Burner Magazine: The MUSIC Issue

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Favourite qualities in a song? Makes me move my hips.

Favourite qualities in a song? I really like writing pop songs that turn into a really hard dance beat. Pete is really good at writing the hard parts and that’s what I really love about our shit.

Present state of mind? I want to be a free man.

Present state of mind? Feeling very full. I just ate a big sandwich.#

The guitar pedal you can't live without? Never used one. Sex or rock and roll? Sex is rock n roll.

The guitar pedal you can't live without? I don't use them at all. I guess a tuner would be nice? We have a sweet wah pedal kicking around our studio that’s pretty cool. I’m going to get it going again actually.

Drugs or meditation? Anything illegal is always more fun.

Sex or rock and roll? Sex roll. No rock.

The defining characteristics of Humans? Dirty fun sweaty party.

Drugs or meditation? I meditated this morning. My friend Maureen led me in it and it was super cool. Five minutes went by really fast. She told me that I place wisdom over compassion, based on how I positioned my body. It was cool. I won't say what signalled it though, because if you know ahead of time you'll never know how you naturally would have sat. Email us and I'll tell you. But to answer the question: Drugs.

The place you want to visit more than anywhere else? Space. Recording or performing? Recording is great since it's the time when you come up with brand new material and ideas; I always imagine performing it in front of a crowd and wonder how they'll respond to it so... performing. I record so that I can perform.

The defining characteristics of Humans? Two very different kids, in separate barren rooms, asked to solve the same open-ended problem.

The piece of gear you would sell your first born for? A spaceship with a lots of great music gear and recording equipment inside, a water bed, a clone of Robbie if the real Robbie doesn't want to come along. I'm sure he will. Does that answer count?

The place you want to visit more than anywhere else? August 29th, 1997.#

Your greatest fear? Dying.

The piece of gear you would sell your first born for? An old MOOG.

Your greatest love? What I never had.

Recording or performing? Performing.

Your greatest fear? Old women.

Quantum or Newtonian? I remember drinking five hot chocolates in one day but never went to the bathroom.

Your greatest love? Young women.

The celebrity with whom you most identify. Ed Wood.

Quantum or Newtonian? Hmm if they were horses I'd bet on newtonian. (Pete would bet on quantum.)

Poetry or prose? Prose but I like it when people take it a little out of the box. Make sense?

The celebrity with whom you most identify. Lassie.

Three most significant musical influences? Indie pop, electro, indie rock.

Poetry or prose? Poetry.

Paris or Manhattan? Panharis.

Three most significant musical influences? Nirvana - you don't have to sound good to sound good; Daft Punk - let it breathe; Fran Lamb - "Real singers wear scarves to keep their throat warm Robbie".

The reason I am!___ is ____. The reason I am here is funny. If not yourself, who would you be? Fabrice Poulin. (What my dad wanted to call me and my French family name if my true grandfather would have stuck around.) Peter Ricq sounds better.

Paris or Manhattan? Mumbai. The reason I am!___ is ____. The reason I am#getting letters on "help with debt" from the government is because I didn't pay two no helmet tickets this summer and I owe 58 dollars. If not yourself, who would you be? happydog / saddog

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