Pathways to Healing 2011

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number. It is similar to the astrological zodiac symbols in that each number is associated with certain character traits. By studying the character traits of your birth number, an individual gains insights into their behaviour and personality. Palmistry A method of divination using lines, shapes, and textures on a person's hand, also known as palm reading. The most frequent characteristics discovered during a palm reading are health, life expectancy, and periods of time in a person's future that will be traumatic or easy. Gifted palm readers can go deeper into the reading and use the palm as a divination tool to access all kinds of information about the individual. Past Life Past Life Therapy is based on the principle that events that have occurred in a person’s previous lifetimes can affect the present. During therapy, past life traumas and experiences are explored and the therapist assists the client in resolving any remaining emotional issues or unfinished business in that life, and aids the integration of the experience into the present life situation. Many emotional problems and conflicts can be quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy. Because many physical conditions are considered to be psychosomatic, it is found that symptoms may subside or disappear through this therapy.

Pranic Healing Pranic Healing is a non touch energy healing system that works on the energy body (aura) and the energy points on the aura (chakras). Every chakra is responsible for a part or process in your body. It is through the chakras and energy body that prana or life energy is absorbed and distributed throughout the whole physical and mental body. By cleaning out the chakras and putting in healing energy, the body can start restoring itself. Prana is a Sanskrit word meaning ÂŤlife-forceÂť This vital energy can be found in various forms: air prana, earth prana, solar prana and divine prana. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that the body is able to heal itself, given the necessary biochemical changes to make this possible. Psychic Healing Psychic healing uses spiritual energy, the healers

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