January 2018

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Janu ary 2 0 1 8 Forou rfirstmeaningof 20 18 we are havingO U grad u ate stu d entJ ohn Farrellfrom the O U N orman D eptof H ealthand E x ercise Science,as ou rgu estspeaker.J ohn willshare withu s information abou tan M S stu d y he is cond u ctingand he may be lookingforvolu nteers. Location Date and Meeting Time

StStephens P resbyterian C hu rch;2424 N W 50 th(N W 50 th& V illa) January 21, 2018 – 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm March 10th MS Express –Stephanie ou rSocialD irectoris settingu patripon the A mtrak Freed om Flyerto FortW orth,foraone d ay ad ventu re.The train d eparts O klahomaC ity at8 :25 a.m.and willarrive in FortW orthat12:27 p.m.The A mtrakstation in O KC is located at10 0 N orthE K Gaylord .The plan then is to catchthe acity bu s to the Stockyard s to watchthe cattle ru n and eatlu nch.D epartu re from FortW orthwillbe at5:25 p.m.and we willarrive in O klahomaC ity at9:27 p.m.The costof A mtrakis $55.80 .Stephanie is willingto setu pthe reservations.Formore information you can visitthe B looms & Grooms Facebook,page is linked below.

National MS Society April 14th is the d ay setforW alkM S atthe M yriad Gard ens,in O klahomaC ity this year.Y ou can registeronline by clickingon the bu tton below orby calling(8 55)37 2 1331.

Can Do MS C an D o M S and the N ationalM S Society are hold inganu mberof webinars to helped u cate.The su bjectof the events,the d ate and times are listed below. Feb 13 – 7:00 pm Intimacy & M S Mar 13 – 7:00 pm The Ups & D owns of FallP revention Apr 10 – 7:00 pm C ognition

Medication Seminars As an affiliate with the National MS Society, while we do not endorse specific drugs, there are a few educational events coming up that may be of interest to you. Feb 7 Rebif,L ets C hatA bou tB alance.

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