Patana News Volume 19 Issue 5

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Head of School’s Monthly Blog Page 2

CATs Corner / Super Kart Super Star / Amnesty Patana Needs Your Help Bangkok Patana is an IB World School, accredited by CIS and NEASC

Greetings everyone, It is hard to believe we have completed a full month of school already. The new teachers have really settled in well as have the 200 plus new students. I have managed to get into some classrooms and have observed highly motivated students that are focused and prepared. I recently came across this excellent article in the Guardian that I thought I would share with you as it really has some superb tips for parents supporting their learners through school.

We have now received all of the Year 11 (I)GCSE grades and we are delighted with the results. • One third of the students achieved an average grade of A or higher • More than half of the grades achieved were an A or A* • Over a third of the students achieved 8 or more A*s or A's • Over two-thirds of the students achieved an average grade of B or higher We are also thrilled with our latest set of IB results with an average points score of 35 out of a possible 45, these results are the best set to date of all our graduating classes. This is an outstanding achievement, set against a world average of 30 points and something that as a non-selective school, makes us very proud. Two other statistics of particular note are that we enjoyed a 99% pass rate, compared to a world average of 80%, and 18% of our students scored above 40 points, compared to a world average of five percent. Congratulations to all of our hard-working and talented students and a special thank you to all of our talented and skilled teaching staff.

As a school we take Health and Safety very seriously as we want to protect our students at all times. Last week we conducted our first announced Fire Drill which went very smoothly as 2,200 students and over 600 adults exited our school buildings in just over four minutes. We will conduct Fire and Lock Down drills regularly during the year as we want to be prepared just in case a real emergency does take place at the school. We have had our first case of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD) in the school this term and I wanted to remind parents about HFMD particularly for new parents who may not have comes across this viral illness before. Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than five years old. However, it can sometimes occur in adults. Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, mouth sores, and a skin rash. Our wonderful Head Nurse Patama has become almost an expert on this common disease as she has been tracking HFMD numbers at our school over many years now and regularly liaises with the BMA, (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration), whenever we have any cases whether they are isolated or a wave impacting many students. The BMA protocol is if we have three or more cases in a class or in a Foundation Stage learning zone, we must close down the class/zone for a minimum of five consecutive days so that the virus cannot spread. Children who have the virus must stay at home for seven consecutive days. Here is an example of our HFMD letter that gets sent home to parents when the first case is discovered.

HFMD mainly effects children five years and younger but it spreads so quickly that if a slightly older sibling is in close proximity there is a high chance that they will catch it too. The school takes a very serious view on HFMD as it impacts learning. We keep the school very clean, disinfecting toys and equipment on a regular basis. Unfortunately, whatever we do at school doesn’t stop the virus from entering school at any given time. One parent asked me why Bangkok Patana seems to get more HFMD cases than other schools. The simple answer is we have the largest age three to five student population in any international school in Thailand, so of course we are going to get larger numbers. The key instruction to parents is to regularly check their children for any fever and keep their children at home if they do. Seeking medical advice is always a good strategy when your child has any form of fever. Informing the school that your child has a fever is important as our nurses can also track the virus and conduct regular inspections in affected year groups. The school also in turn communicates to all parents in the specific area of the school that we have HFMD absences so all parents can start regularly checking for fevers or possible mouth sores. Making sure students regularly wash their hands with soap and warm water is always a good HFMD preventer as well. Good prevention does mean that a child that has been sent home from school for a certain period cannot then attend a birthday party over the weekend as the virus will still spread especially in large student gatherings. Some children recuperate very quickly from HFMD but they must stay at home for a certain time so they don’t spread the virus, this is very important to adhere to. We are continuing to regularly liaise with local health authorities and the BMA but one thing is for certain, HFMD is not going to suddenly vanish and we need to work together to minimize the impact to your student’s health and learning. Can I take this opportunity to thank Khun Patama and all of our wonderful nursing staff who do such a good job looking after the health of our students.

I really enjoyed hosting a pizza lunch for our new Senior student delegates; Mimi, Sarah, Labeeb, Flo and Madison. They are an incredibly talented bunch of senior leaders and they are taking their responsibilities very seriously indeed. They all lead a variety of committees and are so committed to the school in everything they do. We talked a great deal about their roles in the school and how they can support all of the students. As the senior leaders in the school, they are important role models. Other topics of discussion included IB commitments, bringing down barriers between Year 12 and 13 students as they share the new Senior Studies area and about teachers that really go that extra mile to support students in their time of need, meeting at lunch times and after school. As Head of School it is so important that I connect with students of all ages and give them a voice as we grow as a dynamic learning community. Do enjoy our first long weekend of this term. Matt Mills, Head of School

A REMINDER: Tomorrow (Friday 16th September) is a school holiday

Tania Leyland, Youth & Community Coordinator

Patana Marine Conservation Group Reef and Beach Clean Up


n Saturday 10th September, in honour of International Coastal Clean-up Day, around 50 staff members and students arrived to school at 5:00am to go to Pattaya. We dived and snorkeled to find and pick up trash from the ocean and the beaches in an effort to conserve sea life. It was a very rewarding experience; I enjoyed it very much and we managed to collect over 400kg of trash from the beach alone! The divers managed to find several interesting items on the sea bed—even finding a deck of cards, a radio, sunglasses and graphic t-shirts! While also fun, this trip taught all of us that plastic waste is a very serious issue that harms the environment as well as the delicate ocean ecosystem. I was shocked by the amount of rubbish that washed up around a tiny island in Thailand, and came to the sad realisation that I could have helped to place many of the products there. From this trip, I (and many other participants) began to fully understand the need to recycle and reduce plastic usage. I would like to thank the Mermaid Dive staff and Ms Brown especially for making this possible, and I strongly encourage all students and staff to join the trip next year. Sakooltipaya (Koko) Lotharukpong, 11G

SMILE visit to Nong Khai


n September 4th, we were given the opportunity to take part in the Operation Smile mission in Nong Khai province just north of Bangkok. Our job was to create a warm and welcoming environment for the young patients undergoing the surgeries, as the hospital environment can be a new and intimidating place especially for families who have travelled miles to have the surgery. Our job didn't begin on the ward or even with the children, it began in a hotel where we packed SMILE bags containing basic necessities (such as toothbrushes, combs and shampoo). This really helped us to realise that there are more ways than one to help someone that needs help. During our time at the Nong Khai Hospital, we played with the children, decorated the ward and were even given the opportunity to observe some of the surgeries the children were undertaking. We were able to take part in something that isn’t often possible; we had the opportunity to learn and help people within the Thai country, a country that has given me so much over the 13 years I have lived here. I can say with pride, the best part of this trip was being able to see the children smile. It was an unforgettable experience, and one that I especially look forward to next year. Marina Kusumoto , 12B he Patana Marine Conservation Group created a stall in the school lounge during their days of campaigning to recruit new members and raise awareness for marine protection. As an eco-friendly club, PMCG reused previous decorations for their stall. The committee also created a photo booth for students to take photos and share their experience on social media. A highlight of the stall was the display of rubbish collected around school. This was depicted in a trash sculpture that was fixed over chalk drawings of a large dinner plate and cutlery. The words “what goes in the ocean goes in you� accompanied the display to effectively reaffirm the significance of environmental responsibility. Yong Loh, 13K

Patana Marine Conservation Group campaign days


Thank you to Mr and Mrs Bhirombhakdi for providing the information for this article


andhavud (Jem) Bhirombhakdi (5M) competed in the Thailand Super Kart Series in August, qualifying in 1st position. Jem kept his place through the three races winning the Mini Rok class (the fastest class for go-kart) in the last race. Jem’s racing success, a hobby that he engages in outside of school, hasn't been an easy ride however. Following a fabulous winning start in two competitions, he broke his arm as a result of a crash during a race. After wearing a cast for a number of months, he had to start back at the beginning with training and race preparation. Jem was incredibly determined to overcome the setback of his broken arm and practiced for six months. Initially he was in Cadet A class and then advanced into Mini Rok class where Jem was racing against boys up to 12 years old with a lot more experience and the benefit of increased physical strength. However, his unwavering determination gave him the edge he needed to take the Thai Super Kart Series Mini Rok title. Jem never gave up despite a few more crashes and a twisted arm, he kept pushing in practice and in his races until finally he took the championship again. His dedication and hard work also earnt him his first official sponsor from a company that specialise in car coating for super cars. We would like to say a huge well done and congratulations to Jem; his positive mind-set and determined attitude is exemplary and proves what can be achieved against the odds. We look forward to hearing about your future success on the track!


ear 2 Assistant Leader of Learning Michelle Brinn has had her work published in an academic book! Michelle’s chapter in Dialogic Pedagogy by David Skidmore and Kyoko Murakami is based on an essay she wrote as part of her Doctorate at the prestigious Bath University. The chapter is a review of literature Michelle read whilst studying for her doctorate on philosophical conceptions of dialogue. It outlines two different views on dialogue and relates them to different educational strategies. Both authors and the ideas discussed in the chapter became the philosophical basis for Michelle’s research which focused on developing successful home school partnerships in the Nursery. The Year 2 teacher's university tutor was so impressed with her work, it was included in the book. Congratulations Michelle! If you would like to know more or read the book for yourself please ask in the Secondary Library.

JV Girls’ Football By Zahra Poonevala, 11F


sylum seekers and refugees face so many hardships when moving to Thailand; already having to give up their belongings and pay large sums of money in order to move from their homes, they lack basic amenities that we often take for granted. As such Patana Amnesty hopes that the school community will kindly donate used items like notebooks, stationery, backpacks, shoes, socks, nappies, milk powder, colour pencils, crayons and books into the collection boxes provided at the front of school. These items will then be passed on to Asylum Access and the Jesuit Refugee Service, who will distribute them to those in need. Thank you for thinking of others.

Donations gratefully received into the wooden collection boxes near the Transport office at the front of school until the end of September. Venue: Bangkok Patana School (home) Date: 7th September Score: 11-1 Team: RIS


s it was the first match of the season, everyone was nervous but excited to play. For a few it was their first time representing the Secondary school and so they were excited to play their first match. The match started off quickly with Bangkok Patana attacking heavily, making lots of plays and swift passes. In the first few minutes there were many chances to score but we narrowly missed each time. After six minutes we scored our first goal from a one-two passing formation and then many more goals followed, leaving us in the lead 7-0 after the first half. In the second half, RIS started becoming more aggressive and attacking but our defence held strong only conceding one goal. The match ended 11-1, which was a very pleasing result. It was a good first match, with many more to hopefully follow!

Calling all South African families who wish to participate in International Day on 9th November. Please contact Michelle Deas

Calling All Japanese Families


e would like to introduce the Bangkok Patana School Japanese Group. There are 50 Japanese families who are members of this group, and we support International Day and many other school activities. If you are a Japanese speaker or married to a Japanese speaker, then we would like to invite you to join our group. Please send an email with your details to add to the group list for future correspondence to Mrs Kyoko Nishida, email

【ジャパニーズグループに参加しませんか】 バンコクパタナスクールのジャパニーズグループは、日本人の父親あるいは母親を持つ生徒の保護 者により運営されているグループです。現在50家族が加入しており、毎年行われる学校行事、イ ンターナショナルデイなど、様々な学校活動に協力しています。また、情報交換の場として親睦会 を年に数回行っています。 参加ご希望の方は、西田までご連絡ください。

Japanese ECA 【日本語ECAのご案内】 日本人または日本語を母国語とする親を持つ生徒のための日本語ECAが、新学期も引き続き 開講されます。外部からの国語教師が授業を担当します。これを機会に子供たちの日本語力 を高めませんか?詳細はECA登録画面で確認願います。


Japanese language ECA will be offered for students who are fluent Japanese speakers or those whose parents are Japanese speakers. Japanese teachers (not Bangkok Patana staff) will lead the ECA and help your child to improve their Japanese. This Japanese ECA is for new students and parents of Japanese speakers. If you are interested please check the contents of Japanese ECA and sign up on the ECA site once Block 2 registration opens on 26th September. Image Reference:

International Day will be held on

Wednesday 9th November 2016 This year the event, including the Parade of Nations and the International Food Tasting, will be held on one day. To find out how your country can participate in this event email

Calling All Australian Families Just a reminder to get your forms filled out and returned to the Cashier’s Office in an envelope marked "Aussie International Day�. If any family is ordering shirts, please return your forms ASAP so we can get the orders into our supplier. We are looking forward to the 2016 Bangkok Patana International Day! Any queries please contact

University / College

Country Representative




Upcoming US Universities Fair in Bangkok



Anantara Siam Hotel Bangkok, 18.09.16 Rajadamri Rd.


Ball State University


John Mann

Senior Studies



University of California, San Diego


Lindsey Fogleman

Senior Studies



Emerson College


Camille Alexis Bouknight

Senior Studies



Florida International University


Laura Pacchioni

Senior Studies



Goucher College


Mark Bladel

Senior Studies



University of Houston


Kailey Posterick

Senior Studies



Kansas State University


Anna Mccullough

Senior Studies



University of Michigan, Flint


Kristin Lukowski

Senior Studies



New York Film Academy


Kitty Koo

Senior Studies



The University of Oklahoma


Dakota Horn

Senior Studies



Pace University, New York City


Mitchell Chavez

Senior Studies



Stonehill College


Samuel Smith

Senior Studies



The University of Tampa


Jaini Chhaya

Senior Studies



University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point


Zanna Hittner

Senior Studies





Senior Studies, 2nd floor



RIS Thai College Fair



RIS - Godbout Hall



McGill University


Jennifer Peterman

Senior Studies, 2nd floor




Senior Studies, 2nd floor



Soeun Outh

Senior Studies, 2nd floor



University College Cork

Northeastern University Ryerson University

US Canada

Loyola Marymount University


Caroline Blasco

Senior Studies, 2nd floor



The University of Nottingham


Jeremy Burgess




The New School - All Divisions


Candice MacLusky




Many different presenters Conference Centre



Fran Haliwell

Conference Centre



University Information Afternoon/ Evening The University of Manchester


Erasmus University College

Netherlands Alex Whitcomb

Conference Centre



Leiden University College The Hague

Netherlands Elizabeth Zeller

Conference Centre



Universiteit Maastricht

Netherlands Felix Schulte-Strathaus

Conference Centre



Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Netherlands Arnoud Monster

Conference Centre



University College Roosevelt

Netherlands Denise Nijhuis

Conference Centre



University College Utrecht

Netherlands Kim Zwitserloot

Conference Centre



Penn and Brown program at NIST





Marist College


Alex Tom




University of Bath


Professor J Gary Hawley and Dr Marianne Ellis




Brown & Penn Visit Asia





Purdue University application meetings in Bangkok



Conrad Bangkok








Registration closes Sunday 18th RACE CATEGORIES


320 THB 440 THB

Collection Information T-shirts and race numbers will be available to collect from reception on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd between 7:30am and 4:00pm. Alternatively, you will be able to pick up at the race venue from 6:15am on the morning of the Fun Run.

How long have you been playing football? I’ve been playing football for six years, I play defence and sometimes center midfield. What was the highlight of the game? Scoring goals and working together as a team! Other than football, what other sports do you play? I play tennis. Who is your sporting hero? My sporting heroes are Grabrine Muguruza and Micheal Phelps.

Monday 19th September Under 13 Boys’ Tennis – AWAY– Harrow Under 13 Girls’ Tennis – AWAY – Harrow Under 15 Girls’ Touch – HOME Wednesday 21st September JV Boys’ Football – AWAY – Harrow JV Girls’ Football – AWAY – Harrow Varsity Boys’ Volleyball – HOME JV Boys’ Volleyball – HOME JV Girls’ Volleyball - HOME Thursday 22nd September Under 15 Boys’ Basketball – HOME Under 15 Boys’ Basketball – HOME Under 15 Girls’ Basketball – HOME Under 13 Boys’ Basketball – AWAY – Harrow Under13 Girls’ Basketball – AWAY – Harrow Under 15 Boys’ Rugby – AWAY – Harrow Saturday 24th September Football and Volleyball NIST Friendship Tournament

“Rhea and Zahra both scored a hat trick (3 goals) and both got 2 assists each”

How long have you been playing football? I’ve been playing football for six years. My position is center midfield or striker. What was the highlight of the game? Playing with the team since it was our first time we played together this year. Other than football, what other sports do you play? I also play tennis. Who is your sporting hero? My sporting hero is Novak Djokovic!

@ bps_athletics_council



Tiger Sports

Patana Tennis

Helen Thew, Assistant Principal (Student Welfare)


e are pleased to announce that two trainers from the Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD) organisation will return to Bangkok Patana from Tuesday 4th October – Friday 7th October. Ms Sarah Burrill and Mr Jose Rowe Palafox will be working mainly with Year 9 students, meeting with them every day, but will also give presentations to Years 8, 11, 12 and 13. FCD is a non-profit organisation that provides substance abuse prevention education for schools. Since 1976, they have taught over a million students of all ages. Their mission is to: 

Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years

Empower young people to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug use

Teach students and adults how to recognize the early warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately

Educate students, parents, teachers, and administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs

Promote awareness of drug addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease

Provide educational communities with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention

The partnership between Patana and parents has always been a vital and crucial element in the pastoral care we provide. To this end an FCD session will be offered to all parents to meet and discuss common concerns about substance abuse prevention for their children in Bangkok. Some of the topics to be addressed include:    

Effective ways to communicate with your child about drugs and drug use Up-to-date facts about current drug use and trends What to say about your own experiences with alcohol and/or drug experimentation How to spot early warning signs of trouble and effective ways to respond

This meeting will take place on Thursday 6th October at 4:00pm here at Bangkok Patana in the Conference Centre. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with the FCD educators and to hear their stories.

Polar explorer, environmentalist, survivor and the first man ever to walk unsupported to both the North and South Poles is coming to Bangkok Patana School.

Thursday 20th October 2016, PM Come and be inspired by this world-class communicator and public speaker who is on a life-long mission to ensure that Antarctica remains protected from exploitation. This fascinating speaker will be in school as part of a two-day Global Learners Conference and we would like to invite students from Year 3 upwards and all parents to an audience with this inspirational man.

More details to follow in next week’s Patana News!

Weekly news from the Transport Department 

Please note that is not acceptable for students to be recording or taking photos of other students on their bus. Please help to remind students about this to ensure that all transport users have a safe and pleasant journey to and from school.

Afternoon buses will depart from the school parking area 15 minutes after the finish of school/ECA, or earlier if everyone scheduled for the bus arrives promptly. Please do not delay getting to your afternoon bus otherwise you may find that the bus has gone and your parents may need to be contacted to come and collect you from school.

Don’t forget there will be no school transport tomorrow, Friday 16th September – school is closed for students!

Some of our Transport staff will be joining the Patana Fun Run on Sunday 25th September. Don’t forget to register before midnight this Sunday 18th September so you can join them in the 1.3 / 3.0 / 5.0 or 9.0km run around the beautiful Ancient Siam. Register here.

Contact Us The Transport Department’s direct phone number is 02 785 2470. The office is staffed from 6:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday. You can also contact us via email at


angkok Patana School advises all parents to ensure that they have suitable personal accident insurance for their children whilst taking part in all school activities. To find out more details about the School Insurance Cover please click here. This information is also readily available on the Parents’ Gateway. All personal items that students bring to school are the responsibility of the student to keep safe. Any damage, loss or theft is not covered within the school insurance policies. Please ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for all necessary personal high value items and remind your child to ensure they take good care of all of their own items.

Anapana (Mindfulness of breathing) teaches children improved concentration skills and enhances calmness of the mind. This technique helps to relieve anxiety and is very useful at exam time to calm those nerves, but also for everyday life. The next Anapana Meditation course will be given on Sunday 18th September for children aged between 8-16 years.

The course is completely free! To enroll or for further information, please contact Eva Sophonpanich at You may find this site useful: about-meditation.shtml Image Reference

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Canteen Menu

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