150555045 big thinking pdf

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Presented By:Alisha Sanghvi (41) Vaibhav Sarangle (42) Nutan Shanbhag (43)


Dr. David J Schwartz was a professor at Georgia State University in Atlanta and the president of Creative Educational Services, Inc. a consulting firm in specializing in leadership development

•Think success, Don‟t think Failure •Remind yourself you are better than what you think you are •Believe Big

•Health Excusitis •Intelligence Excusitis •Age Excusitis •Luck Excusitis

•Action Cures Fear •Make Supreme efforts to put only positive thoughts in your memory bank •Put people in proper perspective •Practise doing what your conscience tells you is right •Say “I am confident”

•Grow Big by Thinking Big •Don‟t sell yourself short •Use the big thinker‟s vocabulary •Strech your Vision

•Get the big view of your job •Think above trivial things

•Believe that things can be done the way you want them to be. •Be receptive to Ideas, experiment and be progressive. •Try to better yourself continuously. •Ask people and listen to their opinions, which will fetch you ideas. •Mix with people of different background.

•Try to look important and have self-respect. Be confident. •Respect your work and the world will respect you for it. •Try to pep yourself up for a task. •Try to be in shoes of an important person.

•Good environment nurtures one‟s mind. •Don‟t allow suppressive forces to get into your mind. •To be successful ask opinion of people who are already there. •Try to get family support which will help in long run.

•Feel enthusiastic in what you do and dig in the subject to gain more interest. •Try to bring positive energy. •Give importance to people by calling them by name and appreciating their success. This will encourage them to do more. •Grow „service first „attitude. Money will eventually follow.

•Practise being the kind of person people like •Take the initiative to make friends •Accept human differences and limitations •Find qualities to like and admire in person •Practise conversation generosity •Practise courtesy all the time. It makes other happy `

•Be an activationist •Don‟t wait for conditions to be perfect •Ideas have value only if acted upon

•Study setbacks to pave your way to success •Have courage to become your own critic •Stop blaming luck •Remember there is a good side to every situation. Find it

•Clearly fix where you want to go. •Write out a yearly plan for yourself. •Surrender yourself to our desires •Build a 30- day goal sheet •Invest in yourself .

•Trade minds with people you want to influence •Apply the BE HUMAN rule in your dealings with others •Think progress, believe in progress, push for progress •Tap your Supreme thinking power

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