Black & Grey magazine Vol. 1 Number 1

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Introducing the Region’s only Fashion Art & Literature periodical. Imagine this: You have in your hands the future.

We are a creative community with many notable artists,

Flipping to the first page you see an image you

designers, creative photographers, writers and we desire a

haven’t seen before, a photograph. The location is fa-

voice - one place to come together and evolve.

miliar, it could be your favorite bistro, or someplace you’ve seen on a morning jog or walking the dog. It

Recently, Arts without Walls director Angela Leet said that,

could be your backyard. The house in Old Louisville

“for the arts community in Kentucky to go forward, we have

that you went to a party once. Your doctor’s office.

to be made to feel uncomfortable.” Get ready to be, feel, and

The Brown Hotel, Aegon Building, Churchill Downs,

expect to be uncomfortable Kentucky. Kentucky, you are

Cherokee Park. But something is different. Some-

entering the world stage. Bravo! You’ve arrived in Black &

thing is definitely different. The clothes are clearly


recognizable as something someone would wear, but maybe not of this time, this place, maybe not even of

Founded by poet and photographer Bil Brown in 2010, Black

this world. You hold in your hand something worth

& Grey magazine fills a void. Creative talent in the regional

collecting, keeping, sharing, talking about. You flip

community needs a showcase. Writers need a place to write

the page, a few pages. A full page image of a piece of

freely, photographers and models needed a place to express

art you may have seen at a Trolley Hop on Market

creativity outside of the commercial evolution of the vari-

Street or Frankfort Ave. Maybe Mellwood Arts, or

ous “society papers”. The Courier Journal, owned by Gan-

even The Speed. But it is not on the walls, it is out -

nett, mass layoffs. Louisville’s highest glossies run by two

like the models in the locations you call home. Out in

or three photographers and a hand full of editors, most of

the world. Oh, and what a world it is.

which were not primarily fashion or artistic but journalists. Black & Grey magazine fills an inspired need. Is it for eve-

You have picked up Black & Grey magazine, a maga-

ryone? No, should it be? Ah, but the trendsetters, forward

zine of fashion, visual art, literature, performance

thinking movers and doers. They will make it “known and

and desire. You have picked up, perused the future

seen and talked about”, and not just in this Commonwealth.

of our community, the decidedly creative and definitive guide to the inner worlds of our artistic heritage

With the publication of Black & Grey magazine, each

and our future offerings. Oh, not just regionally, not

issue redefined, Kentucky enters the world stage of Fash-

just Louisville or Frankfort, Lexington.. The world.

ion, art and literature.

Black & Grey magazine works on the premise

As it always should have been.

brought to life over 50 years ago by a man named Leo Welmer Zimmerman, “That art should be seen August 13, 2011 Bil Brown. Creative Director/Editor-At-Large

and known and talked about, and that is the premise I am working on.” You will not find anything “keeping Louisville weird” here, we take this as a given.


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