Blush Spring 2021

Page 91

2:00 pm Work sesh #2 of the day (aka homework time). I sip on an oat latte (which you’d think I would’ve perfected after a coffee-shop free year, but still somehow tastes off) and work on this week’s list of assignments. I am only human, so I give myself short breaks throughout my study time to scroll through the socials. As job hunting has practically become my second profession, I’ve started scrolling through LinkedIn as I do Instagram. Seriously, who have I become? TIP! Google Calendar is your new best friend. Schedule in all of the tasks you need to get done during the day (including some well-deserved relaxation).

TIP! I’m going to let you in on a feature of Chrome that changed my life. I’m one of those people who has a phobia of closing a tab. As it turns out, Chrome lets you group your tabs! Just left click on a tab, add it to a new group, and watch your sea of tabs reduced exponentially.


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