INSPIRED Senior Living - August 2018

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INSPIRED senior living magazine





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4 8 12 22 24 26 28 30 32 40

Russ Froese: Still Curious by Verena Foxx A Visit Home by Verena Foxx BC SENIOR HOUSING DIRECTORY by INSPIRED Staff What’s Cooking? by Kate Robertson From Luxurious to Living Off the Land by Sherry Conly Jane Bond Float Home by Bailey Martens Hiking to the Fountain of Youth by Darryl Wilson My Eyes Are Never Stopping by John Thomson Mastery and Muse by Kerilie McDowall 6 Tips to Get You Running After 55 by Bruce Deacon

REBOOT 34 FASHION 35 TRAVEL 36 FOREVER FIT 41 FAMILY CAREGIVER 42 MARKETPLACE 43 COURAGEOUS & OUTRAGEOUS Cover RUSS FROESE Despite retiring from his 35-year broadcast journalism career, Russ still believes in trying to understand every angle of a story – especially the “why.” Photo by Tom Gould 4 2







senior living magazine


INSPIRED Senior Living, a proud member of


Publisher Barbara Risto Managing Editor Bobbie Jo Reid Office Assistant Shannon Nichols 250-479-4705 Advertising Sales Team Ann Lester 250-616-2906 | Kathie Wagner 250-479-4705 x 103 Head Office 3354 Tennyson Ave., Victoria, BC V8Z 3P6 | 250-479-4705 Subscriptions (12 issues): $33.60 includes GST, S&H. Canadian residents only. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. INSPIRED Senior Living is an independent publication and its articles imply no endorsement of any products or services. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for compliance with all copyright laws related to materials they submit for publication. INSPIRED Senior Living is distributed free throughout British Columbia by Stratis Publishing Ltd. 12 issues per year. ISSN 2370-3881 (Print) ISSN 1911-6403 (Online)





Russ Froese, photographed at SFU’s Surrey Campus, says it’s important to speak up and get involved. Photos: Tom Gould 6




Russ Froese had just put the youngest of his five grandchildren – the two-year-old – down for a nap. “I am actively involved with them,” he says. “They are young and it’s a good time to be there.” He speaks about his grandchildren and his engagement in their lives with the same passion he pursues everything in his life. With a 35-year award-winning career that he left in 2003, the former notable BC-based broadcast journalist says he loved journalism because it exposed him to so many ideas and concepts and people and countries. “The curiosity of it all has never left me,” says Russ, adding that of the five W’s (who, what, where, when, why) of questioning, “it’s the why that is an important ingredient of being a good broadcaster. I love giving people context for information.” Russ says he has followed his curiosity his entire life and continues to do that. “I just want to know things.” Russ and his family, which includes his wife, Margo, two adult children and the five grandchildren, believe in being engaged citizens of the world. “It’s important to be informed and to understand the context of a situation; to hear the many sides of a story, and then to speak up and get involved.” “For us, our family, it’s about how to believe in something. Not what to believe in.” Russ sees his grandparent role as one of passing on his experiences and value system, as needed, by “being there” for them. “We are all worried about what the next generations are inheriting,” he says, “and if we can help them become the best-rounded citizens of the world, then they can participate and get involved.”

He cites critical thinking as an important skill for engagement. And turning up to vote. “You have a career that takes up a great part of your life. Then your kids grow up and you have other interests that you haven’t had time to do, so you pursue them,” he says. “I’m always ready to move on to new things. I have many other doors to open.” Opening doors is exactly what he’s been doing since he retired from his comprehensive broadcasting career that included locally anchoring CKVU, U-TV and Global news, nationally co-anchoring with CBC’s Barbara Frum, and working for eight years as a documentary reporter with The Journal, producing close to 90 documentaries in 20 different countries. Russ’s long-time interest in municipal affairs and how cities work landed him on the Board of Vancouver’s Sustainable Cities International, a non-profit organization that has been a leader in urban sustainability for over 20 years. His humanitarian interests got him involved as a volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross in 2004. “It’s a wonderful organization that really does things,” he says with enthusiasm. “Because of its independence and neutrality, their global humanitarian support is colossal.” With his extensive media experience, Russ, after initial Red Cross training, was sent on several overseas missions as a Communications Specialist. “I was in Banda Aceh in Indonesia in 2006, working with international media during the intense one-year anniversary period in the disaster zone,” he says referring to the tsunami devastation. Russ still works with the CRC as Provincial Team Leader of their Detention Monitoring Program, which oversees immigration and security detainees at Canadian prisons. He also sits on the Board of the Surrey Homelessness and




Snapshot with Russ Froese If you were to meet your 20-year-old self, what advice would you give him? “I’d say two things: - No, you don’t know everything! - Start preparing and thinking about your future.” Who or what has influenced you the most? And why? “Travel. Definitely travel. My extensive travel has led me to have context to understand the world. Travel has affected who I am today.” What does courage mean to you? “My answer today is different than when I was younger. Courage is to hang in there when times are tough; courage is to stick to my principles; courage is to listen when I think I have all the answers – because I don’t!” What does success mean to you? “Success is knowing that I am loved and respected by my family and friends. I know that I’ve given something of myself that is valuable.”



Housing Society. His expertise in media strategy, crisis management and media training keep him consulting with Hoggan & Associates in those areas. Russ admits his eight-year stint in the 1980s, as a documentary journalist and producer with The Journal, was probably the highlight of his journalism career because he was on the front lines of so much history while it was unfolding. “It was an honour to get paid to dive into these subjects,” he says, mentioning some of the stories he investigated, including the 1982 Falklands conflict between Argentina and Britain; Regan’s 1983 proposed Star Wars; Greenpeace; the 1980’s Claus von Bulow trial; Pinochet’s human rights violations in Chile, and Looting a Legacy, concerning the logging of BC Forests. His documentaries won numerous awards, including the New York IFF Gold Medal, the Chicago FF Bronze Medal, the B’nai B’rith National Humanitarian Award and Canada’s Prix Anik. “I’m just a guy travelling through life,” says Russ. “And I love it. I’ve been so lucky to have a career that consumed me. And then I started doing other things that interested me. I don’t often look back. That was then; this is now. There are so many things to learn and do. I appreciate every day.” On that note, Russ, who has been playing music on and off since he was a teenager, talked about his lifelong passion for the pastime. He is a founding member of the Ocean Park Wailers in South Surrey. The band describe their beginnings as “three experienced but retired musicians coming back to their craft.” The group is now a seven-member garage band that focuses on rock, R&B and deep blues. Russ plays bass and rhythm guitar and sings back-up vocals. “We are old guys with good equipment,” he quips, describing his group and the musical man cave that they practice in. “We have fun.” WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

The Ocean Park Wailers (oceanparkwailers. com) perform on request at private functions and more regularly at the South Surrey Legion. Russ is also a committed athlete. “Athletics are a huge part of life,” he says. “Sports teach so many life skills, including keeping fit.” The tennis player and Grand Slam fan says he’s regularly on the courts with friends, playing singles and doubles. He offers his grandchildren access to these experiences, while supporting them in finding their own way. “I’m surprised that I’m doing as much as I am,” he says. “I’ve always liked life’s unpredictability. But I’m slowing it all down a bit.” At the same time, he still works on projects as they come up and for organizations he supports and as time allows. As for travel, Russ says there is no Bucket List because he’s done so much of that with his work. Following his extensive career travel, he and Margo spent half a decade regularly visiting family in Italy and travelling in Europe and East Asia.

“Now I’m more interested in finding places that interest us and that we can stay put in and explore.” “I’m just going to continue to be open,” concludes Russ. “I don’t think that curiosity goes away – despite your age.” |

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A VISIT HOME by VERENA FOXX “So much of who we are is where we have been.” –William Langewiesche Sometimes, the landscapes of our early years can call us back with a visceral urge. My BC childhood landscape held a fusion of emotional memories, and I was being drawn back to it – in my 60s. I knew I didn’t want to just drive back into the small gold-mining town where I had lived as a three to 10-year-old post-WWII immigrant of Austro-German descent. Instead, I wanted an experience that would revisit my memories and move me forward into the present through a novel adventure that would create new memories. I started driving back into the Fraser Canyon and further north and west, on invitation, a few summers ago. Those trips into the outback triggered nostalgia and, surprisingly, deeply buried memories. First came the geographic flashbacks of times when the only existing roads in BC’s remote interior were barely twolane graded gravel, if you were lucky. The winding roads hugged steep canyons and included driving our car onto the flat car of the PGE (now BC Rail) to reach Shalalth, west of Lillooet, en route to the Bridge River Valley. The trip from Vancouver took about 12 hours. Driving through the seven tunnels (constructed between 1957 and 1964) of the Fraser Canyon brought back memories of when they were built. Each time we travelled to or from the city, another tunnel was completed, which made the trip a bit shorter. I next spent some time, on and off, living in and exploring the powerful landscapes of the mighty Thompson and Fraser Rivers with my amour. We walked and drove the carved-out river valleys, hiked the sagebrush-covered desert ridges with their infinite skies, and ventured into the adjoining magnificent ponderosa pine forests.

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LEFT TOP | The author with her horse, Blue. Photo: Victor Bomers MIDDLE | Deserted Bralorne Township. BOTTOM | The author’s son, Victor, atop his horse Nadila. TOC PAGE | Outfitter horsepack riding. Photos: Verena Foxx INSPIRED SENIOR LIVING


This is the Cridge Village, this is Home. In between the complete stillness of this stunning landscape, the CN and CP freight trains regularly break the silence as they move their cargo from east to west and west to east, day and night, night and day. When I then retired from my profession, on the eve of Canada’s 150th birthday, I knew it was time to return to the geography that my childhood family had left more than 50 years ago. The timing coincided with the year my son, who lives and works in the UK, was turning 30. We had talked about creating a family adventure in celebration of both events. I wanted it to be a trip that bridged the 30+ years between the generations, and that would engage us in the landscape of the familial past. Then I found it – an outfitter’s horse packing trip in the raw nature that was my childhood extended outback. I booked the trip with Chilcotin Adventures out of Gold Bridge and took a few riding lessons to reacquaint myself with horses – and get back in the saddle, so to speak. Then, I sent my son a September airline ticket. When the BC wildfires broke out in early July and kept raging on for the entire summer, we wondered if there would still be a landscape to ride through. Somehow, our chosen terrain, west of Lillooet, was spared. The week before we left, we bought the requisite gear: bandanas (for dust and sweat), leather riding gloves (for the reins), and a cowboy hat (to protect against the sun, rain and branches). We had boots, jeans, rain gear and sleeping bags. One September morning, we hit the road at 5am. Driving up the Fraser Canyon to Lytton was easy and routine. Then, veering off Highway 1 and continuing on to Highway 12 to Lillooet, set off the memories. At our next stop, we’d fill the gas tank and the water bottles, get some provisions and be prepared for no cell service. We were heading into Wild West country that I had first experienced so long ago. The 130km of dirt roads were still that, intermittently paved and also inter-

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mittently interrupted by sudden rock slides. It was a slow go, but the magnanimous landscapes kept us in awe and gave us time to fill in some family history. The Bridge River Valley and Bralorne-Pioneer Mines of my childhood was, in its heyday, the richest gold claim in Canada, producing more than four million ounces of gold before it closed in 1971. About ten thousand people, all young, made up the community in that rugged wilderness. My Viennese father had a pioneer soul and loved the rawness of the experience. My university educated upper-middle-class mother, raised in sophisticated pre-war Berlin society, found it daunting but made the best of it. Her mother shipped a very fine concert grand piano, through the Panama Canal, and by truck and rail to our small mining town, so that her wild-west grandchildren could have a musical education. It took up an entire room of our mining town house and we had to hire a piano tuner to drive up from Vancouver once a year to tune it. My mother played a silver cross flute, when others were learning music on plastic flute-a-phones. She skated on the home-made ice rink behind our house in brown European kid leather figure skates, while the rest of us did our best on white, plastic skates. She mountain-biked before it was a concept, and she decorated our house with Turkish kilims and plush textures. We ate with real silverware. Our grandmother sent fine European silk and satin fabrics with which my mother sewed herself gowns to wear at family birthdays and Christmas. While my father was climbing electric poles and working in power houses and mine shafts, my mother volunteered to culturally educate the town by getting world-class musicians to perform in the Community Centre of our isolated valley, on their travels north from Vancouver to Kamloops and Prince George. Much of what happens in the region now focuses on recreational activities, including hiking, horse-packing trips, mountain biking, and cottage life on the nearby freshwater

lakes including Big and Little Gunn and Tyaughton. Thanks to the tireless efforts of preservationists such as Dr. Bert Brink, who fought for years to conserve the South Chilcotin Mountains Park, stewardship of the area was implemented and, in 2010, over 56,000 hectares of the 70,000+ Spruce Lake Protected Area received a Class A park designation. In the remaining area, while tourism and mining are allowed, commercial logging is prohibited. Our five-day Chilcotin Adventures trip on horseback into the stunning mountains and rapturous landscapes delivered what it promised. There were three of us, plus three outfitters and two pack horses carrying overnight supplies. The mixed wild-andfarm-horse-bred powerful Canadian horses were sure-footed and well-trained to negotiate steep mountain trails, pastures, streams and forests. The guides were a reliable combination of experienced and intern-level outdoorsy men and women in their twenties, who clearly loved their guiding tasks, and the horses. Our first and last nights were spent in the very comfortable lodge, eating family-style homecooked meals with all the staff and other guests. Army tents with cots and a cook house cabin provided shelter for the outback overnights. The riding experience took us completely out of our urban (Vancouver, London) lives and into an experience of fresh mountain air, no cell service, complete stillness and deep sleeps. Riding six-hour days underlined the remoteness and expansiveness of our experience. After the horseback trip, we headed up to Bralorne, a ghost town in slow revival, about 20 minutes NW of Gold Bridge. The back door to my childhood house, still very much in the state in which we had left it, was open. We walked in and revisited how our family had lived within those walls. The house had just been sold days earlier and was about to be renovated. Timing is everything. We found and chatted with a few of the now nine permanent residents living there and then stopped in at the museum to see what else we could learn about the Golden Days. There, we got directions to Pemberton through the Hurley Pass, an unpaved logging road back to the coast, which boasts a year-round website reporting its sketchy road conditions. We made it to Pemberton in less than two hours, so we had plenty of time to stop at the Scandinave Spa in Whistler to soak our horseback Baby Boomers, I’ve Been Expecting You. riding muscles for a few hours. Then, we headed back to the coast for dinner at Whether moving closer to family, English Bay, just as the sun was setting. downsizing or closer to care, We had travelled full circle in BC’s stunning and ever-changing outback as a SENIOR REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST, landscapes, and we returned with I will personally help you find your dream location. memorable new experiences, held by the Personal * Recommended * Trustworthy backdrop of long ago, and now carried forward into the stories of our futures. | Gina Wakeham PREC For IF YOU GO information, visit www. 250-477 - 7291 Mention this ad and receive up to 8 hours MOVE OUT CLEANING services when you successfully sell your home with me.

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bc senior housing directory ABBOTSFORD


Trillium Bevan Village 604-850-5416; 33386 Bevan Ave.; Capacity: 141 units Starting Price: $1800

Belvedere Care Centre 604-939-5991; 7399 Alderson Ave.; Capacity: 147 units Starting Price: $198/day Amenities/Services: 24hr professional nursing; 3 meals; comprehensive range of social & therapeutic programs; respite care; hospital rehab; transitional care; resident/family centered

Amenities/Services: Secure grounds w/ gazebo & walking paths; outdoor patio w/ raised garden beds; activity lounges; games area; hair salon; library/tech room; nutritious meals & snacks; recreation calendar; bus outings

CAMPBELL RIVER Berwick by the Sea 250-850-1353 / 1-844-418-1353; 1353 16th Ave. Capacity: (I) 131 units; (A) 30 units; private Starting Price: call for rate information Amenities/Services: ocean view; chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; theatre; fitness centre; games room; rooftop lounge; transport

CHILLIWACK Auburn Seniors Residences 604-792-3545; 8531 Young Rd. Capacity: 54 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: shopping nearby; recreation & entertainment; 1 & 2 bedrooms available; gardens; 50’s diner Columbus Manor Chilliwack 604-97-7337; 8980 Edward St.; Capacity: 53 units Starting Price: $500 bachelor; $575 1 bedroom Amenities/Services: close to bus stops, hospital, shopping; free use of washer and dryer; garden; no pets Waverly Seniors Village 604-792-6340; 8445 Young Rd. Capacity: (A) 69 (C) 53 Starting Price: call for rates

Amenities/Services: (I/A) 2 meals/day; (C) 3 meals/day; (A) home support available; 24hr emergency response; recreation; hairdresser; (I/A) small pets allowed

COMOX / COURTENAY Berwick Comox Valley 250-339-1690; 1-866-1690; 1700 Comox Ave. Capacity: (I) 168 units; (A) 23 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; transportation; rooftop garden & lounge; theatre; fitness centre; games room Comox Valley Seniors Village 250-331-1183; 1-844-603-4663; 4640 Headquarters Rd. Capacity: (I/A) 221; (C) 136 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: shopping shuttle; housekeeping; bistro breakfast; lunch & dinner; recreation; entertainment; fitness classes; theatre; library; salon; patio; pets in designated suites Stevenson Place 250-339-7012; 1683 Balmoral Ave.; Capacity: 33 units Starting Price: $2850 Amenities/Services: We are smaller and more like a large family. We have a great sense of community with residents and their extended families. Pets with restrictions. 14 12


Dufferin Care Centre 604-351-2200; 604-552-1166; 1131 Dufferin St. Capacity: 153 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; housekeeping & linens; nurse on-site 24/7; recreation programs; secure building; garden & patio; on site dietitian; beauty salon; music therapy L.J. Christmas Manor 604-936-8122; 560 Austin Ave.; Capacity: 133 units Starting Price: studio $1320, incl. 1 meal Amenities/Services: 24hr staff; 1 bdrm, studio, & all-inclusive suites; dining room (3 meals/day available); afternoon tea; cable tier 3 & all utilities; housekeeping/linen service; yoga; hair salon Residences at Belvedere 604-939-1930; 750 Delestre Avenue; Capacity: 114 units Starting Price: $3300 Amenities/Services: 24hr professional assistance; 2 chef prepared meals; recreation & leisure program; in-suite emergency call system; weekly housekeeping & linen/towel service; respite care

housing directory legend We use three housing categories to define the residences – Independent/Supportive, Assisted Living and Residential Care. Independent/Supportive Living (I) Independent/Supportive Living includes a combination of housing and hospitality services for retired adults who are capable of directing their own care. Assisted Living (A) Assisted Living residences offer housing, hospitality services and personal assistance to adults who can live independently but require regular help with daily activities. By law, all Assisted Living residences must be registered with the Assisted Living Registrar of BC. Residential Care (C) Sometimes called Complex Care, these units also provide care and supervision for retired adults who are no longer capable of directing their own day-to-day activities. Complex Care settings typically provide a combination of housing and hospitality services, as well as extensive support services. The Housing Directory on INSPIRED Senior Living’s website has a complete list of all senior housing in BC. You can find it at


DELTA Columbus Lodge Delta 604-597-3322; 8850 118A St.; Starting Price: $1480 studio; $2080 1 bedroom Amenities/Services: great meals cooked on-site included in monthly rate; near shopping and buses; daily social activities; weekly outings; next to church; no pets The Waterford 604-943-5954; 1345 56 St.; Capacity: (I) 108; (C) 36 units Starting Price: (I) $4000/month; (C) $215/day Amenities/Services: activity programs; close to amenities; hair salon; private dining room; corner store; 24hr response; no pets The Wexford 604-948-4477; 1737 56 St.; Capacity: 65 units Starting Price: $3950/month Amenities/Services: activity programs; hair salon; private dining room; scheduled bus trips; corner store; 24hr reception; pets allowed

DUNCAN Biscay Manor 50-746-4173; 3034 Biscay Rd.; Capacity: 8 units Starting Price: $2000 Amenities/Services: meals; bedding; laundry; furniture; cleaning; cable TV; wireless Internet; off street parking; gardening opportunity; visiting pets only Sherwood House 250-737-1458; 280 Government St.; Capacity: 62 units Starting Price: $2890 Amenities/Services: 24hr security; weekly light housekeeping & linen service; laundry facility; 3 meals/day; activities & entertainment; exercises; hairdresser & spa; free parking; medic alert response; small pets okay

Wedgwood House 250-746-9808; 256 Government St. Capacity: 40 units Starting Price: $2735 Amenities/Services: Very wonderful group of friendly residents who love to do things together. Residents Group are helpful and welcoming. Wedgwood feels like home! Pets with restrictions.

KAMLOOPS Berwick on the Park 250-377-7275; 1-866-377-7275; 60 Whiteshield Cres. S. Capacity: (I) 119 units; (A) 27 units; (C) 32 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: valley view; chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; transport; games room; fitness centre; library; theatre; gardens Kamloops Seniors Village 250-571-1800; 1-844-603-4663; 1220 Hugh Allan Dr. Capacity: (I/A) 101; (C) 114 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: beautiful mountain/valley views; chef prepared meals; shuttle; recreation/entertainment; fitness classes; theatre; library; salon; guest/respite suites; (I/A) small pets okay

KELOWNA Hawthorn Park 250-861-6636; 867 K.L.O. Rd.; Capacity: 159 Starting Price: $2690 Amenities/Services: 24/7 emergency response; nutritious meal plans; gym; chair yoga; shopping; social outings; heated pool/hot tub; theatre; salon; guest suites; day spa; pets with restrictions


WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM August 2018 Inspired Senior Living Housing Listings.indd 2


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2018-07-25 1:42:57 PM

Heritage, The 250-768-9926; 3630 Brown Rd. Capacity: 145 units Starting Price: $1879 Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; spa; pool; gym; library; theatre; bistro; guest suites; small pets okay; putting green; assisted living services; bus excursions; beautiful new building

Life is a charming adventure at Shannon Oaks

LANGLEY Harrison Landing 604-530-7075; 20899 Douglas Cres.; Starting Price: $2700 - $3150 Amenities/Services: toast/juice/coffee breakfast bar; 2 meals; light housekeeping; pub nights; socials; bingo; dining & fireside lounges; outdoor patios; recreation & wellness areas; fitness Harrison Pointe 604-530-1101; 21616 52 Ave.; Starting Price: $2290 - $3440 Amenities/Services: toast/juice/coffee breakfast bar; 2 meals; light housekeeping; pub nights; socials; bingo; dining & fireside lounges; outdoor patios; large rec hall; wellness areas; fitness Magnolia Gardens 604-514-1210; 5840 Glover Rd.; Capacity: (I) 115; (C) 40 Starting Price: (I) $2225/month; (C) $200/day Amenities/Services: activity programs; billiards table; close to amenities; hair salon; guest suite; housekeeping; social programs; greenhouse; 24hr emergency response; 24 hour staffing; no pets

Vancouver 604.324.6257 Victoria 250.595.6257

Sunridge Gardens 604-510-5091; 22301 Fraser Hwy.; Capacity: 145 suites Starting Price: $2125 Amenities/Services: guest suite; theatre; games room w/ pool table; fitness room; wellness room; spa room with walk-in tub; private dining room; social activities; bus outings; greenhouse; hair salon; pets allowed Baptist Housing | Enhanced Seniors Living | Since 1964


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Maple Ridge Seniors Village 604-466-3053; 1-844-603-4663; 22141 119th Ave. Capacity: (I) 49; (A) 33; (C) 108 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: (I) 2 meals a day; (A) 2 meals a day; (C) 3 meals/day; (A) home support avail; (I/A/C) 24hr emergency response; recreation; hairdresser; small pets allowed in (I/A)

NANAIMO Berwick on the Lake 250-729-7995; 1-866-525-3111; 3201 Ross Rd. Capacity: (I) 120 units; (A) 28 units; (C) 36 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: lake view; chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; transport; fitness centre; library; theatre; games room; gardens Nanaimo Seniors Village 250-729-9524; 1-844-603-4663; 6085 Uplands Dr. Capacity: (I) 56; (A) 152; (C) 150 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: (I) 1 meal a day; (A) 2 meals a day; (C) 3 meals a day; (A) home support avail; (I/A/C) 24hr emergency response; recreation; hairdresser; small pets allowed in (I/A)

Jeanie Shih Retirement Advisor 604-549-5383 604-419-8888 • 16 14



August 2018 Inspired Senior Living Housing Listings.indd 3

Oak Tree Manor 250-716-1799; 325 Hecate St.; Capacity: 61 units Starting Price: $1450 Amenities/Services: downtown location; waterfront views; 24hr medical alert button; continental breakfast; 2 meals/day; housekeeping/linen service; activities program; small pets on 1st floor Origin at Longwood 250-751-7755; 6205 Oliver Rd.; Capacity: (C) 30; (I) 146 - (A) in-suite if needed; 30 memory care Starting Price: $3000 Amenities/Services: gourmet meals; 24hr emergency response; enrichment programs; arts/crafts; woodwork; fitness classes; pool; Nordic pole walking; think fit; housekeeping; pets welcome Trillium Woodgrove Manor 250-390-1036; 6304 Metral Dr.; Capacity: 43 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Lovely outdoor gardens; activity lounge & program; 24hr care & memory care; nutritious meals & snacks; housekeeping; personal laundry service; emergency call system; hairdresser; foot care, no pets allowed

NEW WESTMINSTER Dunwood Place 604-521-8636; 901 Colborne St.; Capacity: 191 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: in-suite full kitchen; salon; activities lounge; near transit; wheelchair access; woodworking room; 24hr manager; lockable suite doors; cafĂŠ; patio; dining club Thornebridge Gardens 604-524-6100; 649 8th Avenue; Capacity: 144 units Starting Price: $3150 Amenities/Services: delicious dining services including all meals; weekly housekeeping; full calendar of events; 24 hour emergency pendant; utilities and cable TV; pets welcome

NORTH VANCOUVER Amica at Edgemont Village 604-929-6361; 3225 Highland Blvd.; Capacity: 127 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, please call for rates and availability Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services; fitness centre; theatre/chapel; arts and crafts kitchen; library with Internet; beauty salon; and On-The-Go bus

PITT MEADOWS Wesbrooke Seniors Living Community 604-460-7006; 12000 190A St.; Capacity: 114 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: 3 meals chef prepared; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; 24hr care aides; recreation & fitness programs; bus trips; central; family owned; warm & friendly

QUALICUM BEACH Hawthorne Place 250-752-4217; 750 Memorial Ave.; Capacity: 33 units Starting Price: $2864 Amenities/Services: skylights, vaulted ceilings & generous floor space make these Independent Living with Services apartments an easy transition out of the family home! Pets with restrictions.

RICHMOND Courtyard Gardens 604-273-1225; 7051 Moffatt Rd.; Capacity: 107 units Starting Price: $4210 Amenities/Services: 3 meals & snacks; housekeeping; rooftop garden; wellness consultation; 24hr emergency response; activities; bus outings; personalized support; BCSLA Seal of Approval

At Amica you can spend quality time with family. Expect first-class amenities, with a range of personalized services

I didn’t expect to feel so comfortable here.

and care to always meet your needs.

Join us for a complimentary lunch to learn more about Amica!

Mature Lifestyles 10451AMI_GOR_Inspired_Senior_Living_GRACE_FA.indd 1


Amica at the Gorge (Now Open) 994 Gorge Road West 778-403-5606

pub: Inspired Senior Living community: Gorge Only (GOR) insertion: August

August 2018 Inspired Senior Living Housing Listings.indd 4

2018-07-25 1:17:02 PM

2018-07-18 12:10 PM AUGUST 2018 15 17

2018-07-25 12:22:00 PM

Beauty, dignity and the best value in Victoria. The Oak Bay Kiwanis Rose Manor Society invites you to join us at Rose Manor, a comfortable, warm and friendly home in downtown Victoria. 3 meals and 3 tea times Weekly laundry & housekeeping Activities & much more Call today for a viewing appointment (250) 383–0414

Gilmore Gardens 604-271-7222; 4088 Blundell Rd.; Capacity: 117 units Starting Price: $2960 Amenities/Services: home-style dinner; weekly housekeeping; 24hr emergency response; recreational activities; wellness coach/nurse; BCSLA Seal of Approval; pets allowed

SIDNEY Amica at Beechwood Village 250-655-0849; 2315 Mills Rd.; Capacity: 106 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, please call for rates Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services including gardens, patios, potting shed and greenhouse; fitness centre; library with Wi-Fi; hair salon; On-The-Go bus Norgarden 250-656-8822; 2300 Henry Avenue Capacity: 42 units Starting Price: $3100 Amenities/Services: individualized lifestyle; underground secure parking; salon/spa; activities; bus; spacious suites; refrigerators; family owned; near amenities; guest suite; pets welcome Peninsula, The 250-656-8827; 2290 Henry Avenue Capacity: (I) 42 units; (A) 25 units Starting Price: $3400 Amenities/Services: individualized lifestyle services; underground parking; salon/spa; activities; bus; spacious suites; locally owned; near amenities; guest suites; pets welcome

857 RupeRt teRRace, VictoRia (250) 383–0414

SURREY Amenida 604-597-9333; 13855 68th Ave.; Capacity: (I) 134 units; (A) 20 units Starting Price: $1875 Amenities/Services: fitness & recreation programs; easy access to: park, senior/recreation centre, library, shopping & services; visiting medical professionals - no office waits; phone & emergency pendant; pets welcome Guildford Seniors Village 604-582-0808; 1-844-603-4663; 14568 104A Ave. Capacity: 98 Starting Price: $195 per diem Amenities/Services: personalized 24hr nursing care; memory care; secured; furnished studios w/ en-suite; 3 meals; snacks; therapeutic spa; recreation; laundry/housekeeping; courtyard gardens Now selling life leases from $379,900.

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Peace Portal Seniors Village 604-535-2273; 1-844-603-4663; 15441 16th Ave. Capacity: 84 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: 24hr full nursing care; controlled access community; furnished studio suites w/ en-suite; housekeeping/ laundry; 3 nutritious meals and snacks; therapeutic recreation Suncrest Retirement Community 604-542-6200; 2567 King George Blvd.; Capacity: (I) 78; (C) 124 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: 24hr professional care; 3 meals (C); 2 meals (I); recreation; lounges; outdoor space; tea/coffee; snacks; resident/family centered care; large, inviting, spacious areas to relax & socialize


SUMMERLAND Summerland Seniors Village 250-404-4400; 1-844-603-4663; 12803 Atkinson Rd. Capacity: (I/A) 120; (C) 112 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; shuttle; recreation/entertainment; fitness classes; theatre; library; salon; guest/respite suites; (I/A) small pets okay

VANCOUVER Amica at Arbutus Manor 604-736-8936; 2125 Eddington Dr.; Capacity: 114 units Starting Price: all-inclusive; please call for rates & availability Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services; beautifully landscaped courtyards; theatre; fitness centre; salon; library; Wi-Fi; pub; On-The-Go bus BG Aspen Green (Life Lease) 604-255-3365; 3365 East 4th Ave.; Capacity: 54 units (46 2bdrm - 8 1bdrm) Starting Price: $299,900 (Life Lease) Amenities/Services: rooftop deck; amenity spaces; on-site management; laundry in-suite; in-floor radiant heat; no pets; activities; library Columbus Millennium Tower (Rental) 604-408-3547; 1175 Broughton St.; Capacity: 56 units Starting Price: $980 studio; $1530 1 bedroom Amenities/Services: meal plans available; near downtown, parks, St. Paul’s Hospital; basic cable included; piano lounge; TV rooms; patios; chapel; parking; hair salon; no pets

Columbus Tower Vancouver (Rental) 604-992-1344; 5233 Joyce St.; Starting Price: $625 Amenities/Services: close to skytrain, shopping, bus stops, St. Mary’s parish; some TV channels included; TV lounge; patio; free parking; washer & dryer; no pets Crofton Manor Retirement Residence 604-269-3241; 2803 West 41st Ave.;

Capacity: 187 units Starting Price: $4265 Amenities/Services: Our pet-friendly residence is conveniently located in Kerrisdale. We offer a continuum of retirement living, including 87 suites dedicated to private long-term care and light to moderate memory care.

Granville Gardens 604-563-3540; 1550 W. 49th Ave.; Capacity: 62 units Starting Price: $4055 Amenities/Services: all day dining; snacks Bistro; weekly housekeeping; laundry amenities w/ soap; life enriching programs; 24hr emergency; custom support services; basic cable; Wi-Fi; telephone; pets welcome Chelsea Park 604-789-7132; 1968 E. 19th Ave.; Capacity: 74 units Starting Price: $2350 Amenities/Services: For a sense of belonging and total community “Seal of Approval” recipient, Chelsea Park offers well-designed, comfortable, affordable living for seniors. Right next door to John Hendry Park, Trout Lake. Shannon Oaks 604-324-6257; 2526 Waverly Ave.; Capacity: 145 units Starting Price: $3830

Affordable homes for Seniors in the Greater Vancouver Area

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Joyce St., Vancouver


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17 19

Amenities/Services: housekeeping; activities; fitness studio; auditorium; library & computer lounge; dining; coffee bar; salon; A/C in suite; courtyard gardens; 24/7 emergency assistance; pets welcome

VICTORIA Abbeyfield House St. Peter’s 250-479-6140; 1133A Reynolds Rd. Capacity: 12 units Starting Price: $1565, based on income Amenities/Services: private room w/ 2-pc washroom & access to patio/garden; common dining room, living room, games area & laundry; all meals incl.; health/support services not available

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Amica at the Gorge (Now Open) 250-220-8000; 994 Gorge Rd. W.; Capacity: 159 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, call for rates Amenities/Services: located on Gorge walkway; fitness centre; theatre/chapel; arts and crafts kitchen; library with Wi-Fi; garden walkway & inner courtyards; games room with billiards; beauty salon; and On-The-Go bus Amica at Somerset House 250-380-9121; 540 Dallas Rd.; Capacity: 136 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, please call for rates & availability Amenities/services: stunning ocean view; premium on-site amenities and services; pool; fitness centre; library; lounge with WiFi; hair salon; private landscaped gardens; On-The-Go bus Berwick House 250-721-4062; 1-866-721-4062; 4062 Shelbourne St. Capacity: (I) 99 units; (A) 25 units; (C) 37 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; transport; fitness centre; library; theatre; games room; gardens Berwick Royal Oak 250-386-4680; 1-866-721-4680; 4680 Elk Lake Dr. Capacity: (I) 201 units; (A) 25 units; (C) 27 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; housekeeping; linens; 24hr emergency response; recreation programs; transport; fitness centre; library; theatre; games room; gardens

Our Manor experience has...

Camelot, The 250-384-3336; 455 Kingston St.; Capacity: 34 units Starting Price: $2411 Amenities/Services: Location, Location, Location!!! Short walk to Victoria Harbour and all of the wonderful attractions and shopping of Victoria’s James Bay. Pets with restrictions.

• A registered 30 suite assisted living residence • Certified nurse on staff • 24 hr. staffing for security & comfort • Private Manor dining room & lounges • Specialized wellness programs • Services available for your individual needs • Jr. studio, studios & 1 bedroom suite

Carlton House of Oak Bay 250-595-1914; 2080 Oak Bay Ave.; Capacity: 88 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: located in Oak Bay Village; in-house Chef prepared meals/all inclusive; fitness program & social activities; u/g parking; 24hr Concierge/emergency response; pet friendly

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The Care & Comfort You Deserve


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20 18

Amica at Douglas House 250-383-6258; 50 Douglas St.; Capacity: 102 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, please call for rates & availability Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services; suites with full kitchens; fitness centre; gardener’s greenhouse and gardens; ocean view lounge; hair salon; On-The-Go bus


Cherish at Central Park 250-478-4431; 917 Avrill Rd.; Capacity: 130+ condos & cluster care Starting Price: $2450 Amenities/Services: location++; family operated; whole food; theatre; workshop; billiards; putting green; licensed jazz bistro; art studio; emergency pendants; concierge; pet friendly; +


The Cridge Village Seniors’ Centre 250-384-8058; 1307 Hillside Ave.; Capacity: 38 private units, 38 VIHA units Starting Price: $2515 - private pay Amenities/Services: beautiful heritage building; walking paths; excellent food; modern construction; grand lounge; extensive recreation programming; common areas; visiting pets only

Revera - Parkwood Court 250-598-1575; 3000 Shelbourne St.; Capacity: 79 units Starting Price: $6200 Amenities/Services: licensed residential care; nurses 24/7; private studio and 1bdrm suites; chef prepared meals; recreation programs; bus trips; patio/garden; spa bathing rooms; hair salon

Glenshiel Retirement Residence 250-383-4164; 606 Douglas St.; Capacity: 68 units Starting Price: $1275 Amenities/Services: social activities; movies; exercise classes; three home cooked meals a day; daily housekeeping; laundry facilities; hair care available; overlooks Beacon Hill Park; no pets

Revera - Parkwood Place 250-598-1565; 3051 Shelbourne St.; Capacity: 100 units Starting Price: $1990 Amenities/Services: spacious studios; 1&2bdrm suites; 3 daily chef-prepared meals; fitness equipment; 24hr service/emergency response; shuttle; outings; near Hillside mall, doctor’s offices, pharmacies; pet friendly

Heron House 250-475-2270; 507 Government St.; Capacity: 12 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: meals cooked fresh on site; laundry & housekeeping; daily & weekly activities program; organized trips/outings; individualized care services available; pharmacy & nursing services as required

Revera - The Kensington 250-477-1232; 3965 Shelbourne St.; Capacity: 115 units Starting Price: $2210 Amenities/Services: chef prepared meals; 24hr emergency system; housekeeping; recreation/fitness; walking path; community vegetable garden; library; salon; lounges; pets okay

Legion Manor 250-652-3261; 7601 East Saanich Rd.; Capacity: 146 units Starting Price: call for rates

Amenities/Services: We are a not-for-profit retirement residence located on the beautiful Saanich Peninsula of Greater Victoria. Open to all individuals 55 years of age and up.

Minton House (Rent or Own) 250-380-4977; 1070 Southgate St.; Capacity: 26 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: weekly housekeeping; 3 course dinner; personal emergency response system; seasonal events; daily opportunity for social engagement; small pets allowed; fully functional kitchens

Rose Manor 250-383-0414; 857 Rupert Terr.; Capacity: 70 units Starting Price: $1300 Amenities/Services: 3 meals and tea times daily; weekly laundry and housekeeping; entertainment and activities; no pets allowed Ross Place Retirement Residence 250-381-8666; 2638 Ross Lane; Capacity: 185 units Starting Price: $2300 Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services such as: pool, fitness centre, theatre, arts and crafts kitchen, billiards room, beauty salon, and On-The-Go bus


Bria is a privately-owned family of residences designed for seniors who want the freedom to be themselves, to live independently, and to experience fun and enjoyment with their friends and families every day. Independent Living and Care Centre

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Independent Living

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19 21

Our View on Independent Seniors Living: The view from our deck is awe-inspiring. Inside, you can count on dedication to caring for your aging but still independent loved ones. Clean, modern, bright suites; housekeeping support; healthy, homecooked meals (including the best soups in town); an activity and recreation program; VIHA care aide services available in-house 7 days a week; secure, safe, supportive, and friendly environment.

Saint Francis Manor by the Sea 250-382-7999; 1128 Dallas Road; Capacity: 13 units Starting Price: $19 Amenities/Services: Saint Francis Manor by the Sea is a Supportive Living Senior Residence on Dallas Road in Victoria, BC. There are spectacular mountain and oceanfront views to enjoy with 3 home-cooked meals daily. Selkirk Seniors Village 250-940-1028; 385 Waterfront Cres. Capacity: (A) 52; (I) 217 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: heart of Victoria; beautiful gardens and secure courtyard; chef inspired meals; entertainment & recreation; gardens; 24/7 emergency assistance; pets welcome Shannon Oaks 250-595-6257; 2000 Goldsmith St. Capacity: 102 units Starting Price: $3710 Amenities/Services: dining; housekeeping; activities; fitness studio; library & computer lounge; salon; A/C in suite; courtyard gardens; 24/7 emergency assistance; pets welcome

Oak Tree Manor is located in the heart of downtown Nanaimo, and is also the most affordable seniors independent living facility in the area.

Sunrise Senior Living of Victoria 250-383-1366; 920 Humboldt St.; Capacity: 93 units; private Starting Price: $5200/month Amenities/Services: 24/7 nurse & care; emergency call system; memory, complex & palliative care; secure environment; walking club; activities; bistro; salon; lounge; pets with restrictions

Give us a call or drop us an email to set up an opportunity to discuss whether OTM is a good fit for your loved one.


THE GLENSHIEL Affordable Living for Independent Seniors THE GLENSHIEL THE GLENSHIEL Affordable Living for Independent Seniors Affordable Living for Seniors Affordable Living for Independent Independent Seniors

Friendly, &Downtown Downtown Friendly,All-Inclusive All-Inclusive & Friendly, All-Inclusive & Downtown Friendly, All-Inclusive & Downtown

Trillium Clover Point Care 778-817-1139; 90 Linden Ave.; Capacity: 14 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Lovely outdoor garden & patio; 24hr care & memory care; nutritious meals & snacks; activities & daily walking program; housekeeping; personal laundry service; emergency call system; hairdresser; foot care; small dogs considered Trillium Craigdarroch 778-817-1139; 1048 Craigdarroch Rd. Capacity: 16 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Lovely outdoor garden & patio; 24hr care; nutritious meals & snacks; activities & walking program; housekeeping; personal laundry service; emergency call system; hairdresser; foot care; small pets considered Trillium Douglas Care 778-817-1139; 660 - 647 Niagara St. Capacity: 28 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Outdoor garden w/raised garden beds; 24hr care & memory care; nutritious meals & snacks; activities & walking program; weekly bus trips; library; heated atrium; craft kitchen; hair salon; emerg call system; small pets considered

Come Join Us... Come Join Us... “This is a great toplace be spoiled” “This isplace a great to be spoiled” Come Join Us...

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“I don’t have to worry about what to cook”

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250.383.4164 606 Douglas Street

606 Douglas Street

Trillium Hart House 778-817-1139; 1961 Fairfield Rd. Capacity: 20 units; private Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Outdoor garden & patio; 24hr care & memory care; nutritious meals & snacks; lounge w/ocean view; activities; daily exercises; bus outings; housekeeping; laundry service; emerg call system; hairdresser; footcare; small pets considered Trillium Highgate Lodge 250-472-0077; 1538 Cedar Hill X-Rd. Capacity: 54 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Lovely outdoor garden & walking paths; 24hr emergency response; 3 meals/day & utilities included; housekeeping; linen service; activities & exercise programs; bus outings; library lounge; craft room; woodworking shop; no pets 22 20



Trillium St. Charles Manor 778-817-1139; 1006 St. Charles St. Capacity: 53 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: Lovely outdoor gardens & patios; 24hr care & memory care; nutritious meals & snacks; activities & weekly bus outings; TV lounges; arts & crafts room; games room; emergency call system; hairdresser; footcare; small pets considered Trillium West Shore Village (Opening Winter 2018) 250-478-7527; 333 Wale Rd.; Capacity: 162 units Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: In-suite laundry; two-burner cooktops; ample storage; library; tech room; fireside lounge, pub, movie theatre, café; salon; multi-purpose room; small pets considered Victorian at McKenzie, The 778-403-4038 / 250-381-9496; 4000 Douglas Street Capacity: 117 units Starting Price: $2800 (studio) - $5300 (2 bdrm) Amenities/Services: shuttle service; all day café; housekeeping; library; maintenance person; full calendar of activities; exercise classes 5 days a week; monthly chef meeting; pets welcome Wellesley of Victoria 250-383-9099; 1-844-603-4663; 2800 Blanshard St. Capacity: (I) 141; (A) 24 Starting Price: call for rates Amenities/Services: salon; store; bistro; housekeeping; room for private functions; library; recreation; shopping shuttle; rooftop gardens; patio; theatre; AC; secure parking; pets w/ restrictions

WEST VANCOUVER Amica at West Vancouver 604-921-9181; 659 Clyde Ave.; Capacity: 121 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, call for rates & availability Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services such as: pool, fitness centre, theatre, arts and crafts kitchen, billiards room, beauty salon, and On-The-Go bus Maison Senior Living West Vancouver 778-280-8540; 701 Keith Rd. Capacity: 90 units Starting Price: all-inclusive, call for rates Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services such as: activity room, theatre/chapel, Tea Room, beauty salon, gardening centre, walking path, and On-The-Go minibus

WHITE ROCK Amica at White Rock (Opening 2019) 778-545-8800; 15333 16th Ave.; Capacity: 152 units Starting Price: all-inclusive; please call for rates Amenities/Services: premium on-site amenities and services; pool; fitness centre; theatre; arts and crafts kitchen; beauty salon; roof terrace with greenhouse; On-The-Go bus Concord Retirement Residence 604-531-6198; 15869 Pacific Ave. Capacity: 43 units Starting Price: Cottages $1660; Main $2460 - $3500 Amenities/Services: 3 home cooked meals; snacks; weekly housekeeping & laundry; 24hr emergency response; recreation; transportation; concierge service; pets allowed

It’s time to make all the right moves, experience senior living the Maison way.

Setting the gold standard for senior living Our beautiful community offers first-class amenities and caring, engaged team members to ensure that our residents and their families experience the “Maison difference” every day. From Professional Nursing Care to incredible meals and motivating life enrichment programs, we always work to exceed expectations. ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE LICENSED RESIDENTIAL CARE

Call 778-654-6075 today to book a visit.



21 23

WHAT’S COOKING? by KATE ROBERTSON Does this tempt your taste buds? Locally-sourced roast pork with rich gravy served with braised red cabbage and apples, cauliflower gratin, buttered peas and roast potatoes – with a mocha chocolate mousse parfait for dessert. You’re probably wondering the name of this fine dining restaurant, so you can make a reservation. But you won’t need to leave home for this delicious meal if you’re a resident at the Cridge Village Seniors Centre in Victoria. The tasty trend of upscale dining has been happening for a while in many seniors’ residences, and you can be sure Baby Boomers, who have paved the way for innovative aging inventions like e-bikes and high-flex knee replacements, will continue to insist on tasty nutritious options. Seniors’ residences have heard the message loud and clear. According to Michael Maciborski, Area Executive Chef for Bria Communities in Langley, what comes first for him is to talk to residents to see what kind of food they enjoy eating. “We then try to provide a balance of familiar comfort meals that they have eaten during their lives and to introduce some classic foods from other countries, as well as some dishes that might not be familiar to them,” says Maciborski. But resident input doesn’t stop there – many seniors’ homes are open to regular input from their residents. At Thornebridge Gardens in New Westminster, General Manager Amanda Hill says residents can bring special requests to their Dining Services Manager. “He also hosts a monthly ‘food forum’ where concerns 24 22


can be raised, and upcoming dining features and choices are discussed,” says Hill. Residence chefs say they look to what’s being done at their favourite restaurants and current trends to draw inspiration, as well. And just like fine dining restaurants, these chefs are making as many dishes from scratch as possible. At Cridge, they make their own stocks and mother sauces like espagnole and béchamel. They also rely on a variety of cooking techniques, like braising, slow roasting, pan searing, baking, poaching and steaming, frying and grilling, and precise cold-food preparation methods to enhance and bring out the full flavour. Sourcing seasonal, local ingredients is key. “This allows us to use ingredients that are at their peak,” says Nikolas Milonas, Cridge’s Executive Chef, “which ensures quality and nutrition. In the culinary arts, utilizing good fundamental cooking techniques is essential in making food taste good — actually, not just good, but amazing!” We all know that we eat first with our eyes, and residence chefs are making sure they present their food in an appealing way. According to Hill, “At Thornebridge, we offer monthly brunches, which provide an opportunity for the team to create some excitement and jazz things up or try something new. The residents and their guests often talk about the beautiful display or presentation.”

ABOVE LEFT | Healthy eating at Thornbridge Gardens. ABOVE RIGHT | Surf n’ turf at Magnolia-Bria Communities. RIGHT | Residents dining at Sunridge-Bria Communities. TOC PAGE | Chefs in the kitchen at Magnolia-Bria Communities Photos: Courtesy of the retirement residences.


For Chef Milonas, the food sustainability movement is also important. “I am passionate about food and forming business relationships with people who share equal, sustainable values; I am a strong supporter of sustainability programs like Ocean Wise. In my opinion, the Executive Chef of any organization needs to focus on three main fundamentals: the most important being who are your clients; second, where’s the food coming from; and third, is it environmentally sound? Here at the Cridge Centre, we provide roughly 65,000 meals per year. The impact of providing meals to a large number of people on our planet is immense.” Of course, the seniors’ residence chefs must remember the health challenges that are unique to seniors, and respond accordingly. Hill says, “At Thornebridge, residents’ needs change frequently, and we need to have many options on hand to substitute when required. We have some seniors who have difficulty chewing or swallowing, or with dexterity and need food to be cut for them. Some residents have allergies or chronic conditions like diabetes, and many prefer low calorie, low sodium, dairy or gluten-free, kosher or vegetarian. Others might have poor taste buds and prefer added flavouring such as lemon juice to enhance the flavours.” Many residences also offer different options for dining experiences. For example, at Thornebridge, they offer à la carte dining in the main dining room, but they also have a bistro that offers different menu options. Residents can also choose to have lunch and dinner served in their room.

And just because you move to a seniors’ residence, doesn’t mean you have to give up cocktails either. At Thornebridge, there’s a happy hour twice a week, with various drink options to choose from. Beer and wine are always available with any meal, so if that’s what you’re used to, you can continue the habit. Because the chefs at the residences see their clientele daily, they are able to get to know them on a deeper level than perhaps a chef would at a local restaurant. “There is great reward in meeting and getting to know the people that live in our communities,” says Chef Maciborski. “So many people have spent a lifetime cooking for others, so it’s really great to be able to now cook for them.” | For more information, visit

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23 25


Pacific Landing aims to provide the foundation and backdrop for an amazing quality of life. Based on a philosophy of three pillars for happy and healthy living: Active Engagement, Social Engagement and Healthy Behaviours; the close-knit neighbourhood considers every possible want and need for a happy, healthy lifestyle, whether you’re thirty or sixty-plus. “Our community is coming together now that we have folks living on site (since the beginning of Nov 2017). The majority are in the 40-55+ range, with some in their thirties as well,” says James Giuffre, Sales and Marketing Coordinator for Pacific Landing. “We’re finding that as the community grows, owners are starting to get together, share the community garden, and have regular gatherings at the Pendray House with events like a NYE party and Cinco de Mayo party.” This was exactly the vision behind Pacific Landing – a close-knit community in a natural, serene setting. On five peaceful hectares with a stunning backdrop of the Olympic Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Pacific Landing is a haven boasting a community garden, access to over 200 hectares of hiking trails, and a multitude of amenities – from the upcoming yoga studio and cooking theatre, to the relaxing spa pool and, of course, direct beach access. “You can keep yourself entertained just with the natural amenities alone,” says James. “It’s very unique from most things that are out there. A lot of it is owner-driven and focused, and there’s a strong community feel.” The suites are luxurious and have been carefully designed with convenience and style in mind. Spacious balconies and terraces allow residents to take full advantage of the views, and an open floor plan with high ceilings adds a grand feeling. There are three interior design schemes to choose from, gourmet kitchen appliances, and many more modern features, such as a high-efficiency heat pump for comfort year-round. The resort-style amenities make this a wonderful option for active living, and you can participate in as many activities as you like. Here, you have the choice to engage in activities like cooking classes, art workshops, hiking clubs, stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) lessons, hiking groups, day trips and more. The overarching vision of this resort

26 24


village is to live the best quality of life possible, however that looks to you. “Come down to the property to enjoy the beauty of this location,” says James. “We don’t push for people to join, we just like to present what our goals and ambitions are. It works out great for folks coming from all over Canada to be part of a strong community that we’re constantly building and designing, to focus on adding healthy years and quality years.” This is carefree, community-centric living at its finest, in one of the most beautiful environments in Canada. Phase One is sold out, and Phase Two (the Douglas) will be completed in spring 2019. Soon, there will also be a variety of convenient service-based amenities and retail stores on site. For more information, visit

ABOVE TOP | Pacific Landing Phase II Penthouse. Photo: Pacific Landing ABOVE BOTTOM | O.U.R. Ecovillage house. RIGHT | Yoga is part of a simpler lifestyle at O.U.R. Ecovillage. Photos: Elke Cole for O.U.R. Ecovillage



O.U.R Ecovillage is also a community designed to take full advantage of the beauty of nature. As a community centred around a deep value of nature and its bounty, it’s undoubtedly different from the luxury living at Pacific Landing. However, the theme between the two places remains the same – building tightly-bound communities and creating an amazing place to live and play. O.U.R (One United Resource) Ecovillage focuses heavily on cooperation and lifelong learning in a more rugged, adventurous way. In picturesque Shawnigan Lake, 45 minutes north of Victoria, O.U.R Ecovillage is a cohesive group, focused on environmental conservation and permaculture in a unique cooperative setting. “What’s most unique is to have such a high level of inon community diversity, and anyone who wishes to embrace tegration of one’s lifestyle; from community support, elder a simpler lifestyle is welcome to visit and consider joining. A leadership and honouring, passion projects, intergenerational work in progress that develops and thrives more every year, learning, shared resources, a food security model and learning there is nothing else quite like this in Canada. community model with volunteers from all over the world,” “OUR team specializes in earthen/cob buildings and all says Brandy Gallagher, Education and Outreach Coordinator. types of ecological design systems; waste to resource, alternaAll residents work together to maintain the village, grow tive energy, rainwater harvesting, greywater reclamation, it is organic food, prepare the meals, and host/participate in workaward winning, including OUR Green Burial; Commemorative shops for continuing education. Founded in 1999, the EcovilConservation Scattering Grounds...and it’s all fully legal/perlage is a unique concept to Vancouver Island, with naturally built homes on a 10-hectare site. Cobb, lumber, and other natu- mitted/engineered,” says Brandy. | ral building materials have been used to create the buildings, including the sanctuary, which offers quiet space to reflect; this For more information, visit exceptional site also features a sauna, shower house, common areas, barn, pond, greenhouses and a guest house for visitors. All community spaces have been The Camelot, Victoria | Wedgwood House, Duncan designed to be accessible for a variety of Hawthorne Place, Qualicum Beach | Stevenson Place, Comox folks and their needs for an age-in-place Independent Retirement Living with supportive services lifestyle. “From an onsite golf cart to wheelDelicious chef prepared meals, 24 hour emergency response, chair accessible washroom/ramps, etc… Weekly housekeeping & your linens refreshed, the design process has included having Each Home centrally located in charming neighbourhoods spaces where full lifestyle access would Managed by a Licensed Strata Property Manager be included,” says Brandy. The Ecovillage offers hands-on Visit our homes at Rental Inquiries: 250-737-1435 or at each Residence courses ranging from natural building, tiny home building, rainwater harvesting, and other sustainable practices. The 12 issues for $33.60 | 24 issues for $44.20 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM goal is for the students to become teach(includes tax & Canada ONLY S&H) ers, having learned practical skills in an immersive learning environment. The Name _________________________ woodworking shop and gardens provide Address ________________________ the opportunity to learn how to live off the land by using natural elements, _______________________________ farming and harvesting. City ___________________________ In addition to animals raised for

Retirement Communities

food, and the gardens and greenhouses, there’s a food forest, abundant with nuts, fruits and berries, resulting in about three-and-a-half hectares dedicated to food production. There is an emphasis

Prov _____ Postal Code ___________ Make cheque payable to: Senior Living, 3354 Tennyson Avenue Victoria BC V8Z 3P6 WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


25 27

JANE BOND FLOAT HOME by BAILEY MARTENS Among the colourful buildings spanning Fisherman’s Wharf in Victoria, BC, David and Susan Leff’s float home could be easily missed. The weathered burgundy trimmed home masquerades a million dollar “Jane Bond home,” according to Susan. The Leffs made the move from Ontario to BC after Susan was hit by a car while crossing the street in 2007. While Susan has required periodic medical care due to Multiple Sclerosis since 1998, the car accident resulted in a traumatic brain injury and the need for full-time care. David and Susan struggled to find a city that met a high standard of accessibility. Upon visiting Fisherman’s Wharf to get a taste of fresh spot prawns, they immediately decided to relocate to a float home. After negotiating with local owners, they acquired a slip – and a new and unconventional life. Since the acquisition in 2013, the 1,400 square foot float home has seen on-again off-again renovations. The makeover quickly became a passion project. Susan’s needs “created new challenges [and] I wanted to rise to the occasion,” says David. A builder by trade, David has focused on providing the needed accessibility while keeping the appearance of a typical home. “I don’t want it to feel like a hospital,” he emphasizes. One of the most extensive endeavours has been the master suite. Complete with a two-part bed: one side features an accessible raised bed for Susan; the other a typical single bed. The two mattresses are nestled into a chestnut frame to appear as though it is one typical bed. A live wall – filled with plants – to keep fresh air circulating throughout the room is currently on the to-do list. The small yet bright bathroom is Susan’s favourite addition to the house – especially the shower. “I waited five years for that bathroom,” she laughs. The compact master bathroom leaves nothing to be desired. The intricate details span from fossil tiles to the master closet featuring a dry-cleaning conveyer belt to assist in selecting outfits. Objectively, it is a stunning bathroom, but also seamless for both David and Susan’s needs.

LEFT TOP | The exterior of the Leffs’ float home is adorned with Orca whales. MIDDLE | David and Susan Leff on their upper deck. BOTTOM | The float home’s lift allows Susan to have access to the upper level. RIGHT | The Leffs’ custom bathroom is fully wheelchair accessible. Photos: Bailey Martens 28 26





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The curb-less shower can be used in both a sitting or standing position with overhead, handheld and side shower heads to accommodate the needs of the couple. The shower doors additionally slide in both directions to facilitate a greater turning radius for a wheelchair. An orca image is etched onto the shower glass. “We have a deconstructed whale theme spanning through the house,” says David. The Orca theme fits well with an oceanside home, but also the adaptability of the kindred animal. “It seemed appropriate for our home.” This orca theme is seen in two murals on the outside of the float home. One of the murals overlooks an original hydraulic dock system that would allow someone, including Susan, to enter a kayak and be lowered into the water. This dock is curved to mimic the fins of a whale, as well. The upper level of the two-storey home features a front deck. This patio is curved for aesthetic appeal as well as to symbolically represent the nose of an Orca. The living room and kitchen are located on the second floor. A rotating floor is in the works for the living room. Currently, it is difficult to get Susan in the living room and turned to a specific

direction without moving furniture. A rotating floor would allow for a wheelchair to rotate in a small area of space and keep the furniture stationary. The second story of the home can be accessed by a central elevator. A standard-sized Garaventa home elevator takes riders from the front foyer up through the floor of the second level. In addition to an elevator, there are ceiling lifts throughout the master suite and soon-to-be automated lights and doors. The Leffs will be able to control lights, and check and answer the door from anywhere in the house. The Leff’s float home does not qualify for home renovation grants from the provincial government, which are available to support accessibility remodels. Instead, David works to pay for the remodels with the assistance of insurance. Once the home is completed, the couple plans to retire and open an accessible bed and breakfast. “We are on a float home – which is kind of the furthest thing that anybody with accessibility needs would think of,” says David. “It’s going to be kind of the ultimate in accessibility to just demonstrate the possibilities.” Susan chimes in noting, “If you focus on what the person needs, anything is possible.” | WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


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INSPIRED senior living AUGUST 2018

27 29

HIKING TO THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH by DARRYL WILSON If one was to search for the Fountain of Youth, it may not be immediately obvious to climb a mountain. But for those in search of anti-aging remedies, 72-year old Nanaimo resident Ambrose Knobel may have found a good lead in his passion for hiking. The avid hiker has climbed Nanaimo’s Mount Benson more than 150 times, having recently completed his 170th hike in April 2018. Inspired by the peace and tranquillity of the forest, he walks and hikes as often as possible. “It feels good to be outside,” says Ambrose. “I love scenery and fresh air. When you walk with someone, you can actually hear them instead of traffic.” After spending 30 years in Prince George as a heavy-duty mechanic, Ambrose retired to Nanaimo in 1999 when he fell in love with the mild climate that enables him to enjoy the outdoors year-round. “Being active is important to me. It makes me feel good,” he says. “When we moved to Nanaimo, I saw the mountain and immediately wanted to go up.” But falling in love with Mount Benson and hiking was no coincidence. Born and raised in Switzerland, mountains are in his blood. “I first started to like hiking in Switzerland. My parents took our family into the Alps often,” says Ambrose. “In Switzerland, when you go on holiday, you travel into the mountains because it is so beautiful.” Inspired by his experiences in Switzerland, he sees a lot 30 28


of potential for Mount Benson to become a major tourist attraction on Vancouver Island. “I would love to see Mount Benson transformed into something similar to the Sea to Sky Gondola in Squamish,” says Ambrose. “If this was Switzerland, we would have had a cable car 50 years ago and a pub at the summit. The Swiss see the potential in mountains more than we do in Canada.” Meanwhile, Ambrose continues to climb Mount Benson at least once or twice per month. He even tries to squeeze in an annual hike of Mount Arrowsmith. “I never get tired of it; there are many different trails. I will continue hiking for as long as my body will permit it in rain, snow or sunshine,” he says. His best year was in 2015 when he completed 28 hikes of the mountain. Ambrose has maintained a log since his first hike of Mount Benson on September 21, 2002. “I am hoping to reach 200 hikes by 2020,” says Ambrose. “It’s not a race. I’m not trying to break any records. I just enjoy doing it because it’s fun.”

ABOVE | Nanaimo hiker Ambrose Knobel reaches a personal milestone: 150 hikes to the summit of Mount Benson. RIGHT | Ambrose enjoys a mountaintop celebratory refreshment. Photos: Ambrose Knobel


His most challenging hike on Mount Benson was when he attempted to spend the night at the summit. “I once tried to sleep overnight, but it got way too cold, and so I hiked down in the middle of the night in pitch black darkness with only a headlight to guide me.” According to Ambrose, Mount Benson is slippery in the winter when the roots and rocks are wet. With several steep sections, the rugged trail is not always easy. “My favourite time of year to hike Mount Benson is usually in the fall. The temperature is quite mild, there is less haze, there are hardly any insects, and the air seems to be at its cleanest,” he says. “But most conditions can be managed by dressing accordingly, wearing

great shape as an avid walker, but there is a big difference.” For first-timers, Ambrose advises them to climb hills in order to train. Ensure that you are wearing proper footwear and always be prepared for inclement weather as it can change anytime. In addition, don’t leave late in the day in case you fall behind. Inexperienced hikers will typically take five to six hours. Ambrose usually begins his hikes at approximately 10am and is finished by 2pm. When he isn’t trail grooming on Mount Benson or maintaining the Canadian flag at the summit, Ambrose is a dedicated volunteer sharing his time with the Royal Canadian Legion and the Nanaimo CatNap Society. He also enjoys photography, having captured stunning

cination with Roman history and ruins,” he says. “The scenery is also amazing.” Ambrose will walk across the English countryside from Newcastle to Carlisle. When he returns home, Ambrose will surely have another hike up Mount Benson in his upcoming plans. “It’s getting popular. The trails are now well marked with sign posts and coordinates. There are also various routes from moderate to more strenuous trails. I can’t count the number of people I see anymore, whereas, in the early days, I would only encounter one or two.” Although he has hiked Mount Benson alone on many occasions, Ambrose prefers to share the experience with others. “We live in such a beautiful place. I love hiking because it is always a surprise,” he says. “When you see Mount Benson from the ground, it’s just a hill. But when you get up there, the whole world just opens up.” As for the Fountain of Youth, perhaps the late American mountaineer Finis Mitchell said it best, “We don’t stop hiking because we grow old – we grow old because we stop hiking.” |

A little piece of paradise Retirement in an idyllic setting

crampons and using walking poles.” In addition to walking daily, Ambrose visits the gym three times a week, where he does knee exercises to maintain the level of fitness necessary for routine hiking. “When you climb up Mount Benson, the exercise is a challenging cardio workout. But when you go down, it can be equally challenging on the knees.” Ambrose prefers hiking over other outdoor activities as it is more strenuous. “Walking isn’t a good enough exercise to be completely fit. I once encountered a man similar in age to myself hiking Mount Benson with his daughter. They asked me how old I was and how often I hike,” he recalls. “It turned out that I was older than him. He explained that he can walk all day on flat ground, but struggles going up a hill. He thought he was in

Retirement Your home byResidence the sea!

shots from Mount Benson, which have Residence A little piece of paradise in an idyllic setting been published for the last five years in A little piece of paradise in an idyllic setting 43 independent garden or ocean the annual calendar of the Nanaimo Area view suites, 3 home cooked Land Trust. meals, weekly 43 independent garden or ocean viewhousekeeping suites, 3 home The retiree maintains a passion for & linen services, 24 hour 43 independent garden or ocean view suites, 3 home cooked meals, weekly housekeeping & linen services, vintage Japanese motorcycles, which he emergency response, recreation, cooked meals, weekly housekeeping & linen services, 24 hour emergency response, recreation, entertainment, spends his time meticulously restoring, entertainment, 24 hour emergency response, recreation, entertainment, transportation & concierge services.transportation Pet Friendly! in addition to showing them off at classic and concierge services.Pet Friendly! transportation & concierge services. bike shows throughout BC and Washington State. Ambrose is also an active rail enthusiast, passionately advocating for the return of the E&N passenger rail service. His next adventure will bring him to Pet Friendly the United Kingdom this summer where Pet Friendly 15869 Pacific Ave, White Rock he intends to walk Hadrian’s Wall Path, 15869 Pacific Avenue, White Rock 604-531-6198 15869 Pacific Avenue, White Rock 604-531-6198 604-531-6198 an 84-mile coast to coast trail travelling past Roman forts and settlements along the path of Hadrian’s Wall. “I was inspired to do this walk because of my fas-

Your home by the sea! Your home by the sea!



29 31

MY EYES ARE NEVER STOPPING by JOHN THOMSON “They take me on trips,” says Victoria landscape painter Anne Meggitt. “Shireen will book us somewhere to stay and Brett will do all the driving.” Road trips are commonplace for Anne, her youngest daughter, Shireen, and son-in-law, Brett, as they scour Vancouver Island for Anne’s next project. “It’s wonderful because when we get there often you have muddy slopes to climb up and down and they hang onto me. My sense of balance isn’t very good and if I’m standing on a steep path leading down, I need Shireen to hang onto me, so I feel firm. This is a new stage in my life. In the past, I’ve done it all by myself.” She has, indeed, done it all herself. Married to a British government surveyor after art school, Anne has lived an adventurous life. Her husband’s postings took her to Swaziland, Uganda, Kenya and Malaysia. Later, on her own, she travelled to France, Spain, Ireland, the Australian Outback and the Orkney Islands. Always on the move, she adapted well to facing the unknown, but it was while stationed in remote parts of Africa and make-shift bush camps that her courage was put to the test. “I couldn’t really plan my life,” she says. “I never knew moment to moment what I might have to cope with. I just keep going really.” She admits things were dangerous, like waking up in the night to find a huge cobra in her North Borneo bedroom. “I’ve had malaria and tick-bite fever,” 32 30


she continues. “I had to put up with a lot, but I think it probably did me good.” She painted when she could, committing the landscape to posterity and not just any landscape but copses, thickets and coulees, anywhere that harboured her favourite subject matter – trees. Trees are a passion she developed while growing up in the English countryside during WWII. The family home bordered on a wooded expanse. “A large garden led to a wooded area, where I climbed trees and played among the bracken,” she recalls. “Along the lane, a path led down to the meadows, where cows munched among cowslips and kingfishers darted along a narrow river beside a large wood full of bluebells. I spent a lot of time wandering about. You could walk for miles and never see another person. Later, I would do a lot of drawing down there.” At 13, Anne went to boarding school and started illustrating her notes. “I was drawing away in my textbooks,” she says. But it was trees that fascinated her, not only because they reminded her of an idyllic childhood but because of their elemental nature.

ABOVE | Artist Anne Meggitt with a work in progress. RIGHT | Anne’s painting Forest Sentinels. Photos: John Thomson


“I like watching how plants grow, how Nature makes them do interesting things. And while my paintings are often about trees, they are just as much about the act of painting. I’m a great believer in every brush stroke being exactly where it should.” In 1977, the family moved to Canada, this time to Regina where Anne enrolled in several classes with legendary Canadian abstract painter Ted Godwin. “If you stand close to my paintings, they are very abstract and when you stand back from them, they come together,” she says. Anne’s recent works, 18 large canvasses, were exhibited at Victoria’s Martin Bachelor Gallery last September. Today, at 87 years of age, Anne's calling has become a family affair. She paints at Shireen’s and lives at Amanda’s, a graphic designer who created Anne’s website and art catalogues. Her other two daughters, Corinna and Cassandra, live in the UK and Australia, respectively. Anne’s son, Warren, lives in California. “I’m not looking for anything specific. It just happens,” Anne says of the moment she decides to paint a particular scene. “My eyes are never stopping. I’m looking at things in a painterly manner. I’m not making a particular effort to do any of this. It’s almost beyond me.” The scene can be a nearby landmark or, more often than not, the result of a road trip orchestrated by Shireen and her husband Brett. “If Brett’s driving, I just say please stop here.” Stepping out of the car, Anne takes black-and-white photographs (in the past she would have made drawings) and pastes them together to make a referential map to give her an idea of light, shadow and form. Turning those notes into something tangible takes place in her studio, a space Shireen has carved out for her mother in her Victoria home. “Once I have breakfast (Anne lives in Amanda’s basement suite 10 minutes away from Shireen), I come here and paint. I’ve already decided what I’m going to do. I’m all set and ready to go. I use cadmium red to rough in some guidelines. I use it to mark approximately where things are set, especially tree trunks and the like, to get the composition bones put in.” Then Anne adds colour, meticulously mixing her own paints. “I don’t use greens from the tubes, “she says, preferring to make her own. She paints two hours a day, Monday to Friday and she doesn’t see herself slowing down. Sure, her balance isn’t what it used to be, but that’s where her kids step in. Living in one daugh-ter’s house and painting in the other, makes life so much easier. “She’s not ashamed of hanging onto the rail,” says Shireen about navigating the entrance to her mother’s suite. “Some people say, ‘I didn’t need that before and I don’t need it now,’ but Mum has a bit of vertigo, so she’s going to hang onto that stick every time she goes up those three stone steps. There’s no shame in those changes. She’s just accepting of who she is, how old she is and where she’s at in her life.” “She’s always in the moment and I really respect that about her. Nothing fazes her and she’s always ready for anything,” adds Amanda, mindful of her mother’s colourful past and adventurous spirit. Accustomed to making the best of whatever life throws her way, Anne doesn’t see herself as being particularly heroic. She’s only doing what she’s always been doing and having fun doing it.

“I just want to keep on painting, making sure I pace myself,” she says. “I did Tai Chi for over 10 years in Regina and I still do bits of that to help with my back. I don’t have any major medical problems. I’m not on medication. I keep all my energy for my painting.” When asked if painting has helped her cope with life’s unforeseen challenges, she replies “it’s never been an escape for me because it’s with me all the time. It’s mine,” she says proudly. “Forever.” |

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31 33

MASTERY AND MUSE by KERILIE MCDOWALL When inspiration comes to BC’s Roger Baird, it isn’t only by performing on one of the many percussion instruments he plays or with his sublime mastery of the drum kit; Roger’s Hedd Wyn Essentials business has made the successful entrepreneur and dedicated musician a Canadian global pioneer. Roger was the first to market certified organic Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano globally. With more than enough to take on already with current business pursuits, the 71-year-old also produces music concerts and performs on drums and percussion in Cumberland at his Vancouver Island music venue Studio Live. Roger’s love for music as a child had him playing so much that he wore out his toy drum kits. He was taught about musical instruments and jazz by his drummer-father, who was a big band lover and passed on his enthusiasm. Having learned his first five-stroke roll in marching band lessons, Roger studied at the age of 12 with Winnipeg Symphony percussionist Willie Wendt. It led to a life-long study and passion for music. In the 1980s, Roger had taken on the challenge of running Vancouver’s beloved creative and jazz music venue the Glass Slipper, partially inspired by his mentor Sam Rivers. It was at Sam Rivers’ Studio Rivbea in New York where Roger further developed his approach to improvisation, listening to the masters performing at the venue and where he met Daniel Carter. The Music Ensemble was formed with Daniel, William Parker, Billy Bang, Earl Freeman and Malik Baraka. At the Glass Slipper, Roger encouraged young musicians to find their own voice through original music. Tragically, the uninsured Glass Slipper venue was a victim of arson in late 1997. After a few years, Roger fell in love with an island property and moved to Denman Island, and was looking for a way to reinvent himself to support his wife and two children. With synchronicity, two friends contacted Roger, separately, asking him to make oil of oregano based upon the excellent quality of his essential oils side business. Roger says, “It was just successful from day one.” 34 32


Roger and his wife, Miho, and staff currently produce and sell quality organic Hedd Wyn Oil of Oregano to health outlets and stores all around the globe. Roger stands by his product firmly due to its potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects, and enjoys the rewarding challenge of operating his business. Roger’s love for music and business has led to mastery and success. As a seriously dedicated musician, he pursued tabla hand drum studies in the 1980s for four years in India and has recently taken up the congas and Middle Eastern darbouka hand drum. He works in study with books authored by drum masters like Poncho Sanchez and loves the work of Cuban composer Mongo Santa Maria. A fan of African-based jazz fusion, Roger is inspired by African/Uruguayan candombe rhythms as of late.

ABOVE | Musician and entrepreneur Roger Baird practising drums at his home. Photo: Miho Baird


On drumming, he says, “I used to look at practicing as drudgery, but I don’t anymore. I find the simplest things are tremendously engaging. You can take a simple rhythm and you can play it upside down, backward, between your hands, between your drums, between your feet and your hands. You can take one little simple idea and do so much with it. So, nothing is drudgery. I love the rhythms, they really breathe and move, and they’ve got emotion.” Roger’s daily practice routine on hand drum and drum kit includes two to three hours of working on rhythms, then improvisation at the end of the session as a reward, where he engages what he has practiced in a meaningful fashion. He enjoys transcribing rhythms from master Cuban percussionists on YouTube videos. “The drum is my connection, even in practice, it is connecting me to another realm,” says Roger. “It’s centering. It’s what I love to do.” A master at improvisation on percussion instruments and the drum kit, Roger’s jazz trio, the Baird, Black & White Trio, performs advanced-level extemporaneous music that is completely spontaneous through improvised composition. The music emotes lyrical, melodious improvisations to the avant-garde. The trio’s gifted pianist Miles Black, soulful bassist Scott White, and the transcendent drum wizardry of Roger Baird will be featured on their new upcoming recording, Lifestream, a follow-up to their first CD, Spirit Door. The band does not rehearse, they just play, and Roger says that to approach music in this manner of openness is very challenging. The trio members listen intently to the moment and are open to change and letting the music come through. “Music is architecture in motion,” says Roger. A fan of sculpture, creative concepts and architecture, Roger says he has always seen music in a space transpose into colours and geometric shapes. Currently planning a mobile sculpture project with aircraft cable and driftwood, he is constantly creating. Inspired by the natural beauty of the BC west coast, Roger and Miho also

enjoy travelling. They have visited many countries including Peru, Mexico, Belize, Thailand, Cambodia, India and the US. He has been keenly interested in world cultures and other states of consciousness. Roger even ventured a couple of hours up the Amazon to experience the use of the medicinal ayahuasca plant under the guidance of a shaman. Roger has been a yoga practitioner and is a firm believer in alternative medicine, using modalities like acupuncture, Chinese medicine, diet, herbs, meditation, Tai Chi, electro-medicine and colour therapy. “You could say I took a holistic approach,” says the talented businessman and drummer. He eats an organic diet and does not eat red meat. A past vegetarian, he now prefers to eat home garden-grown vegetables and fruits and locally grown produce with chicken and fish. Baird says, “the secret sauce for health is a clean diet and exercise.” Roger’s wisdom passionately emphasizes that anything is possible when facing life’s obstacles; “We can be our own worst enemies and our own best friends. We are in charge of our own destiny. You will get excuses from people for their behaviour or circumstances. Challenges are a gift from which we can grow stronger. The doer reaps rewards.” Running his Cumberland music venue Studio Live, Roger brings popular touring musicians to Vancouver Island for performances. “There’s a definite spirit of music. If you can hop on the spirit of music’s wavelength and ride it and open yourself up completely to it and disengage your ego, then you’ll reap the rewards of an amazing experience,” he says. He wants to continue performing music and collaborating with musicians by playing as much music as possible into the future. With a luminous philosophy capturing the present, Roger embraces life and reminds us, “Every moment is precious and should be spent wisely. You’ve got to bring in a sense of play. We take so much for granted; just the fact that we are here on this planet is amazing. Personal development, whatever path it takes, might lead to something well worth your time. Live life to the fullest and find your own voice.” | WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

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33 35

REBOOT by VERENA FOXX LINDA DICKEY, a four-time volunteer builder with Habitat for Humanity Canada, says she has always believed that “housing is the game changer” when it comes to improving a family’s life. She’s put her time into working on changing the game in Thailand, India, Iqaluit and Chile. And she’s off to Malawi this fall. The former Vancouver Coastal Health Administrator, now living in White Rock, says “life is about learning,” and admits never thinking she’d be making mud, doing brick-laying and building bamboo scaffolding in her retirement. But she’s done all of that and more on her Habitat journeys. “You get a lot more out of it



DAVID LANGLEY is getting set to ride in his seventh 200km “Ride to Conquer Cancer” from Vancouver to Hope later this month. “Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way,” says the lifelong active North Vancouver cyclist, racer, skier and mountain climber. Riding with two of the original founders of the Vancouver Brainiac group, David also rides with The Wet Coast Wheel Men & Women, a group of about 356 members that each raise the requisite $2,500 to participate. They alone are contributing close to $1 million dollars to the 10th Anniversary ride this year. “I’m riding with my other fast friends,” says the semi-retired former computer executive, who now happily shuttles North Shore Audi customers to their destinations each morning. “I meet interesting people every day and I no longer wake up at three in the morning worrying about sales goals, incentives and lawyers,” he jokes. “Riding long distance is really a mental thing,” he says, referring to the ride to Hope. “It’s not a race, and the organization feeds and fuels everyone along the way. After such a long ride and a party at the finish line, you sleep pretty soundly.”

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than you give,” she says. “Families are so thankful.” Linda also travels the world with her Fort Langley Dragon Boat team (FLCC Titanium), which practices year-round in the Bedford Channel on the Fraser River, and has competed in Italy, Austria and Hungary. “Being part of a team, both with Habitat and the Dragon Boaters, is a valuable experience,” says Linda. “I’m grateful for retirement. There is always something interesting to do, including making contributions to others’ lives, one family at a time.”

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David says he stays active because he’s a lot happier that way. He doesn’t believe in letting age get in the way of keeping his life active. “You can do a lot more than you think you can,” he concludes. “Not like you used to, but you can still have fun!” |

SLOW FASHION by CALLIE MARTIN With global warming, plastic-filled oceans and overpopulation central among the issues environmentalists are facing, it’s no wonder more people are asking that their clothing not just be fashionable, but sustainable, as well. While many designers are now opting for organic materials to make their clothing, another movement has arisen from the desire for eco-friendly clothing, aimed at reducing waste while remaining chic: “slow fashion.” Created as the antithesis of “fast fashion” (clothing/ accessories that are often imitations of high-end retailers using cheap/non-organic materials to get them quickly to market), “slow fashion” was a term coined in 2007 by Ecological Design Consultant Kate Fletcher. The movement emphasizes many things, but among them are reusability and re-designing already existing clothing, rather than allowing it to end up in a landfill. Using these ideas, it is entirely possible to remain stylish and fashionable, while still contributing to a cleaner future for the next generation. Let’s tackle some simple, easy-to-do clothing DIYs: in addition to being able to make throw pillows out of your old button-down shirts and t-shirts, a lot can be done to “upcycle” old, outdated pieces into new, fashionable garments. For beginners, this can be as simple as cutting an old, tired pair of sweatpants (or jeans) at the thigh to create a new pair of shorts (watch you don’t cut off the pockets though!). Old sweaters are versatile items, as many a Pinterest-er has posted tutorials on how cutting out the midsection of a sweater can often result in a cute infinity scarf. Have a hole in an old sweater and want to sew it, but not have it look “sewn”? Some crafty women have noted that a simple crocheted flower (available at many craft stores or made by hand) can be sewn onto the hole, instead, thus creating an exclusively-you fashion piece. Of course, not everyone is a seamstress, and for those people “slow fashion” emphasizes thrift-store shopping. With the ’80s beginning to replace the ’90s trend in modern fashion, now is the perfect time to hit up your local thrift

or consignment shop for some hidden treasures. The biggest problem many people have with buying thrifted clothing is the fit, for which the simplest option is to visit your local tailor to make sure your upcycled piece is flattering. Though there are always hidden treasures (and definitely some unusual ones) stocked in these stores, try to pick items you know you could use on a daily basis. A blouse or pair of straight-leg trousers – with the right tailoring – can look like you bought them fresh off the retail rack. In addition, many of these stores offer discounts to those in their golden years, so don’t be afraid to ask if you qualify to save a few extra coins! For women who don’t sew and aren’t interested in thriftstore hunting, a quick internet search will present another option to follow the “slow fashion” trend: local seamstresses. Often found on sites such as Etsy, many independent designers are already adding the “eco-friendly” tag to their online stores. Designers here have mastered the art of either creating their own clothing – or upcycling from used clothes – to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece you can’t buy anywhere else. In addition to recycling material or clothing, a purchase from a local designer supports small businesses, and truly allows you to vote with your dollar for a more sustainable future in fashion. “Fast fashion” may be instantly gratifying, but “slow fashion” is in style for an eco-friendlier world, which still allows you to have flair and be chic, while giving back to the planet. |

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Charles Dickens said, “Coming back to Edinburgh is like coming home.” For me, it’s been over 40 years since I went on an Edinburgh exchange with UBC’s women’s field hockey team. For my husband Ken, it’s a first-time visit. We’re primed for some Celtic fun. Edinburgh, Scotland is well-known for its sloping Royal Mile with Edinburgh Castle on top, the Palace of Holyroodhouse at its base – and a gazillion pubs in between. The Edinburgh Review of 1838 stated that Edinburgh’s architecture is in its landscape. By day, the castle is a craggy landmark and, by night, it’s a fully-lit musical spectacle known as the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. August is the Scottish capital’s busiest month, memorable for the Tattoo and the festival atmosphere. Here are seven ways to celebrate:

Our guide, John Thompson, is a retired teacher in tweed tam. He’s one of 60 guides in this association, which started in 1947. Our group follows him down steep Old Town side streets known as closes. He takes us by Dean Brodie’s Tavern. This 18th-century rogue inspired Robert Louis Stevenson’s Jekyll-and-Hyde story of good versus evil. Law and order in mind, we visit the impressive hammer-beamed oak roof of Parliament Hall, which houses the Supreme Court of Scotland. Nearby, church reformer, John Knox is allegedly buried under parking stall #23 of St. Giles Cathedral parking lot. Check out the free Writers Museum for more on the Scots scribblers: Stevenson, Scott and Burns at the top o’ the Royal Mile. JK Rowling began and ended her Harry Potter series from the Elephant Café and the Balmoral Hotel. At Maxie’s Bistro, we crunch French bread over a bowl of pureed pepper-and-stilton soup,

WALK AROUND: The Edinburgh Festival Voluntary Guides Association leads free two-hour walks along the Royal Mile during August from the castle crag to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Tours leave from the City Chambers, across from St. Giles Cathedral, mid-morning and midafternoon on the Royal Mile.

ABOVE | Looking north from Edinburgh Castle walls to the Firth of Forth. PAGE 39 | A Black Watch (Royal Highlander) Piper. TOC PAGE | An Edinburgh fringe street performer teeters up the Royal Mile. Photos: Joan Boxall



overlooking JK’s inspiration for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a 17th-century school with turrets and towers. We revisit the Royal Mile a day later with Brian, another volunteer guide. He gives us more of Scotland’s complex history. We’ve done our homework with the 10-episode series, A History of Scotland hosted by author, archaeologist and BBC television presenter, Neil Oliver. We finish up beside the Palace of Holyroodhouse across from the controversial Scottish Parliament Building on the edge of Old Town, completed in 2004, 10 times over-budget.

Scottish soldiers who sacrificed their lives in WWI and WWII, as well as the late 13th and early 14th-century Scottish heroes, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. The National War Museum of Scotland displays how the Scots went from English resistors to defenders, with shrewd government recruitment strategies. Over a tureen of soup at The Tea Rooms in Crown Square, we look northeast across the Scottish Lowlands and the Firth of Forth to the County of Fife on the North Sea and appreciate how fortifying this castle has been over the centuries.

PARTAKE OF THE PALACE OF HOLYROODHOUSE: The Queen’s residence for one week a year in early July, it was founded as an Augustinian monastery in the 12th century and converted to a palace in the 15th. Mary Queen of Scots married twice here. She witnessed the murder of her personal secretary at the hands of a jealous-first-husband, Lord Darnley, later murdered by husbandnumber-two. The serenity of a roofless abbey alongside the palace gardens (where the Queen hosts her July tea party for 8,000 guests) gives us a viewpoint to watch hikers tackle Arthur’s Seat, which some say is the ancient site of Camelot – 250 metres uphill to a splendid panorama.

LOVE THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND: Discover this museum (by donation) through app or map. One of four Scotland National Museums, we follow Scottish history in seven stacks or levels with our guide, Janet. A spry senior, she walks us through the ages from Early People one floor below ground level to the roof terrace, where we track back down on our own. With made, found and used items on display in bright new galleries, the museum is an impressive show-and-tell. Dolly, the stuffed sheep, presides over her flock of tourists. Over two decades have passed since she became the first cloned animal – (cells from mammary glands give her a Dolly-Parton-designation). Our top three museum memorabilia are: A. The Millennium Clock: Animating the best and worst of

TALLY HO TATTOO: The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is an August-only display that we booked early. It’s been sold out nightly (except Sundays) for the past 18 years and is never cancelled. There are a variety of international bands. Young men and women in tartan uniforms march across the esplanade while light projections flash on the castle walls. Our hearts thump in time. The 100-minute spectacle tracks the history of military music: drums, trumpets, bugles, horns, bagpipes, fiddles and fifes (a small, high-pitched flute). Some groups sing, like the US Army Europe Band and Chorus; some ride motorcycles, like the Imps Motorcycle Display Team; some highland dance. Most march the slightly downhill incline from the Gatehouse on the Castle Esplanade parade grounds to the Royal Palace. The show starts at 9pm and culminates with a fireworks finale. Over 800 musicians perform for 8,000 spectators. CLIMB TO THE CASTLE: Edinburgh Castle, strategic and defensive since 1125, sits on Castle Rock, a long-extinct volcano. Through the gates, past the guns, barracks and batteries is St. Margaret’s Chapel, the oldest building in Edinburgh. There, Queen Margaret married Malcolm III who’d murdered the previous king, Macbeth, of Shakespearian fame. Their son, King David I, built the chapel in her honour, and founded the abbey at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. To view the crown, the bejewelled sceptres, swords and the Stone of Scone, upon which all Scottish monarchs have been coronated (including monarchs of England right up to Queen Elizabeth II) you’ll need to line up. In the Royal Apartments, Mary, Queen of Scots, bore her son James, later James I of England, who later attained the crown without bloodshed – an astonishing feat given the otherwise gory history. The National War Memorial commemorates over 200,000

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the twentieth century, a Bach concerto plays on the hour in this 10-metre-high cathedral clock from the crypt where an Egyptian monkey cranks up heinous Stalin-Lenin-Hitler figures to the belfry’s 12 Requiem symbols and the spire’s Pieta, for compassion and pity. The moving parts are thanks to five master artisans’ wood, glass and metal designs. B. The Lewis Chessmen are 12th-century gaming pieces (enough for four complete sets totalling 64 pieces) carved from walrus ivory. Found on the Isle of Lewis, they were probably in transit from Norway to the Western Isles before a shipwreck left them embedded in sand. Eleven pieces rest in Edinburgh; the rest are in London. C. The Bute Mazer or communal feasting cup is made of maple with a silver foot and a whalebone lid. There’s an embossed lion in the bowl, representing Robert the Bruce surrounded by the six shields of his supporters. Robert the Bruce likely sipped from it in the same way Robbie Burns suggested in his 18th century hit, ‘Auld Lang Syne’: ‘We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet’ to drink in the New Year. We make for the Balcony Café on level three, one of three eating options at the museum, to sip our own ‘cup o’ kindness’ – steeped tea with a tasty scone. BASK IN THE SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY: A 10-minute walk down Princes Street from the National Museum, is a sumptuous collection of masters: Rubens’ ‘The Feast of Herod’ and, adapted from Botticelli’s master Fra Filippo Lippi, ‘The Virgin Adoring the Sleeping Christ Child’, Titian’s ‘Venus Rising’ and the Impressionists: Degas’s ‘Woman Drying Herself’, Monet’s ‘Meadow at Giverny’ and Van Gogh’s ‘Olive Trees’. Six-o’clock vocal concerts bring the works to life through pictorial music, which is music that interprets art. Ours is local soprano, Emily Mitchell, singing the works of Debussy, Berlioz and Vaughn Williams. Piano accompaniment, rococo-and-darkgreen-painted walls, high acoustic ceilings and ornate frames ring out the richness of the space. SAVOUR THE FOOD: It’s great to find eateries near sites of interest. Near the Tattoo entrance, we sit outside The Hub Café with its gothic spire atop the Royal Mile. We’ve taken advantage of castle proximity to The Tea Rooms, the National Museum to the Balcony Café and Old Town to Maxie’s Bistro. There is one more restaurant we keep returning to. I discovered Hendersons’ ‘Eat Better, Live Better’ philosophy in 1975 with field hockey teammates. In 1962, Mac and Janet Henderson brought fresh, local and organic produce from their East Lothian farm to The Salad Table at their New Town location. It was novel then; it’s comfort food now. Jazz, every night from 7pm. Along our walking route back to our Air BnB, healthy salads cap off a day sightseeing with cherry pie à la crème or flapjack: the Scots oat bar. They’re still winning Business of the Year and Best Vegetarian Establishment awards, 50 years on. We stumble upon another festival in this most festive of cities – the Edinburgh International Book Festival in Charlotte Square Gardens. My souvenir, Claire Macdonald’s The Scottish Food


Bible defines Scottish fare in one word: quality. She highlights native breeds of beef: Aberdeen Angus, Highland, Longhorn, Shorthorn and Galloway, along with lamb, pork, game, fish and shellfish. Dairy and produce also excel. Having eaten potatoes with most meals (tatties in Lowland Scots lingo) – mashed, chipped or in a potato scone or fishcake, I’d have to agree with Claire. Scots food exudes

University hearing study seeks participants. Connect Hearing, with hearing researcher Professor Kathy Pichora-Fuller at the University of Toronto, seeks participants who are over 50 years of age and have never worn hearing aids for a hearing study investigating factors that can influence better hearing. All participants will have a hearing test provided at no charge and if appropriate, the clinician may discuss hearing rehabilitation options including hearing aids. Qualifying participants may also receive a demo of the latest hearing technology. The data collected from this study will be used to further our understanding of hearing loss and improve life-changing hearing healthcare across Canada. Why participate in the hearing study? Hearing problems typically result from damage to the ear and researchers have spent decades trying to understand the biology behind hearing loss. More importantly, researchers now realize the need to better understand how hearing loss affects your everyday life*. In this new hearing study, Professor Pichora-Fuller and her team are trying to find out how people learn to live with hearing loss and how new solutions could help these people take action sooner and live life more fully.

It is estimated that 46% of people aged 45 to 87 have some degree of hearing loss1, but most do not seek treatment right away. In fact, the average person with hearing loss will wait ten years before seeking help2. This is because at the beginning stages of hearing loss people often find they can “get by” without help, however as the problem worsens this becomes increasingly harder to do. For some people this loss of clarity is only a problem at noisy restaurants or in the car, but for others it makes listening a struggle throughout the entire day. By studying people who have difficulty hearing in noise or with television, we hope to identify key factors impacting these difficulties and further understand their influence on the treatment process.

If you are over 50 years of age and have never worn hearing aids, you can register to be a part of this new hearing study† by calling: 1.888.242.4892 or visiting

* Pichora-Fuller, M. K. (2016). How social psychological factors may modulate auditory and cognitive functioning during listening. Ear and Hearing, 37, 92S-100S. † Study participants must be over 50 years of age and have never worn hearing aids. No fees and no purchase necessary. Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC. VAC, WCB accepted. 1. Cruickshanks, K. L., Wiley, T. L., Tweed, T. S., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R, Mares-Perlman, J. A., & Nondahl, D. M. (1998). Prevalence of Hearing Loss in Older Adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 148 (9), 879-886. 2. National Institutes of Health. (2010).

quality. Then there’s Mac and cheese. Ours is with sun-dried tomatoes and breadcrumbs. Scots import wineCREATION as a DATE: beer10/20/17 compleart 12:30 PM OUTPUT DATE: 06/20/18 MODIFICATION DATE: June 20,e2018 In the h k St ment. Beer and Scotch are pillars of o o of CHearingeStudy Ad - March DOCKET #: 111150561-23 CLIENT: CHCA DESCRIPTION: Scots spirits. Tennent’s, their leading pale Villag FILE NAME: 111150561-23_CHCA_Study_Ad_July_4.75x7.25_4C.indd lager is brewed in Glasgow, while Scotch TRIM: 4.75" x 7.25" BLEED: 0" (whisky made in Scotland from malted IMAGE RES: 300 dpi barley) affords food pairings par none.

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Photos: Matt Cecill

Events like the GoodLife Fitness Victoria 8km provide great motivation to lace up the shoes and get out the door. But once the door slams behind you, should you go for a brisk walk or a run? Which is best for you? Many people prefer easy running to walking because it’s a more efficient exercise. It’s not that you can’t get similar health benefits from walking, but it will take much longer. One study found that five minutes of running per day yields the same benefits as 15 minutes of walking. Researchers at Humboldt State University and the University of Colorado compared the benefits of walking versus running for adults over 65. They discovered that those that ran 30 minutes or more three times a week were less likely to see an age-related decline in their walking efficiency than those who only walked. In other words, the runners stayed more mobile over time than walkers. For those looking to lose a little weight, running may be your solution. A study offered runners and walkers a postexercise all-you-can eat buffet. On average, the walkers ate 50 calories more than they burned and the runners ate 200 calories less than they had expended. Blood samples of both groups

Runners and Walkers Welcome! 42 40


Photo: Matt Cecill

found that, unlike the walkers, the runners had high levels of the appetite suppressing hormone peptide YY. Keen to give running a try, but a bit intimidated to start? Here are some great tips for those starting to run after 55: 1. Visit your doctor to discuss whether running is right for you. Some chronic health conditions may make walking, water walking or water running your best option. 2. Warm up well before heading out the door. Dynamic stretching is the best for limbering up the muscles. These stretches move the muscles through a range of motion. Examples of dynamic stretches are walking lunges, arm circles or leg swings. 3. Start slowly by mixing walking and easy running. Try jogging for 30 seconds and walking for one minute. Gradually add to the running portions by increasing this by 30 second increments every three runs. Aim to run two to four times a week. 4. Not all shoes are right for every foot, and a specialized running store like Frontrunner Footwear or New Balance Victoria can provide you with advice as to what type of shoes will work best for your foot type and gait. 5. As we age, we lose muscle mass and the value of strength training increases after 40 years of age. You can increase your strength and reduce your risks of injury by hitting the gym two to three times a week and focusing on calf, core and gluteal strength. 6. Unfortunately, we slow down as we age and our goals need to be adjusted accordingly. Chasing personal bests of your youth is likely to leave you feeling frustrated. Wipe the personal best slate clean every January 1st and chase your season’s or year’s best. Need a challenge to get you motivated? Join the GoodLife Fitness Victoria Marathon with distances of 8K, Half or Full Marathon, and when you join you also get access to our runVictoria Online Training Group. | For more information, visit or Bruce Deacon is a two-time Olympic marathoner and a running coach in Victoria.


Forever Fit

NO NEED TO AVOID LECTIN by EVE LEES Move over gluten, lectin is the new dietary bad guy. However, there is much evidence supporting the benefits of eating plant foods, including plants like legumes that contain lectins. Lectin, a plant protein, is also referred to as an “anti-nutrient” because it can block the absorption of other nutrients. If we overeat or improperly prepare them, lectins do have the potential to cause nutritional deficiencies, digestive problems, allergies, and can damage the walls of the intestines. But the healthiest people and cultures have included lectin-containing foods in their diet for thousands of years, without suffering any of these health issues. Research is even showing some types of lectin may be beneficial in fighting diseases like cancer. Lectins are found in many plants. To name just a few: Tomatoes, pota-

toes, carrots, zucchini, and are especially concentrated in legumes and grains. The amount and type of lectin (there are many kinds) will vary significantly in plants and plant families. All plants contain several protective properties like anti-nutrients. This is nature’s design to protect the plant from insects, diseases and being overeaten to extinction. This includes plants like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce and other leafy greens, rice, peas, tomatoes, nuts and seeds, green tea… the list is endless. Moderation (eating small amounts) and properly preparing certain plant foods is what we need to practice – not omitting these foods. Much of the research done on lectins has been with animals or in-vitro (test tube). Furthermore, many studies have only looked at individual lectins themselves, but not the “whole” food that contains them. Therefore, we don’t know if other nutrients within a whole food

may somehow buffer or alter the effects of certain properties like lectin (or even gluten). It is misleading and inaccurate to attribute any health problem to a single isolated property in one food (like lectin or gluten). Focusing on one “part” and ignoring the “whole” is taking that one substance out of context from the whole food. More research is necessary before a lectin-free diet can be recommended for everyone. This dietary advice seems more a popular trend than a sensible practice. |

Eve Lees is a Certified Nutrition Coach, a Health Writer & Speaker, and a former Personal Trainer with over 30 years’ experience in the health/fitness industry. www.

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41 43

Are you a healthy caregiver? By Wendy Johnstone Many caregivers understand the importance of caring for themselves and, yet, in another breath, say things like, “I feel overwhelmed,” “I’m stressed out,” “I’m too busy to eat, let alone find time to stay healthy,” and “There are so many things to do, how do I make time for myself?”

I know how to navigate the healthcare system and who to ask if, and when, I need help.

Start by checking in with yourself. Respond to the statements below to recognize the positive steps you are already taking to ensure you stay healthy, and to identify areas where you might consider action to help keep you resilient.

8-10 Points

I am satisfied with my overall personal health. Yes


I have the skills and information I need to give the required care. Yes


I maintain regular contact with family and friends and make time to spend with them. Yes


I can ask for help and accept help when it is offered. I know I don’t have to, and can’t, do this alone. Yes



I am aware of community resources available to help support me in my caregiver role. Yes


I am aware of caregiver support groups (locally or online) and/or have a supportive network where I can share my challenges and successes. Yes


I make use of respite options available and take breaks away from my caregiving responsibilities. Yes


I have gathered information about the progression of my care recipient’s disease, so I know what to expect and can prepare in advance as best I can. Yes



Give yourself one point for every “Yes” answer. You are already taking several important actions to take care of yourself and make sure caregiving is sustainable for you. Look closely at any statements where you answered “No,” and consider whether accessing more resources would be helpful for you. 5-7 Points You understand the importance of self-care, but you’re not always able to take action to support yourself. Consider any barriers you have to self-care and ask yourself whether these are external (you don’t know about the resources that exist to help you) or internal (you have trouble asking for and receiving support). Sharing the care is essential to finding enough time and energy for yourself. Choose one statement where you responded “No” to work on this week. Fewer than 5 Points

I can communicate effectively with the person I am caring for, as well as with others involved in their care. Yes


Without contributing to your own well-being, caregiving quickly becomes overwhelming and unsustainable. Use this list of 10 statements as a guide to creating a self-care plan; start with learning more about the caregiver support resources available to guide you. It will be important for you to identify resources you’re not currently using in your social circle, such as family, friends, acquaintances and neighbours, to share the care and create some much-needed space for addressing your own well-being. On average, it takes family caregivers four years to reach out and ask for help. Don’t be part of those statistics. Ask for the help you want and need. You will be a healthier caregiver and the person receiving care will be better cared for. | Wendy Johnstone is a Gerontologist and a consultant with Family Caregivers of British Columbia in Victoria, BC.

For more Caregiver resources Please visit our website for webinars, articles, one-on-one support community resources, support groups, caregiver coaching and more! Visit us at We’re here to help.

Caregiver Support Line 1 877 520 3267 44


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Wouldn’t it be wonderful to check your mailbox and, instead of a window envelope or one addressed to “resident,” there was a coloured envelope with your name handwritten on the front in ink? While I love the fact that I can – at 2am or 6pm – send a message to a friend across the world, I am saddened by the fact that I no longer write or receive billet doux from friends or lovers. My handwriting, which used to be excellent, has deteriorated to something that at times, I can barely read. So gentle readers, let’s bring back handwritten thank you notes and love letters. I have some suggestions and some stories from others who still, yes still, write letters. There are not many out there, but there are a few. Let me introduce you to Helen. Helen not only writes letters often, she uses a fountain pen, AND she has a different kind of paper for each recipient of her letters. I am writing to her, so I can see what kind of paper I might receive in return. Then there’s Terry. Terry comes from a large family; she and her sisters have corresponded with each other for years. They also keep all the letters. Imagine being able to look back at our history from another’s loving perspective over the years. The other story that delighted me was about author John Kralik, who, at a very low point in his life, decided to say thank you every day for something – sometimes it was something big, often something very small. Reviving the art of letter writing will require some thought; you will need an address, postal code, and yes, you will need stamps. Stamps! They are so expensive, and it will take several days for the letter to arrive at its destination. We are not going for speed, we are going for love. Yes, we are sending thank you notes and love letters to as many people as we can think of and hopefully what will happen is that love letters and thank you notes will come flowing back into your mailbox. Send them to close friends, family, friends you haven’t spoken to in years; people who do something kind for you for no reason. You can even become a pen pal to a stranger from another part of the world. Go all out, get a fountain pen, some classy note paper and have fun with it. Let me know how it works out. | Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. Reach her by email at or visit Pat’s website at

46 44



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