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Christof Migone (CM): Location!Location!Location! arose out of circumstance, out of opportunity, out of necessity. Namely the imminent demolition of the Thomas Cottage. Building a response out of the contingent; is this a recurring strategy, or even an ethics?

CM: The green screen may be one of the remnants of these initial ideas (the portals in "The Talk Show", "The Other It"), or maybe its use came about once it became clear that eviscerated cottage needed additional structural support at both ends.

Don Miller (DM): I'm not sure that necessity enters into the project, as we could have done nothing and left the cottage to the skunks and the wrecking ball. In the contingent you find that which lies beside the truth. It is a peripheral perspective. Instead of staring straight at the thing you are trying to answer, or question for that matter, I find it more interesting to look at it a little askew. As a result your intentions are challenged and habit traps can be avoided. Whether it is an ethics, I couldn't say, but it keeps things fresh and the unknown close.

DM: This comes under the moniker 'DO WHAT WE GOT'. When we were not allowed to take much of the structure to the gallery we wanted to come up with a way to differentiate easily the old from new. Because the cottage had been renovated previously there were standard sized studs in its make up, so we wanted to show the three stages: original, renovated and brand new. We chose a colour that was easy to differentiate and that referenced the liminal states associated with chroma-key green.

CM: There was a pre-history to L!L!L! in terms of the projects we started off conjuring from Fall 2008 onwards, are they worth discussing or even mentioning in this present context of a conversation revisiting the project? DM: I have no idea. 174

CM: The local lore was awakened by this project. As a consequence, a commonly inconspicuous strata of the campus population (facilities, security, ...) became activated. Usually architecture is static by the time it starts its social life, how does this dynamic change when architecture-in-action is concurrent to conversations?

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