Pathways to Healing 2011

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Spell Removal Spells are negative thought energies or negative intentions that are sent to you. In some cultures, negative thoughts are enhanced by using objects and various rituals. This process elimantes negative thoughts such as jealousy, anger that are sent to you as well as more serious spells. Spiral Release Spiral Release Bodywork consists of deep tissue bodywork and neuromuscular therapy. While most massage therapists can incorporate deep pressure during a massage, SRB is a special therapy that encourages the permanent release of physical pain, trauma and stiffness. Just like neuromuscular therapy, SRB addresses chronic conditions affecting muscle/nerve interaction like carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica or tennis elbow. In addition, SRB releases the energetic holding patterns at a cellular level allowing the individual to release limiting emotional and behavioural patterns. The purpose of SRB is to facilitate the release of physical, emotional and spiritual pain through the body. When you release this kind of pain, the greatest ally you have is your body. Releasing the body at this deep fundamental level assists in physical, personal and spiritual transformation. Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing is the channelling of healing energies through the therapist to the client, relaxing the client to enable them to use their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury in the best possible way. Starseed Healing The purpose of this healing is to totally energetically cleanse the system, including the chakras and layers of energy on the body. It redirects otherwise lost vibrations on the body by correcting the vibrational state of the body. It cleans out the "mind clutter". It connects you in a Galactic way to all living things. Wonderfully cleansing and balancing, this healing is very calming and is especially helpful if you have been doing a lot of emotional release work and if you have experienced deep emotions like grief and you are needing balance. This distinctive healing utilizes crystals, chimes and a tuning fork to cleanse and harmonize your body's energetic system at 50 different points on the body. Tachyons A tachyon is said to resonate with extremely high vibrational frequencies of energy They have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect which positively affects our physical health and well-being. Tachyons also harrmonize all electromagnetic emis36 P A T H W A Y S

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sions and can be used on cellphones, computers and other electronic equipment as a protection against all forms of electrosmog. Tachyon energy is “Intelligent”, and therefore understands how and where we need it, helping us to clear blockages on the mental and emotional levels, providing physical energy and ultimately growing us spiritually back to God. Tai Chi An exercise in both physical and mental relaxation, which has an extremely revitalising effect on mind and body.The movements are slow, controlled and continuously flowing. Tai Chi reduces stress and develops a centering of your own self to maintain and improve your health. Tarot Tarot cards are used in tarot divinations also commonly referred to as tarot readings. There are a multitude of different tarot card decks available on the market, some following traditional meanings, and some varying greatly from the traditional. The Laying of Hands for Comfort and Healing This offers the client the healing and comfort of the embrace of Jesus the Christ and his Mother the Holy Virgin Mary. It is powerful for anyone but especially if you need to feel the peace, calm and love from this Office and restore any shocks or imbalances in your life. This is deeply healing. Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem Experience the safe, wholistic and powerful energies of the Angels of the Violet Flame and the four Elemental Rays as a pathway to your healing. The Spirit Infusion The Spirit Infusion is a deep and profound healing that brings in the rays of Ensof (The Almighty or the highest aspect of G-d) into your life, re-aligning you to the highest light. This light will keep you infused with this light to direct your life in accordance with that energy. This is deeply healing and the high vibration of this healing deeply transformational. Therapeutic Touch Therapeutic touch (TT) is a type of energy medicine whereby the therapist moves his or her hands over the patient’s “energy field,” directing the flow of chi or prana so the patient can heal. Triangles Working to heal humanity. The need to reconnect, to recreate the circuit through which soul energy can flow is a crucial step in the healing process. Triangles

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