B Louder January 2018

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The Exclusive














don’t be just loud





CONTENTS 9 MODEL OF THE MONTH 9 Sameer Mark Twent-three years old, Sameer Mark lives in Mumbai. He is in modelling industry from last more than two years.

LIFESTYLE 16 RCB Column Definition of love. 17 Traditional Weddings V/S Destination Weddings Here are some pros and cons of traditional marriage versus destination marriage to guide the couple to be and their families to plan a blissful and harmonic event according to their ideas and beliefs and taste.


January 2018



CONTENTS 40 22 The Art of Asking Questions Asking the right questions will lead to the right answers. Humanology teaches us that human beings and their characteristics should also be considered when posing questions.


24 In the World Full of Trends, Simplicity is the Best Choice Simplicity is like those wild flowers that are beautiful yet hidden from the world.

ART 18 Millennials: Aryan Chaudhary He is a fashion and fitness model and dietician as well. He grew up in Bihar, Samastipur. He is now living in Mumbai. 21 True-Self: Can being agreeable cause someone to lose touch with their trueself? When someone has the ability to go along to get along, it can be a lot easier for them to get on with others.

26 Anastasia Morskaya In 2007, she entered the Art Academy in St. Petersburg. When she was in the academy her teachers said that she was too ambitious and not able to take criticism.

PHOTOGRAPHY 32 Glenn Jones He was born in 1951 in Los Angeles, California. His family moved to Sacramento, California in 1958.



38 5 Ways to Feel Good while Getting Fit Setting intentions is a powerful

thing. Then when you have that shiny new gym membership in hand, you feel like nothing stands between you and your goals to get in shape once and for all. 39 Top 4 Nutrition Predictions in the New Year Several food and nutrition trends were in the spotlight last year, including the continued rise of plant based diets, non-dairy ice creams and superfoods that are blasts from the past - legumes, apples and cabbage. It can be easy to experience nutrition whiplash in the New Year, but don't be a victim. 40 Rohit Lonkar With a focus on making a strong career in IT, he equally gave preference to personal fitness and being presentable always. While maintaining fitness, he ventured into modeling and beauty pageants, which garnered quite a few eyeballs to pave his path into the field of fashion modeling. 44 Resolve to Get More Shut-Eye? Here are 4 Sleep Hacks to Help As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, millions of people vow to eat better, work out more and lead a healthier life.


January 2018



LITERARY 66 Someone A poem by Nishant Ganatra. 67 The First Love of my Life A Poem by Ambika Mazumder 68 Sci-Fi Writers or Psychics? Suppose you want to know about the future of our world and you have three options: an Astrologer, Artificial Intelligence and a Sci-Fi Writer. Whom you would like to consult out of these three?



72 Top 5 Features Millennials Look for in a Home For generations, homeownership has been part of the American dream. For most Americans, it's the largest, most significant investment they'll make, and because homeownership is the best way to grow their wealth, the most important investment as well.

73 6 Home Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners Collection Having a pet may seem like the beginEkaterina Ilina is an entreprening of a never-ending mess, but the key neur and fashion designer from to living with furry friends is preparaRussia who started Luna Bella tion. brand in May 2017 together with two of her friends Inna de 74 5 Budget-Friendly Master BathAlmeida (Brazil) and Elena room Upgrades You’ll Cherish For Tokmakova (China). Years What does your bathroom mean to you? Is 60 Winter Wear Wants it an oasis, a place to unwind, relax and let Here are some amazing ideas to help the cares of the day simply melt away? Or you out to best and blush you winter red is it just another room in your house? in your perfect outfits.

62 SPOTLIGHT 46 Cover Guy: Alessandro Gasparin Twenty-five years old, Alessandro Gasparin was born and grew up in Crimea in the City of Yalta on the Black Sea coast.

FASHION 54 The Exclusive Luna Bella

62 Harriet Webster Her mother modeled her whole life so Harriet’s first bookings were with her. She got scouted in 2016 at the Clothes Show in Birmingham by Select and she is currently one of their youngest models.

75 Home Cleaning Routines for Allergy Relief

Many people turn to nasal sprays and antihistamines to combat seasonal nasal allergies or hay fever, but keeping the home clean to combat allergens, pollen and dust mite debris is just as important in the fight against allergies.



January 2018



We are welcoming all of you into 2018 with a new design, new features, and more inspirational and valuable content. Glimmers of inspiration can be found on these pages. We have rearranged our sections and combined the BHealthier and BLouder Fitness sections into one: BLouder Health & Fitness. We have also added a new section, BLouder Model of the Month, and renamed BLouder Exclusives to BLouder Spotlight. These changes might not seem like much, but they’re all part of the continual renewal process that allows us to create a magazine that better meets your needs. Nothing is more important to us.

Photographer: Dhananjai Madaan

Write to us bloudermagazine@gmail.com

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New Year… New Look… New Challenges…

This year, we plan to keep altering, innovating, and challenging magazine standards. In this vein, we have decided to make resolutions as we go. We have put Alessandro Gasparin, a doctor and a model, on the cover. He has stunned the modeling industry with his charm and work ethic. Gasparin shared his inspirational story with us and answered our burning-hot questions about his personal life. Our January issue features Anastasia Morskaya who left her job and traveled to different countries of Asia for some months to realize that she wants to start painting again and she is painting a series of artworks on the theme "Human and the sea.” First BLouder Model of the Month is Sameer Mark who shared his unique style with us. We interviewed Glenn Jones who is very passionate about his profession and he gave some tips to take photographs as a professional for beginners. This issue also features Aryan Chaudhary who discussed about change in his lifestyle after entering into modeling industry. We also interviewed Harriet Webster. She discussed what it feels like to be a model in very young age. In our BLouder Health & Fitness, we featured Rohit Lonkar who is a model. He gave some inspirational tips to maximize the workout session and also shared his transformation experience with us. We always appreciate hearing from you, and can't wait to hear what you think about her new look.

don’t be just loud


JASKARAN S. DHILLON EDITOR Instagram: @jaskaransdhillon

Kyler J. Hendricks is really excited for his new life in a new town. But what about the dirty little secrets that he is keeping? He thought he left his past behind. But someone knows what happened two years ago in New York City. A voice from the past has begun to haunt his present. As buried family mysteries are revealed, new lies must be made. Sometimes we have to lie. But how long can someone keep secrets? Eventually, they will come out. Secrets are the worst, and you have to hide them every time by creating a new lie. Some people die because of lies and secrets, and others are still alive because of them.






Photographer: Vinayak Bohra (HRT Photography)

BLOUDER Model of the Month


MARK Photographer: Vinayak Bohra 10 BLOUDER

January 2018

Photographer: Vinayak Bohra

Did you always want to be in the modeling profession? When was the first time you realized you wanted to take it up as a career? Yes, when I was in 12th grade, I got selected in my college festival as a model because of my looks and the way I carried myself.

I try to get a good sleep at least 10 hours and I try to be confident about my poses.

Are you working fulltime as a model or do you also work next to it? No, currently I am a freelance model, and I am working on my own brand which is Markstyling.

Have you reached your dream assignment yet? If not, what would that dream assignment be? Not yet, I want to be a supermodel for a big brand and mainly I want to get famous in my job in a good way.

How do prepare yourself before a shoot?

What workout do you do to get that amazing body?

What do you love the most about being a model? Because it’s not my job it’s my passion so I love to do modeling.

I drink a lot of warm water with honey and I never skip my healthy diets. What is your biggest dream? I’d like to be a famous model and I want to make my own mark in modeling field. How would you define your personal style? I believe that my style is unique and people love the way I groom myself. Were you into fashion before you started modeling? Yes, I’ve always been into fashion because the way I carried myself was always unique and trendy.


January 2018

Photographer: Vinayak Bohra

BLOUDER Model of the Month Are there any actors or models that you look up to? I don’t follow any individuals but I learn from everyone. Would you ever want to get into acting? Yes, I always look forward for good opportunities and I’ll give all my dedication to acting as well. What do you do to stay in shape? I eat healthy food, regular gymming, jogging and I weekly go for yoga sessions. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you want to go and why? As I believe I’m a good learner so I’d like to visit every countries to learn more about fashion. What is your next target? 1. I want to be a famous supermodel, 2. I want to grow my own brand (Markstyling) on an international level, 3. I am looking forward for a good opportunity in Bollywood.

Photographer: Vinayak Bohra


January 2018






RCB COLUMN DEFINITION OF LOVE BY RAHUL CHOUDHARY BHARDWAJ | Instagram: @rbhardwaj024 2 persons which restricts the flow of their emotions. The girl should be frank and open enough to tell her lover about whatever she feels and every that thing which she use to tell to the mirror. She should consider her lover as her own reflection in another body. And boy also needs to do the same only then they will we able to understand each other's state of mind and will be capable of negotiating the problems and distributing the happiness.


ossessiveness or say Protectiveness: Of all the people on earth, if you can't hear a word against her then that is the very first feeling of Love.

Love sick: If mere the idea of her departure bring tears in your eyes then what else to say that you are in love. The absence hurts: If a boy/girl really cries and weep overnight after breakup with his/her lover, then that person honestly loves his/her lover, establishing the claim of love. Compromises for good: If both, he and she, who never thought they could change themselves for anyone, are now ready to change just for the sake of fit-

ting right into the universe of their lover, then believe me, they are seriously in love. Adjusting to new realities: If a girl who doesn't know how to cook food is keen and desperate in learning cooking just because her lover wants her do so and the boy, who never learned how to cook food but he still wants to learn cooking so that after her cooking in week days, he could give her rest on weekends and prepare food by his own then, I guess, there is no need to define what's brewing up in between them.

Oneness: Friendship is one mind in 2 bodies but love is one soul in 2 bodies. Request to my lover: Love is that strong feeling that when, in spite of all the time enjoyed together if, we are not destined to make it to our marriage (due to well-known reasons or by GOD's WILL) then we shall not cry over it or take any illegal step but in fact shall remain calm and shall comfort ourselves happy seeing the another person happy. The conclusion: One day Krishna asked Radha "tell me a place where I don't exist"

Becoming one as a whole: When a couple starts sorting the problem of their lovers, reckoning it as their own problem and starts celebrating other's success like it’s their own success, then they are definitely enjoying their love.

Radha politely answered, "In my destiny."

Poles apart still connected: Love is when there is no boundary between the

Krishna smiled and replied, "There are two persons required for marriage, but we are just ONE."

Then Radha asked Krishna, "Why we can't marry?"

BLOUDER Lifestyle Wedding

TRADITIONAL WEDDINGS V/S DESTINATION WEDDINGS By Anjali Sharma | Instagram @anjali_scribed

As the wedding season is around the corner and the New Year bringing joy and good vibes we are either invited or in planning and managing of that perfect wedding day of ourselves or our friends and family. Modern culture around the globe has introduced the concept of destination weddings for celebration as well as perfect relaxation. The recent rise in the interest of couples and their family has creating an unwillingly yet too catchy to follow trend of destination weddings. So maintaining the auspiciousness and integrity of an eternal bond of love and family like marriage, here are some pros and cons of traditional marriage versus destination marriage to guide the couple to be and their families to plan a blissful and harmonic event according to their ideas and beliefs and taste.

TRADITIONAL WEDDINGS PROS 1. As a traditional wedding is planned in a good share of time, the planning and management of such weddings are often legit. Also being set up traditionally the experienced people and elders act as a helping and monitoring crew in the management of a number of things making it easier and stress free and at the same time well executed. 2. A traditional wedding venue is set up among the locals, so the chances of guests coming and joining and blessing you on your special day are high. 3. A traditional wedding is like a reunion of all the family and friends at the places where they grew up and mature so it’s often psychologically a great family bonding occasion. 4. The events are done in more authentic and traditional manner. CONS 1. Often couples are involved in tradi-

tional wedding so much that they often are stressed and get less quality time to focus on themselves and enjoy their wedding. 2. A traditional wedding costs way more because of the guests list and close relatives and arrangement for their comfort takes more capital. 3. Resources are used and often wasted more be it food, accommodation and other arrangements. 4. Management and execution becomes stressful at times. 5. Spending on people rather than the essential ones is more.

DESTINATION WEDDINGS PROS 1. In a destination wedding it seems as in way more expensive but overall is quite cheaper in comparison. 2. As there is a venue with their management people and team taking care to monitor the planning, the stress is often minimized for the family to look after to everything and they can focus more on the enjoyment. 3. Destination weddings are a memorable experience for the couple as well as the guests, giving them all a beautiful opportunity to travel and enjoy a vacation and celebration with all their loved ones to full extent. 4. Money is appropriately used and less

wasted in comparison to that of traditional ones. 5. The couple is free more to apply and customize and reinvent event according to their choices and themes and make it as per their personal interests. CONS 1. Planning in an unfamiliar place can be a difficult task and responses in immediate situation might not be achieved. 2. A lot of guests are unable to attend as the destination and venue is not much close. 3. Couples have to further swap and travel to a different vacation place for their quality honeymoon time. 4. Destination wedding makes it difficult for luggage and other important things to be taken care of and well monitors from chances of misplacement while travelling. 5. A lot of travelling might leave all tired and low.


January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle Millennials




January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle Millennials


ryan Chaudhary is a fashion and fitness model and dietician as well. He grew up in Bihar, Samastipur. He is now living in Mumbai. He had posed for Voylla mens accessories, Joy Roy, Nishchay Niyogi, Prashant Samtani, Sayan Sur Roy and Zaheer Shaikh. Recently he worked with H2V men’s clothes brand and origin perfume. How would you define yourself as a person? I m a very cool, simple, down to earth and helpful person. Tell us about your career as a model. How were you discovered? As a model I’m inspired by myself only. My passion for fitness always inspires me. My looks, my personality always gives me confidence. In your own eyes, what was the moment that your career really took

off? When my hard work and my patience paid off, I did my first shoot. What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done? My interesting shoot was concept shoot with actress Ritu Shivpuri, abold shoot. It was amazing. Did you ever have a crazy experience during your modeling career? Not yet. What was the biggest change in your life after entering into modelling industry? My lifestyle totally changed. Before entering into modeling industry, I used to eat everything whatever I wanted to feel like but now I have to think about before eating anything if I should eat it or not. Have you reached your dream assignment yet? If not, what would that dream assignment be?

Not yet. My dream is to work with big brands like Levis, Spykar, Jack & Jones, Splash, Pantaloons and I want to work in movies. What is one of your favorite photographs from your career so far? Who shot it? Body shot, clicked by Zaheer Shaikh and Sayan Sur Roy. What is your favorite thing to do when not working? I love cooking in free time I love to make diet food. I love music and gym. What’s a typical week like for you? Every day, every week is same for me. Tell us something that's true, that almost nobody agrees with you on. When I tell people that I don’t smoke, drink and don't go club, they think I’m lying. What turns you on or off most about dating? I don't think about dating. I just focus on my work. 19 BLOUDER

January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle Millennials

Give us 5 facts about you, people may not know. I’m a very good cook. I read Bhahwat Geeta. I go temple every day. I write poems and I’m writing a book about fitness. What’s next for you? Acting, Movies. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Yeah, Always believe in yourself, have patience, do hard work and don't think about what people will say. Just do what you what want to do with full honesty and hard work, be honest with your work.


January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle All About You filling than it would be otherwise. Now, this is not to say that they will no longer care about others, far from it.



By Oliver JR Cooper | http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk

hen someone has the ability to go along to get along, it can be a lot easier for them to get on with others. By not having the desire to rock the boat, so to speak, they are unlikely to rub other people up the wrong way. This is likely to mean that they will have a number of friends, and that it won’t be difficult for them to make even more as time goes by. If another person was asked what they like about them, they could point to the fact that one is easy to be around. Zero Conflict Their time together is typically going to be harmonious, and this will allow the other person to take control, that’s if they want to. They won’t need to worry about whether or not the one will resist. One will be seen as someone who is likely to go along with whatever they decide to do, which is why it will allow the other person to fulfil their own needs. So, while one might have more friends than someone who doesn’t behave in this manner, it is not going to be a bed of roses. A loss of self Through behaving in this manner, it is going to be a challenge for one to express their true-self. Their primary need will be to get on with others, which is going to cause them to neglect their other needs. If one doesn’t want to experience conflict, the last thing they are going to want to do is to assert themselves. What this would do is to cause other people to respond to them in a different manner.

A New Experience As a result of being agreeable, they will be used to receiving positive responses from other people. This will have a positive effect on their wellbeing, giving them the encouragement that they need to behave in the same way. But if they were to no longer act in this manner, the amount of positive feedback that they receive from others is likely to decrease. And if one finds it hard to feel good about themselves unless they please others, this is going to be hard for them to handle. Another Outcome At the same time, the very idea of displeasing others could be enough to stop them in their tracks. Therefore, while pleasing others will cause them to overlook their own needs, it will be seen as the only option. It is then going be as if the part of them that wants to live in an authentic manner is not strong enough. Until this is no longer the case, they will continue to focus on other people’s needs. Part of Life If one was simply an extension of others, there would be reason for them to change their behaviour. Their main purpose of their existence would be to tune into other people’s needs and to do what they could to fulfil them. But as one is not on this planet to do this, it is going to mean that there will be moments when they won’t please others. That is, of course, if they pay attention to their own needs. True Fulfilment When they pay attention to their own needs and do what they can to fulfil them, it is going to be far more ful

What this comes down to is that they won’t be completely focused on other people; they will be more in balance. There will be moments when others don’t approve of how they behave, but then there will be moments when one doesn’t approve of how other people behave. Out of Balance If someone only cared about their own needs and found it hard to be there for others, it would be necessary for them to move from one side of the spectrum to the middle. Yet, when one behaves in the opposite manner, they will need to move from the other side of the spectrum to the middle. One is then not going from extreme to the other when they are in touch with their true-self; they are simply embracing the part of their nature that has been overlooked for so long. The part of their nature that is likely to be undeveloped is their masculine aspect. A Different Energy This is the part of them that will give them the strength to assert themselves in the world. One of the main reasons why one would find it difficult to do this is because they don’t feel safe in their body. Their need to please others is then a sign that they don’t feel safe enough to stand their ground. If this is the case, it can show that there was a time in their life when it was far too dangerous for them to express themselves. It has Served its Purpose Perhaps one was brought up in an environment where they were abused and/or neglect, for instance. It would then have been essential for them to behave as though they were just an extension of others. Behaving in this way would have been a matter of life or death, and not something that they had a lot of control over. Nevertheless, while it kept them alive at this time in their life, it is not longer necessary for them to behave in this way. Awareness If one can relate to this, and they want to change their life, they might need to work with a therapist or a healer. This can be a time when they will be working through trauma and changing what they believe. 21 BLOUDER

January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle All About You I don't know. I try to be on time But you are often late. Why? I don't know That could also take forever. Different styles are needed under different circumstances and depending on the goal to be reached and the characteristics of the person being asked. The most important aspect of any question is its answer: what is it that the question is trying to discover? Questions should always be posed based on the goal they need to reach. So, if confirmation or refutation are needed, a closed -ended question requiring a YES/NO answer will help most. Closed-ended questions can also prove useful when open conversation is difficult for whatever reason and as an icebreaker.

THE ART OF ASKING QUESTIONS By Jessica J. Lockhart – humanology – www.jessicajlockhart.com/en


sking the right questions will lead to the right answers. Humanology teaches us that human beings and their characteristics should also be considered when posing questions. Interacting with human beings sometimes requires knowing how to ask questions. But not just any questions; the right questions depending on the goal and the person being asked. This applies to interactions with friends and family and to working relationships. What is it that you want or need to know? Different questions will yield different answers, or no answers at all. It's fundamental to know what type of question to ask in order to get the information that is needed or sought. If there is a situation to clarify or information to be had and your only request for information requires yes or no for an answer, you won't get too far. Imagine a manager who needs to 22 BLOUDER

January 2018

get to the bottom of a problem in a conflict between two employees. He sits with each person involved in turns and asks them questions that need yes/no answers. He will need hours to obtain some kind of information. It could go something like this... Did you have an argument with X? Yes Did you start it? No So X started it? Yes That could take forever. On the other hand, more open-ended questions could also lead some people to not knowing what or how to answer. Imagine a conversation between a manager and an employee who's often late… Why are you late so often?

So, if dealing with a very shy or angry person, open-ended questions might prove impossible to handle the situation. If that kind of person is given the choice to answer and volunteer information, he or she might feel blocked, stressed or upset. We might need to use closed-ended questions just to get them talking and relaxing a bit; just to get the conversation flowing. Let's imagine a scenario in which information is needed from a very angry or a very shocked client... If the questions we start posing are of the why-kind, the client might lose control over his temper and just let go of his anger or frustration. If, on the other hand, a set of yes/no questions is offered, that might give him the time and pace he needs to calm down and slowly start a conversation that might result in more open-ended questions later. Closed-ended questions are therefore very useful when trying to confirm or refute information and when trying to guide the conversation very much. If more information is the goal, openended questions (who, when, how, why, where ...) can help better if properly used. If details are needed, open-ended questions offer the interviewee the possibility to give them. Let's imagine a situation in which a conflict between two employees needs to be solved. We already saw

BLOUDER Lifestyle All About You in the example above that closedended questions would lead the manager nowhere. Let's explore a different scenario: How did the argument with X begin? Well, he took one of my tools and didn't return it, so I had to go fetch it back. Just that first "how" question offers the manager much more information than any YES/NO question would. Open -ended questions give people the opportunity to express themselves. They help us get more details. Let's see another example... Why are you feeling upset? I'm feeling upset because he should have returned the tool and not make me go and get it. That made me waste a lot of time. What else are you feeling? I'm really angry. I needed to finish something but couldn't because I needed that tool and then had no time left. What would you like to do about this now? I would like to make sure that my tools remain by my post all the time. By not "putting words in people's mouths" and letting them express what they truly think and feel, the conversation can expand and grow. People can then explore aspects of the problem that they might have not thought about before. Open-ended questions are also very powerful when trying to unblock certain situations. Let's see an example: What do you want now? I don't know (blocked) How are you feeling now? Disappointed. That's how I'm feeling. I wanted the company to organize the working stations better. How would you organize them? I would make sure that... By changing the question and giving the person the chance to explore other aspects of the same issue, a conversation can be unblocked and more information

shared. If the goal is to get more details, to understand the person being asked, to move forward, open-ended questions can help a lot. There are many systems and sets of questions being used in companies and by professionals today to try and get information and help situations evolve faster and better. Toyota, for instance, created a 5-question system to help analyze problems by repeating "why" to all answers offered when researching a situation. Example: Why did you get into the argument? Because he took my tools Why did he take your tools? Because he didn't have any. Why didn't he have any? Because we need to share one set with the worker next to us and that person was using theirs. Why do you have to share the tools? Because the company believes that one set per two people is enough Why do they think so? Because it usually is. But they forgot to consider rush hour and individual speed. The system applies the logic that we just explained: ask open- ended questions to get more information. Toyota decided that 5 "why" questions would offer them enough information to understand the underlying problem in order to solve it. Once again, the questions are asked to satisfy a certain goal: getting enough information to solve a problem. The "why" set of questions are ok in this case because the goal is obtaining that information. Why questions might not be the right ones, though, under other circumstances. If the goal is to get information from a person who doesn't understand the situation for whatever reason (lack of knowledge, fear, guilt...), "why" could block that person, in which case, other open-ended questions might help better. Let's imagine one situation in which a person feels guilty... Why did you take those tools? I don't know (blocked)

Why did you act that way? I already said I don't know! (maybe getting angry...) Changing questions... What did you need those tools for? I needed them to attach the pieces. Where were your own tools? I can't find them. I think I lost them. By changing the open-ended question, we unblock the conversation once more, offering the interviewee the chance to answer and explore. This example clearly shows how the goal and the person's characteristics are what really matters. If we insisted in asking why -questions, the person would be completely blocked and no information would be obtained. The goal was getting the information. Keeping the goal in mind and considering the person's characteristics are the keys to asking the correct questions. One last very important aspect to bear in mind when asking questions is pace. People need enough time to think about their answers and give them. At the same time, when too much time is given, people might feel blocked by not coming up with an answer. Closed -ended questions need less time for their answers. Open-ended ones should not be rushed. If a person doesn't answer a question even when enough time is given, a different type of question should be asked. Observation is key in this aspect of question- asking. If the interviewee gets nervous or upset, make sure that the questions being posed are not overlapping one another and that the answers given are not interrupted. Make also sure that the person looks relaxed and comfortable. When in doubt, ask them if the pace is ok for them. Asking questions should therefore always consider both the goal to be reached and the person being asked. Bear both in mind and your process will be much more rewarding and complete. And remember to enjoy life... ALL of it. 23 BLOUDER

January 2018

BLOUDER Lifestyle All About You



By SANA HUSSAIN | Instagram @sanahussain_._

implicity, an attitude that only a few poses but famous to be owned by all. It is not just a word that defines the most important aspect of life but also gives a feeling that very few known words are blessed with. Simplicity is like those wild flowers that are beautiful yet hidden from the world. To find peace and be content with life is simplicity. In the course of learning humanity, we have learned to describe things using an adjective but never did we understand the true meaning of them. Yes, we as humans have developed our


January 2018

thinking capacity, behavior and now we are the proud inventors of Social media. And this invention of ours, now rules our life. It is like that illusion, which looks beautiful but when you find the truth, there's nothing uglier than it. One such thing is your presence on social media. And to create a presence that can be liked by all, we modify ourselves according to the trends set by people having a better social media presence. Trends, which means the new development in almost everything you like has been the favorite topic of discussion everywhere. We discuss the new trends in fashion, food, and lifestyle and try to update ourselves accordingly. In this process, what we forget is, trends do not define us. We are the ones who create trends according to a particular mood.

Some understand the turmoil here but some doesn't. The most affected ones are the teenagers who have lost the word simplicity in the dictionary of urban slangs and new trends. But, what is more important? Creating a false image and trying to set you in the society according to the trends or living a life that's simple and hence unique. Trends might gain you some moments of love from another fake identity but simplicity will help you live a life in your own way and enjoy every moment of it. Living is more important than residing. Trends might be a beautiful trap but a simple life can help you live. When you find beauty in things that doesn't have an over-hyped appearance, you will know what simplicity is.

BLOUDER art Featuring ANASTASIA MORSKAYA Photographer: Igor Zavarzin


ANASTASIA MORSKAYA Anastasia Morskaya was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. In 2007, she entered the Art Academy in St. Petersburg. When she studied at the art academy her teachers said that she was too ambitious and not able to take criticism. They tried to impose their technique, their style and their vision, while she wanted to be given the opportunity to develop her own style. She wanted to follow her path. Due to disagreements with the teachers, she left the art academy. In this regard, she has lost the desire to draw for many years. In 2011, she entered the University of Technology and Design. She studied there for five years and got a specialty in advertising. For many years she worked in the office during her education but continued to dream that someday she could become an artist. One day she left work and went to travel. She traveled to different countries of Asia for some months and realized that there is only one thing that she want to do. She returned to Russia and began to work on herself and on her painting. For many months she constantly wrote pictures, trying to make up for spent time. “The most important part of my success and any other is passion for what I do. Painting takes all my time. I can do it all the time. Passion for art ignites the flame inside me.” She continues, “I burn like a candle in the night. This fills me with a love of life. But my life would not be complete without another passion that inspires me to create my paintings on water themes. It's a passion for travel. It is in the process of cognition of new cities and countries, comes the realization of what my pictures should be like. I have already traveled a lot of countries in search of new sensations, emotions and knowledge. Without passion and travel, nothing would have happened.”


January 2018


Photographer: Igor Zavarzin


January 2018


Walking away to the sea

Wave Space in the water



She was inspired by her trip to Asia to start painting in 2016. For three months she lived in other countries far from her relatives and friends. “In Asia all countries are very colorful. I learned the culture and life of Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia. I had a lot of time to understand what I wanted to do when I get home.” During traveling, she captured many photographs under the water in particular. For all the plots of her paintings she uses photographs that are made and put by her personally. “The most important factor is the sun. It must be absolutely clear weather, so that glare plays on the water and on the body. This wonderful glow gives a liveliness and brightness to the picture. It is important to convey the mood.” She added, “My first picture of water I painted for four months. I very carefully painted the water, movement of water, glare, and splashes. Everything is important. Therefore, to achieve success in a realistic picture you must work hard.” “My love of the sea is boundless. I can sit for hours and watch the movement of the waves. And what kind of palette is there! The sea can combine a large number of colors at different times of the day. Water is life.” She continued, “And this life I try to put on canvas. The relationship between human and the element is the main theme of my work.” “There is a very beautiful sea in the Philippines. Probably there I saw the most exciting sunsets in my life. The Indian Ocean is so powerful. Waves reach huge sizes

and crash against the rocks. Now I imagine myself on the beach of Uluwatu on the island of Bali. There you can see what I'm talking about,” she said. “Being there, I realized that the only right way for me is to picture the sea, the ocean or just water on canvases that will remain forever.” In her artworks, she uses the technique of multilayer painting. She always paints the first layer by translucent colors. She added, “Light and shadow are indicated by various suitable colors. When the first layer dries, I start to paint the details. On the contrast, I can already see where I need to make it even darker, where it's lighter. On the second layer I paint glare on the water and body, drawn hair, etc. Maybe there is a third layer when I need white tanning. In particular, bubbles, gleams, drops of water, shine of metal (for example, decoration on the neck on the picture "Greece"). In total, there are three stages. The second stage of drawing parts takes the most time and can be as several days or weeks, depending on the size of the work.” She continued, “Mastery comes with experience. Only two things can help here: time and diligence. I can work for twelve hours a day. Each my picture is better than the previous one. For each I spend less time. It is by analyzing my work I see where and what I need to be correct, how to do better and how to work faster. Self-criticism and analysis of the work done is very important. I also visit museums and exhibitions, carefully studying how old masters worked and how modern artists work. Analysis of other people's artworks is also important because you can learn something useful for yourself.”

New born

Creatures Reflection of depth

She added, “In my city there is a stunning museum Hermitage, where an amazing collection of works by old masters is collected. I take a lot of photographs in museums but not the whole picture but details, for example, how the drapery flows, how hands lie, how the decorations on people are shining, how to flash the material of an object, etc. This is my personal advice for beginning artists: go to museum, learn the details, take pictures of interesting items in good quality, and make notes and sketches.” Now she is painting a series of artworks on the theme "Human and the sea.” The sea in her pictures is calm and serene. “I want to show it from the other side. In the future I plan to organize an exhibition dedicated to this topic.”

Photographer: Igor Zavarzin

LOUDER click out



Click Out LOUDER as a Major. I taught at McGeorge for two years, served as a civilian attorney at Travis Air Force Base for two years, and in 1999, went to work for the California Employment Development Department as an attorney. I presently handle employment tax cases for the Department. I am the eldest of seven children, having three brothers and three sisters. I have been married for 44 years and we have two sons and four grandchildren. My wife and I enjoy traveling and theater, among other things. How do you as a photographer make sure that the thing, person, or landscape you want to shoot looks the way you want it to? If I am shooting in the studio, I have complete control over lighting, which is key. However, when you are shooting outside of a studio, you have to be aware of the light that is available and adapt your technique to make the best use of it.




lenn Jones was born in 1951 in Los Angeles, California. His family moved to Sacramento, California in 1958. Glenn graduated from high school in 1968 and attended Sacramento City College and Sacramento State University before enlisting in the U.S. Air Force in 1973. In 1979, nd he earned a commission as a 2 Lieutenant and served until 1993 when he retired as a Major. Glenn earned his law degree from University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law in 1991 and is a member of the California State Bar. He is an attorney with the State of California’s Employment Development Department. Glenn has been married to Alyce Walker for 44 years. They have two sons and four grandchildren. What does photography mean to you? For me, as a hobby, it is a means of creative escape. I love to capture what I see so that I can share it with others. 32 BLOUDER

January 2018

How did you develop an interest in photography? It was not until the early 70’s, when I was in the U.S. Air Force stationed at Plattsburgh Air Force Base in upstate New York that I first became interested in photography. Being from California, it was a completely new experience being where it snowed in the winter. Afterwards, it was mostly to capture family life until 2006 when we took our first trip abroad to France. I bought an Olympus E-500 digital camera and just fell in love with what it could do, and what you could do to develop your photos without a dark room. I later bought an Olympus E-3, and in 2012 switched to Nikon when I got a D800, which I still use. Who are you as a person? Having completed law school at the University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law in 1991, I went into private practice in Sacramento in 1993 when I retired from the U.S. Air Force

From your point of view, what makes a good picture? To me, a good picture causes the viewer to linger just a few seconds longer than usual. It may cause them to decipher what is going on in an image. It may cause them to admire the subject. It may challenge their sensibilities. It may anger or amuse them. There are so many aspects that go into a “good” photograph that it is hard to boil them down to a recipe. What were the challenges that you most commonly faced and how did you deal with them? Since I am not a “professional” photography, I don’t have to rely on it as a source of income – mostly for me it’s a source of spending. I am naturally a bit shy, so it was a challenge for me to learn to be comfortable photographing people, often in an intimate setting. How important is it for a photographer to “connect” with his subjects to bring out their true self? It is absolutely imperative – if you and your subject are not comfortable, or in sync, it will show in the images. Since the photography techniques and equipment change quickly, it is important to stay up-to-date. What do you do to always keep up with the times?

Click Out LOUDER I belong to various photography groups in Northern California, and I try to keep up with developments in photography through the Internet. But I try not to get too excited about new equipment unless it is something that will really help me in the studio or on location.

lighting set. Once we’re ready to shoot, I make sure the subject knows what we’re planning, answer any questions, and give them any last second directions. During the shoot, I’ll show them back-of-the-camera previews so they can see how they’re doing.

Nowadays almost everyone has access to devices with which it is possible to take pictures. What do you think is the difference between a professional photographer and any other hobby photographer? Usually, one differentiates professional and hobby photographers by whether they rely on photography for their primary income. However, I also look at it from the photographer’s approach to the craft. For example, are they serious about improving their skills and learning new ones?

Which editing software do you usually use? As how good would you describe your skills in that software? I use Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop CC, along with Nik Collection plugins. I would say that I’m very experienced with Lightroom – I’ve used it since it was in beta release. My Photoshop skills are middling and I’m working to improve them.

Which one is your favorite lens and why do you prefer it? My favorites at the moment are my Tamron 24-70mm, f2.8 and my Nikon 50mm, f1.8. They are versatile, dependable lenses that work well in studio or on location. Which photographers influenced you, and how did they influence your thinking, photographing, and career path? Cindy Sherman, Ansel Adams, and Annie Leibowitz, among a host of others. Cindy Sherman pushes and redefines the boundaries of what a photograph is and how it tells a story. Annie Leibowitz is today’s premier portrait photographer – her command of light is amazing. Ansel Adams is the benchmark against which all landscape photographers measure themselves – his iconic photographs of the California and American West never fail to inspire. Some other contemporary photographers I follow and admire are headshot guru Peter Hurley, and fashion photographers Lindsay Adler and Lou Freeman. What, in your opinion, is most important to consider while shooting portrait pictures? Can you walk us through the actual process that you use to set up a portrait? Most of the portraiture I do is centered around a fashion theme. I try to make it as fun as possible so that the subject is relaxed. We first agree on an order of clothing looks, apply the makeup and have the hair done, and then get the

Exactly what it is you want to say with your photographs, and how do you actually get your photographs to do that? I just want to try and portray my subjects in the best light possible. I want to allow what they want to say to the viewer to show through at all costs. In your free time, what kind of pictures do you like to shoot and which ones do you avoid? I love to shoot photos when we travel so that we can remember the amazing places we’ve been privileged to visit. I do not like to shoot weddings – it’s too much work, lol. Nine Tips to Take Photographs as a Professional (for Beginners)-

Read the manual that comes with your equipment – you won’t be able to get the best out of your gear if you don’t. Practice with your equipment. Make sure you know what each feature is and how to use it. Study other photographers and their work. Deconstruct their images by trying to discern how they were taken, what lighting was used, how was the subject posed, etc. Join a local photography club or group. It’s a great way to meet new people and see how they approach photography. Learn your chosen software. Whatever you use to edit your digital images, become proficient. Look for new techniques and try them out to see whether they fit your workflow. Back up your files. Disaster will strike – that’s a guarantee. Avoid gear acquisition syndrome – GAS. Buy equipment that meets your needs within your budget. Concentrate on learning how to pose your subject or frame a scene – that will more than compensate for less expensive gear. Be a mentor to other photographers who are learning the ropes. Have fun. If you’re not having fun, why are you doing it?

Photographer: Glenn Jones (Ikona Photography) 33 BLOUDER

January 2018

Photographer: Glenn Jones (Ikona Photography)

Photographer: Glenn Jones (Ikona Photography)






BLOUDER Health & Fitness

(BPT) - Setting intentions is a powerful thing. Then when you have that shiny new gym membership in hand, you feel like nothing stands between you and your goals to get in shape once and for all. Trouble is, lack of motivation, unpreparedness and busy schedules have a way of interfering with our plans. If you find yourself struggling to stick to your goals, you're in good company. A whopping 67 percent of people surveyed by Statistic Brain in 2017 said they have gym memberships they never use. Even after a great start, you may find yourself struggling to find motivation to stay on track. Try one of these tips to make it easier to make your fitness regimen stick and most importantly - feel good while getting fit!

Get a workout buddy: If getting out of bed or off the couch is your biggest challenge, it's time to use the phone-a-friend solution for some motivation. Find someone you like who's at a similar fitness level and make plans to meet up for a workout. Psychologically, you'll be much more likely to show up for the class, the weight session or the morning run when you know someone's 38 BLOUDER

January 2018

5 WAYS TO FEEL GOOD WHILE GETTING FIT waiting for you. Plus, working out will be a breeze with your buddy!

Streamline your routine: Don't

ence a positive workout.

Be ready for action: As soon as

you're home from your session, re-pack let your fear of sweat keep you from your gym bag as soon as possible so getting fit. With a few tricks, you can you'll never waste a moment hunting get back to glam in minutes, even when around the house for your workout gear, you lack time to shower. First, make such as sneakers, earbuds and products smart use of the tools they that help you ease back inhave on hand at the gym. Grab Trouble is, lack of to your day. Stash essensome extra towels and pound tials like Summer's Eve motivation, out that treadmill run with the Cleansing Wash in your high-powered fan on full blast. unpreparedness bag as well for days that In the locker room, hand dry- and busy schedules you can fit in a quick ers (and a dab of dry shamhave a way of shower after your workout. poo) are great for getting your It not only gently cleanses interfering with tresses looking great again. and freshens your skin afour plans. Cleansing cloths at the ready ter a grueling workout, it can also be a lifesaver. Sumremoves odor-causing bacmer's Eve Cleansing Cloths let you teria, so you'll feel fantastic, inside and freshen up on the go and are balanced out. to a woman's natural pH, so you'll always leave the gym feeling fresh and Update your attire: Ever notice ready to take on the world. how easy it is to get out of bed when you know you have a new outfit to Inspire your ears: Let's face facts: wear to work? Feeling good about how Workouts get tedious. If the thought of you look can put a spring in your step sprinting and lifting your way through and motivate you to get up and out the the next circuit bores you to tears, try door. When you notice that your fitness uploading your playlist with fast-paced routine is lagging, maybe it's time to music that gets your heart racing. Don't spruce up your workout attire. Bonus: If worry what others think - this is for you've lost a few pounds, you'll get an your ears only! If it makes you feel extra lift from that ego boost! good, you'll be more likely to experi-




(BPT) - Several food and nutrition trends were in the spotlight last year, including the continued rise of plantbased diets, non-dairy ice creams and superfoods that are blasts from the past - legumes, apples and cabbage. It can be easy to experience nutrition whiplash in the New Year, but don't be a victim. Get a jump-start on understanding the top nutrition trends that will impact quality of life and make it easier to add important vitamins and nutrients to the body. "The start of a fresh year always ushers in new opportunities to make one's health better," said Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD and author of "Eat Your Way to Sexy." "Study after study consistently finds that most Americans don't meet even minimum standards of a balanced diet, so it's important to be aware of advances in nutrition, so you can optimize your health all year long." There are four key nutrition predictions that will top 2018. No. 1 - Personalized nutrition A one-size-fits-all approach that can be applied to vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and other essential nutrients doesn't align with what research reveals about individual nutrient needs. Many factors tweak the basic recommendations, including age, gender, health status, medication use, stress level, sleep habits, exercise routines and more.

For example, when the body is exposed to ultra violet (UV) light, it manufactures vitamin D; however, as we age, the body becomes less and less efficient at making vitamin D. This is when dietary and supplement sources become increasingly more important while the needs for the vitamin increase. It is no wonder there will be a growing trend and demand for personalized nutrition recommendations in 2018. Nutrition innovators - like www.vitaminpacks.com - are already responding by developing comprehensive nutritional assessments to curate unique combinations of vitamins and nutrients designed specifically to the individual consumer. No. 2 - Awareness of drug nutrient interactions According to a recent paper published in the European Journal of Nutrition, vitamins and other nutrients play a crucial role in metabolism - the process in the body that supports overall health. How vitamins and phytonutrients interact with prescription medications can impact metabolism. In one example, antacid medications can interfere with vitamin B12 and calcium absorption, so requirements for these and other nutrients may increase, yet people don't make the adjustment in their supplement plans. Therefore, it is

BLOUDER Health & Fitness important to consult a health care practitioner before adding a dietary supplement, so prescription medications and vitamin supplements can live in harmony. No. 3 - Go with your gut Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for health, especially the digestive system. It may be easy to think of bacteria as something that causes diseases, but the body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are the "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they have been known for years to help keep the gut healthy. What's more, research has shown that the benefits of probiotics may span more than the gut, including the circulatory, hormonal and nervous systems. Probiotics are naturally found in the body to varying degrees, and there are high levels of probiotics in some foods and supplements. Encouraging the growth of probiotic bacteria is important in maintaining an effective intestinal barrier, enhancing nutrient absorption and blocking toxins and pathogens. A focus on gut health and spotlighting food and dietary supplements that support a healthy belly will top 2018 nutrition trends. No. 4 - Vitamin K2 Don't confuse this K2 with the mountain in the Himalayas. Vitamin K2 is an overlooked vitamin that helps control calcium movement in the body and supports healthy arteries and bone health. It is found at sub-optimal levels in the traditional diet, but can be found at high levels in fermented foods, like sauerkraut and the Korean dish kimchi. Vitamin K2 will no longer be overlooked in 2018. Ask a health care practitioner about adding this important vitamin to the diet, especially if fermented foods aren't served regularly for dinner. It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict what will be the hottest nutrition trends in 2018; it only requires a look at the latest nutrition research and connecting with a health care provider or registered dietitian. 39 BLOUDER

January 2018



BLOUDER Health & Fitness


Rohit Lonkar has been into to the world of Corporate IT for 6 years now. With a focus on making a strong career in IT, he equally gave preference to personal fitness and being presentable always. While maintaining fitness, he ventured into modeling and beauty pageants, which garnered quite a few eyeballs to pave his path into the field of fashion modeling. Today his social profile speaks the testament of his efforts from being a smart kid at academics to a successful marketing professional to now paving his way into fashion and fitness stream. He said, “It’s a long way ahead but definitely worthwhile overcoming the hurdles en route.” What was your lifestyle prior to your transformation? I became regular to Gym only after completing my academics. Prior to the transformation I usually couldn’t eat much or never felt hungry. Appetite was low and at the same time academic study occupied bigger portion of my time. Hence, either there was no time to

workout or no enthusiasm for one.

juice or black coffee.

What was your transformation timeline? It took me 6 months to gain about 2030 kg of weight due to high intensity workout and enhanced appetite. Later on, I just went on toning as per my needs.

How are you currently training, and has your training changed since the completion of your transformation? I’m currently focusing on compound workout and alternate routine between heavy weight and light weight musclefatigue training. Since transformation, the aim has been to tone up my body to match right proportions which includes doses of cardio, ABS training, diet variations, supplement composition. All this resulted in building a proportionate body structure suitable for Modeling.

What are the biggest mistakes people make at the gym that you have observed? One of the biggest mistakes I see is that either people are too impatient to increase the weights for show-off! Or they are too hesitant to push their limits. In either case one misses on building core body strength and posture which can give fabulous and longlasting results on the long run. What do you eat before working out? I consume 6 slices of brown bread along with Nutella or Jam before workout. Add to it an apple or orange

What would you recommend for a quick 20- to 30-minute workout? How long should people rest in between workouts? My 2 cents: Given 20-30 mins to spare, I do either one of the following cycles, and have seen results: Cycle 1: Body weight training and core strength built up – this involves your own body weight as a counter weight 41 BLOUDER

January 2018

BLOUDER Health & Fitness for your muscles to strengthen. One can do a cycle of pull-ups – wide, close or ultra-close, squats, dips, crunches and similar other sets. Cycle 2: Weight training where you can take two variations of each muscle group, including shoulder, back, chest, and biceps based on how much you can complete.

stigate your body to go into starvation mode and switch to a state where it wants to conserve energy. “Cheat Day” reminds the body that food is coming and it need not starve or conserve energy. I prefer once in a week cheat meal where I can hog onto a pizza, cheese cake or spicy food with loads of carbs in it.

It has to be understood that such routines are good for basic fitness. It's advisable to take a break of approx. 20-30 seconds between each workout routine. How important is nutrition if someone works out consistently? Nutrition is indeed a vital component of fitness routine as it helps repair muscles, replenish the body's glycogen stores, and prevent muscle soreness. 80% of your muscles are built in kitchen and 20% at the gym, no matter how clichéd it sounds, but it is true. Min 2gm per kg of your body weight should be your protein intake and remaining a mix of all the other nutrients depending upon whether you want to gain or lose weight. Carbs are important for energy while proteins for muscle built up, change their ratios for weight loss or muscle gain, it is up to the person’s preference. Is it true that it's good to have a "cheat day" where people can eat whatever they want once a week? Why is this good or bad idea? Do you have a cheat day? Psychologically, “cheat day” is important to break the monotony of fitness diet which is mostly low-carb high protein driven routine. Cheat meals help relish your taste buds so that you can sustain the ruckus of diet food in the long run. Biologically, “Cheat Day” stops body going into starvation mode as diets are highly strict and force you to cut heavy amounts of glucose in the form of carbs. This cutting of the carbs will in-


January 2018

strength, then it is a function of 1-2 months to achieve any form of transformation. How do you stay motivated? What advice would you give to someone who’s having trouble staying on track? The biggest motivation for me to hit the Gym every day is that the process itself is my best stress buster. The end results, keep me in good shape and health which is a good experience in itself. And when folks around you look up to you with appreciation and get motivated, you need to be consistent in what you do. Name five things you can’t live without? The five things currently serve my existence include my Car, Wallet, Laptop, Protein and my cellphone. Anyone missing, I’m already hitting withdrawal syndrome. What is the bad habit that no one knows about you?


I always freak-out on the choice of toys in Mc-Donald’s Happy Meal. I always end up buying 2-3 happy meals just to

What are some simple things that people can do, in their day to day routine, besides working out, to see results faster? Ensure mealtime and sleep schedule in on time to remain fresh and active. Besides working out, balanced diet, avoiding junk food, walking or climbing stairs, early morning jogs, yoga, maintaining appropriate body postures while standing or seated, all these can show early results. What are the best types of exercises for getting the fastest results in the shortest period of time? There is not shortcut for exercise; it’s a process where you need to get your body acquainted to extra physical efforts than normal. Over a period of time when you have built up enough core

get the complete set of toys available. I don’t know when this habit will stop. How do you spend your free time? I’m either travelling to explore places or reading fictions from the likes of Dan Brown, Agatha Christie, or Sydney Sheldon. I love to get myself recharged in the free time; it is like bumping up my batteries for the long run ahead!!! What are your future plans? I plan to get myself established as a Model and Fitness Motivator. It was a struggle for me to become a model from once being a shunned kid for his looks. I definitely plan to start my own business firm in near future.

BLOUDER Health & Fitness

Eleven Tips From

Rohit Lonkar To Maximize Your Workout


1. Stay hydrated throughout the day. 2. Maintain consistent meal time to ensure proper digestion helping to create necessary energy stock for high intensity workout. 3. Focus on building core strength to build a strong base to complete rigorous workout. 4. Adhere to diet as they are designed to

assist your workout needs and end results expected from all the troubles.

8. Increase frequency of muscle repetitions.

5. Include authenticated supplements in your diet for healthy muscle growth and strength built up.

9. Eat slow digesting carbs before workout such as oats, sweet potato or fruit.

6. Workout at least 5 days a week covering all the muscle groups.

10. Include salads along with whole meals in your diet.

7. Have a powerful pre-workout concoction for energy boost.

11. Your Gym Trainer and Dietitians are your besties; take their advice from time to time! 43 BLOUDER

January 2018

BLOUDER Health & Fitness


* Ditch the device: Forty-six percent of self-described "good sleepers" never or rarely bring a device to bed. * Have a laugh: Those who sleep well are more likely to watch a comedy before going to sleep. * Keep it cool: Forty-five percent say that cooling down the bedroom temperature is the No. 1 thing they do to improve sleep. * Stay tidy: Those who make their bed every morning are less likely to struggle with sleep.

(BPT) - As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, millions of people vow to eat better, work out more and lead a healthier life. But something is missing from this equation. While eating well and getting exercise are extremely important, too often people neglect the keystone of good health: sleep. While few people like daily workout routines or kale salad, most everyone loves sleep. And a good night's sleep loves you, too: It boosts mental and physical well-being. With today's stressful, highly caffeinated, screen-addicted lifestyles, millions of Americans do not get enough sleep. There are many reasons for this. A look at the 2017 Sleep in Review study by Sleep Number suggests that sleeping habits are highly individualized and need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

A LOOK AT THE NUMBERS This year, more than 30 percent of Americans reported they slept worse than in 2016.


January 2018

A big culprit here is television. Nearly half of all respondents said that television often cuts into their sleep. In fact, 24 percent of millennials and 14 percent of all Americans report that binge watching before bed prevents them from getting enough rest. Nearly 70 percent say worry and responsibility are preventing them from getting the sleep they need. A racing mind keeps many Americans from getting rest, particularly among Gen Xers. Worries about taking care of others aging parents or young children - can often lead to neglecting yourself. However, putting your own self-care first is often the best way to care for others. Those who sleep well say they have a healthy balance of taking time for themselves and helping others that need them (39 percent versus 26 percent). Of course, if you're having difficulty sleeping, this might sound easier said than done. How do you get there? How do you achieve that wonderful, restorative eight hours of sleep? There's not one right way to do this, but according to the survey, there are several habits good sleepers have:

A good night's sleep can mean the difference between having a wonderful or a horrible day. More and more Americans are realizing this. Over half (54 percent) of those surveyed are making "improving the quality of their sleep" one of their New Year's resolutions, which is up 30 percentage points from 2014.

AN INDIVIDUALIZED PATH TO BETTER SLEEP In the past five years, millions of people have embraced software and technology that tracks their eating and exercise habits. These small devices give an individualized report that allows people to monitor their activity and adjust in a way that promotes good habits and health. Similarly, Sleep Number's Sleep IQ technology (R) tracks your sleeping habits, and in the morning, it gives you a personalized report on how you slept, offering insights on how you might improve your sleeping habits. Sleep is so individualized, and there's no one right way to do it. The more you know about how you're sleeping, the more you can learn what adjustments you should make to sleep better. Learn more about the latest in sleep tracking and adjustable comfort at sleepnumber.com.









BLOUDER Spotlight



January 2018

Twenty-five years old, Alessandro Gasparin was born and grew up in Crimea in the City of Yalta on the Black Sea coast. He grew up in a wonderful time, when children were not so active on the computers and using the Internet, but he spent a lot of time with his friends. His childhood was very interesting and full of adventures. He was engaged in ballroom dancing for seven years. He won many awards. He really loves the sea, mountains, palm trees which is in his hometown. When he finished schooling, he decided to move to a big city in order to enter the university. He moved to the city of Kharkov to enter the Medical University. After 6 years of study, he graduated from the university, got a doctor's diploma and entered an internship for medical practice, where he studied for 2 years. And after 8 years of training, now he works as a doctor in a hospital. He said, “I really like my profession! I have a wonderful family and I am very grateful for their support. I am grateful to my family for always being near me!” During his student time, he performed in a humorous show, and when he was at school he took part in number of school activities. When he was studying diploma, he was contacted by a modeling agency and they offered him work but he did not have time and he was forced to refuse. In 2016, he started his video blog on YouTube. He said, “And then photographers, model agents and people from show business began to contact me. So I got into the modeling business. Now I work with the model agency MAG. Now I work as a doctor in the hospital and in parallel in the modeling industry.” In addition to the basic work, he has a huge number of hobbies; he is a very versatile person. He does not like to sit in one place. He has been actively training in the gym for over 10 years. He also loves to shoot people. He has done some projects as a photographer. He also loves to travel. This is just the beginning, more is to come!


How would you describe your personal style? My style is to be me! I like diversity in everything. I like different clothes and my style depends on my mood, is it to be classic, sporty or casual. I love to dress up good because it makes me happy. The same goes for music and other moments in life. What was the biggest change in your life after entering into modeling industry? Because of that, I met many new interesting and famous people and now they are my friends. What is your greatest weakness? What are you doing to improve it? I really enjoy eating delicious food. I like to eat sweets, chocolates, ice cream, but I can’t all that if I want to stay fit and healthy. So I’m trying my best to avoid these things. I go to gym to stay focus about my goals. Did you ever take any difficult decision in your modeling career? There are a couple of stories. Once I passed the casting for the popular TV show "supermodel" from all over the country, I got into the top 200 of the best and interesting people, but I refused to shoot because I had more important things in life at that time.


Have you ever felt uncomfortable while shooting? During shoots for brands, I sometimes have to wear things a few sizes smaller than I usually wear and it's not always comfortable, especially shoes. Do you consider yourself to be creative? If so, give some examples. Yes, I consider myself creative. From my childhood I was engaged in ballroom dances, participated in school plays, at the university I performed in a humorous show, now I'm engaged in photography of people and I really love it. I also have a YouTube channel where I vlog. I think it’s another example of creativity. Bodybuilding in the gym is also creative for me. I love sculpting my body. I believe perfection is unlimited! Where do you pull your inspiration from? First of all, I draw inspiration inside myself. Looking back and looking at what I have achieved, it strongly motivates me to go forward! Also, I can be inspired by famous personalities, movies and music. My wonderful family inspires me. My family has a very interesting story. Unfortunately, the interview is not enough to tell everything, so maybe another time. Do you have any hidden talents? Perhaps there is! I really love to cook and everyone says that I'm good at it! What do you think about when you’re alone in your car? When I am alone, I think of eternity… About the fact that we all one day will leave this world, perhaps into another life form. But while we are here, we need to try to do as many good things as possible and live this life with dignity! Are you seeing someone right now? What are the qualities you want in your partner? I believe that I am too young to marry. But in the future I want to have my


family and children. I consider this the most important thing in life. We’ll continue our life in our children! My future wife will be the best for me! Who are you when you are with your friends – a Model or just a normal guy? How do you spend time with your buddies? I'm always a normal guy! The main thing is to always be you. We always spend time in different ways, make purchases, train in the gym, talk about important things, watch movies, travel ... Everything you can think of just now. We always have fun and do interesting things! What is the dream that you cherish but cannot fulfill? I believe that any dream is achievable! It's a matter of time and your desire! It's rare when a person gets something while doing nothing. Any dream comes into contact with reality when we work to achieve it! This is checked by me personally! But we must remember, everything that is done or not done is always for the betterment! Name five things you can’t live without? I can’t live without my family, health, my profession, sports and food. What’s your strongest memory of your childhood? I had an interesting childhood. But we had a lot of dangerous games. We loved clinging to moored ships and waiting for them to start sailing to take a ride. We did the same thing with trucks just like in movies. It was very cool but dangerous, so it’s not supposed to be done! What’s your scariest experience? A difficult question ... There are so many difficult situations in life, but I try not to get hung up on them, and move ahead. What is your dream project? Be a good and famous doctor first. Perhaps I will continue to do modeling and show business. Time will tell.


BLOUDER Spotlight



5. Adjust colors correctly in clothes; try not to wear more than three colors.

6. Wear clothes according to your size, no bigger or no smaller.

Now is the time that everything is fashionable! In the literal sense, wear whatever you want to and be fashionable.

1.You need to dress first and foremost according to what is convenient for you and what suits your appearance.

2. The classic jacket is cool in any style.

3. Do not forget about the headwear.

4. If you do not know what to put on, then choose a suit, classic one.


January 2018

7. Good quality shoes add charm into your overall look. Always keep them clean.

8. Don't forget about accessories, watches, bracelets and rings are must.

9. Don’t forget to wear perfume. For me, a good scent is very important just like clothes! Yes, I'm a fan of perfume I have more than 50 different flavors and this is my weakness.

LOUDER style out

Featuring HARRIET



LUNA BELLA Ekaterina Ilina is an entrepreneur and fashion designer from Russia who started Luna Bella brand (Instagram @lunabelladress) in May 2017 together with two of her friends Inna de Almeida (Brazil) and Elena Tokmakova (China). They had a dream to inspire women around the world to express their femininity by wearing long dresses. In October 2017, first collection was born and quickly got worldwide recognition. Within one month after their lunch, dresses were already selling in 19 countries. Interesting fact that 3 girls live in different countries and never met in person creating their dresses, all work done through messenger.

Dress: Luna Bella Photographer: Sergey Kabankov Model: Ekaterina Ilina Location: Paris, France

Dress: Luna Bella Photographer: Alceu Almeida Model: Inna de Almeida Location: Curutiba, Brazil

Style Out LOUDER

Dress: Luna Bella Photographer: Denis Fustachenko Model: Anastasia Kovalchuk Location: Sakhalin, Russia


January 2018

Dress: Luna Bella Photographer: Kristina Sedelnikova Model: Anna Sanasaryan Location: Sakhalin, Russia

Style Out LOUDER

Dress: Luna Bella Photographer: Darya Fevralyne Model: Ekaterina Ilina Location: Paris, France


January 2018

Style Out LOUDER Fashion Tips

Winter Wear Wants By Anjali Sharma | Instagram @anjali_scribed


inters and styling for it is often a task we folks find difficult to take up efficiently. With the limited options, variations and variety to choose what’s best is a puzzling task. So get your glasses on for here are some amazing ideas to help you out to best and blush you winter red in your perfect outfits.

FOR OUR LADS 1 LAYER WARMLY Winters require more of clothing and this means layering. FORMALS: Team up your tailored trousers with a warm blazer and layer it with your duffle coat to step out. Play with the colors of red baize blue and all kind of bright of this cool season. Pair your waist coat with a long coat of contrast color. CASUAL: Pair a nice sweat shirt with a block color shirt or wear a puffa jacket with a sweat teamed up with trainers and sneakers and you’re ready to go. Wear a warm color with a leather jacket teamed with pullovers plain or printed. 2. BOOT UP Wear a rusty pair of ankle boots or army boots with your casuals and stay classy with those leather fine shoes or loafers or shoe trainer hybrids with your formals.


January 2018

3. ACCESORIES Carry confidently a scarf simple or stripped or a winter cap with your casuals and drape a complimenting muffler with your formal long coat. 4. SUNGLASSES A little detail that can work magic to your winter outfit is a pair of sunglasses. However the thing to keep in mind is to stick to subtle neutral and classic shades.

FOR LADIES: FORMALS It’s a tedious task to get dressed for a day job in this frizzy weather but don’t worry here are some outfit ideas for you to get dressed on time with style: -Wear a knee length fit dress with or without stockings and team it up with a long coat or short jacket. - Play with layers in contrast colors like black and white, blue and white, grey and red, teal and browns. -Wear pointed nude red or black stilettos. -Wear your well-tailored pleated skirt or pencil skirt with a plain blouse paired with a cardigan and blazer. -Accessorize a warm scarf wrapped around your neck.

Model: Majid Irfan Baba Instagram @majid_irfan_baba

Style Out LOUDER Fashion Tips -Block colors summing up in an outfit of a flared top, casual coat and pants with sneakers can be a fun choice for an office schedule too. CASUALS Keep the fun of getting dressed and staying comfy at the same time with these dress up ideas. -For the girls that like the skirts and dress, wear a printed dress with a blazer and team it with long or ankle length boots. -Style up your comfy jeans with a knitted sweater and a long coat with semi casual sneakers, a linen scarf or cap and you are ready to rock this winter. -Wear that LBD with a suede coat, stockings and soldier boots for a day outing. -Jeans paired with trench coat and a simple blouse/top with ankle fur booties are completely meant for you this season. -A dress or jeans and turtleneck with a leather jacket and over the knee boots are a complete statement look for you. -Sweater with a jacket and cap teamed with a skirt and stocking and motorcycle boots are perfect to make you look hot in this winter. -Wear a sweat shirt with an oversized jacket and boyfriend jeans with cool printed sneakers to get that relaxed comfy laid back look.


January 2018



Tell us about your career as a model. How were you discovered? I started modeling when I was born. My Mum modeled her whole life so my first bookings were with her. I then got scouted in 2016 at the Clothes Show in Birmingham by Select and I’m currently one of their youngest models. In your own eyes, what was the moment that your career really took off? As a child model, I got really busy from around age 8. I worked regularly for Very, Littlewoods, MandM Direct and Next through my Mums own model agency - Mentor Model Agency. Obviously going on the books with Select is a big, big deal but my career with them probably won’t peak before I’m 16. What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done? I did a really fun shoot on the streets of Manchester for Very with models from top international agencies, Next and IMG. It was a sports shoot and I modeled brands such as Adidas and Nike. It was a bit crazy as people were walking past wondering what was happening. Did you ever have a bad/crazy experience during your modeling career? No really I’ve been lucky enough to really enjoy my shoots. I’m sure they’ll get crazier as I get older and more involved in the adult fashion modeling. What is one of your favorite photographs from your career so far? Who shot it? My favorite picture was actually by my mum who is a photographer. It’s from a shoot I did on the Isle of Wight, on a skate park on the seafront. It was windy so there was lots of movement in my hair and the skate park had lots of graffiti backdrops. What’s the biggest misconception about the female modeling industry? Sometimes I think people think it’s easy and that you just have to smile but it’s tougher than that. There’s a lot of competition. What is your favorite thing to do when not working? Eat food and watch Netflix. What is your favorite healthy snack? Sugar snap peas. What’s a typical week like for you? I’m still at school so obviously I’m there Monday to Friday. I play lots of netball and attend lots of training and

JOSEPHINE_WEBSTER_PHOTOGRAPHY matches. What music are you into at the moment? I like Liam Gallagher, Kasabian, Artic Monkeys, Catfish and The Bottlemen, Oasis and Noel Gallagher. Give us 5 facts about you, people may not know. I have a husky called Lunar. I love flaming hot Cheetos! My favorite Disney film is Mary Poppins. My favorite makeup company is Huda Beauty. My favorite high street store is Topshop. What are your travel essentials? Headphones, moisturizer, phone with

loads of music downloads and the Netflix app. What is your all-time favorite movie and why? I love Grease - last year I took part in a school production as a singer/dancer and got really into it. What projects are you presently working on? At the moment I’m just working on expanding my portfolio. I’ve just had my braces out so need new images to show my nice straight teeth. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? You have to have a confident and happy personality and to be able to take knock backs. 63 BLOUDER

January 2018

Style Out LOUDER Beauty Tips

ELEVEN BEAUTY TIPS FROM HARRIET WEBSTER 1.Always moisturize - all over not just your face. 2. Always remove your makeup at night. 3. Always be well groomed. Nice neat nails, groomed eyebrows and fresh hair. 4. Never over contour. Try to keep it natural. 5. Watch YouTube tutorials for great makeup tips and techniques. 6. If you want a nice dewy look to your makeup, don’t use thick foundation opt for tinted moisturizer. If you don’t have tinted moisturizer, mix some moisturizer in with your foundation. 7. Get your beauty sleep. My skins much clearer when I sleep well. 8. Experiment with makeup, don’t play too safe. Try lots of looks. 9. Drink lots of water. It’s great for your skin and body. 10. Don’t pick your spots and don’t be tempted to touch your face. 11. Don’t get nail gels or acrylics. As a model, natural or clear polish is best. PHOTOGRAPHER: TALIA WHITE (TALIAWHITEPHOTOGRAPHY)


January 2018


SOMEONE BY NISHANT GANATRA Instagram @nishantganatra

I was looking for someone When I met you Someone I could talk to Someone I could relate to Someone who was there When I needed the most Someone for who I’d raise a toast Someone who knew what to say Also when and how much to say Someone who would share a life With me now and also all the way Today, when you are gone I don’t have that someone And I’m not even looking!


“To, The First love of my life”. He pondered over the title, Frequently going through numerous others Somewhere this appealed his mind With tickling of the clock, his fingers grew more tensed As he jotted down his feelings, their first meet And conveying all emotions describing his desires Memories flashed back, took him to times Times where he was his first friend in the basketball match Canteens where they endlessly talked about dragon ball z The first chocolate they shared And then teenage love started With drawing comic toons To winning matches together But he paused for minute, What if it was only friendship which his heart sought as love? Still with hope his heart he approached the end As he knew still he would stay his friend Enclosed in envelope his feelings, He entered the locker room to give him “Hey! New boy”, “what’s this”? saying the others snatched away his letter And taunted and ridiculed him for what he wrote Telling it is a disease, a burden on society and worse a maniac And came the first blow of fists along with the first blow of heartbreak As the silent one encouraged the attack And stood their saying curses, While he lay in floor smeared with blood Such was ‘The first love of his life”

BLOUDER Literary



uppose you want to know about the future of our world and you have three optionsan Astrologer, Artificial Intelligence and a Sci-Fi Writer. Whom you would like to consult out of these three? If a poll is carried out then the most voted option will turn out to be an astrologer! Followed by Artificial Intelligence and AI followed by Sci -Fi writer. But for me this order will be opposite and I may not consider the third option seriously. You would like to know, why? So in order to understand this lets have a brief insight of all three one by one. Let’s consider Astrology first! Astrology is believed to be a branch of science which offers to explain human affairs as a result of position of celestial objects, astronomic phenomena such as solar 68 BLOUDER

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and lunar eclipse and it also offers to predict the future in many cultures (Jyotish Shastra in Indian context). The astrologers claim to use certain techniques and methods to predict the future but those are not credible enough.

Then we have Artificial Intelligence! But frankly speaking an AI has a limitation! It can predict the future of its very own system only which is not useful for us. However AI algorithms are being given Imagination which will help them

imagine and predict how a situation might play out. But it’s still in its primitive stage. So let’s make a jump to the third option which by now might be looking irrelevant to you! But as I said that it will be my first option I did that not for couple but score of reasons. You might find it incredibly amazing that the modern day machines, gadgets, events etc. were predicted by Sci-Fi Writers well before their coming into being! Let’s have a look.

BLOUDER Literary We all use credit/debit cards and e wallets. Use of cards has made spending easier than ever. Nowadays you don’t need to carry bulk of cash and attract thieves. A card is enough or your smart phone (e-wallet). But astonishingly Edward Bellamy an American writer wrote a book named Looking Backward in 1888 in which he introduced a concept of universal credit. He wrote about a future in which citizens of the world don’t need exchange paper currency they can carry cards which allows them to spend on goods and services. Cards are pretty common now! We have even moved to the era of e-wallet and online transactions. Television and communication have become vital parts of life as they keeps us updated of the things happening in the world. So can you think of a world without scores of TV channels and communication services? Even the thought will give you chills! But it was again a great sci-fi writer Sir Arthur C Clarke who introduced for the first time the concept of geosynchronous satellite being used for telecommunication relays and TV Signals in his work, The Space Station: Its Radio Application, that too in 1945 that means almost 12 years before the launch of first manmade satellite!

This visionary sci-fi writer is also known as Father of Satellite Communication and an orbit of 36,000 kilometers above the equator was named by International Astronomical Union as Clarke Orbit in his honor.

Hey wait! There are more to the party if you still do not believe. You might have heard of Jules Vernes, he authored many great novels like Around the World in Eighty Days, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, The Mysterious Island, and Master of the World etc. You might have heard of his book From the Earth to the Moon. Do you know what’s so special about it? The use of a metallic capsule rocket to the moon was not the only thing he wrote as you might think! But very amazingly he predicted the launch site to be Cape Canaveral, Florida. Now the first manned mission to the moon (Apollo 11) was launched from Kennedy Space Center in 1969. The space center is just 18.7 miles from Cape Canaveral. How precise! The lunar landings were performed in 1969 but the Jules Vernes, book epitomizing the prediction of this great human

Television and communication have become vital parts of life as they keeps us updated of the things happening in the world.

Achievement was published way back in 1865! Even more intriguing is the fact that he even suggested accurate calculations of the amount of force that would be needed to propel the rocket out of Earth’s atmosphere! Nuclear Weapons, the deadliest and the scariest weapon of mass destruction were first used in WW II but now are in possession of many countries. But the use of this weapon was prophesized by another visionary, Robert Heinlein! He wrote a short story Solution Unsatisfactory in which he predicted that USA will build an atomic weapon which will change the course of war and helps to end World War unilaterally. He also predicted that after its use rest of the world will spur to contest a nuclear arms race. And both the things happened! The Americans did drop Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and also we can see the desperate, power hungry nations desperately


January 2018

BLOUDER Literary has a mention in Hugo Gernsback’s novel ‘Ralph124c 41+’ This has a description of a device called ‘telephot’ that let people have eye contact while speaking across long distances. Now ‘Skype’, Duo, IMO and other media have become standard means for long distance communication.

attempting to acquire nuclear weapons at any cost! In 1949, George Orwell wrote a book ‘1984’ in which he wrote about a dystopian world under surveillance by an interconnected web of security cameras. Back then this idea was absurd for many in the society. But now it has become a reality! Now there are surveillance cameras at most of the public and private spaces and agencies keep a watch on us and track people. An envision of a future war machines is also attributed to the English writer, H.G. Wells who has authored famous novels such as The Invisible man


January 2018

(1897) and The War of the Worlds (1897). In 1903 a story ‘The Land Ironclads’ written by him appeared in the December issue of Strand magazine. He wrote about terrestrial war machines called tanks that were enormously large. They were 100 feet long and rolled on 18 pairs of wheels each having their own independent turning axle unlike the modern day tanks which have caterpillar tracks. The first Army tanks rolled in to the battlefield in 1916 in the battle of Somme. And they are in use ever since. Who would have thought that the use of video call would have been envisaged by a writer long before its turning in to reality? But trust me it did happen! It

Now you might be thinking what methods, sutras or shaastra these sci-fi writers would have used to predict the events of the future? They use no technique at all as in case of astrologers. It’s just their power of imagination and assessment. But still arguable is the assumption that, were they gifted with prophetic visions? I don’t know. But I believe that they were visionaries and they were the one who had the ability to assess their present technological scope and knowledge prevailing in their times. They somehow with the help of this unique ability imagined how our future is going to take shape. They made many predictions that turned out to be true! So what’s next? Will we encounter an invisible person someday in future? Who knows? H G Wells with the help of a character Griffin (who is a scientist) describes that if a person’s refractive index changes exactly same to the refractive index of air and their body doesn’t reflect or absorb any amount of light then they will turn Invisible! Or who knows that someday some evil and voracious alien species might arrive to invade our Earth with evil intentions and start our extermination? As written in the novel War of the Worlds! Well! I am not being dystopian but the truth is anything can happen.


BLOUDER House to Home


(BPT) - For generations, homeownership has been part of the American dream. For most Americans, it's the largest, most significant investment they'll make, and because homeownership is the best way to grow their wealth, the most important investment as well. As the youngest generation of new homeowners, millennials are entering the housing market and are eager to get a home to fit their unique lifestyles. Just as every generation has its own music, its distinct style and look, the new generation of homeowners has different expectations than buyers did a few decades ago. To shed some light on these evolving home trends, here are five of the most popular features millennials look for in a home.

1. It needs to be energy efficient. More than other generations, millennials are particularly concerned with their impact on the environment. As such, they want to be sure the home they buy will have a minimal carbon footprint. Some energy-efficient features that are a priority for homebuyers are UV-protected windows, pro72 BLOUDER

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grammable thermostats, efficient appliances and upgraded insulation.

2. It needs to be customized to their tastes. It's not enough to find a home that is merely "livable"; millennials want a house that is an outward and inward expression of who they are. Translation: The one-size-fits-all model is no longer sufficient. This is one reason manufactured and modular homes from Clayton Homes have become so popular. They offer diverse floor plans with a number of customizable options to suit individuals' needs and unique styles. There are even built-in home features for pets!

3. Rethinking space usage. The era of buying a house as big as you can afford is on the way out. Many millennials are forgoing the extra bedrooms and enormous living rooms. These homebuyers prefer smarter ways to utilize space for their family's needs, while keeping a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

4. Open floor plan. In a world where everyone seems to be plugged

into their phones and staring at their individual screens, the open floor plan has emerged as a way for families and guests to come together and share the same space. Basically, the fewer walls between the kitchen, dining room and living room, the better. This floor plan also aids homeowners with their entertaining needs and provides more natural light, which is very big for this young generation.

5. A room for a home office. The millennial workforce is a mobile workforce, and just as this generation is transforming the home market, it is also transforming the workplace. Millions of Americans work from home, and many more are often given the option to work a day or two a week from home. With this shift, many potential homeowners want to be sure there is a suitable workspace for an office. With evolving needs and different tastes, many millennials worry that they will spend a lot of time searching for that one, perfect dream home. At Clayton Homes, we provide a range of green, energy-efficient home models that can be customized with a range of affordable options. From the kitchens to outdoor living areas and multifunctional spaces, millennials and everyone else can find the choices that will allow them to tailor their home and their living space to suit their lifestyle.

BLOUDER House to Home


(BPT) - Having a pet may seem like the beginning of a never-ending mess, but the key to living with furry friends is preparation. Whether combating odor, keeping surfaces free of dirt and fur or removing pesky stains, taking preventative measures and using the right products can turn any mess into a simple task. Stop dirt at the door The weather can't be controlled, but it is possible to keep dirt and debris outside. Keep pet wipes at the door to clean paws and stop mud in its tracks. Look for an all-natural product that will not only capture dirt, but moisturize paw pads and fur at the same time. Thinking ahead and stopping pets from bringing in dirt creates fewer cleanups. Capture fur from furniture Pets love sitting on the sofa - and leaving hair behind. To keep furniture furfree, use the Electrolux Ergorapido PetCare cordless 2-in-1 stick and handheld vacuum. This new tool has an innovative upholstery nozzle, making it easy to keep furniture looking fashionable, not furry.

Fight odors easily Beyond furniture, fur finds its way to floors and every other surface of the home. Every pet owner knows that frequent vacuuming is a must. To optimize vacuum performance, vacuum bags should be replaced every month or two, and filters should be replaced every three to six months. Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh bags and filters help capture pet dander and allergens, while safely and naturally neutralizing offensive smells. Keep clothes clean Clearing furniture and floors of pet hair is a start, but clothes also attract fur that can stick with pet owners long after leaving the house. Homeowners should keep lint rollers by the door to quickly remove pet fur from clothing on their way out the door. Guests also will appreciate the opportunity to remove pet fur that may have accumulated during their visit. Save woodwork Protect valuable home items and wood-

work from tooth and claw marks by taking preventative measures to deter animals. Furniture-safe products like bitter-tasting sprays will not only stop pets in the act, but also keep them away from areas where they aren't allowed. If pets do leave marks on woodwork, look for nontoxic wood fillers to mend scratches and gashes. Stop stains Say goodbye to unsightly carpet stains and lingering odors by opting for strong, pet-friendly products that will leave homes looking like new. Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh Dry Carpet Cleaner neutralizes pet odors and breaks down stains. Arm & Hammer Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner has baking soda and powerful stain fighters and is safe for use in all deep-cleaning machines. By taking preventative measures and using pet-safe products, humans and their four-legged companions can be perfect cohabitants. Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh products are available at Walmart and Walmart.com.


January 2018

you want to bring the rest of your bathroom up-to-date as well, replacing your existing fixtures with new models is an easy way to do it. From towel racks to faucets and shower hardware, new fixtures are an effective way to show your sense of style and bring cohesion to your space while capitalizing on the latest technology.


* Finish the flooring. Your new bathroom deserves to look good from top to bottom. Pick a flooring style that speaks to you, spoil yourself with heated floors and rest easy knowing you'll never have to grout again.

* Shed a whole new (BPT) -What does your bathroom mean to of a room, it's hard to beat a fresh coat of light. There is perhaps no room where you? Is it an oasis, a place to unwind, relax paint. Changing the color of your bathroom lighting is more important than the bathand let the cares of the day simply melt changes the entire appearance, and if room. If your current bathroom feels more away? Or is it just another room in your you're ready to strap on some clothes you like a cave than spa, it's time for a major house? don't mind destroying, there's no reason lighting overhaul. Modern fixtures allow you can't tackle this project yourself. Pick you to use fewer bulbs more efficiently, and installing a dimmer switch gives you If your answer is the latter, then your bath- a color that matches your tastes and your space and your bathroom will take on a the bright light when you need it without room isn't doing everything it could. The whole new feel. blinding yourself in the morning. Lastly, good news is, getting your space there this is a great time to replace all of your doesn't have to break your bank or signal a old bulbs with energy-efficient options. months-long remodeling process. The truth * Get soaking. Remember all that talk is there are plenty of unique, invigorating about the oasis? It really starts with the tub. They'll last as much as 25 times longer, and replacing your most often-used bulbs ways for you to reinvent your bathroom The Sterling Lawson Oval Bath offers can save you as much as $75 per year on space - some of which you can tackle your- beautiful style at an affordable price with your energy bill. self, and all of which can be budget friend- soaking and whirlpool models. The bath ly. can be situated to fit nearly any bathroom layout, and with a headrest and lumbar Start improving your bathroom today So if you're ready to turn your master bath- support included, as well as six jets featuring variable control, the Lawson oval bath Many people see their bathroom as a funcroom from a simple location to a desired is your perfect getaway that doesn't require tional space in their home when it has the destination, do so with any or all of these you to actually get away. five projects. potential to be so much more. Apply any or * Repainting in your image. When it comes * Fix up the fixtures. A brand-new tub to affordable projects that redefine the look completely redefines your bathroom, and if


January 2018

all of the tips above and you'll turn your bathroom from a functional space to the oasis you've always wanted.

BLOUDER House to Home


be fooled by washable filters as they too should be replaced - after one or two washes they may become less effective at capturing dust and allergens. Wash bedding with hot water Vacuuming high and low can help with surfaces, but bedding also should be a focus when attempting to allergen-proof the home. Sheets, blankets and comforters all attract dust mites in even the cleanest environments. Wash bedding once a week in hot water to keep allergens at bay. It's also smart to consider protective covers for mattresses and pillows to stop dust mites from getting in too deep. Keep air dry Too much moisture in the air can help dust mites thrive, and may also lead to mold. Using a dehumidifier, especially in humid climates or summer months, can help control the spread of mold and dust mites.

(BPT) - Many people turn to nasal sprays and antihistamines to combat seasonal nasal allergies or hay fever, but keeping the home clean to combat allergens, pollen and dust mite debris is just as important in the fight against allergies. Vacuum often, and with the right filters and bags One key to minimizing allergens at home is to vacuum at least twice per week. Start by using attachments to clean surfaces up high, working down to the floor. Make sure to vacuum curtains and upholstery as well as hard surfaces, and pay extra attention to entryways and areas around windows.

It's also important to select vacuum accessories that have been designed specifically to capture allergens. Arm & Hammer Premium Allergen vacuum bags are specially designed of synthetic material to capture even more allergens, dust and pet hair from the home's surfaces. In addition, the brand's HEPA filters trap particles 75 times smaller than a human hair, including 99.97 percent of dust mite debris, animal dander, molds and pollen. Frequently replacing vacuum bags and filters will keep vacuums running smoothly to keep a clean home happening. New bags are needed every one to two months, and filters should be replaced every three to six months. Don't

Minimize indoor plants While plants can be a great way to build ambiance in the home, some indoor plants can amplify allergy symptoms by releasing spores and other allergens into the air. For those with a green thumb who can't live without plants at home, make sure to research the plants that are least likely to increase pollen or mold exposure indoors. Keep the outdoors out While it is hard to control exposure to pollen and other triggers when outside, those with allergies can avoid bringing pollen into the house with them. Keep shoes and jackets limited to the entryway or mudroom, and shower and wash hair before bedtime to stop the spread of pollen. There is a range of Arm & Hammer bag and filter styles made to fit nearly all brands and models of vacuum cleaners, sold at Wal-Mart stores and www.walmart.com.


January 2018



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