Canongate Audio Catalogue 2019

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CANONGATE Audio Catalogue 2019


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Canongate is an independent publisher: since 1973 we’ve worked to unearth and amplify the most vital, innovative voices we can find, wherever they come from, and we’ve published all kinds of books – thoughtful, upsetting, gripping, beatific, vulgar, chaste, unrepentant, life-changing . . . Along the way there have been landmarks of fiction – including Alasdair Gray’s masterpiece Lanark, and Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, the best-ever-selling Booker winner – and non-fiction too. We’ve published an American president and a Guantanamo detainee; we’ve campaigned for causes we believe in and fought court cases to get our authors heard. And twice we’ve won Publisher of the Year. We’re still independent, and we’re as committed to unorthodox and innovative publishing as ever. @canongatebooks|

SALT ON YOUR TONGUE Charlotte Runcie Women and the Sea

A lyrical exploration of the sea, how it inspires art, music and literature and how it connects us, from the Daily Telegraph's poetry critic Charlotte Runcie has always felt pulled to the sea, lured by its soothing, calming qualities but also enlivened and inspired by its salty wildness. When she loses her beloved grandmother, and becomes pregnant with her first child, she feels its pull even more intensely. In Salt On Your Tongue Charlotte explores what the sea means to us, and particularly what it has meant to women through the ages. This book is a walk on the beach with Turner, with Shakespeare, with the Romantic Poets and shanty-singers. It's an ode to our oceans – to the sailors who brave their treacherous waters, to the women who lost their loved ones to the waves, to the creatures that dwell in their depths, to beach trawlers, swimmers, sea birds and mermaids. In mesmerising prose, Charlotte Runcie explores how the sea has inspired, fascinated and terrified us, and how she herself fell in love with the deep blue. Navigating through ancient Greek myths, poetry, shipwrecks and Scottish folktales, Salt On Your Tongue is about how the wild untameable waves can help us understand what it means to be human.

CHARLOTTE RUNCIE is the Daily Telegraph's radio columnist and arts writer. For several years she lived and worked in Edinburgh, where she ran a folk music choir, and she now lives in the Scottish Borders. She has a secret past as a poet, having been a Foyle Young Poet of the Year with a pamphlet published by tall-lighthouse. Salt On Your Tongue is her first book. @charlotteruncie |

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Read by JESSICA HARDWICK 3 JANUARY 2019 528 minutes Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 576 9 Rights: W

Nominated for an Audie Award™ in the Business/Personal Development Category Read by Juliet Stevenson

You embraced hygge and mastered konmari; now meet Döstädning, or death cleaning: the Scandinavian art of shedding unnecessary things to make our lives as joyful as possible, at any age. Döstädning, or the art of death cleaning, is a Swedish phenomenon by which the elderly and their families set their affairs in order. Whether it's sorting the family heirlooms from the junk, downsizing to a smaller place, or setting up a system to help you stop misplacing your keys, death cleaning gives us the chance to make the later years of our lives as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Whatever your age, Swedish death cleaning can be used to help you de-clutter your life, and take stock of what's important. THE GENTLE ART OF SWEDISH DEATH CLEANING Margareta Magnusson 978 1 78689 222 5 / £12.99

QUICKSAND TALES Keggie Carew The Misadventures of Keggie Carew A hilarious, embarrassing collection of misadventures from the Costa-winning author of Dadland Ever been talked into buying a camel? Or become a burglar by mistake? Or accidentally drugged a friend on a blind date? Keggie Carew has an unerring instinct for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, of putting her foot in it, and making a hash of things. From the repercussions of a missing purse, to boiling a frog, or the holiday when the last thing you could possibly imagine happens, Keggie has been there. She also has an enviable talent for recycling awfulness and turning embarrassment into gold. In prose that will make you laugh, wince and curl your toes, Keggie Carew shares her most humiliating, awkward, uncomfortable, funny, true, terrible and all-too-relatable moments.

Read by JILLY BOND 31 JANUARY 2019 482 minutes Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 410 6

You will be glad none of it happened to you.

KEGGIE CAREW has lived in West Cork, Barcelona, Texas, Auckland, and London. Before writing, her career was in contemporary art. Keggie lives in Wiltshire with her husband Jonathan. She is the author of Dadland, which won the 2016 COSTA biography award.

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Rights: W

ANOTHER PLANET Tracey Thorn A Teenager in Suburbia An exploration of suburbia from music icon Tracey Thorn; singer-songwriter and The Sunday Times bestselling author of Bedsit Disco Queen In a 1970s commuter town, Tracey Thorn's teenage life was forged from what failed to happen. Her diaries were packed with entries about not buying things, not going to the disco, the school coach not arriving.

Read by TRACEY THORN 7 FEBRUARY 2019 357 minutes Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 577 6 Rights: W

Before she became an acclaimed musician and writer, Tracey Thorn was a typical teenager: bored and cynical, despairing of her aspirational parents. Her only comfort came from house parties, Meaningful Conversations and the female pop icons who hinted at a new kind of living. Returning more than three decades later to Brookmans Park, scene of her childhood, Thorn takes us beyond the bus shelters and pub car parks, the utopian cul-desacs, the train to Potters Bar and the weekly discos, to the parents who wanted so much for their children, the children who wanted none of it. With endearing wit and great insight, Thorn reconsiders the Green Belt post-war dream so many artists have mocked, and yet so many artists have come from.

TRACEY THORN is a singer-songwriter and writer, best known for her seventeen years in bestselling duo Everything But The Girl. She grew up as the youngest of three children in Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, where she learned the piano, enjoyed underaged drinking, and started her first band while still at school. Since then, she has released four solo albums, one movie soundtrack, a large handful of singles and two books, including the Sunday Times bestselling memoir, Bedsit Disco Queen, and currently writes a column for the New Statesman. She lives in London, with her husband Ben Watt and their three children. @tracey_thorn |

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FIGURING Maria Popova

A history of women who have changed our understanding of the universe, from the creator of Brain Pickings Figuring explores the complexities of love and the human search for truth and meaning through the interconnected lives of several historical figures across four centuries – beginning with the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, and ending with the marine biologist and author Rachel Carson, who catalysed the environmental movement. Stretching between these figures is a cast of artists, writers, and scientists – mostly women, mostly queer – whose public contribution has risen out of their unclassifiable and often heartbreaking private relationships to change the way we understand, experience and appreciate the universe. Among them are the astronomer Maria Mitchell, who paved the way for women in science; the sculptor Harriet Hosmer, who did the same in art; the journalist and literary critic Margaret Fuller, who sparked the feminist movement; and the poet Emily Dickinson. Emanating from these lives are larger questions about the measure of a good life and what it means to leave a lasting mark of betterment on an imperfect world: Are achievement and acclaim enough for happiness? Is genius? Is love?

MARIA POPOVA started Brain Pickings in 2006 as a weekly email that went out to seven friends and which she eventually brought online. The site was added to the Library of Congress permanent web archives in 2012. She has written for the Atlantic, New York Times and Harvard's Nieman Journalism Lab.

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Read by NATASCHA McELHONE 7 FEBRUARY 2019 900 minutes Audio Digital Download £25 978 1 78689 728 2 Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

MAKING EVIL Dr Julia Shaw The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side How to understand the deviance that lies in ourselves and others – an original and rigorous exploration of the darkest recesses of the human mind Are you evil? A smart and highly readable exploration of why we think and do bad things. Dr Julia Shaw shows us that the same dispositions that make us capable of heinous crimes may also work to our advantage. And, if evil is within all of us, should it be said to exist at all? Read by JULIA SHAW 7 FEBRUARY 2019 440 minutes Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 350 5 Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

In Making Evil, Shaw uses a compelling mix of science, popular culture and real life examples to break down timely and important issues. How similar is your brain to a psychopath's? How many people have murder fantasies? Can A.I. be evil? Do your sexual proclivities make you a bad person? Who becomes a terrorist? This is a wide-ranging exploration into a fascinating, darkly compelling subject.

JULIA SHAW is a scientist in the Department of Psychology at University College London (UCL). Her academic work, teaching and role as an expert witness have focussed on different ways of understanding criminal behaviour. Dr Shaw has consulted as an expert on criminal cases, delivered police-training and military workshops, and has evaluated offender diversion programs. She is also the co-founder of Spot, a start-up that helps employees report workplace harassment and discrimination, and employers take action. Her work has been featured in outlets such as CNN, the BBC, the New Yorker, WIRED, Forbes, the Guardian and Der Spiegel. @drjuliashaw|

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The Living Mountain  Nan Shepherd

Read by Tilda Swinton In this masterpiece of nature writing, Nan Shepherd describes her journeys into the Cairngorm mountains of Scotland. There she encounters a world that can be breathtakingly beautiful at times and shockingly harsh at others. Her intense, poetic prose explores and records the rocks, rivers, creatures and hidden aspects of this remarkable landscape. Shepherd spent a lifetime in search of the 'essential nature' of the Cairngorms; her quest led her to write this classic meditation on the magnificence of mountains, and on our imaginative relationship with the wild world around us. Composed during the Second World War, the manuscript of The Living Mountain lay untouched for more than thirty years before it was finally published.

THE LIVING MOUNTAIN Nan Shepherd TBC / £20.99

Coming in 2019

COURAGE CALLS TO COURAGE EVERYWHERE Jeanette Winterson A century after women were first granted the vote, award-winning author Jeanette Winterson celebrates how far we have come on the road to equality, and calls on women and men alike to continue the fight Courage Calls to Courage Everywhere is a timely and inspiring call to arms by one of Britain's most acclaimed and important writers. Whilst recognising how far women have come in the hundred years since getting the vote, Jeanette Winterson also insists that we must all do much more if we are to achieve true gender equality. Read by JEANETTE WINTERSON 28 FEBRUARY 2019 68 minutes Audio Digital Download £4.99

Examining recent women's rights movements, the worlds of politics, technology and social media and changes in the law, Winterson calls out all the ways in which women still face discrimination and disadvantage. Like the women who won the right to vote, we need to shout up, reach out, be courageous and finish the job.

978 1 78689 641 4 Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

JEANETTE WINTERSON was born in Manchester and read English at Oxford, during which time she wrote her first novel, the Whitbread award winning Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit. Since then she has published many other novels – including The Passion, Sexing the Cherry, Written on the Body, The PowerBook and The

More by the same author WEIGHT Read by Dick Hill and Susie Breck 978 0 85786 569 4/£14.99

Daylight Gate – a collection of short stories, a book of essays, books for children and a memoir, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?. She has adapted her work for TV, film and stage, was awarded an OBE in 2006 and a CBE in 2018 for services to literature. Her books are published in 32 countries.

142 minutes Rights: UK

@Wintersonworld |

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Read by Judi Dench, Miriam Margolyes, Juliet

Stevenson and more

978 1 84767 983 3 / £14.99

978 0 85786 308 9 / £15.99

978 0 85786 307 2 / £15.99

136 minutes

270 minutes

1,044 minutes

Rights: W/ExUS,C

Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

Rights: UKCW,neEU,neH

978 0 85786 575 5 / £14.99

978 0 85786 778 0 / £14.99

978 0 85786 991 3 / £14.99

225 minutes

370 minutes

419 minutes

Rights: WxEinUS,C

Rights: W/ExUS,C

Rights: WxEinUS,C


A journey of addiction, grief and the healing power of art – the highly acclaimed memoir from the author of The Book of Joan From the debris of her troubled early life, Lidia Yuknavitch weaves an astonishing tale of survival. A kind of memoir that is also a paean to the pursuit of beauty, self-expression, desire – for men and women – and the exhilaration of swimming, The Chronology of Water lays a life bare.

Read by CHRISTINA DELAINE 7 MARCH 2019 558 minutes

It is a life that navigates, and transcends, abuse, addiction, self-destruction and the crushing loss of a stillborn child. It is the life of a misfit, one that forges a fierce and untrodden path to creativity and comes together in the shape of love.

Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 363 5 Rights: WxUS,C,FR

LIDIA YUKNAVITCH is the author of the novels The Book of Joan, The Small Backs of Children and Dora: A Headcase. Her highly acclaimed memoir, The Chronology of Water, was a finalist for a PEN Center USA award for Creative Non-fiction and winner of a PNBA Award and the Oregon Book Awards' Readers' Choice. Her TED talk, 'The Beauty of Being a Misfit', has been watched over two million times. Lidia teaches in Oregon, where she lives with her husband and their son. She is a very

More by the same author THE BOOK OF JOAN Read by Xe Sands

good swimmer. @LidiaYuknavitch |

978 1 78689 310 9/£17.99 430 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

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LONDON MADE US Robert Elms A Memoir of a Shape-Shifting City A personal journey – part anecdotal, part impressionistic – through London's constantly shifting cityscape by BBC Radio London's Robert Elms 'London is a giant kaleidoscope, which is forever turning. Take your eye off it for more than a moment and you're lost.' Robert Elms has seen his beloved city change beyond all imagining. London in his lifetime has morphed from a piratical, still bomb-scarred playground, to a swish cosmopolitan metropolis. Motorways driven through lost communities, murder miles becoming estate agents' dreams, accents changing, towers appearing. Yet still it remains to him the greatest place on earth. Elms takes us back through time and place to myriad Londons. He is our guide through a place that has seen scientific experiments conducted in subterranean lairs, a small community declare itself an independent nation and animals of varying exoticism roam free through its streets; a place his great-great-grandfather made the Elms' home over a century ago and a city that has borne witness to epoch- and world-changing events.

ROBERT ELMS is a broadcaster and writer, well-loved for his eponymous radio show on BBC Radio London. Elms started out as a journalist, writing for The Face and NME. He is a Londoner through and through, growing up in West London and living in the city for most of his life. The Robert Elms Show is a celebration of every aspect of the tumultuous city of London. He interviews Londoners – famous and non-famous – and every week looks at all sides of the city, be that architecture, language, music, clothes and more. Elms is the author of two previous works of non-fiction, The Way We Wore: A Life in Threads and Spain: A Portrait After the General, and a novel, In Search of the Crack. He lives in London with his wife and children. @RobertElms

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Read by ROBERT ELMS 7 MARCH 2019 720 minutes Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 311 6 Rights: W

UNSPEAKABLE Harriet Shawcross The Things We Cannot Say From award-winning journalist and film-maker Harriet Shawcross comes a deeply personal exploration of silence, taboo and how and why words fail us As a teenager, Harriet Shawcross stopped speaking at school for almost a year, retreating into herself and communicating only when absolutely necessary. As an adult, she became fascinated by the limits of language and in Unspeakable she asks what makes us silent.

Read by HARRIET SHAWCROSS 7 MARCH 2019 600 minutes Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 578 3 Rights: W

From the inexpressible trauma of trench warfare and the aftermath of natural disaster to the taboo of coming out, Shawcross explores how and why words fail us. From the mountains of Nepal to New York's theatre district she travels the world meeting people who constantly wrestle with language. She studies the work of George Oppen, a poet who couldn't write a line for twenty-five years, interviews Eve Ensler whose play The Vagina Monologues gave voice to the truths of female sexuality, and meets the founders of Samaritans who have been listening silently to those in need since the 1950s. A beguiling mix of memoir, history, literary criticism and investigative journalism, Unspeakable is a moving and unprecedented study of the power of silence.

HARRIET SHAWCROSS is an award-winning filmmaker and journalist. She obtained an MA in Creative Non-Fiction from the University of East Anglia, and was shortlisted for the Manchester Fiction Prize. Unspeakable is her first book.

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A blisteringly powerful self-portrait of 'The Angry Man of Jazz', contemporary of jazz genius Miles Davis Bass player extraordinaire Charles Mingus, who died in 1979, is one of the essential composers in the history of jazz, and Beneath the Underdog, his celebrated, wild, funny, demonic, anguished, shocking and profoundly moving memoir, is the greatest autobiography ever written by a jazz musician. It tells of his God-haunted childhood in Watts during the 1920s and 1930s; his outcast adolescent years; his apprenticeship, not only with jazzmen but also with pimps, hookers, junkies, and hoodlums; and his golden years in New York City with such legendary figures as Duke Ellington, Lionel Hampton, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, and Dizzy Gillespie. Here is Mingus in his own words, from shabby roadhouses to fabulous estates, from the psychiatric wards of Bellevue to worlds of mysticism and solitude, but for all his travels never straying too far, always returning to music.

CHARLES MINGUS was born in Arizona in 1922. He settled in New York in the 1950s, where he played and recorded with the leading musicians of his time, such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Bud Powell, Art Tatum and Duke Ellington. Mingus toured extensively throughout the world, including Europe, Japan, Canada, South America and the United States. He died in 1979. Both New York City and Washington, D.C., honoured him posthumously with a 'Charles Mingus Day'.

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Read by TBC 18 APRIL 2019 720 minutes Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 465 6 Rights: W/E

Lester Young fading away in a hotel room; Charles Mingus storming down the streets of New York on a too-small bicycle; Thelonius Monk creating his own private language on the piano . . . In eight poetically charged vignettes, Geoff Dyer skilfully evokes the embattled lives of the players who shaped modern jazz. He draws on photos and anecdotes, but music is the driving force of But Beautiful and Dyer brings it to life in luminescent and wildly metaphoric prose that mirrors the quirks, eccentricity, and brilliance of each musician's style. Dion Graham is one of the most beloved and decorated audiobook narrators of his generation. His talents have been recognised by the prestigious AudioFile Golden Voice Award and he has received a number of Audie Awards, Earphones Awards, ALA Odyssey Awards, Publishers Weekly Listen-Up Awards and IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards.

Read by DION GRAHAM 07 MARCH 2019 387 minutes Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 413 7

Graham has also built a successful acting career in film, television and theatre; he is a graduate of Rutgers University’s Mason Gross School of the Arts, with an MFA in acting.

Rights: UKCWxC, neEU, neH

'The funniest book I have ever read' Steve Martin Sitting down to write a book about his hero D.H. Lawrence, Geoff Dyer finds himself compelled to write about anything else. He is in fact compelled to do more or less anything else instead of write. In Sicily he is too preoccupied by his hatred of seafood to follow the great writer's footsteps; in Mexico he cannot get beyond a drug-induced erotic fantasy on a nudist beach . . . And yet, incredibly, this attempt to write a 'sober academic study' reveals the hold Lawrence and his work still exert on us today. Out of Sheer Rage is a complete one-off, a richly comic study of the combination of bad temper, procrastination and the uncanny power of obliquity. Tom Hollander is a theatre, television and film actor. His film credits include Pride and Prejudice; Pirates of the Caribbean; Gosford Park; Breathe and the Oscar Nominated Bohemian Rhapsody. He was nominated for an Olivier Award for Best Actor for his role as Henry Carr in Travesties. Tom makes regular appearances on American Dad and Family Guy.

Read by TOM HOLLANDER 25 APRIL 2019 540 minutes Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 411 3 Rights: UKCW, neEU, neH

THE MISSING OF THE SOMME READ BY JOHN HOPKINS 978 1 78689 414 4/ £17.99 307 minutes Rights: UKCW, neEU, neH YOGA FOR PEOPLE WHO CAN'T BE BOTHERED TO DO IT READ BY TOM HOLLANDER 978 1 78689 412 0 / £17.99 378 minutes Rights: UKCW, neEU, neH


A timely, provocative and personal examination of the refugee experience What is it like to be a refugee? It is a question few in the West give much thought to, and yet to be a refugee – or an immigrant – is to grapple with your place in the world, attempting to reconcile the life you have known with the unfamiliar. With this comes the weight of the expectations (and fears and resentment) of those born in the host country; foremost is the burden of gratitude: to be forever thankful for the space you have been allowed. Nayeri weaves together the story of her own refugee journey – as a child forced to flee Iran, eventually finding asylum in America - with the stories of others making their own journeys today. She sets out the stages of the refugee experience, and gives voice to those in today's refugee camps, or who are trying to settle in a new country, and for many of whom the search for home can be a forever state. The Ungrateful Refugee offers a new, complete narrative of resettlement, and recalibrates the conversation around the refugee experience. But above all here are the real human stories of what it is like to be forced to flee your home, to journey in hope of a better, safer life, and, for the lucky few, the struggle to start afresh in a new culture.

DINA NAYERI was born in Iran during the revolution and arrived in America when she was ten years old. She is the winner of a National Endowment for the Arts Grant, an O. Henry Award and the UNESCO City of Literature Paul Engle Prize. The author of two novels and contributor to The Displaced, her work has been published in over twenty countries. Her stories and essays have been published in Best American Short Stories and by the New York Times, Guardian, Wall Street Journal and Granta. She lives in London. @DinaNayeri| |

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Read by TBC 30 MAY 2019

Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 348 2 Rights: WxEinUS


A brilliant new chapter book for children, from number one bestselling author Matt Haig Ten-year-old Evie has a talent. A SUPERTALENT. Evie can talk to animals and HEAR their thoughts. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? One day at school, Evie sets Kahlo the rabbit free from her too-small cage. Evie knows she’s done A Good Thing . . . but it lands her in BIG trouble. Evie’s dad and Granny Flora say her talent is a curse; she must never use it again. Until a year later pets on her street – including Lady Gaga the cat and a hamster named Cheryl – start disappearing.

Read by TBC

Evie is determined to find them. But it’s dangerous for her to help. Because the villain has a talent of their own, and only wants to use it for evil . . .

6 JUNE 2019 420 minutes Audio Digital Download £14.99

Can Evie save the pets before it’s too late, even if it means DARING TO BE HERSELF?

978 1 78689 429 8 Rights: W

As well as being a number one bestselling writer for adults, MATT HAIG has won the Blue Peter Book Award, the Smarties Book Prize and been nominated three times for the Carnegie Medal for his stories for children and young adults. He has sold more than a million books in the UK and his work has been translated into over forty languages.

More children's fiction from Matt Haig





Read by Stephen Fry

Read by Carey Mulligan

Read by Natascha McElhone

Read by Matt Haig

978 1 78211 808 4/£12.99

978 1 78211 859 6/£12.99

978 1 78689 074 0/£12.99

978 1 78689 658 2/£4.99

267 minutes

308 minutes

308 minutes

22 minutes

Rights: WxEinUS,C

Rights: WxEinUS,C

Rights: WxEinC

Rights: W

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978 1 78689 365 9/£14.99

978 1 78211 555 7/£14.99

310 minutes

259 minutes

Rights: WxEinUS,C

Rights: WxEinUS,C

'Genius' RUBY WAX

'A life-saving book' AMANDA CRAIG

'Beautiful, honest and wise' FEARNE COTTON

'Full of wisdoms and warmth' NATHAN FILER

'Take Notes on a Nervous Planet twice daily, with or without food. The book is crammed with wisdom, insight, love and wit' STEPHEN FRY

'Touching, funny, thought-provoking, with a huge heart' S. J. WATSON

'A primer for how to live in the present moment. This book will find grateful readers everywhere' NIGELLA LAWSON

'Brings a difficult and sensitive subject out of the darkness and into the light' MICHAEL PALIN

HOW TO STOP TIME 978 1 78211 865 7 / £17.99 637 minutes Rights: WxEinUS THE LAST FAMILY IN ENGLAND 978 1 78689 324 6 / £14.99 512 minutes Rights: WxEinUS

THE POSSESSION OF MR CAVE 978 1 78689 320 8 / £14.99 509 minutes Rights: WxEinUS THE DEAD FATHERS CLUB 978 1 78689 327 7 / £14.99 458 minutes Rights: WxEinUS

ALL MASTERFULLY READ BY MARK MEADOWS Mark Meadows is a prolific theatre and on-screen actor; Mark's voice has appeared as the computer in Ridley Scott's Prometheus and on many film soundtracks, including those for The Lord of The Rings and The Hunger Games series. He has also taken part in numerous radio plays, is a regular contributor to Poetry Please and has been a guest soloist on Friday Night is Music Night. He has recorded over 150 audiobooks.


1984 READ BY ANDREW WINCOTT 978 1 78211 536 6/£20.99 740 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

ANIMAL FARM READ BY SIMON CALLOW 978 1 90741 604 0 / £16.99 191 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

BURMESE DAYS READ BY ALAN CORDUNER 978 0 85786 573 1 / £16.99 621 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,AN,neE

HOMAGE TO CATALONIA READ BY JEREMY NORTHAM 978 1 90741 695 8 / £16.99 539 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,n

DOWN AND OUT IN LONDON AND PARIS READ BY JEREMY NORTHAM 978 1 90741 610 1 / £16.99 417 minutes Rights: UKCWxC,neEU





978 0 85786 312 6 / £14.99

978 1 90741 610 1 / £16.99

457 minutes

540 minutes

Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

Rights: UKCWxC,neEU


Canongate's lead debut fiction for the first half of 2019. My Name is Monster is a novel about power, about isolation, and about female relationships After the Sickness has killed off her parents, and the bombs have fallen on the last safe cities, Monster emerges from the arctic vault which has kept her alive. When she washes up on the coast of Scotland, everyone she knows is dead, and she believes she is alone in an empty world.

Read by TBC 6 JUNE 2019

Audio Digital Download £16.99 978 1 78689 638 4

Monster begins the long walk south, scavenging and learning the contours of this familiar land made new. Slowly, piece by piece, she begins to rebuild a life. Until, one day, she finds a girl: another survivor, feral, and ready to be taught all that Monster knows. Changing her own name to Mother, Monster names the child after herself. As young Monster learns from Mother, she also discovers her own desires, realising that she wants very different things to the woman who made, but did not create, her.

Rights: W

Inspired by Robinson Crusoe and Frankenstein, My Name is Monster is a novel about power, about the things that society leaves imprinted on us when the rules no longer apply, and about the strength and the danger in a mother's love. Born in Cumbria, KATIE HALE is a poet, freelance journalist and educator. She took part in Penguin Random House's inaugural WriteNow scheme in 2018, has held Emerging Writer in Residence posts at Theatre by the Lake and Creative Futures Cumbria, and is currently working on an oral story-sharing project with the National Trust. Her debut poetry pamphlet, Breaking the Surface, was published by Flipped Eye in 2017, and her poetry has been awarded the Jane Martin and Ware Poetry Prizes, and has been shortlisted for the Ballymaloe International Poetry Prize. My Name is Monster is her debut novel. @halekatie |

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The new novel, drenched in sex, death and narcotics, in sudden violence, old magic and the mysteries of love, from the winner of the IMPAC Award and the Goldsmiths Prize It's late one night at the Spanish port of Algeciras and two fading Irish gangsters are waiting on the boat from Tangier. A lover has been lost, a daughter has gone missing, their world has come asunder – can it be put together again? Night Boat to Tangier is a novel drenched in sex and death and narcotics, in sudden violence and old magic, but it is obsessed, above all, with the mysteries of love. A tragicomic masterwork from a multi-award-winning writer, Night Boat to Tangier is both mordant and hilarious, lyrical yet laden with menace.

Read by KEVIN BARRY 20 JUNE 2019

Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 809 8 Rights: UKCWxCeE

KEVIN BARRY is the author of the novels Beatlebone and City of Bohane and two short story collections. He was awarded the Rooney Prize in 2007 and won the Sunday Times EFG Short Story Prize in 2012. For City of Bohane he won the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, the European Prize for Literature and the Authors' Club First Novel Prize, and was shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award and the Irish Book Awards. His second novel Beatlebone was the winner of the Goldsmiths Prize and was shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards.

More by the same author BEATLEBONE Read by the author 978 1 78211 827 5/£14.99 404 minutes Rights: UKCWxC, eEU, neH

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A brave, brilliant and unprecedented examination of menopause from the author of the cult classic, Suicide Blonde Menopause hit Darcey Steinke hard. First came hot flushes. Then insomnia. Then depression. As she struggled to understand what was happening to her, she slammed up against a culture of silence and sexism. Some promoted hormone replacement therapy, others encouraged acceptance, but there was little that offered a path to understanding menopause in an engaged way.

Read by TBC 4 JULY 2019

Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 814 2 Rights:

She felt lost until she encountered a scientific fact: the only two creatures on earth that go through menopause are human women and female killer whales. Her fascination with this fact became the starting point for Flash Count Diary, a powerful exploration into aspects of menopause that have rarely been written about, including the changing gender landscape that reduced levels of hormones brings, the actualities of transforming desires, and the realities of prejudice against older women. Flash Count Diary is a deeply feminist book, honest about the intimations of mortality that menopause signals but also an argument for the ascendency, beauty and power of the post-reproductive years in women's lives.

DARCEY STEINKE is the author of five novels including Sister Golden Hair, Jesus Saves, Up Through the Water, Milk and Suicide Blonde, and a memoir Easter Everywhere. Her books have been translated into ten languages.

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IDIOT WIND Peter Kaldheim A Memoir The memoir of one man's journey from addiction back to sobriety and sanity via the road In 1987 a massive snowstorm hits New York as Peter Kaldheim flees the city, owing drug debts to a dealer who is no stranger to casual violence. Leaving behind his chaotic past, Kaldheim hits the road, living hand-to-mouth in flop-houses, pan-handling with his fellow itinerants. As he makes his way across America in search of a new life, the harsh reality of living hand-tomouth forces him to face up to his past, from his time in Rikers prison, to relationships lost and lamented. Kaldheim hikes and buses through an America rarely seen, and his encounters with a disparate collection of characters instils in him a new empathy and wisdom, as he journeys on a road less travelled.

Read by TBC 1 AUGUST 2019

Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 738 1 Rights: W

PETER KALDHEIM graduated in English and Classics from Dartmouth, before going on to work in publishing (as head copy editor at Harcourt then acquiring editor at Van Nostrand Reinhold), but an addiction to drugs caused his life to come apart, landing him in Rikers Island jail after he sold cocaine to an undercover drug squad agent. He now lives in Lindenhurst, Long Island, where he fishes for fluke on charter boats out of Montauk. Idiot Wind is his first book.

26 | Canongate

MY NAME IS WHY Lemn Sissay

A memoir with a message – about growing up in care and finding hope, determination and creativity – from British poet and national treasure Lemn Sissay At the age of seventeen, after a childhood in a fostered family followed by six years in care homes, Norman Greenwood was given his birth certificate. He learned that his real name was not Norman. It was Lemn Sissay. He was British and Ethiopian. And he learned that his mother had been pleading for his safe return to her since his birth.

Read by TBC

Here Sissay recounts his life story. It is a story of neglect and determination. Misfortune and hope. Cruelty and triumph.

29 AUGUST 2019

Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 335 2 Rights: W

Sissay reflects on a childhood in care, self-expression and Britishness, and in doing so explores the institutional care system, race, family and the meaning of home. Written with all the lyricism and power you would expect from one of the nation's best-loved poets, this moving, frank and timely memoir is the result of a life spent asking questions, and a celebration of the redemptive power of creativity.

LEMN SISSAY is an award-winning writer and popular broadcaster as well as being the author of five poetry books. He was made an Honorary Doctor of Letters by the University of Huddersfield and the University of Manchester. He was awarded an MBE by the Queen for services to literature. He was the official poet for the London 2012 Olympics. He has worked throughout the world and is patron of the Letterbox Club, supporting children in care. His Landmark poems can be found in London, Manchester, Huddersfield and Addis Ababa. In 2015 he was appointed Chancellor of the University of Manchester. He is British and Ethiopian. @lemnsissay |

Canongate | 27

Discover the award-winning trilogy loved by Ian Rankin, Denise Mina and Val McDermid

BOOK 1 – LAIDLAW 978 1 78211 044 6/ £16.99 Rights: WxEinUS

Meet Jack Laidlaw, the original damaged detective. When a young woman is found brutally murdered in Kelvingrove Park, only Laidlaw stands a chance of finding her murderer from among the hard men, gangland villains and selfmade moneymen who lurk in the city's shadows.

Coming July 2019

BOOK 2 – THE PAPERS OF TONY VEITCH 978 1 78689 846 3/ £20.99 Rights: WxEinUS

BOOK 3 – STRANGE LOYALTIES 978 1 78689 847 0/ £20.99 Rights: WxEinUS


The second gripping historical crime novel set in 19th century Edinburgh, co-written by bestselling author Chris Brookmyre and consultant anaesthetist Dr Marisa Haetzman Edinburgh, 1850. Despite being at the forefront of modern medicine, hordes of patients are dying all across the city, with doctors finding their remedies powerless. But it is not just the deaths that dismay the esteemed Dr James Simpson – a whispering campaign seeks to blame him for the death of a patient in suspicious circumstances.

Read by TBC 29 AUGUST 2019

Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 671 1

Simpson's protégé Will Raven and former housemaid Sarah Fisher are determined to clear their patron's name. But with Raven battling against the dark side of his own nature, and Sarah endeavouring to expand her own medical knowledge beyond what society deems acceptable for a woman, the pair struggle to understand the cause of the deaths.

Rights: W

Will and Sarah must unite and plunge into Edinburgh's deadliest streets to clear Simpson's name. But soon they discover that the true cause of these deaths has evaded suspicion purely because it is so unthinkable. Previously in the Ambrose Parry series THE WAY OF ALL FLESH Read by Bryan Dick and Louise Brealey 978 1 78689 415 1/£17.99 750 minutes Rights: WxEinC

AMBROSE PARRY is a pseudonym for a collaboration between Chris Brookmyre and Marisa Haetzman. The couple are married and live in Scotland. Chris Brookmyre is the international bestselling and multi-award-winning author of over twenty novels. Dr Marisa Haetzman is a consultant anaesthetist of twenty years' experience, whose research for her Master's degree in the History of Medicine uncovered the material upon which this series, which begun with The Way of All Flesh, is based. The Art of Dying is the second book in the series. @ambroseparry

Canongate | 29

A BRAND NEW IMPRINT, PUBLISHING COMPULSIVE CRIME FICTION From psychological thrillers to police procedurals, and from historical detective dramas to heart-thumping suspense stories: we sleuth out and publish irresistible books.

A SUDDEN DEATH IN CYPRUS Michael Grant Introducing David Mitre, a fugitive forced into solving his first case by the FBI David Mitre has a very unusual set of skills, skills he has acquired over a very long criminal career. Skills that make him an irritant for people like the FBI, who have been watching him ever since he witnessed a stabbing on a Cyprus beach. The FBI want answers in a country where they must keep a low profile. David is given an ultimatum; solve the murder or face imprisonment for his own crimes. Coerced into playing detective, David unwillingly uncovers a criminal enterprise far worse than anything he could have imagined. Read by TBC 5 SEPTEMBER 2019

MICHAEL GRANT, in another life, was a fugitive from justice for 22 years. So he knows first-hand about life on the run and that is what inspired A Sudden Death in Cyprus. He is also the author of more than 150 books for children and young adults,

Audio Digital Download

including the No. 1 bestselling Gone series, which has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.

£16.99 978 1 78689 843 2 Rights: W/E

@MichaelGrantBks |

THE LAST NIGHT OUT Catherine O'Connell Read by Katherine Fenton 978 1 78689 582 0/£16.99/$20

SIGN OF THE CROSS Glenn Cooper Read by Ilan Goodman 978 1 78689 585 1 / £16.99 / $20

LOOSE TONGUES Chris Simms Read by Joe Jameson 978 1 78689 584 4 / £16.99 / $20

DARK QUEEN RISING Paul Doherty Read by Ric Jerrom 978 1 78689 583 7 / £16.99 / $20

THE GIRL IN THE WOODS Patricia MacDonald Read by Lynn Norris 978 1 78689 587 5 / £16.99 / $20

MAN ON ICE Humphrey Hawksley Read by Jeff Harding 978 1 78689 586 8 / £16.99/$20

A BAD, BAD THING Elena Forbes Read by Helen Stern 978 1 78689 600 1 / £16.99 / $20

GRANDGHOST Nancy Springer Read by Lynn Norris 978 1 78689 601 8 / £16.99 / $20

CROSSROADS Mark Radcliffe One Man's Search for the Moments that Changed Music

Standing at the crossroads – the Mississippi crossroads of Robert Johnson and the devil’s infamous meeting – Mark Radcliffe found himself facing his own personal crunch point. Aged sixty, he had just mourned the death of his father, only to be handed a diagnosis of mouth and throat cancer. This momentous time in his life, and being at the most famous junction in music history, led Radcliffe to think about the pivotal tracks in music and how the musicians who wrote and performed them – from Woodie Guthrie to Gloria Gaynor, Kurt Cobain to Bob Marley – had reached the crossroads that led to such epoch-changing music.

©Paul Langley

A personal reflection on the crucial turning points in the history of music, from BBC broadcaster and musician Mark Radcliffe

Read by TBC 5 SEPTEMBER 2019

Audio Digital Download

In this warm, intimate account of music and its power to transform our lives, Radcliffe takes a personal journey through these touchstone tracks, looking at the story behind the records and his own experiences as he goes in search of these moments.

MARK RADCLIFFE was born in Bolton and attended Manchester University. He has been a broadcaster for the BBC for over twenty years, currently appearing as half of the Radcliffe & Maconie show for BBC Radio 6 Music. He has won 6 Gold Sony Awards plus Sony's Music Broadcaster of the Year 2009, and has recorded five albums with two bands. He has published two works of non-fiction, Thank You For the Days: a Boy’s Own Adventure in Radio and Beyond (2009) and Reelin’ in the Years (2011), and one work of fiction, Northern Sky (2005). He has three daughters and lives in Cheshire. @themarkrad

32 | Canongate

£17.99 978 1 78689 845 6 Rights: W

THE GO-BETWEEN Osman Yousefzada A Memoir of Growing Up Between different Worlds DRAFT

Yousefzada's memoir of living between worlds, and learning how to find his own The son of Afghan parents, Osman Yousefzada was raised in post-industrial Birmingham. Osman's father was a carpenter, and his mother, to help make ends meet, took up sewing and became a seamstress. Women from IndianEast African, Israeli, Shia and Afghan communities came together in the Yousefzada household to have clothes made and mended by his mother. Osman learned the craft at her knee and became enraptured by what was deemed a woman's job, and increasingly found himself at odds with the highly patriarchal culture he grew up in.

Read by TBC 31 OCTOBER 2019

Audio Digital Download

Whether secretly bringing his sister books and magazines from the local library, lusting after forbidden jelly in the local shop, or chatting to the area's prostitutes, Osman quietly weaved in and out of different spheres.

£16.99 978 1 78689 580 6 Rights: W

But no one can be a go-between forever, and Osman's is a story of finding your own way, even if it means turning your back on the world you know.

OSMAN YOUSEFZADA was born in Birmingham. He studied anthropology at SOAS, and fashion at Central Saint Martins. He later went on to do a Masters at Cambridge. As well as being nominated for various fashion awards, including the prestigious British Fashion Council NEWGEN award for three consecutive seasons, Osman has been nominated for the Annual Designs of the Year Award at the Design Museum, and for a Frieze Art Award. He curates an annual collaborative journal, The Collective, a cross-disciplinary publication featuring artists, writers and other creatives. The Osman clothing line is sold internationally, and is worn by celebrities including Beyonce, Lupita Nyong'o, Thandie Newton, Gwen Stefani, Emma Watson, Freida Pinto and many more.

Canongate | 33

THE RIVER CAPTURE Mary Costello The new novel about love, loyalty and nature, from the author of Academy Street, Irish Book Awards Book of the Year 2014

One morning a young woman arrives at his door. Her appearance could have profound consequences for him and his family. But will he let her into his closed life? In a novel that pays glorious homage to Joyce, The River Capture tells of one man’s descent into near madness, and the possibility of rescue. This is a novel about love, loyalty and the raging forces of nature. More than anything, it is a book about the life of the mind and the redemptive powers of art.

©Tony Carrager

Luke O’Brien has retreated from the city to live a quiet life on his family land situated at the bend of the River Sullane. Surrounded by the Irish countryside and alone in the crumbling house, he longs for a return to his family’s heyday. He has given up on love and relationships and instead turned to books for solace.

Read by TBC 31 OCTOBER 2019

Audio Digital Download £20.99 978 1 78689 810 4 Rights: UKCWxC,neEU

MARY COSTELLO grew up in County Galway and lived in Dublin for many years. She is the author of Academy Street, which won the Irish Book Awards Book of the Year, was shortlisted for both the Costa First Novel Award and the International Dublin Literature Award and was serialised on BBC Radio 4’s Book at Bedtime. She is also the author of a collection of short stories, The China Factory, which was nominated for the Guardian First Book Award. She lives in Galway.

34 | Canongate

BE MY GUEST Priya Basil Reflections on Food, Community and the meaning of Generosity A meditation on hospitality, in all its connotations

©Suhrkamp Verlag

The dinner table, among friends, is where the best conversations take place – talk about the world, religion, politics, culture and cooking. In the same way, Be My Guest is a conversation about all those things, mediated through the medium of shared food.

Read by TBC 7 NOVEMBER 2019

This book moves between countries and cultures – including India, Kenya, Great Britain and Germany, between abrupt changes of fortune, and between the private and political aspects of being host, guest and stranger. We live in a world where some have too much and others not enough, where immigrants and refugees are both welcomed and vilified, and where most of us spend less and less time cooking and eating together. Priya Basil invites us into her kitchen to explore the meaning and limits of hospitality today, and in doing so makes a passionate plea for a kinder, more welcoming realisation that we have more in common than divides us.

Audio Digital Download £16.99 978 1 78689 851 7 Rights: WxEinUS

PRIYA BASIL was born in London to a family with Indian roots and grew up in Kenya. She is the author of two novels and a novella, and has written numerous essays for various publications, including the Guardian, Die Zeit, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, and Lettre International. Priya’s work has been nominated for the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, the Dylan Thomas Prize and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. She is the co-founder of Authors for Peace, a political platform for writers and artists. She lives in Berlin.

Canongate | 35

OLIGARCHY Scarlett Thomas

The new novel from the bestselling author of The End of Mr. Y, about power, privilege and pressure Oligarchy is Scarlett Thomas's fierce and brilliant new novel about power, privilege and peer pressure. When Natasha, daughter of a Russian oligarch, arrives for her first day at an all-girl boarding school, she finds herself thrown into a world of fierce pecking orders, eating disorders and Instagram angst. Then her friend Bianca mysteriously vanishes, and the world of the school gets ever darker and even weirder. Scarlett Thomas's first adult fiction since 2015 is a major return. Wildly frank, funny and full of humanity, Oligarchy reminds us how insightful, vulnerable, brilliant and misunderstood teenagers are, never more so than now.

Read by TBC 7 NOVEMBER 2019

Audio Digital Download £17.99 978 1 78689 782 4

SCARLETT THOMAS was born in London in 1972. Her novels include Bright Young Things, The Seed Collectors, PopCo, The End of Mr.Y which was longlisted for the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction 2007, and Our Tragic Universe. She teaches creative writing at the University of Kent.

36 | Canongate

Rights: WxEinUS

THE ART OF REST Claudia Hammond

Drawing on brand new research, this is an examination of rest and why it matters from Radio 4's voice of psychology

©Ian Skelton

Today busyness has become a badge of honour. We want to say we're busy, yet at the same time we feel exhausted. Instead we should start taking rest seriously as a method of self-care and this book can help us to work out how.

Read by TBC 5 DECEMBER 2019

Audio Digital Download

The Art of Rest draws on ground-breaking research Claudia Hammond collaborated on – 'The Rest Test' – the largest global survey into rest ever undertaken, which was completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries. Much of value has been written about sleep, but rest is different; it is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. And, as the survey revealed, how much rest you get is directly linked to your sense of wellbeing.

£17.99 978 1 78689 712 1 Rights: W

Counting down through the top ten activities which people find most restful, Hammond explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works and offers a roadmap for a new, more restful and balanced life.

More by the same author MIND OVER MONEY Read by the author 978 1 78211 901 2/£14.99 841 minutes Rights: WxEinC

CLAUDIA HAMMOND is an award-winning writer and broadcaster and lectures in psychology at Boston University's base in London. As the presenter of All in the Mind she is BBC Radio 4's voice of psychology and mental health. She has been awarded the President's Medal from the British Academy, the British Psychological Society's Public Engagement and Media Award, Mind's Making a Difference Award and the British Neuroscience Association's Public Understanding of Neuroscience Award. She is the author of Emotional Rollercoaster, Mind over Money and Time Warped, winner of the British Psychological Society's Best Popular Science Book Award and the Aeon Transmission Award. @claudiahammond|

Canongate | 37



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