8 minute read


First-time mom-to-be and actress Claire Holt opens up about her miscarriage, pregnancy after loss, and her newfound passion for breaking the stigmas surrounding women’s health and fertility.

MINI | We’re thrilled to have you on our spring cover! Let’s dive right into it— Can you tell us about your journey to baby?

CLAIRE HOLT | Our journey certainly hasn’t been an easy one. When we decided that we wanted to try for a baby, we were lucky to conceive fairly quickly. I remember feeling so joyful and excited when two lines appeared on the pregnancy test very early last year. Sadly, we lost the baby late in the first trimester. It was devastating and I felt broken and ashamed. Because I experienced such intense grief, I found it very difficult to process things and move on. Thankfully, we were blessed with another pregnancy around five months later. It was the first month that I felt ready to try again after our loss and it was such a gift when we discovered that we had conceived again. The miscarriage was the most difficult thing I had ever faced, but it brought my husband and I so much closer and we have really grown as a result of it. We are also so much more grateful for the little boy we are about to welcome into our lives.

MINI | You’re Ava’s first official long-term brand ambassador. Can you tell us about your partnership and why it was important for your to be a part of the campaign?

CLAIRE HOLT | I’m so excited about this partnership because I truly believe in the brand and everything they stand for. After our pregnancy loss, I became really passionate about breaking the stigmas surrounding women’s health and fertility. I wanted to help to build a community of educated and empowered women; Ava is helping me to achieve that. The technology is really incredible and provides accurate and reliable cycle and overall health information to those who use it. I’ve worn the bracelet throughout my pregnancy and it has given me really valuable insights, which have helped me navigate the anxiety I’ve faced.

MINI | What were your first thoughts when you learned you were pregnant?

CLAIRE HOLT | Shock. I truly didn’t believe that I would fall pregnant that month. We were both so thrilled and were about to travel home after an incredible vacation together, so it felt like the perfect ending. I do remember feeling a lot of anxiety once the initial excitement wore off. Because of the miscarriage, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. It was quite difficult to connect with the baby and I was on edge for most of the first trimester. After we were told that the baby was genetically healthy, I allowed myself to relax a little, but it was certainly a different experience than the first time.

MINI | How have you been preparing yourself and your home for baby?

CLAIRE HOLT | I’m someone who likes to be as informed as possible so my home is filled to the brim with pregnancy and baby books! I’m sure the best training is on the job, but it’s nice to feel at least somewhat prepared. I’ve also tried to incorporate more meditation and yoga into my life. Pre-pregnancy, I found it very difficult to slow down and stay present, so that’s something I really wanted to work on. As for our home, I was hesitant to start the nursery too early. I guess that simmering anxiety led me to wait until I was much further along and felt more comfortable. Once the nesting instincts kicked in, I was in a mad rush to complete everything! I worked with an incredible concierge service called GuGu Guru and they helped me to navigate the mountain of baby products out there. After learning about our personal preferences—organic, modern, minimalist, frequent travelers—they helped me to choose the best items to fit our lifestyle. I honestly don’t know how I would have done it without them. It’s all so overwhelming for a first-time mom!

MINI | Talk to us about the nursery! What was your inspiration and what can we find inside?

CLAIRE HOLT | I really wanted the nursery to feel like a sanctuary. We made sure to prioritize comfort and practicality. Our interior designer, Suzy Kloner, really helped bring our vision to life. The room is a mix of modern and traditional, and incorporates lots of soft blue and grey tones. One of my favorite pieces is the large watercolor world map we hung on the wall. It’s also really important to me to read to the baby, so we have a bookshelf that is overflowing! I spend time in the room whenever I can, and love to visualize what our life will look like when we bring our little boy home.

MINI | What has surprised you most about pregnancy?

CLAIRE HOLT | Honestly, how difficult it has been. I have so much respect for all the women who have been through it. I was really sick in the first trimester but figured it would be smooth sailing after that. Nope! Then the aches and pains started. I’ve struggled with fairly severe pelvic pain in the last trimester and have been quite limited in what I can do. I’ve also found it challenging emotionally and have suffered from significant anxiety throughout. Sadly, I felt like I was always waiting for something to go wrong. I’m so grateful to be nearing the end and I couldn’t be more excited to hold my baby in my arms. I will miss those beautiful kicks, though. There’s nothing in the world like feeling your baby move in your belly.

MINI | Tell us how the naming process is going. Are there some names you love that your husband vetoed or vice versa?

CLAIRE HOLT | When we first found out about the pregnancy, we were so certain that it was a girl that we chose a girl’s name almost immediately. It was definitely more of a struggle to choose a name when we learned that she was actually a he! We went back and forth for quite some time but settled on a name that we both love. I still want to wait to meet him before we officially confirm it.

MINI | You shared that you were positive you were having a girl! What made you think that?

CLAIRE HOLT | The second I learned I was pregnant, my gut told me it was a girl. My acupuncturist agreed, and at the 12 week scan, our doctor confirmed (although he did mention that it was early and he was about 80% accurate at that point). All of the old wives tales also pointed to a girl. When we did our gender reveal, I honestly thought that the balloon shop had made a mistake! I called to confirm with my doctor twice before I eventually came to terms with the fact that my instincts were wayyy off.

MINI | What was your first thought when you found out you were having a boy?

CLAIRE HOLT | I was so shocked and couldn’t wrap my head around it. How could my motherly instincts have been so wrong?! Now I couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome a little boy.

MINI | What will be most important to you in raising your son?

CLAIRE HOLT | I’m so grateful for the opportunity to raise a son, especially given the current state of affairs. I hope to teach him to be a compassionate, kind, and respectful young man. I also want to encourage sensitivity and foster an environment where he feels comfortable accessing his emotions and communicating freely. I’m truly lucky to be married to such an incredible man who I know will be an amazing example to our son. I also know that it’s very important to my husband that he learns to love the Patriots!

MINI | We love to talk about dressing the bump! What are you living in right now— style wise?

CLAIRE HOLT | My pregnancy style is actually the complete opposite of my normal style. I’ve been living in stretch, body-con dresses, as I find them so much more comfortable than pants. Since it’s been cooler, I’ve layered with loose duster jackets or cropped sweaters. Unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to heels pretty early on, so sneakers are my go-to.

MINI | What baby gear or clothing have you purchased thus far?

CLAIRE HOLT | I think I’ve got everything covered, although I’m sure I’ll be scrambling online when he arrives. I love the Silver Cross stroller and the Nuna PIPA car seat. They both look gorgeous and are easy to use and install. The Doona car seat/stroller combo will be great for travel. I also heard that the Dock-A-Tot and the 4moms mamaRoo are life changing, so I can’t wait to try them out. I did a lot of research on baby monitors and the Nanit kept jumping out as the top choice. As for everything else, I want to wait to test it all on our bub before I recommend anything!

MINI | Switching gears to labor and delivery— What thoughts or concerns or wishes do you have surrounding your birth? Do you have a birth plan in mind or are you going with the flow?

CLAIRE HOLT | I’m truly excited to give birth. I feel like I’ve been pregnant for 10 years and I’m so desperate to meet the little guy. I’m honestly not afraid of the pain (easy to say when I haven’t experienced childbirth!) and have been working with my amazing doula, Lori Bregman, to prepare for it. I would really love to have an unmedicated vaginal delivery. I’ll be going into the hospital with a birth plan, but I’m totally on board with doing whatever I have to in order to ensure that we are both safe.



The Sandlot and The Lion King.


My day would revolve around my next meal.




Sugar and reality TV.


Extra hot, oat milk cappuccino.


Film scores and instrumental playlists on Spotify.


Guess How Much I Love You.


Narcos and The Bachelor.


Almond milk decaf coffee.


The Henry.


Doen Dresses with Amanu Sandals.