Atlantic Voices Vol 2. no. 12

Page 9

Why India’s Carrier Matters More Than China’s by Felix Seidler


bilities and training. To achieve this, China has a long march to

ircraft carriers are going to be an indispensable asset for


all players in the Indo-Pacific Maritime Great Game. But China's carrier got too much attention, while India's de-

Upgrade India!

serves far more. Operational experience matters and China has none.

While most observers were busy with the Liaoning, Asia's

Furthermore, India is already playing with the world's three Carrier

only operational aircraft carrier, India's INS Viraat, disappeared

Big Boys and all the important maritime Choke Points are in front

from the scene. Sorry Thailand, but your never-operating carrier is

India‘s shores.

not a serious asset. Here is the first good reason why India must be upgraded over China: Operational experience. India has been op-

Downgrade Liaoning!

erating carriers since 1987 and INS Viraat is expected to retire in

China's aircraft carrier program has been massively over-

2020. Therefore, India's Navy has the necessary supply chains and

hyped. After the former Soviet carrier, fully refurbished by the Chi-

logistics, which the PLAN lacks. Prospectively, China's maritime

nese and named Liaoning, undertook its first "test drive", thousands

"long march" will take time before getting the necessary experi-

of press and scholarly articles about possible regional and global im-

ence India already has (or will get through Russian or maybe even

plications were published. Is this single ship a regional or even a global

future U.S. and French support).

threat? What about the balance in the East and South China Sea?

Unlike their Chinese counterparts, Indian commanders

Stay calm, people. After a few tests, China's Navy (PLAN) is

have already engaged their carrier crews, helicopter and fighter

years away from having an operational aircraft carrier or even a battle

pilots in serious exercises. China, just due the lack of capacity,


could not even start real training yet. Nevertheless, you need Moreover, if you want to operate one aircraft carrier, you

skilled officers, pilots and sailors, if you want your carrier to be

need at least two, better three: one in the shipyard, one operating,

taken seriously by others. While PLAN still has not started training

one in standby. According

flight operations, India's next carrier,

to the numbers, it is unlikely

the INS Vikramaditya (due the benefits

that the PLAN will be able

of Russian support) is already training

to sustain a permanent "blue

Arctic waters and is expected to enter


service by 2014. The indigenous built



INS Vikrant is about to be commis-

before 2020. Even the first flights

sioned in 2015. In consequence, when-

from Liaoning’s deck were

ever the PLAN's first carrier is opera-

more a public diplomacy

tional, India will have at least two well-

event than a step towards a

trained counterparts. Furthermore,

credible carrier force. It is

India will always be able to maintain an

one thing to start a single

operational carrier offshore whereas

fighter under controlled and

China cannot.



Operating dozens of flight movements per hour in conflict or war times need very different kinds of capa-

Of course India will not become a U.S.-like carrier super power, nevertheless, more attention is warranted. If you don’t believe it, just look at a map of the Indian Ocean. The world's most important sea-lanes are running just in front of the Indian military’s ports and air bases. All geostrategic hotspots and maritime Choke Points are nearby. From its Andaman

Atlantic Voices, Volume 2, Issue 12


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