B Louder June 2018

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A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free


RYAN M. KOLTON On To His Next Chapter






don’t be just loud





BLOUDER LIFESTYLE 16 36 Great Tips for Keeping Travel as Simple as Possible 19 5 Ways to Love Yourself Better 21 A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free

ON THE COVER Model: Ryan M. Kolton Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Sweater - Calvin Klein Jeans - Zara Man Cowboy Hat - Frye


June 2018



48 24



38 Cover Guy: Ryan M. Kolton

BLOUDER ART 48 Vlad Yashin



52 Harriet Webster & Bella Webster

IN EVERY ISSUE 5 Editor’s Letter

30 Mike Mains



June 2018



On the cover is Ryan M. Kolton, a signed model, media consultant, music manager, and CEO of production company Hit The Ground. he is an actor, an entrepreneur, CEO of his own Multi-media production company and an avid globetrotter who documents his adventures across his fast-growing social media platforms.

Photographer: Dhananjai Madaan

Write to us bloudermagazine@gmail.com

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Kisses & Goodbyes don’t be just loud


Our Model of the Model is Daniel Garcia. We also covered the story of incredibly talented and skilled beyond all reason, Vlad Yashin, an artist from Moscow, Russia. He started drawing realistic portraits of people in 2016. He is self-taught, learned all techniques on his own. He usually draws his pieces with colored pencils and soft pastel but recently he fell in love with oils. “The process of working with oil is long - from 1.5 to 3 months,” he mentioned. “I can say it’s like a long communication with a person for many hours.” The June issue also features two sisters, Harriet Webster and Bella Webster. We features the story of Vladyslav Filonenko, a photographer from Ukraine. He likes shooting fashion, portraits, model tests, staged art cadres. We also features Mike Mains is an international model, certified nutritionist and online personal trainer. After 9 years of schooling, Mike was scouted for modelling and continues to model on an international scale. After making dramatic transformations to his own body, many people were reaching out for help with weight loss, muscle gain, digestive issues and much more. This lead to the creation of Mike Mains Fitness to serve and help others on a Global basis. It was a great journey. We want to thank you all for your support, trust, efforts and love. But its time for us to say goodbye to all of you at least for now. Its really hard for us but its time to move on to the next chapter. Thank you all. We will miss you.

JASKARAN S. DHILLON EDITOR Instagram: @jaskaransdhillon

Favorite Mistake By Nishant Ganatra| Instagram @nishantganatra Let me tell you who you are You are the risk which I can take You are the rule which I can break You are that road less travelled Which I’d love to take You are the sweet red cherry And the frosty icing on the cake You are the sole lotus on that frozen lake Let me tell you who you are You are my favorite mistake!





Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales & @chicosgenialesmanagement

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement

BLOUDER Model of the Month

Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia Daniel Garcia

How would you define yourself as a person? As an active person that loves sports, good company and above all the family. Tell us about your career as a model. How were you discovered? Through Instagram, I started posting some pictures where I looked quite good and an agency found me. In your own eyes, what was the moment that your career really took off? It has not started yet, I´m just creating my book for get ready for this summer because nowadays I´m finishing high school. What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done? A few weeks ago, in a small room where the space was divided perfectly so every corner had a different light… it was amazing. Did you ever have a crazy experience during your modeling career? When I started during a shooting I was in front of lots of teenagers that where looking at me. It was so embarrassing… What was the biggest change in your life after entering into modelling industry? First of all, I think twice about the content I post on my social sites and the diet. Have you reached your dream assignment yet? If not, what would that dream assignment be? My dream is to appear on TV, shops, newspapers, magazines, etc. in that one my parents may be able to show me to his friends and say: That´s my son!!! What is one of your favorite photographs from your career

so far? Who shot it? I have lots but I would go for one that was taken during my firsts shootings by Alealeking. How did you get involved with fitness and muscle building? All my life I´ve been doing sports, I did soccer, taekwondo and I had to develop my muscles for them. What does your current training look like? What do you like most about it? Actually, I don´t train a lot, just twice a week. When it ends and I have a long shower to relax myself. What does your nutrition (eating) plan look like? I do a daily routine that keeps me healthy and in shape. What’s a typical week like for you? I go to school and after school I study for a few hours and then I watch Tv or depending on the day I go to the gym. Tell us something that's true, that almost nobody agrees with you on. Easy, I will make my dream come true. Give us 5 facts about you, people may not know. 1) I´m obsessed with pizza. 2) I consider my dog as another human. 3) I always sing in the shower. 4) I sing really bad. 5) When I take a selfie in front of the mirror I usually take between 10 so I can choose the best one. What’s next for you? I will study journalism but just because that will open me a lot of doors. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Never be shy, that´s the key and always be different, the ordinary is boring. Instagram: @Danigarcii4


June 2018

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement

Photography: @itsdanboo in collaboration with @chicosgeniales and @chicosgenialesmanagement


BLOUDER Lifestyle

36 Great Tips for Keeping

Travel as Simple as Possible By Leo Babauta When you travel, do you want to be as light as possible? A light bag, and a light itinerary?

travel as simple as possible. The result was an amazing outpouring of useful information.

erary loose and light. Here’s my packing list for my small backpack right now: Travel docs (passport, credit card, ID) deodorant 2 pairs of shorts 2 T-shirts 2 pairs underwear swim trunks 1 book journal and pen camera, charger 

Many of us have had the nightmare experience of lugging around too much luggage, waiting in the baggage claims area, trying to cram too many activities into each day, and generally being so stressed that we need a vacation when we get home. Instead, simplify your travel. I asked the readers for tips for keeping


June 2018

I’ve compiled some of the best tips, combining some of them or choosing tips that were representative of a lot of suggestions.

    

I’m definitely going to be following some of the tips. Although there are a lot of great suggestions about useful items, my biggest aim is to pack as lightly as possible and to keep my itin-

  

Anything else I need, I’ll buy.

BLOUDER Lifestyle What to Pack Many of the tips were about packing: how to pack light and what items are essential or useful. What follows are some of the best, but be aware that there may be contradictory tips — choose the ones that will work best for you. Pack as light as possible. Ask the simple question: “Do I want it or do I need it and if I need it am I will to cart it around?” There is little you really need when you travel. 

Travel with a light backpack. If you are moving between places, backpacks leave your hands free to hold their hands. 

Pack just a few clothes with only a couple complimentary, solid colors — no patterns. Black is a good idea if you need to be able to dress up and be casual. 

Pack only what you can carry on to the flight.

aren’t necessary. Leave the laptop behind, as well as blackberry and any other tech gadget. For computer addicts, being away from the internet’s constant flow of data for a few days recharges and relaxes you in ways that you never experience at home. 

Bring along a small, foldable umbrella to protect against the UV rays of sunlight and possible rain.

you’re traveling low-budget, staying in hostels or guesthouses, which often don’t offer towels or even top sheets. The best thing is that they dry really, really quickly, even when it’s humid. A wet towel can take all day to dry in the tropics, and if you have to stuff it in your bag before it’s dry it can get all dank and midewy, and so can all your stuff.

Most toiletries can be found easily in your destination country. 

If it’s something you think you can buy there more cheaply than at home, then don’t bring it (especially if it’s something you don’t already have). 

Bring one book, and when you’re done, find a book-exchange and trade it for a new one. 

Get one of those totes or bags that fold up into a small package to slip into your backpack. You can use this to collect your souvenirs. Alternatively, mail your purchases home as you go. This reduces what you must carry around with you, what you have to list for customs. 

Bring old clothes and undergarments and dispose of them each day leaving more room for momentos to bring home if you choose. It also cuts down on items that need frequent washing while away. 

Put everything you want to bring in a pile and slowly strip away things that 

In Asia, sarongs are a traveler’s best friend! A sarong works as a towel, a skirt, a makeshift bag, a scarf, a sheet. They’re especially good to have if 

Take baby wipes. And lots of Ziploc bags. 

Don’t travel with anything in your


June 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle pockets except your passport and wallet. You won’t have to dig everything out of your pockets every time you go through security. Sitting in the plane is a lot more comfortable as well. Make sure your wallet is in your front jeans pocket. Sitting on your wallet for long periods of time will put your back out of alignment. Photocopies of sections of guidebooks so at the end of a leg of trip the copy goes in the trash. 

Take a photocopy of all your credit cards, passport and any other valuable document you have. Write down the emergency phone number for each credit card beside its photocopy. Leave this with a neighbour or family member along with your itinerary. Should you have your wallet and bags stolen and be only allowed to make one phone call, call this contact person who would be able to cancel your credit cards etc. for you. Alternatively, instead of photocopying your important documents consider scanning them and mailing them to yourself. That way you can always access these documents. Another reader suggested that you should encrypt documents if you email them to yourself. 

Pack only high-tech fabrics, the kind that dry quickly so that you can do a wash in the sink. You can get away with 2 pairs of socks for a 2 week trip by rinsing out the dirty pair at night. High tech fabric means it’s dry by the next morning. Cotton will stay soggy for days. 

Tilley makes underwear you can wash in the evening, and it will be dry by morning. You only need two pair, or even one if you are sure of finding somewhere to wash it! 

Tip for quick drying: roll a towel over wet fabric,and squeeze tightly. 

travel itinerary fluid, so that you can soak up the atmosphere in each place. Leave room for the serendipitous and when plans don’t work out, treat it as an opportunity! Arrive earlier than you think is necessary — for domestic travel, try to arrive at least 2 hours before flight time; on international, make it three. This reduces the stress of waiting in a long security line as the time of your departure inches ever closer, and those desperate rushes to your boarding area. Besides, a relaxing drink at one of the restaurants is a lovely way to start a vacation! 

Take time for naps. Seriously. Smile a lot and talk to the locals. Eat, eat, eat and savour the flavors.

Don’t get caught up with sights. Plan some must-dos and leave the rest to chance. 

Wander around at night and stay open to the crazier elements of the culture. 

Bring a small amount of foreign currency to cover incidental expenses upon arrival, then change the rest in your destination country, as exchange rates are usually more favorable. On Planning and Doing Aside from what to pack, there were some great tips submitted about what to do when you get to your destination (along with some tips en route to the destination): 

Don’t overplan your trip. Keep your


June 2018

Get lots of massages.

Prepare for security check in: Wear slip-on shoes; don’t wear a belt with metal; put the jacket or sweater in your carry-on before you get to security; have your electronics on the top of your carry-on along with the plastic zip-lock bag with your liquids so you don’t have to search through your bag to find them (and then repack after you go through security).

Split your cash and financial assets up. Credit card in one pocket. Some cash in another. Some in a hidden backpack pocket. Some in your shoe(s). Some in a money belt. Go to the bathroom and enter a stall before taking out cash from any of these places. 

Don’t bring all your cash/credit cards etc. on you when you go out. Leave some in a safe at the hotel, and leave the extra credit cards back home. 

Keep a card on you featuring your embassy’s #, some local friends’ numbers. 

Get up early. In hot climates, this will help you avoid the heat of the day; in any climate, it will help you avoid the crowds and get more out of your day at a more leisurely pace. Equally, do the thing you really want to do first, as often plans go awry as the day goes on. 

You shouldn’t try and see everything in a given place. In fact, you’ll probably have a better time if you focus on meeting great people (instead of going to great places): visits to great places will naturally following if you meet the right people during your travels. 

Try to stay away from big tourist spots (unless there’s something you REALLY want to see). meeting locals, doing the things they do, and eating the things they eat always makes for a better stay. If you have any friends there, ask if you can stay with them for a short while; that would give you a true local experience. 

BLOUDER Lifestyle



By Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology – www.jessicajlockhart.com/en

few days ago I was talking to some of my clients during a workshop and discussing possible ways to learn how to love ourselves better. There was so much interest that I decided to share with you the tips I gave them. Feel free to use them all or just some. They have an accumulative effect but can also be used one at a time. Enjoy loving yourself better from now on.

Praise yourself

Grab a piece of paper and for once, make the effort of defining what you LIKE in yourself, instead of finding whatever it is that you believe needs changing/improving. Identify 3 things you like in each of the following fields: physical - define 3 things you like in your body, including your face: your hair, your walking style, your height, your posture... anything. emotional - define 3 traits in you that you like: generous, hard-working, sentimental... anything.

abilities - define 3 skills you have that you like: good handwriting, well organized, fast learner... anything. Each morning after breakfast and each evening before you go to bed, look at yourself in the mirror, look deeply into your eyes, and remind you of those 9 things you like in yourself. Praise them. Praise yourself for them. Remember that there are AT LEAST 9 things in you that you like. Celebrate those 9 things. It might be hard, specially at the beginning, because we're so used to doing just the opposite and looking for flaws, mistakes and the like. But do


June 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle try. Give yourself a break and be fair; stop JUST looking for the bad in you and start looking for, and praising, the GOOD.

at my nose, even the best haircut can't hide that ugly thing on my face," or something of the kind. Sounds familiar?

Identify and improve your model.

I challenge you to turn your "yes buts" the opposite way around. Each time you hear OR THINK something negative about yourself, I want you to make the effort to consciously say, think or repeat a "yes but" in a positive sense. Example: you think, "gosh, my hair looks awful today!" (which would normally make you feel bad for some more time after the thought happened). This time I want you to "yes and" it in a positive way... "yes, and that means I need to try that new hat on," or "yes, and that's why I will do it in a different style today" or anything that ends the thinking process on a positive note.

First of all, ask yourself who your teacher was. Who taught you how to love yourself as a human being? Did you learn it from your parents? From a friend? Most of us learn by imitating our role models, even subconsciously. Once you identify who you learned it from, ask yourself if you really like the way that person loved him or herself. Is that the type of love you want to give yourself? If it is, can you improve it? If it isn't, can't you find a better role model to imitate? The role model doesn't need to be a person you know but could also be a character in a book or movie. Yes, I know they might not be "real" but what they're portraying is the type of love you want to give yourself. Focus on that and learn what they do to transmit that love. At the end of the day, you just want to learn how to do it better.

Change your "yes buts" for "yes ands"

If you're like many others, each time somebody praises you, your mind immediately looks for some kind of fault in you to counteract the positive comment that you may receive. For example, someone says something nice about your hair or clothes today; your mind instantly reminds you of the... "yes, but even if that looks ok today, it's usually horrible," or "yes, but look

Our brains follow established paths. Let's create some new ones for ourselves.

Value your actions.

If you started applying the first recommendation, you should already be valuing 9 positive things in you. Now I want you to feel grateful as well. Every evening, before going to sleep, think of 3 things you did right. Value your work or your contribution. Celebrate having done those good deeds and congratulate yourself for them. Feel grateful for everything that led you to being able to do what you did. Feel grateful for the people who made it possible; feel grateful for your skills, knowledge or abilities; feel grateful for having been there when you need-

ed to; feel grateful for having decided to do whatever it is that you did... Feel grateful for being you. Gratitude is a very powerful feeling that makes our brains release dopamine, which reduces anxiety, improves our mood and our levels of energy and motivation.

Give yourself hope.

Another little but powerful tool to love oneself better is giving ourselves the gift of hope. At night, after feeling grateful for what you did, give yourself permission to dream. And I don't mean sleeping. Before you actually go to sleep but once you're already in bed, I want you to daydream. The only rule is that the dreams are positive. If a negative thought tries to enter your mind, make the conscious effort to replace it and go back to your happy reverie. Imagine the good things that will happen to you tomorrow or this week. Visualize the dreams. Imagine them in great detail and have the fun of an artist creating a wonderland. Let yourself enjoy the happy feeling; after all, it's only in your imagination. But... your brain doesn't know it! When we make the conscious effort to imagine and try and experience happy feelings, our brain believes the "dream" and starts releasing chemical products that make us feel good: endorphines, oxytocin and the like. As a result, our bodies relax and not only can we actually sleep better, which is an important gift in itself, but once again, our brain discovers new paths into happier feelings. Consider this time a gift to yourself. We're not daydreaming to create a new reality; this is not the power we're trying to use. The goal is to have a nice, hopeful time to let our bodies and minds unwind and make us feel good about life. These five simple exercises will gradually help you love yourself better. By loving yourself better, you will start having better feelings about yourself and, as a result, about the world. You'll soon start feeling better in general. After all, we can't change the world unless we change ourselves first. Choose the type of life you want to live. Choose to love yourself first and others will see the love in you. Enjoy life, ALL of it,


June 2018

A Simple Guide to Keeping Your Counters Clutter-free By Leo Babauta

Keeping counters (and other flat surfaces) clear, clean and clutter-free doesn’t have to be difficult.

Some simple changes to your routines can clear this all up. Let’s look at how to do that.

Here’s a common scenario that I get from readers — and I should note, this was me only a few years ago: you get home, you toss onto a counter or table things such as your keys and purse/ briefcase, papers and mail, shopping bags and anything else you might be bringing home.

How to Get Started If you’re starting with a cluttered home full of cluttered counters and tables and floors, things can be overwhelming. Let’s not try to declutter everything at once. We’re going to start small, as always.

This clutter is compounded over the course of weeks, as things accumulate. Over the course of years, you’ll end up with a mess the likes of which I don’t even want to imagine. And no amount of decluttering will change the clutter problems caused by this habit, because as soon as you declutter, things will start to get cluttered again in a matter of days.

I suggest choosing just one countertop or tabletop. Something perhaps near your doorway, or in your dining room or kitchen if you like. I happen to enter my house through my kitchen, so they’re both the same for me. Now let’s get that one tabletop or countertop decluttered. Start by taking everything off the counter (or table). This includes appliances or whatever else might be there. Put it all in one pile. Now sort through the pile quickly:

things you love and use, things you don’t need or use, and a “maybe” pile if you can’t make up your mind about some items. Wipe the counter nice and clean, and put the “love and use” items back. As few as possible — keep things nice and clutter-free. If you have too many items and it ends up cluttered, find a new home for some of them out of sight, such as in a drawer or cabinet. Or make some tough choices and get rid of more things. For the pile of things you don’t need or use, recycle or trash them, or put them in a bag or box to be donated to charity or to a friend who might need them. For the “maybe” pile, put them in a box, mark today’s date, and store it somewhere out of sight for 6 months — open it up after 6 months and if you never needed any of the items, get rid of them. This is a good way to deal with things you’re on the fence about. At any rate, you should now have a 21 BLOUDER

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BLOUDER Lifestyle

nice and decluttered counter or table. If it still looks cluttered, edit the things you have, getting rid of some items and finding a new home for others until you have a nice decluttered counter. This is your starting point. Your goal from now on is twofold: to keep this counter decluttered, and to expand your decluttered zone one counter and table at a time, using the same method as above. Once you have these surfaces decluttered, move on to the floors and then to drawers, shelves, and closets. But start with these flat surfaces.

must put it away in its home. These are age-old rules you might have heard from your mother: “A place for everything and everything in its place.” It’s a classic because it works. So here’s how to implement those two rules: 

Let’s look at how to keep them decluttered. Keeping Counters and Table Clutterfree This is the trick. Decluttering isn’t too difficult, but to keep things clutter-free, you have to form some new habits.

Let’s start with two simple rules: 1. Everything you bring into the home must have a home, and it can’t be on a flat surface such as a counter, table or floor. 2. When you get home and unload your stuff, or if you’re already home and are finished with something, you 22 BLOUDER

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Examine everything you bring home, and everything you’re tempted to put on your clutter-free counter (or other flat surfaces for that matter). Find a home for these things. For example, if you normally bring home mail and other papers, have an inbox for incoming papers. For many items, it’s best to find a drawer or other similar storage so they’re out of sight. Have a spot for your keys, wallet, purse, briefcase and other similar items you always bring home. I prefer a spot near the doorway so I’ll never forget the items — I simply load up on the way out the door. Now form this habit: as soon as you get home, put your keys and other items in the spot you’ve chosen. Do this always. Also put the papers in the inbox and other items in the spots you’ve chosen.

If you find yourself putting things on your clutter-free counter(s), figure out why. Usually this means you don’t have a good home for these types of items. It takes just a minute to find one. Another reason is just that you haven’t formed the habit of putting things where they belong. It’s simply a matter of focusing on this and reminding yourself until the habit forms.

Have a system for dealing with the mail and other papers so they don’t pile up. I like to deal with them immediately: open all the mail, toss the junk and envelopes, pay bills or otherwise take any needed actions immediately, scan (or file) the ones I need on record. It takes a few minutes. Another good system is to do it once weekly. Whatever the system, do it regularly so you don’t get a big pile of papers. These simple steps, if you can stick ith them and make them a habit, will keep your counters and tables clutter-free. Once you get into this habit, you’ll really enjoy the clean and clear counters and tables. It’s incredibly soothing and makes for a much nicer environment. Again, expand your clutter-free zone into the rest of the house and soon you’ll have a nice minimalist home.

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y name is Vladyslav, and I'm a photographer from Ukraine. About two years ago I met a beautiful girl, a fashion model beginner. Her strong desire to be a professional was something like a motivation for me and she became my muse. I have bought my first camera and with every next shot I started realizing this is more than just a hobby. I wanted to learn everything about photography in small details. When you are on a right direction, everything you want is getting closer. I met people who helped me and shared their experience working with different techniques, light and compositions. I've never been alone, I was always surrounded by creative people who later became my friends. There is a certain circle of interesting people in Kharkiv, creative people, they are all connected to each other. We share any news about interesting events, new equipment, share our pictures, share ideas. But initially everyone was just at home sitting next to their screens. One day I have caught a fantastic idea and arranged a meeting of photographers and models for the first time in the coolest studio in the city. It was not perfect, it was like a draft, but very cool same time. And it was a start. Famous Ukrainian photographers, our guests, who were already famous and published their pictures in magazines invited me to show how they work, how they are preparing to shoot, how they shoot. It was a great opportunity to plunge into the world of professionalism. I'm still looking for my style, don’t stop to experiment. I like shooting fashion, portraits, model tests, staged art cadres. And they are all different. I know it can take a long time to find my own style, but I believe I will find it. What does photography mean to you? Photography means a lot to me. People take pictures every day, everywhere. But not everyone can see things visible to a photographer. Photography is a


June 2018


way to show individuality of a subject you chose, its inner world. How did you develop an interest in photography?

I always liked looking at people’s faces, everyone is interesting to me as a character. And I always could imagine a picture in my head. Think it led me to a photography.

Photographer: Vladyslav Filonenko

Photographer: Vladyslav Filonenko

Also, my story has a romantic side. I have met a nice girl, she was a beginner in a fashion model business and I decided to buy a good camera to be closer to her. How do you as a photographer make sure that the thing, person or landscape you want to shoot looks the way you want it to? Before to take a shot, I see a picture in my mind, how it should be and how I would like to see it, and then just try to make it real. From your point of view, what makes a good picture? I think that a good picture causes emotional response. It doesn't mean that a good picture should be ideal, it can be poorly composed and terribly exposed, but if the picture brings an emotional response, it will be memorable and you will want to look at it again and again

Sure, this is very important. I read forums, magazines, communicate with other photographers. Always nice to improve the skills, try something new. Nowadays almost everyone has access to devices with which it is possible to take pictures. What do you think is the difference between a professional photographer and any other hobby photographer? As for me, “professional” is from word “profession”. Not always professional photographers are good photographers and sometimes hobby photographers create masterpieces. Which one is your favorite lens and why do you prefer it? I can't say what exactly lens is my favorite. But I tend to the two that I use most often. Nikon 85mm f / 1.4G and Fujifilm 18-55mm f / 2.8-4.

What were the challenges that you most commonly faced and how did you deal with them? One of the biggest challenges is distrust to a photographer. Sometimes photographing ordinary people or models, I feel that they don't trust my taste or they want something extraordinary without any effort.

They cover all the focal lengths for the styles in which I shoot. The fixed lens Nikon 85mm f / 1.4G gives a good detail and minimal distortion. Fujifilm 18-55mm f / 2.8-4 has the properties of a wide-angle lens at small focal lengths. Just the ability to change the focal length makes it possible to shoot even a reportage.

How important is it for a photographer to “connect” with his subjects to bring out their true self? I would say that connection is very important, emotional connection between a photographer and a person he or she photographs. You can correct many things processing picture, but you can’t add emotions to the original photo if it does not have it or make a boring photo look better. Very often the photographers are more focused on technical side rather than on a person they photograph.

Which photographers influenced you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing, and career path? Charles Lindberg, Anne Leibovitz. These photographers made it clear that it does not matter how old you are, who you are or what you are. Are you able to put out studio lights or just take pictures on streets? Do what you like to do!

Since the photography techniques and equipment change quickly, it is important to stay up-to-date. What do you do to always keep up with the times?

But in everyday life, I can be inspired by less famous photographers, it's all about details, approach, cadres’ history. What, in your opinion, is most important to consider while shooting portrait pictures? Can you walk us

through the actual process that you use to set up a portrait? As for me, the most important thing is the eyes expression of a model. And this is what I would like to see in portraits - emotional look that conveys a sense of what a photographer wants to say. Even if a model will smile, laugh, the look can give out the true emotions and feelings. Which editing software do you usually use? As how good would you describe your skills in that software? Recently I have stopped using Lightroom and replaced it with Capture One from Phase One. It has more functions, such as using layers and their transparency. Applying several styles, gestures. The ability to apply camera profiles from other manufacturers. And much more. I do not really like to retouch the skin and now I'm trying to learn how to shoot so that retouching is simply not required. But all the same, I understand that I need to seriously start improving the skills of processing. Exactly what it is you want to say with your photographs, and how do you actually get your photographs to do that? I have not yet found the answer for this question, asked myself many times though. In your free time, what kind of pictures do you like to shoot and which ones do you avoid? Honestly, I do not have free time. Photography this is more than hobby, this is my lifestyle, my job. Even being on holidays with my family I don't rest, I explore new places and don't stop shooting. I'm trying to avoid family pictures, love stories, wedding photos. But not always. If I catch a connection between my soul and subjects, I can create something.

Photographer: Vladyslav Filonenko




MAINS Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio



Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio

Mike Mains is an international model, certified nutritionist and online personal trainer. While studying psychology at the University Of Western Ontario, he found himself intrigued in the biochemistry and nutrition courses he was taking. Having suffered from health ailments such as gastritis, indigestion, iron deficiency anemia, low blood pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome, Mike developed a driving passion for health and focused all his studies and time onto nutrition and human biokentics. After 9 years of schooling, Mike was scouted for modelling and continues to model on an international scale. After making dramatic transformations to his own body, many people were reaching out for help with weight loss, muscle gain, digestive issues and much more. This lead to the creation of Mike Mains Fitness to serve and help others on a Global basis. How would you define your personal style? In terms of attitude, I like to define myself as a nerd and student. I love reading, learning new things and keeping an open mind. I find that by maintaining this attitude I am open to new opportunities and knowledge. Wardrobe wise I really love good quality slim fit clothing. I travel a lot and am often in warm destinations so I don’t have invested much in the way of winter gear for a few years. I love nudie jeans, vitally t shirts, sauvage swimwear, bodybuilding stringers and golden era aesthetics type of shorts. How did get into fitness? What workout do you do to get that amazing body? In University I was tiny and super thing, 138lbs at 6”0 tall I was malnourished looking to say the least. My roommate in the time was super into working out and had an incredible physique. I liked working out because it’s progressive and I believe progress is what drives humans and makes us happy. After a lot of trial, error and a few good coaches I was able to make some solid progress. It took a long time, but slow and steady wins the race. Currently I go to the gym 4 days per week, sometimes 5 if a lagging body part needs some extra attention (i.e. Calves!!!). I’m a hardgainer and can overtrain if I’m not eating enough which can be challenging at times. I fo-

cus on compound movements and getting stronger at them as well as progressive overload. I have a notebook in the gym to record everything I do, so if I deadlifted 385lbs on my first set last week, my goal this week would be to either drop the weight to 375bls and aim for 7 or 8 reps or up the weight to 390 and go for 4. You always need to challenge and overload the body in order to make it change. It won’t do it on its own. A lot of people have the misconception that I eat a low calorie diet and do a lot of toning “high rep” and ab movements in order to maintain my current physique. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a hard gainer, I am not wasting my time on isolation exercises as they do nothing for me. I focus on getting as strong as possible at the basics (with the best form possible): Squat, deadlift, bench press, military press, barbell curls, skull crushers. Where do you pull your inspiration from? The guys I look up to most in the fitness industry are Greg Plitt (RIP), Tom Platz, Julian Smith, Mike O’hearn, Christian Finn, Dave Palumbo and Brandon Carter. Brandon is my business coach and mentor and has a ton of good information and advice on his channel. I also read a lot and get inspired by those who persisted and succeeded in the face of adversity. Common examples are Kai Greene, Thomas Edison, Einstein, Tony Robbins, Les Brown. When I’m training legs I always listen to Tom Platz motivation videos that I find on YouTube. What does your current training look like? What do you like most about it? My current routine is 4 days: 2 days upper, 2 days lower. It consisted primarily of compound movements and rep ranges ranging from 3-18. People always ask me if they should do high or low reps… why not both?! *I do 3 sets per exercise and warm up to my first heavy set where I go all out and aim for 4-5 reps. This is the set my physique coach told me that makes you grow. The all or nothing set. After this, I usually drop the weight 10-20 percent and go for 8-10 reps then drop the weight again and go for around 15. My rest period depends on how long it takes my breathing to go back to normal. Usually 2-5 minutes depending on how taxing the prior set was. Monday: Upper 1

BLOUDER Health & Fitness Dumbell Bench Press Incline Barbell Bench Press T Bar Row Weighted Pull Ups Military Press Upright Row Strict Barbell Curls Overhead Tricep Extensions Tuesday: Lower 1 High Bar Squat (Ass to grass, feet close) Low Foot Leg Press Walking Lunge Leg Extensions (Squeeze for mobility and blood flow) Seated Calf Raise Hanging Leg Raise Reverse Incline Crunch Knee Raises (with weight) Wednesday: Off Thursday: Upper 2 Barbell Bench Press Incline Dumbell Press Barbell Row Weighted Chin Ups Standing Dumbell Press Rear Delt Empahsis Fully Bent Over Barbell Rows Hammer Curls Preacher Curls Close Grip Decline Bench Press Skull Crushers Friday: Lower 2 Barbell Deadlift Stiff Legged Dumbell Deadlift Lying Leg Curls Low Bar Hamstring and Glute emphasis squats/ Reverse Hack Squat Weighted Incline Crunch Incline Oblique Crunch Hanging Oblique Crunch Medicine Ball Crunch 1xFailure What does your nutrition (eating) plan look like? I loved nutrition and studied it in University and on my own for years. I have tried every diet I can find and continue to experiment. Currently I am on what is called a cyclical ketogenic diet. I eat Keto all week then have a scheduled cheat meal or full on carb refeed day. Keto for those who don’t know is essentially a high fat diet and no carb diet. You are allowed to eat fat and protein but no direct sources of carbs. Carbs coming from things like spinach, green peppers, avocados, lettuce etc. 31 BLOUDER

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Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio

Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio

BLOUDER Health & Fitness are fine because they don’t cause a spike in your blood sugar and most of the carbs in them come from fiber. By doing this I am able to get a lot of calories from healthy fats, proteins and always make sure I eat a lot of green vegetables and will use a fiber supplement as well. When it’s time for my cheat meal or carb up day, I usually hit around 400g of carbohydrates, sometimes a bit more. Oppose to having carbs at every meal (which usually kills my appetite), I have a bunch in one go then go back to carbs and fats. I equate it to filling a car with gas. Carbs are the preferred fuel source and I fill my tank once a week oppose to every meal. What would you recommend for a quick 20 to 30 minute workout? How long should people rest in between workouts? Say I had 30 minutes to work out 3 times per week for a total of 90 minutes per week. My program would look like this, and I truly believe you could see adequate results off this. Remember, muscles grow outside the gym and are broken down while training. Monday- Deadlift Deadlift 5 x 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 Wednesday- Squat Barbell Squat 5 x 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 Friday- Military Press Barbell Military press 5 x 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 I feel these exercises will give you the best results in the shortest amount of time possible. For the last day I chose Military press as oppose to bench press because at the bottom of the movement you are actually activating upper chest muscles as well. Also I believe the military press to be a superior movement as you are standing working your core muscles in order to stabilize the weight. All these exercises are far SUPERIOR to any abdominal crunches for building abdominal strength. What are some simple work outs that people can do at home who don’t have access to equipment or can’t afford gym membership? Let’s say you have no workout equipment period and just your body. First off, most cities have parks with some sort of bars which you can do a lot with. My friend Ryan is designing a whole program for just the thing and my mentor Brandon Carter started at as “the home workout guy” and show a ton of stuff that can be done with just your body weight. 34 BLOUDER

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At home you can practice getting your numbers higher on variations of the pushup (close, normal, wide), handstands and handstand up pushups both wall assisted and free motion, burpees, alternating crunches, bench dips, lying leg raises. In the parks you can use the bars to do chin ups, pull ups, knee raises, muscle ups, dips, and the possibilities are endless. I work online as a personal trainer and nutritionist and a had a female client in Cape Town, SA that I would train outdoors on the promenade when I was there. The workout with start out with HIIT sprints (High Intensity Interval Training), body weight lunges x 100 reps, body squats x 100 reps, pulls up 10 x failure and then a variation of the lateral raises, shoulder presses, rear delt rows and front raises all using STONES/ ROCKS we found on the beach. What are the best types of exercises for getting the fastest results in the shortest period of time? Deadlift, Squat, Military Press, Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Barbell Row, Pull Ups, Barbell Curls, Dumbell Curls, Leg Press, Close Grip Bench Press, Hanging Leg Raises. Also a caloric deficit/ surplus (depending on goals) will make a world of difference. Master these basics and get stronger at them and you will see your body change before your eyes. Mark Rippetoe is the best YouTube reference IMO for a from standpoint if you don’t have a coach or someone guiding you. What made you start online fitness coaching? I studied nutrition and biology in school after majoring in psychology and criminology as I needed a topic i was GOOD AT in order to bring my average up so I could maintain my scholarship. I always loved that area of study and would study it for hours on hours on my own so when I took courses in it I was literally getting 100% in all of them which pulled my average up to keep me from losing my scholarship for my crim program. I made dramatic transformations in my body and appearance in the past 8 years and a lot of people starting asking me for help so I would put them in the right direction (ex. rough macros to follow, compounds to do, things to avoid) and eventually people starting offering to pay me to coach them. My friend Mark at the time so I should make a business so he helped me a lot in getting Mike Mains Fitness off the ground. He bought the do-

main, logo and helped me set up my website and everything. From there I invested the money I made modelling in South Africa and Europe into a business coach (es) (Brandon Carter and Michael Trillsten). I love helping people so it gives me a lot of joy to see peoples bodies transform and for them to have improved energy, vitally and confidence. I am travelling year round for modelling so online coaching is the perfect job for me. What kind of training program does your online fitness coaching offer? Is it highly structured or more informational? My online coaching is target towards skinny hard gainers who have tried everything to put on muscle and have had no luck. I am extremely passionate towards this demographic because this is the boat I was in for 4 years straight without improvement!!!! I think the main obstacle for the hardgainer is their stomach more than anything. Carb them too much they wind up getting sick and can’t eat their meals. Train them too much and they wind up getting weaker. An ectomorophs body is truly stubborn and wants to remain skinny and weak for eternity and is the most challenging one to put muscle on. I love a challenge and believe I have the exact formula for the skinny guy who is ready to give up. Recently I have been coaching Jared Manhardt (Calvin Kleins current fashion model) and he was starting to get muscular, ripped and vascular while on my program. Unfortunately he was getting “to big” and his contract with Calvin Klein needs him to stay in a certain size range. In the future if he starts doing their underwear ads we will most likely be able to get him bigger and ripped as the progress he was seeing was weekly! Name five things you can’t live without? Books, my mom, coffee, sushi and audible. What are your future plans? I am working very hard on my online business and plan on expanding to become a well-known name in the fitness industry. I want to be the main reference source for frustrated hard gainers. I have a lot more markets coming up in terms of my modelling career so I will be busy. I am going to Colombia at the end of the month, then Mexico City, Europe, Bali and India. It’s going to be a packed year ;)

Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio

Photographer: Juan Niera @onephotograpgystudio





Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Tshirt - HM Jeans - Zara Man Brown Boots - Heirloom


Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Cowboy Hat - Frye

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Sweater - Calvin Klein Jeans - Zara Man Cowboy Hat - Frye

Photographer: The Riker Brothers

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Sweater - Calvin Klein Jeans - Zara Man Cowboy Hat - Frye Brown Boots - Heirloom

On To His Next Chapter

Lightning Round

We saw him in the pages of numerous magazines, applauded him as he was awarded titles such as “Best Fashion Influencer of 2018”, followed him across his captivating Route 66 Campaign and cheered him on as he broke through Fashion Industry barriers, signing with top modeling agencies around the globe, challenging the importance of height to the success of a model’s career. What is there that Ryan M. Kolton cannot do? He is a model; he is an actor, an entrepreneur, CEO of his own Multi-media production company and an avid globetrotter who documents his adventures across his fast-growing social media platforms. With fans in almost every corner of the world who look to him as a beacon of positivity, passion, and inspiration, Ryan is a true role model and public figure who’s upcoming arrival to the Philippines should be on your radar.

What is your favorite color? Blue/Yellow/Red/Black

Backed by the support of his large Filipino fan base and powerhouse agency, Elite Manila, Ryan has his eyes set on a total takeover of the Filipino market. With buzz already stirring across the Philippine mainland and Southeast Asia ahead of Ryan’s coming debut, designers and photographers alike have already begun to take notice. We cannot wait to see all the amazing things that Ryan will soon accomplish and we continue to stand behind him as he makes this next chapter the most amazing one to date.

Cats or Dogs? Dogs

Morning person or night owl? Night Owl Coffee or tea? Coffee Boxer or briefs? Boxer briefs Favorite kind of music? Pop/rock Favorite Singer? My artist, Jonathan Tilkin Favorite Song? Little Red Corvette by Prince Early morning or late night workout? Late night workout

If you could be any FEMEALE super hero, who would you be? Haha good one! Catwoman If you could have any job for a day? Pilot What model most inspires you? Trevor Signorio One of your favorite fashion photographers? Mert Alas

Who’s your biggest supporter? My Mom Which agency will you be with in the Philippines? Elite Model Management Manila Where will you be based in the Philippines? Makati City What are you most looking forward to in the Philippines, the sightseeing or food tasting? Sightseeing Are you scared of trying new foods then? No, I’ve always been adventurous – I am a total foodie! Do you have a quick message for your fans? Stay hungry my friends!

About Ryan M. Kolton Ryan M. Kolton is a signed model, media consultant, music manager, and CEO of production company Hit The Ground. This ambitious 22 year old, originally from Ukraine, graduated from UCLA less than a year ago and has already been featured across numerous publications, worked alongside major Fortune 500 Companies, and overseen the creation and execution of various big budget projects for numerous organizations. He aims to inspire other young people to go for their dreams no matter who they are, what they’ve been through or what barriers limit them and to always give it their all.

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Sweater - Calvin Klein Jeans - Zara Man Brown Boots - Heirloom

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Cowboy Hat - Frye

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Cowboy Hat - Frye

Photographers - Aaron Chen and Clara Jeanne Reed Jeans - Zara Man Cowboy Hat - Frye

BLOUDER art Featuring





Vlad Yashin is an artist from Moscow, Russia. He started drawing realistic portraits of people in 2016. He is selftaught, learned all techniques on his own. Until this year, the objects of his drawings were bloggers or his favorite celebrities, who often notice and support his work. This list includes A-list celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Cardi B, Kim Kardashian, Finn Wolfhard and so on. He usually draws his pieces with 48 BLOUDER

June 2018

colored pencils and soft pastel but recently he fell in love with oils. “The process of working with oil is long from 1.5 to 3 months,” he mentioned. “I can say it’s like a long communication with a person for many hours.” He is very interested in painting technically complex elements, such as eyes, hair, beard, pores. He said, “This is such a moment of testing yourself: can

I picture them as I planned?” He also adores adding surrealistic elements to the picture that make it deeper and more interesting. He added, “Now I’m working on my first ever oil series: I’m painting actors covered in Gzhel (Russian style of ceramics). By these details I wanted to show the essence of some people - artificially painted on the outside and completely empty inside, like vases painted in Gzhel.”


Art by Vlad Yashin


June 2018


Art by Vlad Yashin


June 2018

LOUDER style out


HARRIET WEBSTER BELLA WEBSTER Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Harriet Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Bella Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Harriet Webster Bella Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Bella Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Harriet Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Harriet Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster

Model: Bella Webster Photographer: Josephine Webster


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