Kartveli discusses future of hypersonic travel

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A. Kartveli





Everyone now seen3.s to agree tlrat man will be a part of future aerospace systerns. But has the airplane itself any fuhrre?

Very definitely!. I believe that the airplane of tJre future, or better terrned the vehicle of tlre future, will be a natural.





evolution of the present-day airplane and as such will. have a trernendous future potential. The vehicle referred to will be one having the capabilities of flfrng in space as well. as in the outer fringes of the atrnosphere. Furtherrnore, such a vehicl.e wil.l be able to take off and land at any particular pre-deterrnined spot on earth. Such a vehicle, in rry opinion, constitutes a natural evolution'frorn the present state of the art into flight in space. of fundamental irnportance to such a vehicle is the retainment of a rnanned crew which will be abl.e to perforrn tJre duties of rnaneuvering the vehicle as well as rnaking judgrnents and spot decisions while in flight or in orbit.


In other words, you do not bd.ieve tJre F-105 will be the last

-built airplane?




Certainly not. Right now we have design tearns working round-the-clock on at least t}ree different types of advanced rniLitary aircraft. on one we are tearned with chance vought to deveLop a flighter to rneet reguirernents of the two services; in Europe we are working with F okker on a vrol- fighter to rneet NATors needs, and at the sarne tirne we are at work on designs of an aircraft more than twenty tirnes the speed. of soundrc c c c c unfortunately, it is highly dassified and thatrs about alr r can say.




Does this mean that you consider beyond Mach 3?

it logical to develop aircraft

of course... but there is nothing 'w'e

so new or startling about have had any number of proposals and. designs in the class of interceptors, fighter-bombers and bornbers in the Mabh 3 areac our xF-103 was a Mach 3. ? aircraft and was within a year of fright test as long ago as 1958; then there is the B-?0 now being designed for Mach 3; the f'-108 was in this category.


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