INSPIRED Senior Living April 2016

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Say Good Bye to Dentures, Say Hello to Teeth in One Day! Are you having trouble chewing and eating your favourite foods? Are you unhappy with your smile? Are you tired of your uncomfortable dentures? BC Perio’s Teeth in One Day (All-on-4 dental implants) is an amazing procedure that allows you to come in with a denture or failing teeth and ůĞĂǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƐĂŵĞ ĚĂLJ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ŶĞǁ ƐĞƚ ŽĨ ĮdžĞĚͲŝŶ ƚĞĞƚŚ͘ EŽ ŵŽƌĞ ĚĞŶƚƵƌĞƐ͘ EŽ ŵŽƌĞ ƉĂŝŶĨƵů Žƌ ĨĂŝůŝŶŐ ƚĞĞƚŚ͘ :ƵƐƚ Ă ŶĞǁ ĐŽŶĮĚĞŶƚ ƐŵŝůĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĂďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ĞĂƚ Ăůů LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƵƌŝƚĞ ĨŽŽĚƐ ĂŐĂŝŶ͘ /Ĩ LJŽƵ ĂƌĞ ůŽƐŝŶŐ LJŽƵƌ ƚĞĞƚŚ Žƌ ĂƌĞ ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJ ǁĞĂƌŝŶŐ Ă ĚĞŶƚƵƌĞ͕ ƚŚŝƐ ŐƌŽƵŶĚͲďƌĞĂŬŝŶŐ ƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ ŝƐ ŶŽǁ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ĂŶĚ ŵĂLJ ďĞ ƚŚĞ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ LJŽƵ͛ƌĞ ůŽŽŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌ͘ dŚŝƐ ƚƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ ƚƌŝĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƚĞƐƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ŐƌĞĂƚ ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐ͊ WĞƌŝŽ͛Ɛ ƚĞĂŵ ŽĨ ĚĞŶƚĂů ĞdžƉĞƌƚƐ ŽīĞƌƐ LJŽƵ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ŽĨ ĚĞŶƚĂů ĐĂƌĞ ŝŶ ƚǁŽ ŐƌĞĂƚ ůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ sĂŶĐŽƵǀĞƌ ĂŶĚ ŽƋƵŝƚůĂŵ͘ tĞ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵŵŝƩĞĚ ƚŽ ĐŽŶƟŶƵŝŶŐ ĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ƚŽ ĞŶƐƵƌĞ ŽƵƌ ƐŬŝůůƐ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ĮŶĞƐƚ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ͘ KƵƌ ĞdžƉĞƌƚƐ ĂƌĞ ŝŶ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚĞŵĂŶĚ ĂŶĚ ŚĂǀĞ ďĞĞŶ ŝŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁĞĚ ŽŶ ƚĞůĞǀŝƐŝŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƌĂĚŝŽ͕ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ŶĞǁƐƉĂƉĞƌ ĂƌƟĐůĞƐ ŽŶ ĐŽƐŵĞƟĐ ĂŶĚ ŝŵƉůĂŶƚ ĚĞŶƟƐƚƌLJ͘

Don’t wait another minute! Ăůů ƵƐ ƚŽĚĂLJ ĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌ ĐŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ ϲϬϰͲϴϳϮͲϬϮϮϮ

How are Teeth in One Day (All-on-4 implants) ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ĨƌŽŵ ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂů dentures? All-on-4 dental implants are a permaͲ ŶĞŶƚ ƐĞƚ ŽĨ ƚĞĞƚŚ ƚŚĂƚ ůŽŽŬ ĂŶĚ ĨĞĞů ůŝŬĞ LJŽƵƌ ŶĂƚƵƌĂů ƚĞĞƚŚ͘ dŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ƚĞĞƚŚ ƚŚĂƚ ǁŝůů ďĞ ďƌƵƐŚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ĐůĞĂŶĞĚ ůŝŬĞ ŶĂƚƵƌĂů ƚĞĞƚŚ͘ dŚĞLJ ĚŽ ŶŽƚ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŽ ďĞ ƚĂŬĞŶ ŽƵƚ͘ dŚĞLJ ĚŽ ŶŽƚ ŶĞĞĚ ĂĚŚĞƐŝǀĞƐ͘ dŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵĨŽƌƚĂďůĞ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ƚŚĞLJ ĚŽ ŶŽƚ ƉƌĞƐƐ ĚŽǁŶ ŽŶ LJŽƵƌ ŐƵŵƐ͘ ůůͲŽŶͲϰ ŝŵƉůĂŶƚƐ ĂůůŽǁ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ƚŚĞ ŚŽƚ ĂŶĚ ĐŽůĚ ŽĨ LJŽƵƌ ĨŽŽĚ͕ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ƚĂƐƚĞ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ƚŚĞ ƉĂůĂƚĞ ŝƐ ŶŽƚ ĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ ďLJ Ă ƉůĂƚĞ͘ dŚĞLJ ĂůƐŽ ĂůůŽǁ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ďŝƚĞ ǁŝƚŚ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞĚ force (up to 70% more), so you can eat Ăůů ŽĨ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞ ĨŽŽĚƐ ĂŐĂŝŶ͊





ϮϱϬͲϭϭϳϱ :ŽŚŶƐŽŶ ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ŽƋƵŝƚůĂŵ͕ ϲϬϰͲϵϯϲͲϴϮϰϰ


APRIL 2016

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Cover Vicki Gabereau transformed herself after retirement – from an interviewer extraordinaire to an impassioned shoe maven. Photos: Geoff Robson 6





t’s hard to imagine Canada’s chat queen, the princess of gab and arguably British Columbia’s favourite broadcaster was a bit of stinker in her early years, but there it is. Âł,ÂśP D VKRZ Rŕľľ , FDQÂśW KHOS LW ´ DGPLWV 9LFNL *DEHUHDX the former host of Gabereau on CBC Radio for 12 years and &79ÂśV Gabereau Live for eight, “and the more wild the situation gets, the wilder I get. It used to drive my mother crazy. Âľ'RQÂśW EH VR ZLOG 9LFNL Âś VKH ZRXOG WHOO PH 1RZ ZKHQ , ORRN back on those things, the chances I took and the perilous situations I put myself in, I mean you gotta be a crazy person, but it all ended up quite well.â€? 4XLWH ZHOO LQGHHG 9LFNL LV QRZ ÂżUPO\ URRWHG LQ MRE QXPEHU WKUHHÂŤ RU IRXU RU ÂżYH RU VL[ GHSHQGLQJ XSRQ ZKHQ \RX VWDUW FRXQWLQJ DV D :HVW 9DQFRXYHU VKRH EX\HU IRU KHU JRRG IULHQG 0DULO\Q 'HOLJHQWL 9LFNL NHHSV 0DULO\QÂśV ZRPHQÂśV ZHDU VWRUH DSSURSULDWHO\ QDPHG 0DULO\QÂśV RI :HVW 9DQFRXYHU ZHOO VWRFNHG ZLWK WKH ODWHVW IRRWZHDU 9LFNL ORYHV VKRHV “I’ve always been obsessed with shoes, even as a little kid,â€? she confesses. “All my family has teased me about being obsessed with shoes, so when Marilyn said why don’t we do shoes, I said ‘I’m in.’ I phoned the bank of my husband,â€? she laughs, “and I started to buy shoes. I didn’t buy into her business. I lease a space.â€? $W ÂżUVW JODQFH WKH\ DSSHDU WR EH SRODU RSSRVLWHV 9LFNL

seems capricious while Marilyn, the business woman, is grounded. Yet, they share a deep friendship, which began in high school and resurfaced decades later. “We both follow each other around in our brains in this darting fashion and seem to keep up with each other. I think that may be the true source of our relationship,â€? says Marilyn. “We will go in one direction and then, immediately, like a dolphin, turn around in another direction and there’s absolutely neither rhyme nor reason why it’s gone this way,â€? FRQFXUV 9LFNL “She’ll say something rude to me and I’ll say something rude to her,â€? continues Marilyn. “People will say are you two ÂżJKWLQJ" $UH \RX IULHQGV" 7KHQ , KDYH WR VD\ WKDW ZH OLNH HDFK other enormously.â€? 0DULO\Q DGPLWV VKH ZDV ZRUULHG ZKHQ 9LFNL UHWLUHG FRPpletely from broadcasting in 2005. Âł, VDLG \RX QHHG WR GR VRPHWKLQJ 9LFNL , GRQÂśW NQRZ what you’re doing. You don’t like cleaning your house that PXFK , NHSW WKURZLQJ GLŕľľHUHQW LGHDV DW KHU DQG VKH MXVW NHSW saying ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I don’t want to do that. I’m happy GRLQJ QRWKLQJ Âś $QG , VDLG WKDWÂśV MXVW ULGLFXORXV ,W ZHQW RQ OLNH WKDW IRU D IHZ \HDUV DQG , ZDV JHWWLQJ QRZKHUH , ÂżQDOO\ VDLG ZKDW DERXW VKRHV"´ Âł, ORYH VKRHV ´ UHSHDWV 9LFNL Âł:KHQ WKH QHZ VKLSPHQWV


APRIL 2016


Snapshot with Vicki Gabereau If you were to meet yourself at age 20, what advice would you give yourself? “Stop this madness. Pay attention. Go to university and do something useful. That’s what I think after all these years. It was pretty wild.� :KR RU ZKDW KDV LQćXenced you the most? And why? “Pierre Berton, Jack Webster, my father. They all had encyclopedic memories and I got it. The more you know, the more you want to know. You just get hungrier and hungrier to know stuff. You can’t not know stuff. You gotta have it cleared up. It’s like a drug. I want to know.� What does courage mean to you? “Courage comes from facing a life issue. It means not panicking about the future. Face it. Deal with it. Next.� What does success mean to you? “It means doing what you like to do and having somebody give you money to do it,� she laughs. “You want to spend your days doing something that intrigues you.�

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come in, I get so excited I can hardly stand it.â€? And as an added bonus, she pops into the store from time to time to chat up the customers. “This store is sort of like a little club,â€? she continues. “We have an area DW WKH IURQW FDOOHG )URQW 2ŕľśFH DQG we sit around and hear about everybody’s children and look at this picture and that picture. It’s chit-chatty. I wanted to be social and I like meeting women and they like to talk. I don’t have to prove anything to them,â€? she says of her newfound fan base. “All I have to do is respect their little feet.â€? 1RW WKDW VKH GLGQÂśW HQMR\ KHU HDUOLHU career as the host of her own radio and 79 VKRZV +HU \HDU FDUHHU JDUQHUHG tons of awards and a place in Canada’s Broadcaster Hall of Fame. “I did it for a long time and I pretty well loved every minute of it,â€? she says proudly. “I started in 1975 on a small radio station in Brampton, Ontario,â€? she continues. She says she went into radio because it was the only thing she knew. “I grew up with people who were on the CBC and I understood how it worked.â€? Her father’s best friend was writer and broadcaster Pierre Berton whom he met at an RŕľśFHUÂśV WUDLQLQJ FDPS GXULQJ ::,, %HUWRQ ZDV WR KDYH D SURIRXQG LQĂ€XHQFH RQ 9LFNLÂśV OLIH “I watched everybody work in that business and, to me, that’s what you did. Obviously, I wasn’t going to be a doctor EHFDXVH , GLGQÂśW ÂżQLVK KLJK VFKRRO DQG , believe you need that,â€? she laughs, “[in order] to go to medical school. I would have liked to be a nurse or a doctor, but I had no discipline.â€? She did, by the way, return to high school, but the early days, by her own admission, were chaotic. 9LFNL )LOLRQ JUHZ XS LQ .HUULVGDOH D WRQ\ PLGGOH FODVV SDUW RI 9DQFRXYHU 7KH IDPLO\ UHORFDWHG WR 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG DQG HYHQWXDOO\ WR :HVW 9DQFRXYHU Her father, Harry Filion, was a press photographer with the Vancouver Sun newspaper and when he wasn’t working at the paper, he was supporting the family photo studio doing portraiture by appointment and weddings on the weekHQGV 9LFNLÂśV 0RP 9HU\O UDQ WKH VKRS WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

Âł6KH ZDV WKH EXVLQHVV PLQG ´ VD\V 9LFNL Working the family business meant long hours for Mom and Dad and, as an only FKLOG \RXQJ 9LFNL ZDV UDLVHG ODUJHO\ E\ her grandmother. “They were fun, my parents. I had a wonderful life with them and my grandmother; she lived with us. It was a million laughs, but they got very upset with me because I wasn’t paying attention to my studies. In social studies, I got 98%. In math, I got 2%. If I liked it, I paid attention, but I wouldn’t concentrate on things I didn’t get. I couldn’t focus. I wanted out.â€? “And then, apparently, my father said to my mother, don’t worry about it, she’s going to grow up and get married anyway. My mother went ballistic and practically screwed herself into the ceiling and said ‘how dare you say such a WKLQJ :H MXVW FDQÂśW DEDQGRQ KHU Âś VR KH phoned Pierre and said ‘she’s driving me nuts,’ and Pierre said ‘I’ll take her.’ So, I got on the train, my father handed me another 200 bucks and said don’t drink gin. The minute I got on the train, I got a drink with gin in it, a pink lady.â€? 1RZ 9LFNL )LOLRQ IRXQG KHUVHOI DV D JXHVW RI WKH %HUWRQ IDPLO\ LQ .OHLQberg, north of Toronto. The Bertons sent her back to school and unwittingly introduced her to her future husband, 0LFKHO *DEHUHDX DW RQH RI WKHLU PDQ\ fundraisers. “It was a fundraiser for the Harold .LQJ )DUP D KDOI ZD\ KRXVH IRU JX\V RXW RI MDLO ´ VD\V 9LFNL 0LFKHO *DEHUHDX a magician, was the featured entertainer. They dated, married and, by the time VKH ZDV 9LFNL KDG JLYHQ ELUWK WR VRQ Morgan, and daughter, Eve. $ VXFFHVVLRQ RI VPDOO MREV IROORZHG She worked as a street vendor selling Indonesian clothing, as an actress in a softcore porn movie – “I played the wife. I was paid to keep my clothes on,â€? – and a professional clown with an entertainment company called Puck Rent-a–Fool. After DOO VKH ZDVQÂśW TXDOLÂżHG IRU DQ\WKLQJ EXW no matter, she was happy. And resourceful. When her husband Michel, by then D VRXQG UHFRUGLVW ZLWK &79 ZHQW RQ VWULNH VKH MRLQHG KLP GULYLQJ FDE “You have to deal with some weird characters,â€? she remembers. “It made my PRWKHU FRQIHVV ´ VD\V 9LFNL Âł6KH VDLG

it was a good thing you did all those things because you found out about the world and you probably wouldn’t be as interested in the work you do now, if you hadn’t done that.â€? In 1974, while still employed at Puck Rent-a-Fool, she ran for mayor of Toronto as professional clown, Rosy Sunrise. Just for the heck of it. She didn’t win, but she did make her mark. In one poll, she received two or three more votes than the local incumbent. “The expressions on their faces as they were counting up the EDOORWV Âą ÂľFDQ WKLV EH KDSSHQLQJ"Âś Âą VR IXQQ\ , ZLVK , KDG EHHQ there,â€? she says. “I was very interested in the fringe, in the underbelly and who was crazier than the next guy,â€? she says of those early days, “but I mean functionally crazy. What sparks some people to do what they do, accomplish musical brilliance RU DUWLVWU\ LQ DQ\ ÂżHOG" $OO WKH JUHDW SHRSOH ,ÂśYH WDONHG WR KDYH a little element of cuckoo.â€? When asked if she thinks she may have been a little cuckoo herself in those days, she replies with a story about addiction H[SHUW *DERU 0DWH DQG $WWHQWLRQ 'HÂżFLW 'LVRUGHU Âł$ERXW D PLOOLRQ \HDUV DJR , KDG *DERU 0DWH RQ P\ 79 show. He’s written about this. At the end, we’re talking and I VD\ \RX NQRZ ZKDW *DERU" 0\ GDXJKWHU VD\V , KDYH >$''@ and he looks at me in his measured way and says ‘oh, you do.’ I didn’t do it to defy convention; I did it because it sounded like a swell idea. I get excited, all cranked up. I think it’s part of one’s wiring and, if you can learn to harness it, you can end up doing great things.â€? Her radio pal, Bill Richardson, agrees. Initially hired to ERRN JXHVWV 5LFKDUGVRQ HYHQWXDOO\ EHFDPH 9LFNLÂśV RQ DLU sidekick and a radio personality in his own right. “She would take quite mediocre work, such as a prepared VFULSW DQG PDNH LW ZD\ EHWWHU WKDQ LW ZDV MXVW E\ EHLQJ KHUVHOI ´ he remembers. “Funny and irreverent and plain old smart. 5HVSHFWIXO \HV UHYHUHQW QRW VR PXFK ,W ZDVQÂśW KHU MRE WR EH reverent.â€? 8QGLVFLSOLQHG DV D FKLOG 9LFNL KLW WKH ERRNV DV DQ DGXOW hunkering down to prepare for the upcoming interview. True, she was driven by a fear of embarrassing herself and her guest on air, but it never showed. “There were a lot of times I was afraid,â€? she says. “That’s the lack of an educational background.â€? “She was doing as many as four long interviews a day, perhaps with a particle physicist one minute and a children’s book illustrator the next,â€? says Richardson. “On balance she did it supremely well. She understood what it meant to be a host, to create a space at the table for whoever’s arrived. She was a VWDQGDUG EHDUHU ´ KH FRQWLQXHV ÂłQRW MXVW IRU ZRPHQ LQ EURDGcasting but for anyone who wanted to do the sort of work she did, the long-form interview, and do it well. I really think it’s shocking that she’s never been given the Order of Canada.â€? +DSSLO\ VHWWOHG LQWR D QHZ FDUHHU DV D VKRH PDYHQ 9LFNL VD\V VKH GRHVQÂśW PLVV KHU IRUPHU WDON VKRZ OLIH 7KH ZRUN" 1R 7KH FDPDUDGHULH ZLWK KHU FUHZ" <HV $QG PD\EH WKH QRWRULHW\ “I like walking down the street with people smiling at me. I was never keen on anonymity,â€? she admits “I like to be quiet now. I like to sit at home and read.â€? Long GLYRUFHG IURP KHU ÂżUVW KXVEDQG VKH PDUULHG ORQJ WLPH SDUWQHU

7RP 5RZH D 9DQFRXYHU EDVHG ÂżOP SURGXFHU LQ +HU extended family includes a step-daughter from Tom, her own children, Morgan and Eve, and four grandchildren. She’s written an autobiography, This Won’t Hurt a Bit, and a cookbook and is busy with several philanthropic causes: the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs, Ovarian Cancer Canada and Jacqui Cohen’s Face the World Foundation, which raises money for the disadvantaged. Âł:RUGV RI ZLVGRP" , GRQÂśW KDYH PXFK ZLVGRP , KDYH D limited future and a lot of past.â€? Her past, she admits, ironiFDOO\ ERWKHUHG KHU FKLOGUHQ DW OHDVW DW ÂżUVW LQ PXFK WKH VDPH way her own unconventional behaviour bothered her mother decades ago. Âł, WKLQN P\ FKLOGUHQ ZRXOG KDYH EHHQ KDSSLHU LI , KDG MXVW been knitting squares in the corner,â€? she muses. “I was so misguided and ambitious and crazy. It was pretty wild. It’s better to have a normal mother. They don’t want them putting a bunch RI ZKLWH VWXŕľľ RQ WKHLU IDFH DQG UXQQLQJ DURXQG LQ D ZLJ ,WÂśV QRW good to have a crazy mother. It really isn’t.â€? But it’s all good now. Morgan and Eve, their respective SDUWQHUV DQG 9LFNLÂśV JUDQGFKLOGUHQ DOO OLYH LQ (QJODQG DQG VKH Ă€LHV DFURVV WKH SRQG RQFH D \HDU WR VHH WKHP “I’m a happy person,â€? she says. “I’m married to a wonderful man. I was married to a very good man. I have two great children and a great step-daughter who calls me wicked. I’m not beleaguered by poverty or ill health; it doesn’t get much better than that.â€? SL

Writers Wanted INSPIRED Senior Living invites freelance writers to join our team. If you are a passionate and creative storyteller interested in meeting new people and inspiring readers, contact the editor today. Prior publishing credits are not necessary, but attention to details and deadlines are a must. No age restrictions, but you should be familiar with our magazine and our mandate. Come with your story ideas or an enthusiasm to take on assignments.


APRIL 2016


Canada’s Best

More Than Just Dinosaurs The Alberta Badlands

The Train Robbery re-enactment.

y The Cowbo e th Singer on ie ir ra Alberta P Train.



s Canadians, usually when we want a good dose of history we travel to Europe or Asia, but a recent trip to the Badlands in southeastern Alberta proved to me that we have some rich history of our own worth exploring. Most of us recognize the Badlands for its several-million-yearold dinosaur bone and fossil beds and the world-renowned Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology. In recent years, however, local tourism has undertaken initiatives to broaden areas of cultural and historical interest to keep you coming back for more. According to Brad Tucker, executive director for Canadian Badlands, one such area of interest is “cowboy culture,� which celebrates the pioneer history of the West. “This culture really permeates the whole Badlands area, from quaint saloons like the Last Chance in Wayne, to the many excellent rodeos in the area, like Strathmore, to the local ranchers and farmers that can be observed as you drive through. Of course, the Calgary Stampede is one of the biggest tourist events that celebrate the cowboy culture, but it can be seen in the Canadian Badlands region every day of the year,� says Tucker. The Canadian dollar in its current slump adds to the appeal of travel to Canadian destinations, so I decide to make a trip to the Badlands for an extended weekend to check out some of the attractions the region is boasting. I grew up in Drumheller, but left in 1977, with limited return visits over the years, so I’m excited to see what’s changed. I drive in on Friday evening, appreciating the open skies and endless horizons in every direction, and catch one of the spectacular sunsets that are rare in the mountains where I live. The 10 8


drop into the Drumheller valley is sudden – one minute, I’m driving WKURXJK JROGHQ SUDLULH JUDVV ÂżHOGV DQG Ă€DW IDUPODQG DQG WKH QH[W I’m descending into a valley you don’t see coming until you are immediately upon it. Large valleys, such as this one, with its moonlike landscape comparable to no other I’ve seen in my travels, were formed by melting ice-age glaciers. )RU DFFRPPRGDWLRQ ,ÂśYH FKRVHQ 3HDUOÂśV % % ORFDWHG MXVW RXWside of town on the other side of the valley, for its location on a farm (including the most beautiful big red barn you’ve ever seen), and because I want to immerse myself in the pioneer culture. My cottage is called the Bunkhouse and was originally built in the ’70s for hired hands during the busy seasons at the farm. The owners, Michele and 'DQLHO /XFDV WXUQHG LW LQWR D % % LQ DQG WKH UXVWLF FDELQ LV decorated in a pioneer theme with prairie antiques like wash basins, ZKLVNH\ MXJV TXLOWV DQG ROG VXLWFDVHV 0LFKHOH NQRZQ IRQGO\ DV Pearl) shares, “Our guests appreciate that there’s room to roam on WKH IDUP DQG WDNH ORQJ ZDONV Rŕľľ WKH SRUFK DQG WKH\ DOZD\V ORYH RXU farm kitties and dog. In the last 10 years, we have seen the demographics changing to three generations of families travelling together and staying longer – many are choosing Drumheller as their summer destination.â€? On Saturday morning, my destination is the Atlas Coal Mine, the most complete historic mine site in Canada, located about 20 minutes away in East Coulee. It boasts Canada’s last standing wooden tipple, a tall structure that loaded and moved the extracted coal to FDUV RQ FRQYH\RU EHOWV 6WDŕľľ LV GUHVVHG LQ PLQLQJ FRYHUDOOV DQG WKH original buildings have been restored to maintain the authentic atmosphere. Our guide holds a wealth of knowledge and fun facts and


OHDGV XV WKURXJK WKH ROG RŕľśFH WKH FKDQJH URRP DQG XS LQWR WKH tipple. I learn that the miners knew to come to work if the light on the tipple was turned on in the morning, and that Drumheller FRDO EHFDPH NQRZQ IRU LWV UHG Âł:LOGÂżUH´ FRDO SRSXODU DW &KULVWmas time, but later discovered to be red paint splattered on the coal by an entrepreneur. The next stop is lunch at the Last Chance Saloon in Wayne, a 15-minute drive away into another branch of the valley, crisscrossing the Rosebud River over 11 bridges, most of them oneway, to get there. The family-friendly Saloon does not disappoint in pioneer ambience or dining pleasure. The hotel was built in :D\QH ZDV D ERRPLQJ FRDO WRZQ DW WKDW WLPH DQG LW KDV maintained its rustic, vintage atmosphere and dĂŠcor, but added an outdoor patio with covered picnic tables plus an outdoor bar where you can pull up a “saddleâ€? stool. They serve pub fare and WKH ÂżVK WDFRV , RUGHU DUH IUHVK DQG WDVW\ On the drive back to Pearl’s, I stop to stroll the downtown area – some buildings are familiar from my childhood, like the post RŕľśFH EXW PRVW KDYH FKDQJHG DQG WKHUH DUH QRZ PRUH JLIW VKRSV especially with the dinosaur theme. When I left in 1977, Tyrrell Museum did not exist, and the original dinosaur museum was a small building in the downtown core.

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The Sheriff at the Boardwalk in Big Valley Dinner is at Sublime, a farm-to-table restaurant boasting use of local ingredients and serving up such gastronomical delights as the Sublime Chicken (grilled chicken with melted asiago and basil cream sauce), paired with a summer seasonal cocktail, the fresh peach margarita. I meet some old friends there and we sit out on the porch – not one of us disappointed with our menu selection. For dessert, no one can decide which sounds best, so we order one of each to split between us. In the end, I declared the molten chocolate cake over whipped cream my favourite, but it was a tough choice. :LWK IXOO VWRPDFKV DQG OLJKW KHDUWV ZH KHDG Rŕľľ WR D 7RP &RFKUDQH FRQFHUW Âą WKH ÂżUVW LQ D VHULHV RI &DQDGLDQ ,FRQ FRQFHUWV WR be held at the Passion Play amphitheatre, Canada’s largest theatre VWDJH $FFRUGLQJ WR 9DQFH 1HXGRUI ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI WKH 3DVVLRQ 3OD\ &RFKUDQH ZDV FKRVHQ WR NLFN Rŕľľ WKLV VHULHV EHFDXVH of his connection to the Badlands; his 1992 “Life is a Highwayâ€? YLGHR ZDV ÂżOPHG LQ WKH DUHD 7KH DFRXVWLFV ZHUH VKDUS DQG FOHDU and we danced away the night under millions of stars in the big prairie sky. The next day, my prairie adventure continued as we made the hour drive to Stettler to hop on board the Alberta Prairie passenger train, a restored 1920 steam locomotive, complete with a bar, VQDFN VHUYLFH DQG RQ ERDUG HQWHUWDLQPHQW 7KLV MRXUQH\ WDNHV XV WR %LJ 9DOOH\ D VPDOO SUDLULH WRZQ NLORPHWUHV GRZQ WKH tracks. The pace was slow, which allowed breathtaking views of

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APRIL 2016

11 9

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JROGHQ SUDLULH ÂżHOGV SRSODU ÂżOOHG FRXlees, giant rolled hay bales, grazing cattle, old abandoned homesteads, and defunct farm equipment. Immediately before we arrive, we are treated to a train robbery performance, with the actors on galloping horses, “shootingâ€? at each other, and MXPSLQJ RQWR WKH WUDLQ WR FROOHFW PRQH\ IRU charity. There is plenty of time for lunch, then horse-drawn carriage or self-guided tours of the town, which has embraced the pioneer theme with its wooden Wild West boardwalk dĂŠcor, pioneer artifacts, historic railway baggage cars, old grain elevator, and locals dressed in period costume, LQFOXGLQJ D WRZQ 6KHULŕľľ ZKR ORRNHG OLNH he walked right out of the 1800s. As I prepare to leave on Monday, I take D PRPHQW WR UHĂ€HFW RQ D ZHHNHQG WKDW KDG EHHQ ZHOO ÂżOOHG ZLWK XQLTXH KLVWRU\ DZHsome music, good food, old friendships DQG IXQ :LWK D VDWLVÂżHG VLJK , SRLQW P\ vehicle west towards the mountains and WDNH Rŕľľ DFNQRZOHGJLQJ WKDW OLIH DV 7RP would say, is a highway. SL For IF YOU GO information, visit www.

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VANCOUVER Renfrew Care Centre Terraces on 7th

NANAIMO Nanaimo Seniors Village

WHITE ROCK White Rock Seniors Village Peace Portal Seniors Village

COURTENAY Comox Valley Seniors Village

COQUITLAM Dufferin Care Centre

QUALICUM BEACH The Gardens at Qualicum Beach

MAPLE RIDGE Maple Ridge Seniors Village

PARKSVILLE Stanford Seniors Village

SURREY Guildford Seniors Village Rosemary Heights Seniors Village

LANGLEY Langley Seniors Village CHILLIWACK Waverly Seniors Village Auburn Seniors Residence KAMLOOPS Kamloops Seniors Village SUMMERLAND Summerland Seniors Village WILLIAMS LAKE Williams Lake Seniors Village




APRIL 2016


Canadian Brew




revolution is brewing in the beer industry and we can thank our sons and daughters for it. Back in the day, most of us took our social cues from our parents. If Dad was drinking Molson’s Canadian, chances are we were too. These days, it’s often the reverse. Dad is drinking what the kids are drinking – craft beer. Initially the domain of the young, hipsters are helping oldsters discover artisanal suds. “You see younger people who have this great knowledge of craft beer turning their parents onto craft beer and opening their eyes. It’s fresh and exciting and not staid. It’s pretty cool. We see them come in together,â€? says Adam Tepedelen, a craft beer FRQVXOWDQW IRU 9LFWRULDÂśV &RRN 6WUHHW /LTXRU Âą KH KHOSV RZQHU *OHQQ %DUORZ PDLQWDLQ KLV LQYHQWRU\ Âą DQG DXWKRU RI Brewtal Truth, a comprehensive handbook on hand-crafted suds. “Most FUDIW EHHU GULQNHUV OLNH Ă€DYRXU WKH\ OLNH WR WU\ GLŕľľHUHQW VW\OHV of beers,â€? says Tepedelen. “And these are beers that are not generic in taste. They have distinctiveness.â€? .HQ %HDWWLH ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU RI WKH %& &UDIW %UHZHUV *XLOG VKDUHV 7HSHGHOHQÂśV REVHUYDWLRQV 7KH *XLOG UHSUHVHQWV per cent of BC’s 100-plus craft beer breweries. Âł<RXU \HDU ROG LV EX\LQJ ÂżYH RU VL[ GLŕľľHUHQW VW\OHV RI beer and taking them home and saying ‘Dad, Mom, you should try this.’ ‘Oh, I don’t drink beer, I only drink white wine’. ‘Oh, well here’s a beer for white wine drinkers.’ And then they try it and they think it’s really cool. We used to be loyal to a brand,â€? he adds. “The younger drinker is loyal to a category (craft beer) and loyal to a style within the category (IPA, lager, etc.) And listen to these titles. How could you not love these EUDQGV" +ROORZ 7UHH 3DFLÂżF 0LGQLJKW 5KDSVRG\ RU 6HVKTXLQR[ Âł7KHUH DUH GR]HQV RI GLŕľľHUHQW KRS YDULHWLHV WKDW FDQ EH used in beers and more are being developed constantly,â€? says Tepedelen. “Some impart citrus, some impart pine, and some

14 12


LPSDUW D EHUU\ Ă€DYRXU 7KHUH DUH WRQV RI GLŕľľHUHQW PDOWV OLNH darker roasted ones that will be in a porter or a stout. Even the \HDVW WKDW LV XVHG WR IHUPHQW LW FDQ SURGXFH GLŕľľHUHQW Ă€DYRXUV 7KHUH DUH SOHQW\ RI GLŕľľHUHQW RSWLRQV ´ The shift away from the traditional to the more artisanal EHHUV VWDUWHG LQ &DOLIRUQLD DQG PRYHG QRUWK &DQDGDÂśV ÂżUVW craft brewpub opened in 1982 in Horseshoe Bay, spurred by an eight-and-a-half month beer strike, which forced the owner, John Mitchell, to import beer from the States. Fed up with his problem of supply and the insipid taste of mainstream beer, Mitchell petitioned the BC government to make his own suds and won. Today, there are small, artisanal craft beer breweries WKURXJKRXW %& Âą WKH RŕľśFLDO FRXQW LV Âą ZLWK PRUH FRPLQJ on stream all the time. “It seems silly that we shouldn’t be able to nail the number, but they open so quickly,â€? says Beattie. “What I do know is 22 opened last year, 24 opened the year before and 15 are planned IRU WKLV \HDU :HÂśYH JURZQ E\ SHU FHQW RYHU WKH ODVW ÂżYH years while the beer market is actually declining.â€? 1HZ RZQHUV HQWHULQJ WKH ÂżHOG WHQG WR EH \RXQJ DQG HQWUHSUHQHXULDO .HQ %HDWWLH SHJV WKH DYHUDJH DJH DW 0DQ\ KDYH ZRUNHG LQ D EUHZHU\ EHIRUH XVXDOO\ LQ D MXQLRU FDSDFLW\ and are anxious to strike out on their own. Others come from UHWDLOLQJ VHUYLFH RU WKH KLJK WHFK VHFWRU 1RW RQO\ GR WKH\ EULQJ a youthful energy to the industry, but they introduce new business models as well. 9DQFRXYHUÂśV &DOOLVWHU %UHZLQJ &RPSDQ\ LV D FDVH LQ SRLQW &DOOLVWHU LV &DQDGDÂśV ÂżUVW EUHZLQJ LQFXEDWRU D FR RS RI VRUWV Co-founder Chris Lay used to be a web developer. His partner 'LDQD 0F.HQ]LH VWXGLHG VXVWDLQDEOH DJULFXOWXUH DQG LV QRZ D Continuing Studies Program Leader at the University of British &ROXPELD $V FDVXDO KRPH EUHZHUV SDUW RI D FOXE FDOOHG 9DQ-


Photo: Dave Shea

Craft Beers Make a

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oo W

brewers, they wanted to mix it up a bit. “Three years ago, Diana and I were looking for something a little more hands on,â€? says Lay, “looking to work with a product rather than pushing pixels around.â€? Inspired by a similar operation in Texas, the duo decided to build their own brewery and invite three other brew PDVWHUV WR MRLQ WKHP “Our idea was to create a space that would allow other brewers to come in and hone their craft and get commercial access without having to put in the monstrous amount of capital and time it takes to open your own brewery,â€? says /D\ +H DQG 0F.HQ]LH ERXJKW WKH JHDU the other companies bought in (they lease the facilities on a yearly basis) and all four make their own distinctive brands under their own distinctive label. Their colleagues save money on start-up costs, about a million dollars on average, DQG /D\ DQG 0F.HQ]LH KDYH DFFHVV WR D larger inventory. Âł7KH SD\EDFN LV EHLQJ DEOH WR RŕľľHU a variety of brands in our lounge,â€? says Lay, who sees mature couples popping in for a brew after visiting the antique store next door. .HQ %HDWWLH DGPLWV WKH PDFUR EUHZHUies still have an overwhelmingly large part of the market, 78 per cent, he says, but adds “10 years ago that number would have been 95 per cent. People are GHÂżQLWHO\ VKLIWLQJ ´ Âł:HÂśUH VHHLQJ WKLV WUHQG LQÂżOWUDWLQJ GLŕľľHUHQW GHPRJUDSKLFV GLŕľľHUHQW HFRQRPLF UDQJHV ´ FRQÂżUPV &KULV /D\ Âł:H see that all the time. We get young folks with their parents.â€? Demand is fuelling a growing industry but with so many craft breweries already established and more on the way, can the PDUNHWSODFH VXSSRUW VR PDQ\ XSVWDUWV" ,V LW VXVWDLQDEOH" <HV ´ 6D\V %HDWtie “because we’re still seeing so much growth in the outlying areas and if 78 per cent of the market doesn’t drink craft EHHU WKHQ WKDWÂśV MXVW RSSRUWXQLW\ WR PH I’m 54 and I know a lot of people my age who are now coming back to craft beer like they did when they got into wine for WKH ÂżUVW WLPH ´ Curiosity trumps apprehension. SL

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13 15

Canadian Eats .HQ %R[DOO RYHUORRNLQJ ćRZHULQJ SRWDWR FURS with Mt. Currie Mountain in the background.

Slow Food Inroads Cycling in the Pemberton Valley and Victoria

“Almost all day breakfasts� at Grimm's Gourmet & Deli, Pemberton.


Dinner at The Pony, Pemberton with their hand punched Pemby Potato fries.

The author and her partner, Ken Boxall, at the turnaround, Pemberton Valley Slow Food Cycle.


low Food is making inroads in British Columbia. And that’s MXVW DQ DSSHWL]HU Unhurried and deliberate – the Slow Food Movement started in 1986 on the Spanish Steps in Rome in protest over the proposed site of a McDonald’s chain (fast food) in a city known for its pasta, pecorino and prosciutto (slow food). 6ORZ )RRG FXOWLYDWHV HQGRUVHV DQG GHIHQGV *RRG &OHDQ DQG Fair food traditions in keeping with its manifesto: that slower lifestyle connects to consumption practices. “If today I want to go fast, I go fast. If tomorrow I want to go VORZ , JR VORZ :KDW ZH DUH ÂżJKWLQJ IRU LV WKH ULJKW WR GHWHUPLQH our own tempos,â€? says Slow Food founder Carlo Petrini. At 66, Carlo is, according to Time magazine, a Slow RevoluWLRQDU\ +H ZRQ WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV (QYLURQPHQWDO $ZDUG &KDPpions of the Earth). Slow Food International took root in 1989 and has now sprouted 150 grassroots organizations worldwide. In British &ROXPELD IRXU FKDSWHUV H[LVW WKH FLWLHV RI 9DQFRXYHU DQG 9LFWRULD DQG WKH UHJLRQV RI 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG 7KRPSVRQ 2NDQDJDQ DQG WKH &ROXPELD 9DOOH\ $OO VWULYH WR FRQQHFW IRRG SOHDVXUH ZLWK SURGXFW through farm-fresh education. We’re about to chow down. What better way to slow down than on a bicycle with elliptical pedal-power synching with each aroma LQKDODWLRQ HDFK EUHDWK H[KDODWLRQ DQG DQ GHJUHH YLHZ" 1RWKLQJ IDQF\ Âą ZH GRQ D KHOPHW GUHVV LQ OD\HUV VWDVK VRPH water, cruise, stop and savour.

Pemberton Slow Food Cycle Sunday Where/when: 35 kilometres north of Whistler, mid-August, in the Pemberton Valley Distance: 50 kilometres, out-and-back, self-guided (turn around when you want) How long since inception: 11 years Who organizes: in the last two years, Tourism Pemberton 7KH 3HPEHUWRQ 9DOOH\ 6ORZ )RRG &\FOH EHJDQ DV D VHHG SRWDWR idea of Anna Helmer and Lisa Richardson. To get the 27 varieties RI SRWDWR \RX ZDQW LQ 6SXG 9DOOH\ UH SODQW D OLWWOH FKXQN RI WKDW 16 14



same potato. To get the event you want, plant several hundred cyclists along a paved pathway with farmers, then hoe, hoe, hoe. That’s what Anna and Lisa did for nine years. “I like hoeing,â€? says Anna. “It’s peaceful, extreme, and‌ glamorous.â€? 7KLV LV WKH SDWK 'DYLG 0F.HQ]LH 3UHVLGHQW RI 7RXULVP Pemberton, continues to take in its 11th year, and he has secured an event coordinator for the 12th through 14th seasons. That’s the promise of a good crop. As well as maintaining safety, the event attracts international participants. The numbers are growing with 2,600 participants this year and over a dozen stops along the way. Purchases and displays vary each year. Baked goods, live entertainment, arts, crafts, preserves, the Pemberton Distillery’s 6FKUDPP 9RGND WDQWDOL]H 'UHDPFDWFKHU 0HDGRZV (TXHVWULDQ 7RXUV WHPSW ULGHUV WR WU\ RXW D VDGGOH RI D GLŕľľHUHQW VRUW :H ÂżOO RXU SDQLHUV ZLWK FDUURWV DQG OHPRQ FXFXPEHUV IURP Camel’s Back Harvest, fried bannock, butter tarts and zucchini cookies from roadside entrepreneurs and a spinach brioche IURP $FURVV WKH &UHHN 2UJDQLFVÂś &ROOHFWLYH .LWFKHQ *RXUPHW That’s lunch. By the time Mt. Currie’s late-afternoon glow is visible, ZHÂśUH LQ WKH KRW WXE DW 3HPEHUWRQ 9DOOH\ /RGJH VRDNLQJ XS D Coast Range panorama of which Whistler-Blackcomb is most famous. The lodge runs a free shuttle that delivers clients to the slopes slower than you can say “Slow Food Cycle Sundayâ€? (20 minutes isn’t that slow). 7KLV DZDUG ZLQQLQJ *UHHQ .H\ +RWHO KDV \HDU ORQJ UHFUHDWLRQDO SDFNDJHV ZKLFK UDQJH IURP JROI DQG ÂżVKLQJ WR ZHGdings, hiking and biking. %HIRUH OHDYLQJ 3HPEHUWRQ WKH QH[W GD\ ZH HQMR\ WKH 3RQ\ 5HVWDXUDQWÂśV UXVWLF GLQQHU IDUH DQG EUHDNIDVW DW *ULPPÂśV 'HOL Over at the Pemberton Museum, Dana Andrew, Program and Promotions Supervisor, shows us some of the 2,000 photographs and artifacts. This is Pemberton’s longest-running FRPPXQLW\ SURMHFW Dana’s Lil’wat (Mount Currie) forefathers knew all about Slow Food, and employed wise phrases like “take only what IRRG ZH QHHG´ .ÂśXOÂśWVDP DQG ÂłWDNH RQO\ ZKDW PDWHULDOV ZH QHHG´ .ÂśXOÂśDQWVXW Slow Food Vancouver Island Where: Lochside Trail begins one kilometre after exiting the Vancouver-Victoria (Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay) BC Ferries Distance: 32 km one-way from Swartz Bay to Victoria Leaving Swartz Bay ferry, we ride the bike lane one kiloPHWUH ZLWK WKH WUDŕľśF DQG WDNH WKH ÂżUVW RYHUSDVV WR /RFKVLGH Regional Trail, which parallels the Patricia Bay Highway 17 and brings cyclists along Sidney’s waterfront. It is due south all WKH ZD\ LQWR 9LFWRULD RYHU WKH -RKQVRQ 6WUHHW %ULGJH EXW QRW before dawdling along some lovely rural stretches. /RFKVLGH 7UDLO ZDV RQFH D GDLO\ *HQHUDO (OHFWULF JDV FDU OLQH WKDW WUDQVSRUWHG SDVVHQJHUV DQG IUHLJKW QRUWK RI 9LFWRULD ,W LQWHUVHFWV WKH *DOORSLQJ *RRVH 5HJLRQDO 7UDLO ZKLFK QHFNODFHV

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APRIL 2016

15 17

VRXWK DQG ZHVW RI 9LFWRULD WKH ¿QDO OHJ LQWR WKH FLW\ We skip our usual lunch stop at Adrienne’s Restaurant & Tea *DUGHQ 0DWWLFNœV )DUP ZKLFK KDV EHHQ D PDUNHW SURYLGHU RI fresh produce, art and entertainment since the 1950s, in order to UHDFK 9LFWRULDœV 3XEOLF :HGQHVGD\ 0DUNHW DW WKH +XGVRQ EHIRUH LW FORVHV DW SP 7KH PDUNHW LV 9LFWRULDœV RQO\ LQGRRU \HDU URXQG PDUNHW according to Market Manager, Corry Matechuk, and is located in the old Hudson’s Bay Building on Douglas Street. There are VHYHUDO RUJDQLF SURGXFHUV WR WDVWH 8QVZRUWK 9LQH\DUGV 5HVWDXrant & Winery to sample, and live music to take in. :H SXOO XS D FKDLU EHVLGH D *HUPDQ FRXSOH YLVLWLQJ IURP 'XVseldorf. We’re at Cowichan Bay Seafood, one of the market’s SHUPDQHQW YHQGRUV 7KH 'XVVHOGRU¿DQV DUH VLSSLQJ ZKLWH ZLQH anticipating fresh-cooked Dungeness crab. We’ve got seafood chowder on the go. Cowichan Bay Seafood prides itself on sustainable viability in association with SeaChoice, a coalition of Canadian conservation organizations who raise public awareness of our oceans and what’s in them. This is all in keeping with the Slow Fish campaign, part of the Slow Food Movement. %DFN LQ WKH V 9LFWRria’s citizens voted for access to fresh farm produce, and 60 stalls stayed open until grocery food chains made food more accessible in the 1920s. 1RZDGD\V ZHœYH FRPH WR an appreciation and protection of local water, air and soil, and WKH 9LFWRULD 0DUNHW SDUWQHUV ZLWK 6ORZ )RRG 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG WKH FLW\ RI 9LFWRULD DQG ORFDO FRQVHUYDWLRQ DQG VWHZDUGVKLS LQLWLDtives. We’ve ridden. We’ve snacked. We’re ready to slow down. Albion Manor Bed and Breakfast is one of Trip Advisor’s recRPPHQGDWLRQV DV D 7RS 9LFWRULD UHVSLWH 6LWXDWHG WZR EORFNV south of the Legislature Buildings and three blocks from the Royal BC Museum, downtown and shopping, it epitomizes quiet comfort and beauty. 3URSULHWRUV )HUQDQGR *DUFLD DQG 'RQ +DOWRQ DUH IUHTXHQW visitors to auction houses, and 90 per cent of the manor’s layout is in their artistic sense of taste. Both Fernando and Don have left a creative imprint inside and outside the 1892 heritage house. 7UXO\ 9LFWRULDœV 9LFWRULDQ MHZHO WKHUHœV EHDXW\ DW HYHU\ WXUQ on the ceiling frescoes and walls (paintings, prints and sculptures, many, Fernando’s own), in the chinaware, ceramics, draperies, lamps and ornately-carved woodwork, in the bedrooms (with names like Oscar Wilde, Shakespeare, Renoir and Henry 9,,, LQ WKH FRPPRQ DUHDV DQG LQ WKH (QJOLVK FRXQWU\ JDUGHQ Fernando added the green, yellow and red ornamentation of the exterior paint along a wrap-around veranda where natural light streams in. 7KH 9LFWRULDQ HUD LV D WLPHIUDPH RI 4XHHQ 9LFWRULDœV UXOH 18 16


DV RSSRVHG WR D VW\OH EXW )HUQDQGR DQG 'RQ KDYH that in eclectic spades. The dining room table is set for 10 with a dahlia centerpiece from the lush varieties outside. We eat fashionably late in the second shift. Fernando serves fruit salad and yogurt as a prelude to Don’s Lemon Ricotta Pancakes (recipes to-die-for on their website). We move on to The Pedaler for a guided bicycle tour with Paul Rayman. He and his wife, Rosemary Lee, are co-owners. We review some safety rules of the road before nibbling our way WKURXJK 9LFWRULDÂśV JDVWURQRPLF EDFN VWUHHWV Paul says, “Tourism is now all about active, culinary and eco.â€? The Pedaler leads several tours on these three themes: Castles, Hoods & Legends, Beans & Bites, Happy Hour Ride and Eat, Drink, Pedal. We begin the latter a few short blocks away at historic Beacon Hill Park. Paul draws our attention to two beacons (up on the hill). “If sailors lined up the beacons: the blue square through the green triangle, they’d be on the rocks.â€? In like fashion, Paul guides XV VDIHO\ VLQJOH ÂżOH VWRSSLQJ centrally at some stop lights where a cycling symbol is painted in the lane. “Do you NQRZ ZKDW WKLV LV"´ Bicycle (car and motorcycle) metal triggers wireless sensors. Cars do it by mass, but bikes and scooters need to straddle wheels over the cut Overtaking a four-wheeler. in the pavement to activate a light change with their (lesser) PDJQHWLF ÂżHOG “I met the octogenarian who engineered it here at this very intersection,â€? says Paul. He gives us (and nearby drivers) clear signals (right, left, slow, stop), and if we feel comfortable with one-handed steerage, Paul encourages us to mimic him. First stop is Zambri’s, rated by the Italian Chamber of ComPHUFH DV 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQGÂśV RQO\ DXWKHQWLF ,WDOLDQ UHVWDXUDQW We pull up at the bar ahead of the lunch crowds, and Chef Peter Zambri slides a prize pizza under our proboscises. Rave reviews and awards from Eat, Vancouver and Saveur Magazine as well as the Vancouver Sun tout their prestige. A royal Queen pizza suits us, right down to (and including) her crusty crown. We’re really rolling now‌ over to Cold Comfort Ice Cream, ZKHUH ZH FOHDQVH RXU SDODWHV ZLWK D FKRLFH RI RYHU Ă€DYRXUV 'DLU\ IUHH FRFRQXW PLON ZLWK DQ DOPRQG Ă€RXU DQG PHULQJXH VDQGZLFK DQG D 5DVSEHUU\ 5RVH DQG *ROGHQ *UDKDP ZLWK VDOWHG FDUDPHO LFH FUHDP WLH IRU ÂżUVW /XFNLO\ WKHUH DUH QR ELJ XSKLOOV DW WKLV SRLQW .LG 6LVWHU provides ice pops, paletas or popsicles. Ours has locally-picked FKHUU\ OLPH SRLJQDQF\ PDGH LQ VPDOO EDWFKHV RI IUHVK Ă€DYRXU RQ a stick.


One of Top Chef CanadaÂśV FRQWHQGHUV LV &KHI .XQDO *KRVH RI 9LFWRULD +DUERXUÂśV 5HG )LVK %OXH )LVK IDPH ZKR SUHSDUHV nine kinds of tartines. A zesty shrimp open-faced sandwich is our choice on the brick patio at this line-and-hook eatery. Sustainability is in the restaurant’s name, Fish Hook, which opened in August, 2015 on Fort Street. We’re certainly hooked. Pairings with salad or soup to satisfy every palate reel us in. )LVK +RRN SDUWQHUV ZLWK WKH 9DQFRXYHU $TXDULXPÂśV 2FHDQ Wise conservation program in selecting recommended species WKDW DUH UHVLOLHQW WR ÂżVKLQJ SUHVVXUHV E\ FDWFK DQG GHVWUXFWLRQ of marine habitats. Look for the Ocean Wise stamp of approval. It’s time for dessert. We meet the mother-and-daughter team of Pure Lovin’ Chocolate, who started their business in 2012. /HDK SUHVHQWHG &LQG\ ZLWK D 0RWKHUVÂś 'D\ SUHVHQW RI 9HJDQ 7UXྡHV DQG WKH\ KDYHQÂśW ORRNHG EDFN VLQFH Âł5ROOHG LQ FRFRD SRZGHU WKH\ UHVHPEOH PXVKURRP WUXྡHV ´ explains Leah, a Red Seal chef with a leaning towards sweets. “That’s where the resemblance ends.â€? Pure Lovin’ Chocolate produces organic, vegan, fair-trade, soy and gluten-free treats. We select two each from the Cups Collection, Fleur de Sel Caramels, Peppermint and Maple Creams and tuck them away for another day’s indulgence. Our last stop is Bon Macaron Patisserie Ltd. Macarons, their meringue shells, dusted with powdered almonds, are gluten-and-dairy-free delights and come in a myriad of VZHHW VDYRXU\ ÂżOOLQJV

We pop a pineapple-basil and a key lime and wait for the Ă€DYRXU H[SORVLRQ )RUWXQDWHO\ WKHUHÂśV D .LWVLODQR DQG *UDQYLOOH Island Bon Macaron Patisserie location to satisfy Mainlanders. %URRNH )DGHU OHDGHU RI 6ORZ )RRG 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG DQG *XOI ,VODQGV LV FR RZQHU RI :LOG 0RXQWDLQ 5HVWDXUDQW ZLWK KHU FKHI KXVEDQG 2OLYHU .LHQDVW 7KH\ DUH ERWK IRXQGLQJ members of Slow Fish Canada. It’s time, in their estimation, to connect, cook and share food from its source. What better way WR XQGHUVWDQG DSSUHFLDWH UHVSHFW DQG VXSSRUW ORFDO JURZHUV" “Many seniors are lucky enough to be able to make that >IRRG@ FKRLFH VR ZK\ QRW EHFRPH FR SURGXFHUV"´ VD\V %URRNH “Co-producers are empowered consumers who actively help produce the food they want to eat.â€? Brooke’s passion for engaging people on how to consume inspires more food for thought. We’ve met growers along the food route of Slow Food &\FOH LQ WKH 3HPEHUWRQ 9DOOH\ :HÂśYH PDGH LQURDGV DORQJ /RFKVLGH 7UDLO LQWR 9LFWRULD WR WDVWH IURP VRPH RI 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQGÂśV 6ORZ )RRG LQĂ€XHQFHUV 7KDW PDNHV XV ERQD ÂżGH ZHOO IHG FR SURGXFHUV SL Want to get involved? Take in the Slow Food, Canada National Summit in Invermere in the Columbia Valley from April 6-10, 2016, known as “the little Slow Food convivium that could.â€? This year’s event is all about “Feeding the Future.â€? Become a Slow Food member; go to a Slow Food event; get Slow Food’s monthly newsletter. Become a co-producer.

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APRIL 2016

17 19

Georgian Bay

Canada’s Best

The Sounds of



he short chirping whistles of osprey and the tremulous wails of the loons echo over the rippling water as motoring boats and humming sea planes permeate the sounds of nature. These sounds abound on the bay yet the key Sounds of *HRUJLDQ %D\ DUH WKH ZDWHUIURQW FRPPXQLWLHV RI 3DUU\ 6RXQG DQG Owen Sound. We initiated our tour with a Bay Street strip stroll. At the end of Bay Street is the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame, arguably the best 1+/ GHIHQVHPDQ WR HYHU ODFH XS D SDLU RI EODGHV $ QDWLYH RI 3DUU\ 6RXQG %REE\ SOD\HG IRU WKH 2VKDZD *HQHUDOV DV D MXQLRU DQG the Boston Bruins for a decade, leading them to a pair of Stanley Cup victories. The well-respected and humble individual was the youngest to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1979. In the same year, he was the recipient of the Order of Canada for demonstrating an exceptional level of talent and service to CanaGLDQV 7KLV LQWHUDFWLYH PXVHXP R྾HUV YLUWXDO UHDOLW\ KRFNH\ JDPHV and features rare memorabilia. )DUWKHU DORQJ WKH VWUHHW RQH FDQ ¿QG D FRXSOH RI HDWHULHV WR VDWLDWH RQHVHOI .XGR .XLVLQH IRU D ¿QH GLQLQJ H[SHULHQFH DQG WKH popular Bay Street CafÊ. The Bay Street CafÊ sits directly across IURP WKH GRFNV KDUERXULQJ *HRUJLDQ $LUZD\V DQG WKH Island Queen cruise vessel. )RU D FORVHU ORRN DW VRPH RI WKH ,VODQGV ZH ERDUG the triple-decker Island Queen. As Canada’s largest sightseeing YHVVHO LW FDQ FDUU\ SDVVHQJHUV R྾HULQJ WZR DQG WKUHH KRXU

20 18


cruises. The two-hour morning cruise reveals the rugged beauty of the inner islands with their windswept pines. An afternoon outer island wilderness cruise exposes secluded waterways and graniteVFXOSWHG 3UHFDPEULDQ 6KLHOG 5HIHUUHG WR DV WKH ÂłVL[WK *UHDW Lake,â€? it has the world’s largest concentration of islands and was DZDUGHG %LRVSKHUH 5HVHUYH VWDWXV LQ E\ WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV We appear to be threading the needle at one point as the Island Queen navigates through the “Hole in the Wall.â€? This is the narURZHVW SDUW RI WKH FKDQQHO DW PHWUHV DQG RQO\ IRXU PHWUHV GHHS We pass Huckleberry Island on the starboard side and Wall Island, D IRUPHU 2MLEZD EXULDO JURXQG FHQWXULHV DJR RQ WKH SRUW VLGH :H observe the natural habitat of the indigenous fowl, as well as the occasional human-made inuksuk. Following a morning on the water, we were prepared for some DLU WLPH :KDW EHWWHU ZD\ WR HQMR\ OXQFK DQG DW WKH VDPH WLPH SDUWDNH LQ D )O\ 'LQH H[SHULHQFH 6LQFH *HRUJLDQ %D\ $LUZD\V KDV SDUWQHUHG ZLWK +(15<Âś6 )LVK 5HVWDXUDQW LQ 6DQV Souci Township. It seemed appropriate to pre-order some panIULHG SLFNHUHO DIWHU DOO ZH ZHUH Ă€\LQJ WR )U\LQJ 3DQ ,VODQG :H Ă€HZ DW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PHWUHV DERYH WKH URFN\ DQG IRUHVWHG LVODQGV IRU DERXW PLQXWHV RU NP DV WKH FURZ Ă€LHV 7KLV proved to be a good aerial view of cars crossing over and boats motoring under the Rose Point Swing Bridge connecting to Parry ,VODQG 1LFROH DQG .HLWK 6DXOQLHU RSHUDWH WKUHH VHD SODQHV ZKLFK Ă€\ DQ DYHUDJH RI SDVVHQJHUV D VHDVRQ EHLQJ VKXWWOHG IRU


this lunchtime experience. “Since its inception, the Fly & Dine UHPDLQV RQH RI *HRUJLDQ %D\ $LUZD\V VLJQDWXUH WRXUV :H KDYH added the option to Hike & Fly on Wreck Island, which has gone RYHU H[WUHPHO\ ZHOO ´ .HLWK H[SODLQV WR XV $UULYLQJ DW +(15<Âś6 ZH VHOHFW D WDEOH RYHUORRNLQJ WKH GRFNV ZKHUHXSRQ ZH DUH VHUYHG RXU IUHVK JROGHQ EURZQ SDQ IULHG ÂżVK +(15<Âś6 PDQDJHG IRU RYHU WZR GHFDGHV E\ 3DXO DQG -RDQQH Elliott, is also a federally registered airport for various sea plane airlines. 7KH QH[W PRUQLQJ ZH HQMR\ D VFUXPSWLRXV EUHDNIDVW DW WKH aptly named “40 Bay Streetâ€? Bed & Breakfast. The cozy century KRPH RŕľľHUV WKUHH URRPV ZLWK DOO WKH DPHQLWLHV DQG D TXDLQW VXQ porch on which to relax at the end of the day. Jovial proprietor and hostess, Susan, provides fresh fare aplenty for her guests. To aid digestion of our delectable morning meal, we decide to go for a stroll along Parry Sound’s Fitness Trail connecting parks, beaches and historical sites. 'LDJRQDOO\ DFURVV WKH %D\ LV 2ZHQ 6RXQG MXVW D WKUHH KRXU GULYH VRXWKZHVW 7KH DQQXDO ZHHNHQG 6XPPHUIRON DW .HOVR %HDFK Park draws close to 12,000 people of all ages. The popular Music and Crafts Festival has numerous musical performers and artisans. We visit the food village and sample some of the cornucopia of culinary creations. Meandering through the park grounds, one can pause for musical entertainment at a half-dozen venues and encounter various craft vendors along the way. It was nice to see Summerfolk had adopted green initiatives, composting and recycling with a solar-powered dishwashing station. A Quench Buggy was available on site providing free potable ZDWHU IRU WKRVH ZLWK UHÂżOODEOH ERWWOHV Rocky Raccoon CafĂŠ serves their festival fare on reusable GLQQHUZDUH 2ZQHG DQG PDQDJHG E\ DZDUG ZLQQLQJ 1HSDOHVH Chef, Robin Pradhan, his “global cuisineâ€? is a refreshing addition to a local epicurean experience. “The city is the cultural hub of WKH UHJLRQ ZLWK PDMRU IHVWLYDOV DQG HYHQWV DOO \HDU ORQJ ´ 3DXOHWWH Peirol of Owen Sound Tourism conveys to us. “There is always something happening here.â€? During further exploration, we visited the three main waterfalls LQ WKH DUHD 1RUWK RI WRZQ LV WKH ,QGLDQ )DOOV &RQVHUYDWLRQ $UHD A short hike through the woods reveals a horseshoe-shaped alcove highlighting the veiled falls. South of here, the Pottawatomi Conservation Area is home to Jones Falls cascading down a 12-metre rocky slope. We continue along the Bruce Trail, which led us to the Sydenham River and Inglis Falls plunging 18 metres over tiered rocks into a deep gorge. 1RUWK RI ,QJOLV )DOOV WKH NP %UXFH 7UDLO OHDGV RQH LQWR +DUULVRQ 3DUN ZKHUH \RX FDQ ÂżQG WKH KLVWRULF )UHHGRP 7UDLO 7KH symbolic Black History Cairn Memorial is located here, recognizing Owen Sound as the most northern terminus on the Underground Railroad. An estimated 100,000 slaves escaped to Canada EHWZHHQ DQG 7KH &DLUQ FRQWDLQV VWRQHV IURP $IULFD VODYH DQG IUHH VWDWHV DQG &DQDGLDQ ERUGHU SRLQWV WR WKH MRXUQH\ north. This summer, the annual 154th Anniversary Emancipation Celebration Festival (OSEF) will be held in Harrison Park on the weekend before the Civic Holiday (formerly Simcoe Day). /LHXWHQDQW *RYHUQRU RI 8SSHU &DQDGD -RKQ *UDYHV 6LPFRH (1752–1806), was instrumental in the gradual abolition of slavery



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July 24 - 28: 5 Days

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APRIL 2016

19 21

E\ OHJLVODWLQJ 7KH 6ODYH $FW $ UH GHGLFDWLRQ FHUHPRQ\ of the Cairn with new commemorative stones will be held in this popular 99-acre parkland. “The Festival is a testament to the city’s multicultural roots and the importance placed on it by the Black community, many of whom can claim they are descendants of slaves,â€? explains %ODLQH &RXUWQH\ 26() &KDLUPDQ ,Q WKH 79 6HULHV TURN: Washington’s Spies 6LPFRH LV GHSLFWHG DV D EUXWDO %ULWLVK RŕľśFHU Back in town at the Billy Bishop Museum and former home RI &DQDGDÂśV SUHPLHU :RUOG :DU , ÂżJKWHU SLORW LV DQ $IULFDQ Canadian tribute display entitled “Breaching the Colour BarULHU ´ 7KH 9LFWRULDQ VWUXFWXUH ORFDWHG LQ D 1DWLRQDO +LVWRULF Site, houses Billy’s 16 military medals, dedication exhibits and memorabilia. Another interesting museum is located at the former Canadian 1DWLRQDO 5DLOZD\ ZDWHUIURQW GHSRW 7KH 0DULQH 5DLO 0XVHXP RŕľľHUV D URWDWLQJ FROOHFWLRQ RI DUWLIDFWV UHOLFV DQG VFDOH PRGHOV ZLWK D UHVWRUHG &1 FDERRVH RXWVLGH $OVR LQ IURQW RI WKH PXseum/tourist info centre is the real-life Ancaster, the venerable vessel that can also be seen depicted on the back of the discontinued Canadian one dollar bill.

Billy Bishop Home & Museum. &XUUHQWO\ WKH *UH\ %UXFH 6LPFRH FRXQWLHV DUH DOO H[SHULHQFLQJ UHVXUJHQFH LQ SRWHQW SRWDEOHV 7KH 6RXWK *HRUJLDQ Bay counties were home to several successful breweries and distilleries that emerged with early settlers. Alcohol consumption moved underground due to the Temperance movement and Prohibition laws with secretive bootlegging operations consequently evolving. ³6SLULWHG´ ¾6DLQWV 6LQQHUVœ WRXUV RI 94$ ZLQHULHV KHULWDJH cideries and craft breweries are available from producers at these IDFLOLWLHV DQG IDUPV 2QH PD\ HQMR\ HYHU\WKLQJ IURP IRRG SDLUings to full meals to accompany your beverage of choice. They all produce sustainable libations utilizing locally-grown grapes, apples and hops. Time your tour accordingly and you may encounter a homey festival or two en route. As sure as the regional winds resound and awaken your senses, the invigorating breeze beckons your return to the Sounds of *HRUJLDQ %D\ SL For IF YOU GO information, visit articles/georgian-bay 22 20



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APRIL 2016

21 23


Roozengaarde display gardens

Tulip Time



acking light, we rack up our bikes and head for the Skagit 9DOOH\ 7XOLS )HVWLYDO $ FRPIRUWDEOH $UOLQJWRQ EDVH DZDLWV us in Washington State, an easy drive south of the border. :HOFRPHG E\ IULHQGO\ KRWHO VWD྾ DQG JHDU VWRUHG LQ RXU VSDFLRXV URRP ZHœUH UHDG\ WR H[SORUH WKH 6NDJLW 5LYHU 9DOOH\ EHVW NQRZQ IRU JORULRXV VSULQJ ÀRZHU ¿HOGV (YHU\ VSULQJ VDXF\ \HOORZ GD྾RGLOV WUXPSHW WKH FRPLQJ RI WKH UHQRZQHG WXOLSV $QG WKRXVDQGV RI YLVLWRUV OLNH XV ÀRFN WR 0W 9HUQRQ WR VWUROO DPLG DFUHV RI EHDXWLIXO EORRPV RU DWWHQG KXQGUHGV of scheduled events and activities taking place all month. InauJXUDWHG LQ WKH 7XOLS )HVWLYDO KDV ORQJ PDUNHG WKH ÀRZHUVœ arrival with art shows, galas, parades, concerts, salmon barbeques and much more. Undeterred by unsettled weather, we’re ready for tulip advenWXUHV )LHOGV W\SLFDOO\ EORVVRP LQ $SULO WKRXJK 0RWKHU 1DWXUH determines exactly when! At festival headquarters, locals tell us SODQWV ÀRZHUHG PXFK HDUOLHU WKDQ XVXDO VR ZH IHHO OXFN\ WR DUULYH before the end of the bloom. 3DVVLQJ 0W 9HUQRQœV WXOLS WRZHU ZH IROORZ D ZHOO PDUNHG route toward two bulb-growing farms extraordinaire: Roozengaarde and Tulip Town, long-time festival sponsors. Each one R྾HUV GD]]OLQJ ¿HOGV GLVSOD\ JDUGHQV ZRUWK\ RI PHPRUDEOH photos, spectacular ideas for home gardens and compelling VWRULHV ,Q SUHYLRXV \HDUV ZH MRLQHG RWKHUV F\FOLQJ IDUP URDGV WR IDU ÀXQJ YHQXHV $FURVV WKH ÀDW JUHHQ YDOOH\ ZH VRRQ VLJKW 5RR]HQJDDUGHœV WXOLS ¿HOGV 7KH 5RR]HQ IDPLO\ EHJDQ UDLVLQJ WXOLSV LQ +ROODQG during the 1700s. With six-generations of expertise behind him, William Roozen emigrated in 1947, starting his own bulb farm on ¿YH DFUHV LQ 1RZ WKH ZRUOGœV ODUJHVW EXOE JURZHU KH UDLVHV WXOLS GD྾RGLO DQG LULV EXOEV RQ RYHU DFUHV RI ODQG DQG LQVLGH 16 acres of greenhouses. 24 22


Roozengaarde’s manicured, three-acre display gardens VKRZFDVH VSULQJ Ă€RZHULQJ EXOEV HYHU\ \HDU $PLG WKLV PDJQLÂżFHQFH RQH FKDWW\ JDUGHQHU WHOOV XV KRZ WKRXVDQGV RI fertile acres in the Skagit delta have been farmed since the early 1900s. “Yup. Crops of all kinds thrive in our mild maritime climate, including spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts,â€? he grins. Âł$QG GLG \RX NQRZ DFUHV RI FXFXPEHUV DUH SODQWHG MXVW IRU SLFNOHV" ,WÂśV RQH RI RXU ELJJHVW FURSV $OWRJHWKHU RYHU FRPmercial crops are grown here, but the showiest by far is the tulip FURS ´ &OHDUO\ EXOE JURZLQJ DQG Ă€RZHU KDUYHVWLQJ KDV EHFRPH big business. And one little known fact intrigues us: for every acre RI WXOLSV WKHUH DUH 7:2 RI GDŕľľRGLOV There’s also a lot going on at nearby Tulip Town, including the YDOOH\ÂśV RQO\ LQGRRU VKRZ JDUGHQ 1R PDWWHU ZKDW WKH ZHDWKHU outside, folks can browse inside the spacious barn. Amid a profuVLRQ RI GLVSOD\V ZH ÂżQG DUWV\ VRXYHQLUV VXFK DV EHDXWLIXO SRVWHUV IURP SDVW IHVWLYDOV $V ZHOO ZH PHHW RZQHUV 7RP 'H *RHGH originally from Holland, wife Jeannette, from Quebec and even sister-in-law Helga, who comes from Holland every season to KHOS ZLWK WKH Ă€RZHU VKRS They point out huge murals decorating both sides of the long JDOOHU\ SHUIHFW EDFNGURSV IRU VWXQQLQJ Ă€RZHU DUUDQJHPHQWV 7KH Dutch landscapes on one side represent Tom’s hometown, comSOHWH ZLWK VNLŕľľV Ă€RDWLQJ IUHVK WXOLSV WR PDUNHW DORQJ WKH FDQDOV ,WV Ă€RZHU VKRS GLVSOD\V -HDQHWWH DQG +HOJDÂśV QDPHV $Q RSSRVLWH PXUDO GHSLFWV 0W 9HUQRQÂśV WXOLS IDUPV VZHHSLQJ JUHHQ FRXQWU\side and snowcapped Mount Baker; a mock stream carries tulips in little boats. With a twinkle in her eye, Jeanette tells us their story. “One weekend in the 1980s, I was picking tulips, when two cars parked DW WKH URDGVLGH 7KH GULYHUV ZDQWHG WR EX\ Ă€RZHUV DQG ZDON LQ RXU ÂżHOGV 7KDW ZDV WKH EHJLQQLQJ 2YHU WLPH PRUH IRONV FDPH


by. Eventually, cars lined up alongside the road as far as the H\H FRXOG VHH 7R JHW LQWR WKH ÂżHOGV RU WR EX\ ERXTXHWV UHTXLUHG crossing the ditch on a rough plank. Well, it didn’t take long before we became a two-plank operation, one going and one coming back. About 1982, I started selling tulip bunches to the public from a borrowed roadside stand and even more people WRRN QRWLFH 9LVLWRUV QRZ FRPH KHUH IURP DOO RYHU ´ 7RGD\ apple, pear and cherry trees divide their 500-car parking lot. And recalling past harvesting and planting days, old farm machinery decorates landscaped borders. 7KH Âł5DLQERZ RI &RORXU´ ÂżHOG H[KLELWV RYHU WXOLS YDULHWLHV 7KH 3HDFH *DUGHQ Ă€LHV Ă€DJV IURP WKH :RUOGÂśV 7XOLS Summit, a gathering of 14 countries promoting peace. The 'H *RHGHÂśV DUH HVSHFLDOO\ SURXG RI WKHLU :RUOG 3HDFH WXOLS 2ŕľľHULQJ VRPHWKLQJ QHZ HYHU\ \HDU WKLV \HDUÂśV 'XWFK 9LOODJH features a windmill replicating the one in Tom’s village. Tulip Town windmill.

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Joining hordes of families, we walk among brilliant swaths of alternating red, yellow, pink, purple and white. Rippling in gentle breezes, row after row of dancing blossoms drench surrounding landscapes with vibrant colour. Before returning to our digs, we check out La Conner, Skagit County’s oldest community. This waterfront village began in the mid-1800s, a trading post on the river. A series of turn-of-the-century disasters led to its decline. Attracted to its distinctive light and picturesque nature, artists later settled LQ DQG PDGH WKLV KLVWRULF WRZQ DQ DUW FRORQ\ 5HVWRUHG 9LFWRrian-era homes and turn-of-the-century buildings now house boutiques, galleries, restaurants and museums. A boardwalk skirting the marina and numerous outdoor sculptures add further charm. On our last day in Arlington, we take a bike ride on a stretch of the Centennial Trail, built on abandoned rail lines. The downtown trailhead is one of 12 linking communities, parks and town centres on the 29-mile-long paved route. Dog walkHUV MRJJHUV DQG KRUVHV VKDUH WKH ZLGH SDYHG SDWKZD\ ZLWK XV At the outset, a giant bicycle sculpture encourages us onward.

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Amica at Douglas House 50 Douglas Street Victoria, BC 250.383.6258

Amica at Somerset House 540 Dallas Road Victoria, BC 250.380.9121

Amica at Rideau Manor 1850 Rosser Avenue Burnaby, BC 604.291.1792

Amica at West Vancouver 659 Clyde Avenue West Vancouver, BC 604.921.9181

Amica at Arbutus Manor 2125 Eddington Drive Vancouver, BC 604.736.8936

Amica at Mayfair 2267 Kelly Avenue, Port Coquitlam, BC 604.552.5552


APRIL 2016

23 25


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3HGDOLQJ R྾ ZH VRRQ SDVV D VHULHV RI PXUDOV GHSLFWing Arlington’s history as a train town, logging centre and agricultural hub. Pausing frequently, we admire trailside sculptures and read informative storyboards regarding local industries. Chugging up a gentle slope and over a trestle, we pass through arcades of alders into the rustic countryside before turning back. Back on the road again, we drive northward and stop for another night’s stay in a resort opposite Blaine Harbour. Phil, the service engineer, takes us bird watching. Armed with powerful telescopes and binoculars, he leads us around the long sandy spit separating Semiahmoo Bay and Drayton Harbour DQG KHOSV XV VLJKW QXPHURXV ZDWHU IRZO DOO ÀDXQWLQJ VSULQJ plumage. In the bay, we’re excited to see western and golden horned grebes and scoter ducks. Pelagic and double crested cormorants perch upon old pilings. Coots and graceful loons swim in the harbour. Several blue herons and long-beaked FXUOHZV ZDGH R྾VKRUH 3ORYHUV DQG %RQDSDUWH JXOOV VWUXW XSRQ the sandy beach.






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The authors amid the tulips.

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At the onsite restaurant, we’re later treated to the sun setting over the bay. Dropping by diners’ tables, Chef tells us, “Our produce comes fresh from Blaine’s farms. The seafood is local. 7KH R\VWHUV JURZ ULJKW KHUH LQ 'UD\WRQ +DUERXU <RX MXVW FDQÂśW get fresher than that!â€? Sumptuous grilled salmon and cioppino dinners conclude another satisfying day. Following hearty breakfasts, another bike ride takes us along Semiahmoo spit, renewing acquaintance with new found feathered friends. A couple’s massage follows, soothing muscles and minds before driving back across the US border for home. Our getaway around Washington State motivates IXUWKHU HVFDSDGHV DQG LQVSLUHV D Ă€XUU\ RI VSULQJ JDUGHQLQJ SL For IF YOU GO information, visit articles/tulip-time


Photo: Courtesy of 55+ BC Games


+ 5 5


m a G

Awes and Inspires



Q DWKOHWHV SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ HYHQWV LQ 9HUQRQ IRU WKH ÂżUVW HYHU %ULWLVK &ROXPELD 6HQLRU *DPHV DV WKH\ ZHUH called at that time). Fun and competition was on the menu DQG LW SURYHG WR EH D ZLQQLQJ UHFLSH IRU IXWXUH %& *DPHV 7KH %&6*6 %ULWLVK &ROXPELD 6HQLRU *DPHV 6RFLHW\ RŕľľHUV this annual provincial competition and opportunity for all parWLFLSDQWV WR FRPSHWH LQ DQ RUJDQL]HG VSRUW UHFUHDWLRQ DQG FXOWXUDO HYHQW SURPRWLQJ ÂżWQHVV LQGLYLGXDO DFKLHYHPHQW IULHQGship and community pride. ,QFUHGLEO\ WKH %& *DPHV KDYH EHHQ JURZLQJ H[SRQHQtially and are managed with 98 per cent volunteer power. This IDFW KDV DOZD\V DPD]HG :D\QH 1DND Âł:KHQ , ÂżUVW MRLQHG WKH organization to volunteer and coordinate the sports events at the *DPHV LQ WKH .RRWHQD\V , ZDV EORZQ DZD\ E\ WKH OHYHO RI FRPPLWPHQW RI WKH %&6*6 DQG WKH +RVW 6RFLHW\ IRU FUHDWing such a complex event operating on volunteer power. Then I ZLWQHVVHG WKH DFWXDO FRPSHWLWLRQ DQG WKH WHQDFLW\ DQG MR\ RI WKH athletes involved moved me to support the Society even more. What an amazing bunch of volunteers and participants that make this super event happen year after year!â€? Wayne got in so deep that he is now the President of the %&6*6 DQG KDV SODQV WR FRPSHWH RQH GD\ DW WKH *DPHV LQ WKH KLJK MXPS :LWK KLV VSXQN DQG GHWHUPLQDWLRQ KH ZLOO OLNHO\ break a record! 7KH QH[W *DPHV DUH WDNLQJ SODFH LQ &RTXLWODP IURP 6HSWHPEHU Âą IROORZHG E\ 9HUQRQ LQ .LPEHUOH\ &UDQERRN LQ DQG .HORZQD LQ 7KH IXWXUH RI *DPHV LQ %ULWLVK &ROXPELD ORRNV YLEUDQW $ (FRQRPLF ,PSDFW VWXG\ FRPPLVVLRQHG E\ WKH %&6*6 shows that British Columbia communities score big when they ZLQ WKH ELG WR KRVW WKH %& *DPHV 7KH *DPHV DUH WKH ODUJest senior provincial games in Canada and pump $6 million into BC host communities yearly. %&6*6 3UHVLGHQW :D\QH 1DND H[SODLQV Âł:H KDYH WKH GDWD QRZ <RX FDQÂśW XQGHUHVWLPDWH WKH ÂżQDQFLDO FORXW RI RXU G\QDPLF energetic senior BC population. Our members love to travel, soFLDOL]H SOD\ VSRUWV DQG KDYH D JUHDW WLPH DW WKH *DPHV Âą DQG WKDW WUDQVODWHV LQWR D WDQJLEOH EHQHÂżW IRU %& FRPPXQLWLHV ´

%XW WKH EHVW WHVWDPHQWV WR KRZ OLIH DOWHULQJ WKHVH *DPHV FDQ EH come from the athletes themselves. 7UDFN DQG )LHOG DWKOHWH /LQGD +DDV KDLOV IURP &KDVH %&6*6 Zone 8 South Central). Linda, who is also her Zone President, UHYHDOV KRZ WKH *DPHV KDYH XSSHG KHU ÂżWQHVV OHYHO Âł:KHQ , UHDOL]HG DIWHU P\ ÂżUVW *DPHV DW DJH WKDW , ZDVQÂśW QHDUO\ DV ÂżW DV , thought, I started to walk more regularly; snowshoe in winter; and train with water running. My husband has practiced on the indoor track twice a week through the winter. We aimed to improve our FDUGLRYDVFXODU ÂżWQHVV DQG E\ GRLQJ LQWHQVH URDG ZDONLQJ IRU RQO\ WZR PRQWKV D \HDU ZH GRQÂśW RYHUVWUDLQ WKH NQHHV DQG KLS MRLQWV 7KH RYHUDOO DFWLYLW\ DLPHG DW EHLQJ VXFFHVVIXO DW DQG HQMR\LQJ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH %& *DPHV KDV PDGH DJLQJ D KDSSLHU DQG KHDOWKLHU MRXUQH\ DW WKLV VWDJH RI RXU OLYHV 0HGDOV DUH D ERQXV EXW D ZLQQHU LV DQ\RQH ZKR WULHV WR TXDOLI\ WR FRPSHWH DQG WR HQMR\ WKLV *DPHV H[SHULHQFH ZKLFK LV OLNH QR RWKHU ´ *ROG PHGDO VZLPPHU (PP\ 0DWWH %&6*6 =RQH 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG 1RUWK VXPV XS KHU *DPHV MRXUQH\ Âł:KHQ , ÂżUVW MRLQHG WKH *DPHV , ZDV RQH RI WKH \RXQJHU SDUWLFLSDQWV DQG remember being awed and inspired by athletes in their 80s and V 1RZ ZKHQ , DP RQH RI WKH ROGHU SDUWLFLSDQWV , DP DZHG DQG inspired by the prowess of the younger set.â€? Others are amazed and inspired by Emmy! Her friends list her accomplishments as an uber-volunteer as she coaches for Special Olympics, drives for Meals on Wheels, ushers at the local theatre, sings in a few choirs and cycles with a seniors’ group, to name a few. What an amazing athlete who models active living at 85. SL How can you become involved in the 55+ BC Games? (DV\ ,I \RX DUH DQG D %& UHVLGHQW \RXÂśUH KDOI ZD\ WKHUH Next steps: %HFRPH D 0HPEHU RI WKH %&6*6 ZZZ SOXVEFJDPHV RUJ zones 5HJLVWHU %& *DPHV &RTXLWODP 6HSWHPEHU Âą 6WD\ ,QIRUPHG WKURXJK 6RFLDO 0HGLD /,.( DQG IROORZ XV RQ WKH %& *$0(6 )DFHERRN SDJH KWWS RQ IE PH 8IGX Y


APRIL 2016

25 27

Canada’s Best

Hollyhock Celebrating the 70s

visit to Hollyhock begins way before we actually roll into the parking lot at the end of the road at Sutil Point RQ &RUWHV ,VODQG 8QOHVV \RX À\ LQ DQG ZH DUHQœW \RXœOO have three ferries to take from the Lower Mainland or two from 9DQFRXYHU ,VODQG DORQJ ZLWK D VFHQLF LVODQG GULYH For us, the adventure begins when we leave Duncan, my friend Cherie Oke’s home, loading our overnight bags and birthday gifts into the trunk and beginning the 164km trip to Campbell River, where the ferry leaves on its short trip across to Quathiaski Cove on Quadra Island. Then a The Sanctuary at 10-minute drive across Quadra Hollyhock. to the next ferry terminal at Heriot Bay, followed by a 40-minute scenic BC Ferry trip past Quadra Island’s summer playground, Rebecca Spit, across WKH QRUWKHUQ UHDFKHV RI *HRUJLD Strait, passing Read Island to port (left). The scenery is striking enough to stop our chatter cold. By now, relaxed from the passage and its nautical splendor DQG HQMR\LQJ D ODWH OXQFK RQ WKH ferry, we feel the mellowness of Hollyhock creeping in. 0HOORZ KDGQœW EHHQ RQ RXU PLQGV œWLO QRZ *RRG IULHQGV ZKR now live apart, we’ve a lot of catching up to do, so celebrating our 70th birthdays in a place we’ve always wanted to visit seems the perfect way to celebrate both reaching seven decades and our friendship. It’s a friendship that isn’t fading, in spite of Cherie having left Pender Island several years ago for a much bigger isle, and the subsequent challenges of the water and land separating us. Mellow may not have been on our minds, but it snuck in there anyway. So, somewhat early for check in, we detour along Smelt Bay Road at Smelt Bay Provincial Park to sit on the beach’s long sliver of sand. The early May sun is halfway through its arc, the VHD LV D GRFLOH MDGH DQG RQO\ RQH GRJZDONHU RYHU RQ WKH JUDVV\ VKRUH LV LQ VLJKW 1RZ GHHS EUHDWKV EHJLQ WR SXQFWXDWH RXU FRQYHUsation. Ahhhh. From mid-May to late October, Cortes’s campus buzzes with over 90 sessions dealing with everything from art, writing, music, GDQFH JDUGHQLQJ FOHDQVLQJ ¿WQHVV DQG HQHUJ\ KHDOLQJ WR VH[XDOLW\ \RJD UHODWLRQVKLSV DQG SURIHVVLRQDO GHYHORSPHQW 7KH 9DQFRXYHU FDPSXV RSHQHG LQ 9LFWRU\ 6TXDUH LQ R྾HUV RYHU D GR]HQ sessions, as well, on parenting, gardening, grant writing, transition 28 26


skills, group facilitation and more. As equally important as the range and number of sessions is the quality of the leaders themselves. Martha Peterson, author of Move Without Pain, presents a programme on The Myth of Aging and Stephen Jenkin-

The author’s friend, Cherie Oke, celebrating.

VRQ SURÂżOHG LQ WKH 1DWLRQDO Film Board’s Griefwalker, has a dedicated following. Shortly thereafter, snugged into our beachfront accommodation, we pull out our bottle of bubbly and our gift bags and begin the ritual of unwrapping small but sensitive gifts, the kind of gifts that tell you this person really knows you. Seagulls hollering over clams, a pair of oysterFDWFKHUV YHUEDOO\ GHOLJKWHG LQ WKHLU VDOW\ GHOLFDF\ DQG *ROGÂżQFK chittering in the fruit trees blossoms, accompany the passionate tearing of wrapping paper. The Hollyhock story is actually as magical as the feelings that are beginning to wrap themselves around us even as we unwrap our birthday treats. It goes like this: One of the founders, Rex :H\OHU DOVR D IRXQGHU RI *UHHQSHDFH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO KDG KLV IRUtune told in the summer of 1981 by an Hungarian fortune teller, who had whispered into his ear: “Red Hollyhocks growing above the hedge. Look for them. They will be very important to you.â€? It meant nothing to him at the time but, shortly after this message, he was visiting good friends, Lee and Shivon Robinsong, another founder, at their new Cortes Island home. They went for a walk and passed the deserted buildings of what used to be the Cold 0RXQWDLQ ,QVWLWXWH D *HVWDOW 7KHUDS\ &HQWUH WKDW KDG FORVHG LQ 1980. Weyler stopped cold when he spied a huge overgrown garden rife with – you guessed it – red Hollyhocks. A dream became reality, a ‘near-mythical mecca of learning and leadership,’ as +ROO\KRFNÂśV FDWDORJXH ZULWHV QRZ LQ LWV WK \HDU


Photos: Cherie Thiessen



:KLOH WKH PDMRULW\ RI YLVLWRUV FRPH IRU WKH VHVVLRQV WKHUH are a sizable number of guests, like us, who simply come for WKH UHMXYHQDWLRQ DQG WKH DPELDQFH WR GH VWUHVV WR SDPSHU souls, bodies and spirits and to drink up the energy. Come dinQHU ZHÂśUH ÂżUVW LQ OLQH DW WKH ORGJHÂśV VSDFLRXV GLQLQJ KDOO ZKHUH GHOHFWDEOH YHJHWDULDQ GLVKHV JDUQLVKHG ZLWK Ă€RZHUV IURP WKH SURSHUW\ÂśV H[SDQVLYH JDUGHQV SUHHQ DW WKH EXŕľľHW WDEOH &KHULH is glucose intolerant and so was delighted with the array availDEOH WR KHU :H MRLQHG D WDEOH RI HQWKXVLDVWLF ZRPHQ H[FLWHG that their “Writing Your Heart Outâ€? course was starting in the morning and it was soon apparent that these were special women – fully engaged in their lives, open to experiences, H[FLWHG E\ NQRZOHGJH LQWHUHVWHG LQ HDFK RWKHU DQG FRQÂżGHQW they could learn more. After dinner, the CEO, Dana Solomon Bass, welcomed the new guests and introduced two of the following day’s workshop leaders. “Follow your heartbreak,â€? Roger Housden, the ZULWLQJ FRXUVH OHDGHU KDG WR VD\ Âł*LYH YRLFH WR WKH LQDUWLFXlate.â€? When we ask one of our dinner partners what brought her all the way from San Diego for this course and a subsequent one by Stephen Jenkinson of Orphan Wisdom School, she tells us of the recent loss of her only child, a son born with a fatal illness that claimed him 18 months later. The circle of women around the table tightens, everyone reaching out to hold her nearer; everyone’s compassion and healing energy channeled toward this brave young mother who had been dealt the worst of all possible hands. “I heard Stephen being interviewed on television one night,â€? she says, “and then I saw his course was coming up at Hollyhock and I got on the next plane.â€?

0DULDQQH DQG 3DWRX IURP WKH JURXS MRLQ XV DIWHU GLQQHU IRU a tour of the grounds by Desta Beattie, Marketing Coordinator, DQG ZH OLQJHU LQ WKH RSHQ URRIHG 5DYHQ +RXVH DQG .LDNXP a circular session house in the forest where we will have yoga in the morning and where both Cherie and Marianne test the acoustics with lovely voices. :H LQYLWH ERWK ZRPHQ WR MRLQ XV RQ RXU EHDFKIURQW FRWWDJH WRPRUURZ QLJKW IRU D MDP 7KH\ÂśYH EURXJKW D Ă€XWH DQG D JXLWDU Before an early night, we soak in the Jacuzzi overlooking the beach and plan our day tomorrow. There’s an early morning row we want to sign up for, followed by the yoga. In the afternoon, we’ll have a tour of Hollyhock’s organic gardens, then we’ll have some bodywork done in the forest retreat and a walk in the forest on Hollyhock’s 45-acre property. In the evening, we’ll play some music and then the next day after an early breakfast, we will need to say goodbye. That night, not only Marianne and Patou show up, but half a dozen other women trickle over, drawn by sounds of the guitar DQG Ă€XWH 2XU P\ULDG YRLFHV DUH SXQFWXDWHG E\ WKH EUHDNLQJ waves, we visit, sing and play. Yeah – women power! “About a third of our guests are seniors,â€? Dana told us yesterday. “The mission of Hollyhock is to inspire, nourish DQG VXSSRUW SHRSOH ZKR DUH PDNLQJ WKH ZRUOG EHWWHU 1RZ LV a prime time to turn the tide toward positive social change in 1RUWK $PHULFD DQG EH\RQG ´ I hope there’s no age limit, Dana. We’ll do our best. SL For IF YOU GO information, visit articles/hollyhock


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APRIL 2016

27 29

55+ Lifestyle 1. 2. LIHVW\OH DQG LQVSLUDWLRQ FDPH WRJHWKHU WKLV \HDU DW WKH WK DQQXDO /LIHVW\OH 6KRZ LQ 9LFWRULD RQ 0DUFK QG 3HDUNHV 5HFUHDWLRQ &HQWUH ZDV D KLYH RI DFWLYLW\ DV RXU UHDGHUV MRLQHG XV IRU OLYHO\ HQWHUWDLQPHQW makeovers, fashion, and a kaleidoscope of exhibits that appealed to a wide variety of interests ranging from travel and leisure activities to housing and ÂżQDQFLDO SODQQLQJ “Life after 55 opens a whole new world of possibilities,â€? says INSPIRED Senior Living publisher Barbara Risto. “Our magazine and this show are serving to expose some of the opportunities and options that exist. Life should be interesting and exciting, regardless of one’s age.â€?


30 28



1. INSPIRED Senior Living SXEOLVKHU JUHHWV YLVLWRUV WR WKH /LIHVW\OH 6KRZ Âł, HQMR\ PHHWLQJ RXU UHDGHUV IDFH WR IDFH DQG RUJDQL]LQJ DQ event that is entertaining, inspiring and informative.â€? 2OLYHU 6ZDLQ 7ULR 9ROWDLUH SURYLGHG SOHQW\ RI GDQFHDEOH moments throughout the day. 2OLYHU 6ZDLQ 7ULR 9ROWDLUH 4. Hula Dance for Health livened up the afternoon with exotic Hawaiian-inspired movements. 9LVLWRUV WRRN WLPH WR HQMR\ VRPH JODPRURXV manicure treatments. 6. Chatting with an exhibitor. Photo: Katie-Ann Gaetz 7. Time out for some chocolate-dipped fruit and FUHDP SXŕľľV SDLUHG ZLWK D VSDUNOLQJ EHYHUDJH %URRNH &DPSEHOO FRPPXQLFDWLRQV FKDLU RI WKH %& *DPHV PRGHOV D 6\PSOL RXWÂżW 3KRWRV *HRয় 5REVRQ WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM


e Show

YOU’RE INVITED! Join Chef Gary McBlain as he shares his love for food at AMICA.

baybridge saanich 3. Join us on Wednesday, May 25 for Lunch or Appetizers.

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Join us for Lunch or Appetizers with Gary McBlain, Amica’s Head Chef. We’ll also share more about our upcoming retirement community located in Saanich at the Gorge. Location: Songhees Wellness Centre, 1100 Admirals Rd., Victoria RSVP:

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Amica and design are trademarks of Amica Mature Lifestyles Inc.



APRIL 2016

31 29

Q: Hemlines and skirt silhouettes – How do we choose one that is most flattering? SIMON CHANG: “You must take into consideration the shape of your legs and calves. Do you want WR KLGH WKHP RU Ă€DXQW WKHP" 7KLV ZLOO GHWHUmine the right choice of hemlines and skirt silhouettes for your height and body shape.â€? PETER NYGĂ…RD: “Horizontal hemlines are out. Diagonal lines give dimensions that don’t cut you in half, so irregular hemlines DUH WKH PRVW Ă€DWWHUing. Skirts tend to be dressy, and today is all about casual and athletic wear. You will look and feel slimmer – even if you don’t exercise. It’s all about a more casual look without appearing sloppy. Dressy casual.â€?




JAN STIMPSON: “These days, all hemlines and silhouettes are in as long as they work for you. Women come in all shapes and sizes so the most important thing about choosing a silhouette or a hemline is to try things on and see what you feel good in. With Sympli, we make skirts in almost every shape and length because we know that there’s no one choice for everyone. The key to success is coordinating hemlines. Pair angles with angles, curves with curves, or anything straight with a straight hemline. In our experience, well-matched hemlines create well-executed RXWÂżWV ZKLFK UDUHO\ JR RXW of style. You are free to play! â€? SL



North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre

250-248-8543 |

AurĂŠa Gems & Essential Luxuries 614 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC We specialize in Sympli.


32 30



Barbara’s Boutique and Showoom 2392 Beacon Avenue, Sidney, BC badenbaden We carry Simon Chang and Sympli.


Before & After

Simon Chang is the creator, designer and owner of Simon Chang Creations, Inc.

Peter NygĂĽrd is the creator, designer and owner of NygĂĽrd International.

plied some cream blush to the apples of her cheeks. I like cream blush because it doesn’t settle into any lines and it gives the skin a dewy look. On the lids of her eyes, I used a couple tones of pale yellow, then a bronze colour shadow. The warm colour makes EOXH H\HV VWDQG RXW PRUH , ¿QLVKHG ZLWK D ¿QH OLQH RI EODFN OLQHU WR GH¿QH WKH H\HV GDUN EORQG WR GH¿QH KHU EURZV DQG (OL]Dbeth Arden black mascara. Finally, on her lips, I used a warm brown lip colour.�



Jan Stimpson is the creator, designer and owner of Sympli Fashions.

Canada’s top designers weigh in on questions from mature women about how to dress, what to wear, what to avoid and how to look their very best. Have comments or suggestions? fashion@ seniorlivingmag. com 31


ongratulations to Linda Clarance, the second in a series of INSPIRED Senior Living’s Make-Over conWHVWDQWV /LQGD MRLQHG XV DW WKH DQQXDO /LIHVW\OH 6KRZ ZKHUH VKH UHFHLYHG KHU PDNH RYHU and appeared in our fashion show. Hana Akai of Akai Hair Design & Esthetics provided hair and make-up design and explains how she transformed Linda’s look to UHĂ€HFW KHU ]HVW IRU OLIH Hair: “I added highlights to the dark areas of Linda’s hair to even out the all-over colour. Then, I added a medium blond to the white hair to add more warmth to her colour, which brings out more warm tones in her skin. With the haircut, I worked with the beautiful natural curl in her hair. I gave her a lot more texture to bounce XS KHU FXUOV E\ FXWWLQJ ORWV RI GLŕľľHUHQW OHQJWKV WR PRGHUQL]H KHU look.â€? Cosmetics: “For make-up, I used the Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Plump Perfect Makeup Foundation (02 Porcelain) to even out Linda’s skin tone, with some yellow concealer under her eyes. I apWWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

Thoughts from Linda: “My experience with the make-over was D ZRQGHUIXO MRXUQH\ ZKLFK , ZRXOG UHFRPmend to anyone. So much fun and positive feedback. I felt like a “princessâ€? with my hair shaping and subtle colouring, make-up and the beautiful clothes I was privileged to PRGHO Âą Ă€RZLQJ DQG ÂżJXUH FRPSOHPHQWDU\ regardless of shape. I have been blessed with a memorable experience; my life is ULFKHU DQG IXOOHU WKURXJK HYHU\RQHÂśV HŕľľRUW to make this happen. Thanks to INSPIRED Senior Living, hair stylist Hana Akai, Aurea IRU PRGHOOLQJ RXWÂżWV DQG NQRZOHGJHDEOH UHVSHFWIXOO\ KHOSIXO VWDŕľľ DQG WKH IXQ VXSportive ladies I had the pleasure of modelling with.â€? SL INSPIRED Senior Living would like to thank Akai Hair Design & Esthetics; AurĂŠa Gems & Essential Luxuries, who supplied the clothing;

and Pharmasave Broadmead, who provided the models with a few of the essential makeup items used in their makeover, and to take home with them. Look for more exciting make-over reveals in the July and October 2016 issues. APRIL 2016


Chemainus Theatre – Ring of Fire The “Man in Blackâ€? is coming back! Due to foot-stompin’, crowd-pleasin’ demand, Johnny Cash is returning for another sell-out performance at The Chemainus Theatre Festival. Don’t PLVV WKH ÂżQDO UXQ RI WKH DFFODLPHG %URDGZD\ PXVLFDO WULEXWH Ring of Fire! See ad page 32. Cinecenta at University of Victoria Cinecenta is an inexpensive movie alternative for students and the public at large. Cinecenta loves seniors. Their cozy VHDW WKHDWUH DQG WHUULÂżF FRQFHVVLRQ EDU IHDWXUHV WDVW\ EDNHG JRRGV DQG JUHDW FRŕľľHH 3RSFRUQ ZLWK UHDO EXWWHU DW QR H[WUD FRVW 6HQLRUV RQO\ See ad page 33.


Comox Air Force Museum An amazing collection of West Coast military aviation artifacts and memorabilia augmented by a reference library, gift shop and excellent array of military aircraft in our Heritage Air Park. Sights and sounds will deliver you to a past era from WWI to current time. A must see for all ages. See ad page 33.


Project Johnny Cash Created by Richard Maltby, Jr. Conceived by William Meade

Apr 6 - 23

HARVEY By Mary Chase

May 6 - 28 Tickets from $25 Luxurious Theatre Getaways

$29 for musicals

theatre, dinner and breakfast with accommodation | 1.800.565.7738

34 32



Downtown Nanaimo Whether you’re visiting downtown 1DQDLPR IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH RU WKH WK time, there is something for everyone to experience. Be sure to check out www. GQELD FD WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW WR GR ZKHUH WR dine, and where to park for free. DisFRYHU GRZQWRZQ 1DQDLPR LWœV DOO KHUH See ad page 32.

Jane Austen Festival Join us July 8th and 9th in Port Alberni DV ZH FKDOOHQJH WKH *XLQQHVV %RRN RI World Records for “the most people dressed in Regency Attire at one gathering.� Our festival also includes Regency Teas, Brunches, authors signing books, 5HDGLQJV 3URPHQDGHV DQG D *UDQGH Ball. See ad page 33.

Victoria Operatic Society Come see Monty Python’s Spamalot at the McPherson Playhouse May 6-14. Spamalot is an international musical comedy adapted from the ¿OP Monty Python and the Holy Grail /LNH WKH ¿OP LW LV D KLJKO\ LUUHYHUent parody of the Arthurian Legend. See ad page 32.

Elektra Women’s Choir Combine gems of classic European choral repertoire with the nuanced sound of Elektra Women’s Choir and stir in the captivating musicianship of the BoreaOLV 6WULQJ 4XDUWHW 7KH $EEH\ *DUGHQ features Elektra, Borealis and pianist 6WHSKHQ 6PLWK LQ 5DFKPDQLQR྾œV 6L[ Choruses, and much more! See ad page 33.


JULY 8th and 9th, 2016

LET US BRING YOU BACK IN TIME AT THE COMOX AIR FORCE MUSEUM Come celebrate our West Coast aviation heritage in a welcoming and friendly museum

Stirling Im

• • • •

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Challenging the Guinness Book of Records for


“The most people dressed in Regency attire at one gathering� STAND AND BE COUNTED – A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY

All events in Regency style: morning brunch, afternoon tea, readings, book signing, Grande parade and Grande ball.

WW1 to present day exhibits Excellent aviation reference library Located at entrance to 19 Wing Heritage Air Park near-by

In the Abbey Garden Morna Edmundson, Artistic Director Guest artists: Borealis String Quartet Generously sponsored by

(Numerous Aircraft plus Heritage Stone Display)

Open Tuesday thru Sunday 10am to 4pm (Admission by donation)


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15 Students with valid ID | 1.877.840.0457 Call Tricia 778-421-1916

service charges apply

More information at or by calling 604.739.1255


APRIL 2016

35 33


Enchanting Adventures


ecently, I wandered through the Mediterranean. Sights and sounds came at me from all directions. %DUUHOV RI FRXQWOHVV ÀDYRXUV DQG FRORXUV RI ROLYHV melodic music chiming in my ears; families sharing meals; the taste of Persian tea misto; exotic desserts calling me closer – EDNODYD DQG WKUHH ÀDYRXUV RI 7XUNLVK 'HOLJKW <XP 9LVLWRUV RI DOO DJHV ZHUH JUHHWHG DV ROG IULHQGV ELJ VPLOHV on all sides. As I sat with my Turkish tea misto, listening to the rise and fall of conversation mixed with the sound of music (I almost expected a belly dancer to appear), I could feel the energy was upbeat and warm. A place to come back to often. People smile and speak to each other, come and go purchasing cheeses, salads and spreads; walnut was my favourite. So many decisions, so little time – this time. I will be back. While LW ZDV P\ ¿UVW WLPH KHUH , VSRNH ZLWK /HQ DQG -HDQHWWH ZKR maintain this is their favourite spot to languidly spend time. I had an opportunity to speak to the host and he introduced me to a piece of heaven: Melomakarono. I still can’t pronounce it properly, but it certainly was divine. Leaving the restaurant area and moving deeper into diverse areas, I found Portuguese sardines, Italian pesto and Egyptian falafel. The list goes on – all exotic, exciting and delicious. For those who would rather not leave their comfortable

Pharmasave Broadmead e have hundreds of home health care products available to meet your specific home health care needs. We encourage you to ask our experts about how these products can help you or someone you are caring for to Live Well. Mobility Care

environs, I embarked on WKLV DGYHQWXUH MXVW D IHZ blocks from home. I had wandered into the Fig Deli on Cedar Hill X Rd LQ 9LFWRULD 6R \RX VHH you do not need to travel far to explore a new culBY PAT NICHOL ture and experience a new adventure. I had an opportunity to savour the sights, sounds and smells of the Mediterranean right in my own backyard. I FDUULHG KRPH VRXYHQLUV , DP VWLOO HQMR\LQJ :K\ QRW VKDUH \RXU KRPH WRZQ DGYHQWXUHV" ,ÂśG ORYH WR KHDU DERXW WKHP $W WKH HQG RI $SULO , ZLOO WUDYHO IXUWKHU DÂżHOG DV , VSHQG D month in Ireland, the country of origin of my father. With a mix of solo travel and group touring, I am looking forward to playing with the wee folk and listening to Irish music in the pubs. I ZLOO VKDUH WKH VLJKWV DQG VRXQGV RI P\ MRXUQH\ ZKHQ , UHWXUQ So, whether you travel close to home or far away, may each adventure be enchanting. SL



Daily Living Aids

Adaptive Clothing

Feeling safe and comfortable in your own home is key to independent living. We offer an extensive assortment of products that can significantly improve your everyday life. We can help make it easier for you to get in and out of your chair or bed, access hard to reach items, dress and eat comfortably, and achieve many other daily tasks with ease.

We have a growing selection of adaptive clothing for those with an impaired range of motion, lowered mobility, paralysis, arthritis or who use a wheelchair. Adaptive clothing has snaps or Velcro attached to the back or side to make it easy for caregivers to dress patients.

Compression Therapy We offer a full line of compression stockings and treatments for venous conditions. We have certified fitters on staff to assist you for prescription and non prescription compression therapy.

Mobility products mean more than safety and stability, they mean freedom. Our products include walkers, canes, crutches, and wheelchairs.

Sports Medicine We have a large selection of bracing and orthotics, back supports, arch supports, and other sports medicine bracing.

Wound Care We stock a large selection of products designed to assist with wound healing, such as dressings, gauze, and ulcer care.

Incontinence Products Let us help you determine which products best suit your individual needs.

Bathroom Safety We have a wide selection of raised toilet seats, bath and transfer benches, grab bars, floor to ceiling poles, and many other products to help keep you safe in your bathroom.

Our staff are trained in assessing your needs, and providing recommendations to your specific Home Health Care requirements. Pharmasave Broadmead Broadmead Village Shopping Center 310 - 777 Royal Oak Drive Ph: 250-727-3505

36 34



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Marketplace COLLECTOR SEEKING vintage/collectable cameras, binoculars and microVFRSHV 1LNRQ /HLFD &RQWD[ 5ROOHLĂ€H[ Zeiss, Canon, etc. Mike 250-383-6456 or e-mail: (Victoria) WANTED: OLD POSTCARDS, old photographs, and pre-1950 stamped envelopes. Also buying old coins, medals and badges. Please call Michael 250-652-9412 or email HEALING FOOTCARE to Lighten Your Step for a Healthier Walk Through Life. Call Nurse Marcia R.N.,B.Sc.N. 250-686-3081. TALK IT OUT! Mary Munro, Registered

Clinical Counsellor, can help with life tranVLWLRQV JULHI GLႈFXOW IDPLO\ G\QDPLFV OLIH challenges. Victoria: 250-589-4172, or

ALWAYS GREAT FEET. Nanaimo’s professional mobile foot care nurses. Debbie Mason LPN and John Patterson LPN. Home, facility, and hospital visits. ExperiHQFHG TXDOL¿HG QXUVLQJ IRRW FDUH IRU WRHnails, corns, calluses and ingrown nails. Direct billing for DVA clients. 250-390-9266. INDOOR CLEANING OR YARDWORK ([SHULHQFHG ÀH[LEOH KRXUV WUXVWZRUWK\ DႇRUGDEOH UDWHV 5HIV DYDLO 9LFWRULD area. Call or text Diane 250-361-5568

AFFORDABLE APARTMENT HOTEL for MATURE ADULTS! • Best rates for 6 mo & longer! HOTEL • Furnished Bachelor suites + wifi 760 Your Apt. Hotel • Close to Downtown & Bus Lines gs Showinaily 760 Queens at Blanshard D M P 3 250.590.1660 ligible E: Safer E

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CHANGING PLACES Downsizing and relocation specialists SINCE 1991. Moving? Aging in place? Need help? Don’t know where to start? Let us take care of DOO WKH GHWDLOV IURP VWDUW WR ¿QLVK &DOO -DQH 250-721-4490 Victoria and the Island, John 778-628-0725 Vancouver for a free estimate. DOWNSIZING?


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in the comfort of your home for everyone in your family. Serving the Victoria area. Please call Debi at 250-477-7505.

HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE provides compassionate, personalized home care services customized to your needs in your own home. Our CAREGiversSM are extensively dementia-trained, bonded, insured, professional, and matched to clients’ preferences. For a complimentary FDUH FRQVXOWDWLRQ LQ KRPH RU LQ RXU RႈFH call 250-382-6565. www.HomeInstead. com/victoriabc Celebrating 10 years serving seniors! WANTED: OLD stereo/audio equipPHQW $Q\ FRQGLWLRQ $PSOLÂżHUV WXUQWDEOHV speakers, receivers etc. Honest/friendly. Victoria and V.I. Call Bob, 250-896-2268, SENSUAL MASSAGE. Are you missing WRXFK" ,ÂśP D &HUWLÂżHG 6H[RORJLFDO %RG\worker, I work with Couples and Individuals. Sher 250-889-4166 or send an email to 2 BDRM SUITE WANTED in or near

Victoria for May 1 for mother and college age daughter and 2 gentle cats. Quiet, reVSRQVLEOH ÂżQDQFLDOO\ VRXQG :LOO GR \DUGwork or cleaning if suits. Refs avail. Call or text Diane 250-361-5568.

CORNERSTONE SENIORS ADVOCACY Assisting Seniors through life’s

changes providing any & all non-medical services. Licenced, Bonded & Insured. Contact Us for a no obligation Consultation. 250858-8560



Private sale, save commissions. Market value, independent appraiser. Lawyers do paperwork. RENT BACK possible. Saanich, Victoria, Oak Bay. Discuss 250-658 1103. APRIL 2016

37 35

Save Money on Prescriptions What if you could order your prescription from the privacy of your home, get it for a lower price than you pay now and get it shipped to you, free of charge, in 3-4 business days? is a new way to JHW \RXU SUHVFULSWLRQV ÂżOOHG WKDW LV PRUH convenient and costs less. You still receive the services of a trusted pharmacist to answer all your questions via email, text, phone or live chat on the website. will process your prescription, bill all major insurance plans, and even connect you with a BC doctor, 100% covered by your CareCard. By avoiding the overhead costs of a brick and mortar store, lowers the overall cost of prescriptions, provides free shipping and top-tier service. is based out of North Saanich, British Columbia on Vancouver Island and is owned by a BC pharmacist with over 15 years experience. The medications used are identical to those you receive from any other Canadian pharmacy. The lower price is due to the lean operating costs of their pharmacy.

Discover the ease of buying your prescriptions online at myPharmacyonline Look for this button

“Thank you so very much for such attentiveness that I have never had or heard of before from a pharmacist.� - B. from Victoria BC






How Fit Are You?


f your health is generally good, EXW \RX VXVSHFW \RXU ¿WQHVV OHYHO needs work, ask at your local gym RU UHFUHDWLRQ FHQWUH LI WKH\ R྾HU ¿WQHVV appraisals, or where you can have one done. You’ll get an accurate idea of your cardiovascular health, your muscular VWUHQJWK DQG HQGXUDQFH DQG \RXU ÀH[LELOLW\ +DYLQJ D ¿WQHVV WHVW GRQH EHIRUH you begin an exercise program is a great way to monitor your progress. You can also do a self-test at home. It won’t be as accurate as a test given by a FHUWL¿HG DSSUDLVHU ¹ DQG \RX ZRQœW KDYH a knowledgeable person explain your test results. However, a self-test at home is still a suitable tool to measure your progress. 9LVLW ZZZ WRSHQGVSRUWV FRP WHVWLQJ hometest for a series of tests to check your cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength. These simple tests involve the step test, push-up, sit-up and squat and use minimal, if any, equipment. Your test results allow you to compare your ¿WQHVV OHYHO ZLWK RWKHUV RI \RXU DJH DQG gender. Be aware, the results completely depend on the accuracy of your technique. Be sure you know the right way to execute the exercises before you begin. Here is a simple test for hamstring DQG ORZHU EDFN ÀH[LELOLW\ UDQJH RI motion): You’ll need a tape measure and a small piece of tape. Sit with your back against a wall, and legs straight out EHIRUH \RX .HHS \RXU EXWWRFNV DJDLQVW the wall, and your legs as straight as possible. Your legs are about six inches apart and your knees and toes should face the ceiling (not turned outward or inward). WWW.SENIORLIVINGMAG.COM

Do a few warm ups by bending slowly forward at the waist, reaching and stretching your arms forward between your legs. Hold the tape with both hands, so the sticky area is even with the tips of \RXU ¿QJHUV VWLFN\ VLGH IDFLQJ GRZQ WRZDUG WKH ÀRRU 7U\ WR NHHS \RXU back straight (no rounding it) and legs completely straight (no bending at the knees) as you lean forward at the lower back, to stick the tape on the ÀRRU EHWZHHQ \RXU OHJV 5HDFK DV IDU forward as possible without losing good form. Avoid twisting the spine to allow one hand to reach farther than the other (no cheating!). With the tape measure, measure your reach from the wall to the tape and record the results. Test each week to see how you improve. Unfortunately, this is not a standardized test where you can compare your results to others of your gender and age. Only a ¿WQHVV WHVW XVLQJ VWDQGDUG HTXLSPHQW can determine this. The home test merely allows you to gauge your own progress. $YRLG GRLQJ DQ XQVXSHUYLVHG ¿Wness test if your health is not good DQG RU \RXU ¿WQHVV OHYHO LV YHU\ SRRU Have a complete physical check-up and talk with your physician or physLRWKHUDSLVW ¿UVW SL

Eve Lees was a Personal Trainer and NutriWLRQ &RXQVHOORU IRU \HDUV ZZZ DUWQHZV

Senior Living... The Berwick Way™ At Berwick Retirement Communities, you will enjoy an unparalleled standard of living at a superior YDOXH %HUZLFN RȞIHUV DOO WKH FRPIRUWV RI KRPH ZLWK WKH DPHQLWLHV DQG KRVSLWDOLW\ \RX FRPH WR H[SHFW IURP resort style living. Find out more about The Berwick Way™ – Ask one of our Senior Living Experts Today! V I C TO R I A | N A N A I M O | C O M OX | K A M LO O P S | C A M P B E L L R I V E R Proud to be BC owned and operated

Photo Gordon Tolman

Passionate About Parks? The Capital Regional District offers opportunities for you to be involved in the preservation and enjoyment of regional parks and trails. We provide training, support, a beautiful environment and a great deal of appreciation. You provide your time and enthusiasm. We are now recruiting for these volunteer positions:

* Naturalists for Nature Centres * Event Volunteers * Park Stewards

STEPS TO CONNECT A fun program designed for those wondering the where, what and why’s of participating in recreation programs. We’ll identify your interests and go out and sample various activities. Lots of social time!

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APRIL 2016

39 37

Port Alberni

Vancouver Island’s Most Affordable Retirement Community RETIRE EARLIER WITH MORE MONEY IN THE BANK Most affordable properties on Vancouver Island ____________________ Lowest taxes per average house value on Vancouver Island ____________________ Central Island location ___________________ Unmatched parks, recreation, and heritage facilities ___________________ Thriving arts community ___________________ 52-bed hospital

40 38


Contact Pat Deakin 250.720.2527


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