1 minute read

Practical Portables: Haven On-the-Go

When you think of haven, do you imagine a perfectly appointed space with lots of luxurious detail, cozy accessories, and the comforting smell of lavender and fresh flowers lingering in the air? While that sounds idyllic it isn’t always possible and quite frankly, it doesn’t have to be.

I believe havens are portable: they can be carried with you or manifested wherever you are. Just because you aren’t snuggled into a 2- foot deep featherbed surrounded by 6 dozen pillows and an endless supply of herbal tea doesn’t mean that your haven is out of reach.


How do you claim your haven? for me, I need to have goodness on the other side of something I dread in order to get through whatever it is that’s making me uncomfortable.

Life does trip us up on occasion but if you know what works for you and what you need in your “anxiety first aid” arsenal, you’ll be ready for the challenge.

Your personal Relief Kit is completely portable.

Pure, food grade essential oil. Add a drop or 2 to drinking water, use a few drops in the bath, or add few drops to a tissue next to your pillow when going to sleep.

Small floating candle. Fill a hotel rock glass 3/4 full of water, add the candle and voilà: sparkly little candlelight.

A scoop (or more) of dead sea salt in a Ziploc bag. Add it your bath or mix a little water in for a body scrub.

One-time use face and hair masks to literally wash off travel stress.

Podcasts and apps - TED Talks, Calm, Audible

A photo of your furbaby.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

Anthony J. D'Angelo