Athleisure Mag #27 Mar 2018

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own shows which is really exciting. AM: Exciting! What’s that like concepting your own shows? S: Actually, I will have my first 2 headlining shows in Dec. I never tried to play my own shows before. We have played quite a lot together but it’s been showcases out and about. So now, that’s such an overwhelming feeling. Because now, people are there and they bought a ticket with real fucking money and like they know the songs! AM: So how do you keep your balance and check in with yourself through all of this? S: That’s such a good question! How do I stay sane? Can you teach me please? I think definitely because this is all so new, I am still in the process of learning that. With being in music, there aren’t too many inbetween feelings. There are extreme highs and there are a lot of extreme lows. So one day you’re like, “wow this happened and I like it – you’re so high and then literally the day after you get some kind of boring mail and you’re like, “no – that didn’t happen anyway” and now I have to go back to life. You know what I mean? So, it’s like a good and a bad thing – it’s very addictive and you become addicted to going into these highs and lows. It can be a bad thing because you kind of need a balance where you’re neither super excited or super depressed. So I am still learning that, but I can say that I am addicted to it already. I think it would be difficult to not be that way as well. Regarding the zen, I think I should start meditating – can you teach me! AM: It’s a work in progress for sure. The best ones for us are meditations that are led by someone and we can sit down and start going through the process. But sometimes when we quiet our

mind, those things that were really sticking out there wanting to be thought about pop in and it can be tough to push them to the side! S: Exactly! It’s like when you go to sleep and then those thoughts pop in and it’s like – argh! AM: We’re working on meditation, but in terms of fitness or activities in general – what do you do? S: I’m a runner. I run a lot and I am really addicted to it – I love to do it! I listen to audiobooks and listening to them makes me so excited that I’m like, “I have to run more”. AM: We have to try that as we’re obsessed with podcasts and that could give us the kick that we need to run. S: Oooo I love This American Life, it’s my favorite! AM: Yes and then Serial – love! S: Ohhh but then S-Town that was AMAZING! AM: Yes, so obsessed with that! S: I was in London away from home and I was so emotional and the story was so insane. I was like how can this be real? I would run and listen to these shows and it just makes me run. If I didn’t have them, I would be bored. It’s the perfect way and it’s like free time where I can listen and do this. I’m not working out and it becomes a treat. It’s a really good trick. AM: Absolutely. So, tonight, you have a listening party – are you excited? S: I’m so excited and a little nervous maybe. Because I feel very honored and humble about people coming here. It's my first time doing it and I have never seen it done in Scandanavia, but I think that it is a really really

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