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e l sH o me

Upt h e Cr e e k

De c o n s t r u c t i n g Ho u s e s

i saKor ean rwhohada educat i onat nt ar yandPhot oogr am]andPr at t Pr ogr am.He Edi t or i al Dept . Agencyi nt he Af t erher et ur ned or k edf r eel ance nmentand z i nes .Hehas gatt hephot oi nauni v er s i t yi n s i nce1999.He ds ev er al book s hot ogr aphyand onandphot oy s .Hehasor gi t i onsandi nt er sf ort heDaegu l eandot her .

Aphot ogr apher ,mi x edmedi a ar t i s tandcr eat i v edi r ect or ,Nei l Cas hwasbor ni nEngl andand nowl i v esi nt heMacedonRanges . Hav i ngs t udi edar tandbei ng i mmer s edi nphot ogr aphyt hr oughouthi scar eer ,hecont i nuest o pus ht hemedi um.I ti sabout s i mul t aneous l ydes t r oy i ngt he per cei v edr eal i t yandt r ut hoft he phot ogr aphi ci mageandcombi ni ng t hatwi t ht hef r eedom andi magi nat i onofdr awi ngbyhand.I t woul dappearhehasonef oot outoft hedoorofphot ogr aphy , buti t ’ squi t et heoppos i t e.Cas h f eel st hathei sf i nal l yabl et o dr awi nt ot hephot ogr aph, r at hert hanont oi t .Hei s cur r ent l ywor k i ngwi t hpen, i nk ,camer a,pai nt ,penci l and paper .

Mi chael Jant z en’ swor khas f eat ur edi nmanyar t i cl esi n book s ,magaz i nes ,news paper sandont hewebar ound t hewor l d.Hi swor khasbeen s howni nmanygal l er i es i ncl udi ngt heNat i onal Bui l di ng Mus eum,TheCanadi anCent r e f orAr chi t ect ur e,TheHar v ar d School ofDes i gn&Ar chi t ect ur e, t heSant aFeI ns t i t ut eandt he Mus eum ofModer nAr ti nNew Yor kandhasappear edi nTV document ar i es .Mos tofhi s wor kmer gesar t ,ar chi t ect ur e, t echnol ogyands us t ai nabl e des i gni nt ooneuni queex per i ence.Ex t r emei nnov at i oni s hi sgoal i nev er y t hi nghecr eat es . Mos toft hi si nnov at i onhas beenf ocus edont he r ei nv ent i onoft hebui l t env i r onment ,s cul pt ur eand phot ogr aphy




ht t p: / / www. nei l cas h. com/

www. mi chael j ant z ens t udi o. com/

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