Space metamorphosis

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Space Metamorphosis


Developing a new urban typology to address social, economic and environmental issues sets a number of architectural and engineering challenges. The project will focus on finding the ways of maximizing the potential of built spaces and resources while creating architecture with tectonic qualities. In this project we define tectonic as enhanced and expressive. By enhanced, we envision that materials should be honored, used to their full capacity and for what they are made as the famous Louis Kahn quote about the brick states about its desire to be an arch [4] because that is where the brick is performs best. To define expressive, we refer to Sekler who claims that : “Tectonics is a certain expression which could not be described by only structure or construction. Expression could be achieved by order of structure or method of construction. When construction appear to be mutually interdependent-it loses its architectonic qualities.” [5] Following that, the construction technique has to deliver its expressive potential and has to assist and be part of the space transformations. The understanding of tectonics together with considerations about the sustainability will form a framework to deal with main project challenges: -Relationship between public, common and private. -Relationship between fixed (static) and movable (dynamic).

[4] Kahn, L. 1971.“Even a Brick wants to be Something” -‘What do you want, brick?’ -‘I like an arch.’ -‘Look, I want one, too, but arches are expensive and I can use a concrete lintel. What do you think of that, brick?’ -‘I like an arch.’”

-Personalization of the spaces and surfaces. -Design attractive spaces with atmospheres and changing experiences. -Servant spaces and their relationship to public and private. -Balance between heat gain and heat loss. -Decrease the amount of embodied energy in building construction, operation and maintenance. The architectural challenges will be addressed using structure, facades, materials and details to create connections or separations between different elements and layers. Structure will also appear as a key tectonic element of space transformation. Meanwhile engineering challenges will focus on using passive strategies and strategic function combinations to ensure good thermal environment and decrease energy demand. Following the experimental nature of the project, the resolutions of the challenges will appear provisional and will be influenced by the specific site and its features.

[5] Eduard, S. 1965.


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