Space metamorphosis

Page 120

Space Metamorphosis


The energy demand is calculated using Be10 software according to energy requirements in the Danish Building Regulations for Br10 Class 2020. The aim of the exercise was to evaluate the project according to building standards and see if it would use less energy than a traditional building. To meet Class 2020, dwellings should use less than 20kWh/m² a year, while offices and other buildings can use up to 25kwh/m². As the nature of the Space Metamorphosis building is hybrid, it was assumed, that in order to be within the regulations the building should use maximum of 25kwh/m². In order to perform the calculations we set a number of parameters, which are described in the Sketches & Numbers chapter (p. 140). Because of the concrete floor slabs and concrete cores with utilities, the building is assumed to have heat capacity of 120Wh/Km², which helps to store the heat and reduce heating requirements. While working with the program we made a number of observations. We noticed an important relationship between internal heat gain and the amount of windows. Because of the desired facade expression and the need of natural light, the building has many windows, which result in high transmission loss. However, because of the big amount of internal heat gain, the heating requirements are balanced. Be10 requires to put the amount of hours for which the building is in use. During the study, we have noticed that when we reduced the amount of hours in use (in office buildings, spaces are normally in use only 40 hours a week) the energy demand is increasing, meaning that if the building is occupied all the time, there is less wasted energy.

Fig 94. (opposite top) Building orientation and exposure to the direct sunlight in summer and winter Fig 95. (opposite middle) Facade exposure to the direct sunlight in summer and winter Fig 96. (opposite bottom)Table illustrating the difference of energy demand between local plan’s proposal and the Space Metamorphosis project with and without photo-voltaic panels


The final result we got in Be10 is 23,7kWh/m² per year, which is in between of Br10 requirements for housing and office. If we assume that, in the selected plot, a classic building would be built according to the local plan’s required areas and energy consumption of Class 2020, the difference between traditional building and Space Metamorphosis’ energy consumption is small. However, as this energy amount should be multiplied by the area, and we have already illustrated that the project with the same area requires less built square meters it also results in less energy consumption. To conclude, Space Metamorphosis has 1,3 times more usable area and it consumes 1,2 times less energy than a traditional project with the same built area. Moreover, the local plan is encouraging to use solar panels as source of renewable energy. The sloping roof allows us to place solar panels at 15° oriented south-west that decrease the energy frame to 14,9 kWh/m², which is 2 times less than the building proposed by the local plan. The concept’s core idea of being always in use also allows the energy produced by the panels to be directly used on site, thus minimizing transport losses. Solar panels with the combination of roof terraces are achieving both goals of the local plan: using renewable energy and delaying the rainwater.

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