Athleisure Mag #30 Jun 2018

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women experience. During the summer I enjoy spending time with my sons who come back home for vacations and family time. My wife who is a high school principal in Watts, California, also has more free time to hang out together. AM: We know that you have a book out called She-ology. For those that are not patients of yours, how can they connect with you and find out their pressing questions. DR. SR: You can connect with me by my website and through my social media channels including on Twitter @DrSherylRoss, Instagram @drsherryr @she-ology and on Facebook DrSherryR.

Recumbent cyling does not create the same problems on the vagina that upright cycling cause. The pressure and problems of the vagina that are typical of upright cycling are transferred to the buttock for those recumbent cycles causing minimal discomfort. AM: We also know that you have created a line of supplements - can you tell us more about that? DR. SR: My mission is to change the narrative of how women talk and learn about their health and overall well-being. Over the course of my 25+ years as a prac-

ticing OB/GYN and women's health educator, I came to realize that women can experience up to 7 distinct hormonally-driven cycles. Each of these life chapters introduces both unique wellness challenges and opportunities to maximize well-being. During this same time, my patients were asking for potentially harmful prescription medications to deal with concerns such as PMS, stress, and hot flashes and my advice on what products could help them feel their best during complex, hormonal life stages, such as Fertility, Postpartum and Menopause. I researched extensively to find a credible source of natural, high-quality supplements designed specifically for women and was shocked to discover the impurities found in many supplements — up to 50% of the ingredients can consist of fillers, chemicals, and preservatives. That's when my 7 Cycls System was born — an easy-to-follow women's health management framework that addresses specific onerns in each of the 7 cycles with scientifically-formulated nutraceuticals to target each life stage. Ultimately, the 7 Cycl system delivers practical nutrition and wellness advice that’s science-backed and easy to apply. I embarked on this journey in 2014 and have been refining my formulations over the years through customer feedback. I’m excited to introduce you to my Co-Founders. Jennifer Beals is an ardent women's healthcare advocate and serves as Cycl’s spokesperson, and Amber Bezahler, our CEO who has tremendous experience in the direct to consumer and eCommerce space. AM: We know that you are based in Santa Monica and anytime we're out there we're always looking for great spots. Where would we find you going

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