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Education Programme

Bradford Literature Festival 2022 EDUCATION PROGRAMME

The Bradford Literature Festival school programme offers students across Bradford access to exciting, engaging and entertaining literature for all ages. This year’s extensive programme is bigger and better than ever.

It’s packed with eye-opening possibilities. We have publishers, performance poets, illustrators, journalists and more, all of whom are happy to share their skills and show students that there’s no singularly accepted form of literature: it all counts. With events featuring superheroes, myths, mummies and monsters, poetry and rhyme, there really is something for everyone.

Sitting alongside our public programme, our education programme is integral to everything we do. We are dedicated to offering the opportunity to engage with amazing, life-changing literature to all students in Bradford and believe passionately in the power of worlds to open minds and develop students as well-rounded, interested and interesting individuals. We can’t wait for you to join us for this unique celebration of literacy, literature and self-expression.

The schools programme is open to all schools, PRUs, home educators, children’s centres and clubs and is free to schools within the Bradford district and available to students from Early Years to Sixth Form.

KEY STAGE 1 Animating and inspiring literature; we will have storytellers right in the centre of Bradford for our youngest readers.

KEY STAGE 2 From uncovering the mysteries of Ancient Egypt to celebrating the unsung heroes in our community – our programme is specially chosen to help broaden and inspire young minds. KEY STAGE 3 Covering important topics for teenagers, from examining how the climate crisis will affect the next generation, to standing up and being counted, we will champion the power of their voice and what they have to say.


Primary – KS2

Thursday 23 June I Know a Superhero Superheroes are all around us. We all have our own superpowers too. Join us to celebrate the superheroes in our own community.

Monday 27 June Rebellious Royals We are inviting you to a right royal knees- up! Explore new magical fairy tales and rediscover the lives of historical figures who helped shape the world.

Tuesday 28 June Who was Anne Frank? Looking at Anne Franks’ harrowing yet inspirational life, we will also explore Bradford’s identity as a place of refuge and hope for those arriving to the UK.

Wednesday 29 June Can I have a robot butler For the children who ask a 1,000 questions every day, we want to give them some answers. Let us show you how STEM can inspire the next generation of question answer-ers.

Thursday 30 June Rhyme with me! Join us as we celebrate the art of rhyme We can promise you will have so much fun an maybe learn something new.

Friday 1 July Myths, Mummies & Monsters Let’s take a journey back in time to when gods and monsters ruled the world. From the Valley of the Kings to the troublesome Loki, we’ll explore stories from across the world!

Secondary – KS3

Thursday 23 June Stand up and be counted We want to empower all young people to make a difference and give them the tools to realise their own potential.

Monday 27 June What They Don’t Teach You About Shakespeare Take a deep dive into the world of Shakespeare. Bringing his work into a modern context, you’ll be inspired to become the Bard of Bradford!

Tuesday 28 June Who was Anne Frank? Seventy-five years after the publication of Anne Frank’s diary we will explore the Holocaust, forgotten stories from WWII and what life was like in Europe during the 1940s.

Wednesday 29 June There is No Planet B The climate crisis will affect the next generation, so how do they make their voice heard? Join us for a day of climate activism, giving teenagers the tools to make real change.

Thursday 30 June Pushing the boundaries of poetry We present an explosion of poetry and masterful wordplay. Exploring trending social issues and modern commentary.

Friday 1 July Partition Seventy-five years on from the Partition of British India we want to highlight the importance of the stories that are being lost over time; and the role they play as a part of our national heritage.