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Six Sides Make a Home

Six Sides Make a Home

It has been decided for us ages ago: six sides make a home.


We come from restless wanderers, still we find our refuge in self-made confinement.

‘My cave is bigger than yours, cleaner, too.’ ‘Mine has high ceilings and room for two cars.’ ‘Mine is stuccoed masterfully, inside and out.’ ‘My cave is airconditioned, even!’

These six sides are my landmark. It’s coordinates I invite my friends with. It’s a stash of memories I don’t want to forget. It’s a hideout that helps me remember where I left the remainder of me.

Six sides, to be painted purple, to keep my bed dry and my body warm, to provide rest for my restless mind and comfort when uncomfortable moments strike.

And whenever we wondered where we could belong, we took six sides and made them our home.

Ugne Koelewijn

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