Athleisure Mag #27 Mar 2018

Page 146

AM: What is some of the best advice you received that you still utilize to this day? DR. JA: Be yourself. There’s only one you and you’re pretty extraordinary. AM: When working for yourself or others, you're constantly learning from others, what organizations or websites do you suggest as vital to increasing your community that you network within? DR. JA: LinkedIn,, HuffPo AM: How important is mentorship and paying it forward by doing so with others? DR. JA: It’s super important to recognize those coming behind you – and offer support and guidance. I think it’s essential to personal growth to identify your potential successor and provide them with the tools/resources so that they can succeed. Mentorship is akin to great management; and great management begins with understanding motivations behind behavior. It’s not that we/they are particularly different than any generation that has come before us/them – there’s always new stimuli, advanced technology, etc. The opportunity is for us to look at those generations that follow us, as we should look at everyone, and figure out how can we meet them where they are and mentor, grow them to where they are able to go. It’s about them; not about trying to have them fit into our ideal construct.

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