Pathways to Healing 2011

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down intact over the last 3000 years and is now available for all who are ready to jumpstart their lives. The session includes energy balancing, chakra balancing, lotus petal balancing, a mini reading and a Life activation. In a 2 hour session, this process will catalyze the unfolding of your hidden capabilities and expand your journey of self growth exponentially. It also:

Matrix Energetics

The key to change is through ‘Heart Space’. Scientists have discovered neurological tissue in the Heart and that its electromagnetic field is 5000 times more powerful than that of the brain. Ideally the Heart should form the centre of one’s awareness and focus. Illness or emotional stress develops when there is a lack of coherence in Heart Space which compromises the health of the cells of the body.

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opens pathways and opportunities for your potential, life path & purpose awakens and unlocks unused DNA enables you to hold more light in your physical body attracts more of what you want in your life strengthens your immune system increases your brain capacity and aligns you with previously unrealized gifts, creativity and abilities clears 3-5 generations of genetic and ancestral debris in your DNA brings joy into your life and lightens depression and sadness

Life Alignment “Life Alignment is a life transforming experience. It is an integrated collection of energy healing systems including the well known Body Alignment Technique and Home/Organisation Alignment. Life Alignment can be applied to balance and transform your life by neutralizing blockages and negative influences in your physical and subtle bodies, your relationships and your home or business. After our practitioners have balanced you and the environments in which you live and work you will feel lighter, in harmony with your surroundings and ready to take on any challenges life throws at you. Your home and business will become pleasurable places to be in. Your relationships will become more harmonious. People in your business will work more harmoniously and effectively. What seemed difficult before a Life Alignment session will flow easily after a balance. The impact on your life, your relationships and the profitability of your business will be profound. Our unique Vortex technology supports the balances and offers protection from harmful electro magnetic frequencies. Louise L Hay Louise L Hay is a metaphysical teacher and best selling author who has helped thousands of people to discover and use the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. According to Louise L Hay limiting beliefs and ideas can often be the cause of illness. A trained therapist can help you change the way you think and help you improve your quality of life. Magnet therapy – see Biomagnetism.

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Matrix Energetics was discovered in the USA by Dr Richard Bartlett as a pathway for personal transformation. This transformation happens through accessing wave fronts of energy and information that naturally exist in the electromagnetic fields around us.

Meditation The art of meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and it is considered by many therapists to be the ultimate in self-help. Meditation is a process of letting go of feelings and thoughts, to reach a deep state of relaxation, and therefore to become more focused and creative. Mind Region Healing This Modality brings about a true healing of the various physical, energetic, spiritual and perceptual aspects of the mind resulting in greater mental / emotional stability and serenity. It is the original healing modality on which Carl Jung based modern psychotherapy. As such it re-introduces 90% of the healing modality that was omitted for the popular consciousness at the time. The healing of the mind re-integrates pieces of the mind existing in Spiritual bodies that are fractured and not fully connected through trauma and pain; and re-integrates pieces that are not healed through talk therapy alone. This healing is yielding incredible results and it is very stabilizing for all age groups! As such, it is a major healing and consists of 10 healing sessions and over 15 hours of healing. Each session is between 1.5-2.5 hours. Modern Mystery School The MMS offers advanced spiritual training to guide you towards the highest level of spiritual growth and fulfillment that is available in the world today. Once reserved only for the few this lineage is now open to the public and their unique way of teaching is directed towards bringing you to a level of self knowledge that will enable you to re-create your reality as you want it to be. Numerology A common method of numerology is to find one's birth

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