & Education. Transpersonal psychotherapy, music therapy, Gestalt therapy, EMDR. Open gateways to change through experience of authentic contact. Integrate body, mind, & spirit through creative exploration of losses, conflicts, & relationships that challenge & inspire our lives.

Jan Magdalen, LCSW 3/14 801-582-2705, 2071 Ashton Circle, SLC. Offering a transpersonal approach to the experiences and challenges of our life cycles, including: individuation-identity, sexuality and sexual orientation, partnership, work, parenting, divorce, aging, illness, death and other loss, meaning and spiritual awareness. Individuals, couples and groups. Clinical consultation and supervision. Marilynne Moffitt, PhD FB 801-266-4551. 825 E. 4800 S. Murray 84107. Offering interventions for psychological growth & healing. Assistance with behavioral & motivational changes, refocusing of life priorities, relationship issues, addiction & abuse issues, & issues regarding health. Certified clinical hypnotherapist, NLP master practitioner & EMDR practitioner. Stephen Proskauer, MD, Integrative Psychiatry 8/13 801-631-8426. Sanctuary for Healing and Integration, 860 E. 4500 S., Ste. 302. Steve is a seasoned psychiatrist, Zen priest and shamanic healer. He sees kids, teens, adults, couples and families, integrating psychotherapy, meditation and soul work with judicious use of medication to relieve emotional pain and problem behavior. Steve specializes in creative treatment of bipolar disorders. STEVE@KARMASHRINK.COM. Blog: WWW.KARMASHRINK .COM Diane St John, Personal and Life Coaching I help people make those changes that are difficult to make and see themselves the way

they want to be seen. I have over 30 years of experience working with body, mind, health and relationship issues. My background includes SE Trauma Resolution, Perceptual shifting with EVOX, Voice Dialogue and Continuum Movement. 801-935-4787. WWW.PATHSOFCONNECTION.COM. 3/14 Don St John, Ph.D. Body-Centered Psychotherapy 6/14 801 935-4787 Sugar House. As you learn to be fully with yourself—here and now—and simultaneously allow me to be fully with you, you discover and develop your presence and strength, you honor and care for your vulnerability, recognize and appreciate your lovability, and tolerate and enjoy real intimacy. The Talking Trail 801-541-7769. The Talking Trail™ combines compassion and creativity with the physical benefits of walking. Utilizing mindfulness and positive psychology, you will increase awareness and serenity while working with nature. Traditional office visits are also available; downtown and Cottonwood areas. SHAMANIC PRACTICE Sarah Sifers, Ph.D., LCSW, Shamanic Practitioner 3/14 801-531-8051. Shamanic Counseling. Shamanic Healing, Minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth. Mentoring for people called to the Shaman’s Path. Explore health or mental health issues using the ways of the shaman. Sarah’s extensive training includes shamanic extraction healing, soul retrieval healing, psychopomp work for death and dying, shamanic counseling and shamanic divination. Sarah has studied with Celtic, Brazilian, Tuvan, Mongolian, Tibetan and Nepali Shamans.

Naomi Silverstone, DSW, LCSW FB 801-209-1095. 508 E. So. Temple, #102. Psychotherapy and shamanic practice. Holistic practice integrates traditional and nontraditional approaches to health, healing, and balance or “ayni.� Access new perceptual lenses as you reanimate your relationship with nature. Shamanic practice in the Inka tradition.



line goes here GROCERIES, SPECIALTY FOODS, KITCHEN SUPPLIES Beer Nut. 1200 S State St, 801.531.8182, BEERNUT.COM. FB

line goes here ORGANIZATIONS

Inner Light Center Spiritual Community 10/14 801.462.1800. 4408 S. 500 E., SLC. An interspiritual sanctuary that goes beyond religion into mystical realms. Access inner wisdom, deepen divine connection, enjoy an accepting, friendly community. Events & classes. Sunday Celebration: 10 a.m.; WWW.INNERLIGHTCENTER.NET

Cali’s Natural Foods. 389 W 1700 S, 801.483.2254, CALISNATURALFOODS.COM. FB FB GIFTS & TREASURES Blue Boutique. WWW.BLUEBOUTIQUE.COM FB

Urgyen Samten Ling Gonpa Tibetan Buddhist Temple 8/14

Dancing Cranes. 673 E Simpson Ave, 801.486.1129, DANCINGCRANESIMPORTS.COM FB

801-328-4629. 740 S. 300 W. Urgyen Samten Ling Gonpa offers an open environment for the study, contemplation, and practice of Tibetan Buddhist teachings. The community is welcome to our Sunday service (puja), group practices, meditation classes and introductory courses. WWW.URGYENSAMTENLING.ORG

Golden Braid Books. 801-322-1162. 151 S 500 E, GOLDENBRAIDBOOKS.COM FB Healing Mountain Crystal Co.FB363 S. 500 E. #210, SLC. 800-811-0468, HEALINGMOUNTAIN.ORG.


Lotus. 801.333.3777. Everything from Angels to Zen. 12896 Pony Express Rd. #200, Draper, WWW.ILOVELOTUS.COM FB

Two Arrows Zen Center (formerly Boulder Mountain Zendo). 230 S. 500 W., #155, SLC. 801.532.4975. WWW.BOULDERMOUNTAINZENDO.ORG

Turiya's Gifts8/14 1569 So. 1100 E. 801.531.7823. M-F 11-7, Sat 11-6, Sun 12-5. Turiya's is a metaphysical gift and crystal store. We have an exquisite array of crystals and minerals, jewelry, drums, sage and sweet grass, angels, fairies, greeting cards and meditation tools. Come in and let us help you create your sanctuary. WWW.TURIYAS.COM

Vedic Harmonyfree duplicate

FB 942-5876. Georgia Clark, certified Deepak Chopra Center educator. Learn how Ayurveda can help you harmonize your lifestyle and well being. Primordial sound meditation, creating health workshops, Ayurvedic wellness counseling, Ayurvedic oils, teas and books, Jyotish (vedic astrology). Georgia has trained in the US and India. TARAJAGA@EARTHLINK.NET

RESALE/FURNITURE, ACCESSORIES Elemente 11/13 353 W Pierpont Avenue, 801-355-7400. M-F 126, Sat. 12-5, See “Abode.�

POETRY Rumi Poetry Good poetry enriches our culture and nourishes our soul. Rumi Poetry Club (founded in 2007) celebrates spiritual poetry of Rumi and other masters as a form of meditation. Free meetings first Tuesday (7 pm) of month at Anderson-Foothill Library 1135 S 2100 E. WWW.RUMIPOETRYCLUB.COM

RESALE/OUTDOOR GEAR & CLOTHING fun & frolic consignment shop8/14 801-487-6393 2066 S. 2100 E. Consigns everything for travel /outdoor recreational experiences. Fun seekers can buy and consign high-quality, gently used outdoor gear and clothing, making fun time less expensive. Call to consign your items. FACEBOOK @ FUN & FROLIC CONSIGNMENT SHOP; in the 21st & 21st business district. INFO@MYFUNANDFROLIC.COM

Listing your business or service in the CATALYST Community Resource Directory Email: CRD@CATALYSTMAGAZINE.NET

Steve Defa Weekly Sitting and Sangha Schedule Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei .JDIBFM .VHBLV ;JNNFSNBO 4FOTFJ Public Dharma Talk – Sunday Meditation: 4:30 p.m. Dharma Talk: 5:00 p.m.

Morning Zazen – Monday through Friday 'JSTU TJU UP B N 4FDPOE TJU UP B N .PSOJOH 4FSWJDF 5IVSTEBZT B N


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Transpersonal Therapy Spiritual Guidance Conscious Creativity Wild Mind

30 years of helping people realize a deeper consciousness Go to or call 435-616-4509 to learn more about Steve’s work and to schedule an appointment


Say yes March 2014 BY SUZANNE WAGNER

Osho Zen Tarot: Participation, Completion, The Rebel Medicine Cards: Wolf, Rabbit, Butterfly Mayan Oracle: Men, New Myth, Language of Light Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Ten of Swords, Seven of Swords, Prince of Disks Aleister Crowley Deck: The Chariot, Ace of Wands, Prince of Swords Words of Truth: Fear, Compromise, Transition


arch contains the moment when you realize that you cannot do it alone. It is time to allow others to bring their own gifts and skills into your life. You do not have to do everything. When you allow others to participate in the creation, not only will it nourish you but also it allows for a fully embodied manifestation with complex flavors and coloring. We need others to pull us out of the trenches we work ourselves into. We can become so attached to the struggle that we push and strive but never completely arrive. To philosophize is to speculate and imagine. To participate is to get into the clay and mold that reality into being. It is the participation that creates the feeling of fulfillment. It is in the doing that you find the magic. You are being asked to become a participant in the creation. This month you will be aware of the direction you are going. Whenever you arrive at what you believe is the completion, you recognize that the constant evo-


lution of life is once again showing you more options and opportunities on your journey of self-awareness. You are consciousness right now. Awakening to your natural state is a choice. When you choose to align with your essential self, you will discover that all around you are the elements that will allow you to manifest what you need. But you also need to recognize those people and allow them to help shape what is attempting to emerge in the creative process. There is tremendous power you can feel from those who have journeyed deep inside and have come to the place of acceptance and knowing of who they are. This month, look into the mirror. Really get to know yourself. If you are not magnetizing what you need in your life, you have disconnected with some essential part of your authentic self. Enlightenment means that you are not enslaved by others’ opinions or by your own ego. Authenticity is an upsetting force to some, a relief for others. When you are presented with someone just being, you either find great attraction to him or her or you will feel not good enough and attempt to step away and become invisible or ignore them. When you feel that urge to step back or to disappear, instead just stop

When you allow others to participate in the creation, not only will it nourish you but also it allows for a fully embodied manifestation. and stay present. Feel the disturbance in your energy field and lean into the discomfort. Allow the authentic presence of another to break you out of your negative self-talk. When you allow yourself moments of awareness and clarity, you will discover that no situation, community, society, person or nation can actually confine your spirit. Do not be afraid. You are connected right now to your spiritual family. Allow others to support and help you. Together you can step out of the limited illusion in which you are experiencing. It is your commitment and choice that will allow you to do it now. Have a fabulous month. N Suzanne Wagner is the author of numerous books and CDs on the tarot and creator of the Wild Women app. She now lives in California, but visits Utah for classes and readings frequently. SUZWAGNER.COM

Michelle Murphy, LCSW

The Salt Lake Wellness Center builds upon four cornerstones of treatment: Biology Psychology Spirituality Social Connection Using these cornerstones we help our clients create an individualized and balanced platform to find their passion and reconnect with their creativity and excitement. We use psychotherapy, nutrition/ vitamin/supplement therapy, recreation or exercise therapy as well as art and writing to treat individuals holistically.

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Advertiser Directory 11Hauz - Dancehall classes......................8 Beer Nut ..................................................13 Best Friends Utah - Adoption ................17 Best Freinds Utah - Fostering ................33 Blue Boutique .........................................17 Café Solstice ...........................................11 Center for Enhanced Wellness...............10 Clark's Auto Care ....................................34 Coffee Garden ..................................7 & 26 Dancing Cranes ........................................3 Dave's Health & Nutrition .........................4 Downtown Alliance Winter Market........25 Dzogchen Lineage ..................................21 Earthship ..........................................6 & 21 Emily Spirit..............................................26 Emperor's Tea .........................................11 Finca Restaurant .....................................15 First Step House .....................................33 Fun & Frolic - Consignment....................31 Gem Faire................................................13 Golden Braid Books/Oasis .......................2 H2O Vitality .............................................34 Harrington Wealth Services ...................31 Healing Mt. Massage School ..........5 & 36 Heel Clicker .............................................33 Himalayan Kitchen..................................33 Inner Light Center...................................28 KRCL........................................................16 Krishna Temple - Festival of Colors .......24 Leonardo Museum .................................25 Life Force Theatre...................................13 Local First................................................10 Lotus for Rocks and Crystals ...................8 McKay Method .......................................21 Mindful Yoga...........................................31 Moffitt, Marilyn .......................................28 Omar's Rawtopia Restaurant..................11 Open Hand Bodywork............................16 Pago Restaurant......................................11 Planned Parenthood ...............................10 Real Foods ..............................................33 Repertory Dance Theater - Classes .......27 Red Lotus/Urgyen Samteng Ling ..........26 Residential Design ..................................27 Salt Lake Wellness .................................33 Schneider Auto.......................................17 Schumann Law .......................................17 State Room - Concerts ...........................24 Steve Defa...............................................32 Sunny Strasburg.......................................8 Sunset Rehabilitation ...............................6 The Shop Yoga .......................................34 Turiya's Gifts............................................13 Two Arrows Zen Center .........................32 UMOCA - Museum ...................................7 Underfoot Floors ....................................16 Utah Film Center ............................21 & 23 Utah Opera - Turandot ...........................35 Wagner, Suzanne ....................................27 Wild Women Symposium ......................11 Wasatch Community Gardens .................9 Wasatch Eco Mow..................................17

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