Cafe Culture Digital Issue 8

Page 33

COFFEE CHEMISTRY [A CAFE CULTURE CLASSIC] [From the vault - Aug 15, 2011]

Every day, millions of people around the world begin their day religiously with a morning cup of coffee.

forests of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)


and consumed in its native cherry form, then later, passed

For many, coffee drinking is

through fire to significantly alter

simply a delivery medium for

its chemical state. But although

a potent alkaloid we have

coffee has been in existence for

come to identify as caffeine

Although today we easily

thousands of years, it has only

or technically as 1,3,7 –

identify coffee in its beverage

been in the past half century or

trimethylxanthine. Although

form, it wasn’t always this way

so that scientists have been able

caffeine is strongly associated

in the beginning. Throughout

to truly identify and understand

with coffee, its production

history, coffee has taken on

this beverage.

within the plant kingdom is not exclusive and is seen throughout

several physical transformations, initially serving as an energy

To date, scientists have identified

several other plants in nature.

source when nomadic tribes

over 1,000 unique chemical

Mate, for example, which is

combined coffee berries with

compounds in coffee, whereas

traditionally consumed in parts

animal fat as an early form of

products such as wine or

of Uruguay and Argentina,

an energy bar. Later, it was

chocolate, pale in comparison.

contains less than one percent

consumed as a wine, then a

Luckily, through advancements

caffeine by weight; whereas,

tea and finally to the beverage

in technology, much of coffee’s

tea leafs (Camellia sinesis)

we’ve come to love today.

chemical make-up has been

which originated in China,

Since the beginning, coffee

unlocked, and we now have

contains almost three times the

has always been a product of

a better understanding of the

concentration of caffeine by

great mystery, having been

chemistry contained within these

weight than Arabica coffee. But

discovered accidentally in wild

mystical beans.

overall, tea contains less caffeine


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